

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

In “Secret Journey to Planet Serpo” Len Kasten documents how ETs from a planet in the Zeta Reticula system came to snoop on our nuclear facilities but then saved us from Nazis and Draco Reptilians in Antarctica who’d given them fighter-disks.

The Nazis and the Dracos coveted Earth and its Galaxy.  In 1947,  the Nazis retreated to their warm-water cave under Antarctica. The U.S. sent Admiral Byrd’s fleet to get them.  Fighter-disks appeared at the cave’s mouth, shot down Byrd’s planes, sunk a ship, killed 64 marines, and forced his retreat. 

The Nazis and the Dracos coveted Earth and its Our military feared defeat from the disks.  Fortunately, people (called EBEs) from the planet Serpo who had been monitoring our nuclear testing sites gave us disk technology that let us make our own antigrav disks able to repel Nazi disk.Galaxy.  In 1947, when the Nazis retreated to their warm-water cave under Antarctica, the U.S. sent Admiral Byrd’s fleet to get them.  Fighter-disks appeared at the cave’s mouth, shot down Byrd’s planes, sunk a ship, killed 64 marines, and forced his retreat. 

Our military feared defeat from the disks.  Fortunately, people (called EBEs) from the planet Serpo who had been monitoring our nuclear testing sites gave us disk technology that let us make our own antigrav disks able to repel Nazi disk.

The EBEs and the U.S. created an exchange program.  Twelve American men would live 13 years on Serpo, the ETs homeplanet while an ambassador from Serpo would brief the American military making our disks.  The Ambassador would assist President Kennedy’s Defense Information Agency in its mission to disclose our ET exchange with Serpo.  A Pentagon insider had Spielberg mostly tell the true story.  I say only mostly, because Spielberg added two women exchange-team members in his movie.  He also showed his movie team blast off dramatic Devil’s Tower, whereas Kasten’s authenticated documents from the DIA shows they blasted off visually-boring Nevada nuclear testing grounds. But thanks, Steven, you showed us lots.

Kasten, L.
2010, The Secret History of Extraterrestrials, Bear
2013 , Secret Journey to Serpo, Bear

Hosts Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin interviewed author/researcher Len Kasten on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio (, Sunday, August 31, 2014 .

Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel

The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race

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