Disclosure First Contact References



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1963, WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, NEW MEXICO: Just after sunset, runway lights flooded the runway where President Johnson and fifteen of his highest military and civilian bosses saw the disk from our ET allies–the Ebes–pop in and settle down.  Our people knew already regarded the Ebes as allies; they’d saved us from the Nazis in 1947 when we feared the Nazis in Antarctica would strike America with fighter disks like those they used to beat Admiral Byrd’s armada in the Antarctic battle of the Weddell Sea.  The disks the Ebens helped us develop warded off a Nazi invasion.

Now, in ’63, a tall, lanky extraterrestrial humanoid, Ebe2, emerged from a hatch; she wore a coverall dark blue bodysuit.  She was here for a four-hour visit.  Ebe2 announced in English that she had as gift to Earth, the Yellow Book.  The Yellow Book, she said, shows the viewer all Earth’s history and the history of the galaxy as well. 

Len Kasten, in Secret Journey to Planet Serpo writes that as Ebe2 and the Americans spoke a screen in her translation device showed a printed form in both Eben and in English.  She read the form aloud in English. 

Her two flight companions loaded their craft with the nine bodies of the Ebes who’d died in the Roswell and Kingman scout-disk crashes and landings.  They also loaded the body of Ebe1, the mechanic who’d survived one of the crashes.  Ebe1 had helped us contact Serpo and arrange for the exchange program, Crystal Knight, that would bring twelve Americans to Serpo in the Zeta Reticula system, 240 trillion miles from earth.  Ebe2 said she and an Ambassador would return to Earth in two years.  The Ambassador would remain and help the U.S. for twelve years while twelve Americans lived and study on Serpo. 

The meticulously documented record of the exchange program Kasten gives us in “Secret Journey” lets us see proof of the exchange program and the Yellow Book?  President Kennedy made it happen. 

The Ebes had been helping us since 1947, in a program run by President Eisenhower’s MJ 12 Committee and the Nazi-infiltrated CIA.  MJ 12 included the “deep throat” whistleblower who put the story on the web.  Kennedy wanted to cut off Allan Dulles, a Nazi sympathizer and the CIA chief (which was rife with pardoned ex-Nazis) from the Serpo Exchange Program.  Kennedy felt the CIA had marred his presidency with their failed invasion of Cuba.  He wanted the Serpo exchange program to be his triumphant legacy.  And he wanted the program out of the hands of Dulles and the CIA.  So Kennedy created the Defense Information Agency to take over all defense coordination. He charged the new agency to, as much as possible, share to our governments agreements with aliens and the technology they shared that could improve life on Earth.  Thank Kennedy and his DIA for the documents and leaks to the website www.serpo.org.

The website leader, probably a member of MJ12, wrote,

“The Yellow Book is an 8 x 11 inch object 2 1/2 inches thick made of a clear, heavy fiberglass. The border of the book is bright yellow.” When the viewer puts his eyes near the book and the device reads his electromagnetic aura, images appear, as do words in any of the 80 human languages the viewer uses. “Pictures tell the story of the Ebes lives, their exploration of the universe, their planet, their societal life and the Ebes longtime relationship with Earth.”  The Yellow book showed their first ambassador to Earth, some 2000 years ago, was Jesus.

1 10Jesus and saucers








Each of the versions of the Jesus story has a separate click through; compare and contrast these versions with your own intuitive flashes.

For another version of Jesus, click here. And another And even this authoritative version of Jesus

 “Once a reader put the Yellow book down then picked it up again later, it replayed all he’d already seen from the beginning.”   No one could keep reading the Yellow book more than 22 hours straight.

The Ebes returned two years later to take our team to Serpo and leave an ambassador to coach our engineers on the antigravity craft  they were making. 


In “Secret Journey to Planet Serpo” Len Kasten documents how ETs from a planet in the Zeta Reticula system came to snoop on our nuclear facilities but then saved us from Nazis and Draco Reptilians in Antarctica who’d given them fighter-disks.

The Nazis and the Dracos coveted Earth and its Galaxy. In 1947, when the Nazis retreated to their warm-water cave under Antarctica, the U.S. sent Admiral Byrd’s fleet to get them. Fighter-disks appeared at the cave’s mouth, shot down Byrd’s planes, sunk a ship, killed 64 marines, and forced his retreat.

Our military feared defeat from the disks. Fortunately, people (called EBEs) from the planet Serpo who had been monitoring our nuclear testing sites gave us disk technology that let us make our own antigrav disks able to repel Nazi disk.

The EBEs and the U.S. created an exchange program. Twelve American men would live 13 years on Serpo, the ETs homeplanet while an ambassador from Serpo would brief the American military making our disks. The Ambassador would assist President Kennedy’s Defense Information Agency in its mission to disclose our ET exchange with Serpo. A Pentagon insider had Spielberg mostly tell the true story. I say only mostly, because Spielberg added two women exchange-team members in his movie. He also showed his movie team blast off dramatic Devil’s Tower, whereas Kasten’s authenticated documents from the DIA shows they blasted off visually-boring Nevada nuclear testing grounds. The music scene, of course, was Spielberg’s pure Hollywood entertainment genius. But thanks, Steven, you showed us lots.


Secret Journey to Planet Serpo is a true Story of Interplanetary Travel.  It documents how 12 people, as part of a top-secret U.S. government program, traveled to the planet Serpo and lived there for 13 years.  It is based on the debriefing of the Serpo team and the diary of the expedition’s commander and explains how the aliens helped us reverse-engineer their antigravity spacecraft and develop technology to solve our planet-wide energy problems.   Secret journey reveals how our government has an ongoing relationship with the Serpo aliens.
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On July 16, 1965, a massive alien spacecraft from the Zeta Reticuli star system landed at the Nevada test site north of Las Vegas. Following a plan set in motion by President Kennedy in 1962, the alien visitors known as the Ebens welcomed 12 astronaut-trained military personnel aboard their craft for the 10-month journey to their home planet, Serpo, 39 light-years away. In November 2005, former and current members of the Defense Intelligence Agency–directed by Kennedy to organize the Serpo exchange program–came forward to reveal the operation, including details from the 3,000-page debriefing of the 7 members of the Serpo team who returned after 13 years on the planet. 

Working with the DIA originators of the Serpo project and the diary kept by the expedition’s commanding officer, Len Kasten chronicles the complete journey of these cosmic pioneers, including their remarkable stories of life on an alien planet, superluminal space travel, and advanced knowledge of alien technologies. He reveals how the Ebens presented the U.S. with “The Yellow Book”–a complete history of the universe recorded holographically, allowing the reader to view actual scenes from pre-history to the present. He explains how the Ebens helped us reverse-engineer their antigravity spacecraft and develop technology to solve our planet-wide energy problems–knowledge still classified. 

Exposing the truth of human-alien interaction and interplanetary travel, Kasten reveals not only that the Ebens have returned to Earth eight times but also that our government continues to have an ongoing relationship with them–a relationship with the potential to advance the human race into the future.

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