People of Earth, Part 1 HUMANITY’S GENES The first in a series of videos on people of Earth–Earth’s human and reptilian settlers. Humans from the Constellation Lyra, who fled to Mars and a now-extinct planet called Maldek, between Mars and Jupiter, that Draco Reptilians blasted into the Kuiper asteroids. The Lessins chronicle war for Earth, …

Abgal Adapa Alalu Ancient Anthropology Anu Anunnaki Anunnaki Gods No More Anzu Books Creation Deluge Disclosure Dumuzi Enki Enki Speaks Enlil Ereshkigal Eve Evidence Evolution of the Gods Extraterrestrials Galzu Genetic Engineering Gilgamesh Hybrids Inanna Inanna Indus Valley Janet Kira Lessin Marduk Media misogenation Nibiru Ningishzidda Ninmah Noah Quetzcoatl References Reptilians Royals Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. sex Sitchin Thoth Titi Uruk Utu Videos Zecharia Sitchin