JESUS AS THOTH-NINGISHZIDDA, LUCIFER’S SON (Lucifer’s also known as Enki, Ea, Nudimmud, Adonai, Apollo, Poseidon, Yam, Neptune, Aquarius, Ptah, Khnemu, Buzur, Nahash, Hephaestus, Vulcan and sometimes, Melchizedek. He glyphed as entwined serpents.) Clark told Dr. Sasha and Janet Kira Lessin that Anunnaki (ETs) from the planet Nibiru used genes from an Earthling humanoid already …

Abraham Adad Adam Adapa Aliens Anu Anunnaki Anunnaki Gods No More Artificial Intelligence Books Counseling Creation Deluge Disclosure Do-It-Yourself Enki Enlil Eve Evolution of the Gods Extraterrestrials Genetic Engineering Israel Jacob/Israel Marduk Moses Nibiru Ningishzidda Ninmah Ninurta Noah prophesy psychology Psychotherapy Thoth Titi Zecharia Sitchin