DACIA (Ancient Romania & bits of Hungary & Serbia): ROME’S NEMESIS

DACIA: ROME’S NEMESIS Click https://wp.me/p1TVCy-89V to get more on Dacia. The Carpathian Mountain area known as Dacia extended over parts of ROMANIA, TRANSYLVANIA, HUNGARY & PARTS OF AUSTRIA, SERBIA, & THE CZECH REPUBLIC. In the 4th Century BCE, Dacia,  in thrall to the god Zamolxis, clashed and bred with Myceneans Macedonians (4th century BCE) & …

ANUNNAKI CHRONOLOGY, SITCHIN’S Timeline 4.5 to 311 BCE & Beyond

by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)   Click arrow above and hear the program as you read below. Excerpt from MARDUK: ANUNNAKI KING OF EARTH  by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (UCLA, Anthropology) & Janet Kira Lessin CEO, Aquarian Radio INTRODUCTION Long-lived (hundreds of thousands of years) extraterrestrial Homo Sapien giants (8-12 feet tall) from the …


by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) Background:  Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, tested the loyalty of ABRAHAM, his general from Ur, whom he’d sent to Canaan to save from radiation that the Enforcer Ninurta and Enki’s turncoat son Nergal  loosed when they nuked Sinai and Salt Sea …

THE ANUNNAKI: Sasha Lessin Video with slides at IONS – Institute of Noetic Sciences Campus

2015-03-26 FF Sasha Lessin from Sergio Lub on Vimeo. THE ANUNNAKI: INTRODUCTION Excerpt from “Anunnaki: False Gods” by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) Long-lived (hundreds of thousands of years) extraterrestrial Homo sapiens Goliaths from the planet Nibiru mined gold on Earth 400,000 years ago. Three hundred thousand years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine …

ANUNNAKI TWIST TO HISTORY: Andrew Fischer Interviews the Lessins

“On the December 24, 2014 edtion of “Nature Of Reality Radio” I (Andrew Fisher) welcomed Dr. Sasha Lessin and his wife Janet Kira Lessin. “Sasha Lessin Ph.D. (U.C.L.A. Anthropology, Ph.D.), author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of the hugely popular web site, www.enkispeaks.com, studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. …


<iframe src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/zcZn4CpZwgI” width=”600″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”> The ancient scenarios of divide-and-rule, to this very day, make us deplete our resources, pollute our environment and wage war.  The matrix the Anunnaki modeled makes us recklessly exploit our resources and pollute.  The elite and their ET controllers see that we never feel our unity as a planet …

NIBIRU’S NEARING LET MOSES & ISRAELITES ESCAPE EGYPT: Neil Freer, Robert Evans, Jr., Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin on Web Radio Discussion

PLATO’S ATLANTIS, PROBABLY THERA, HOME OF ENKI & HIS EARTHLING MATE CLEITO, FLOODED WHEN VOLCANO BLEW FROM NIBIRU’S PERIGEE OR ITS LAGRANGE DEBRIS.  By Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) 1628 BCE, the volcano on Thera (aka Stromboli, Kallisti) blew as Nibiru or the debris that always stays 180 degrees from Nibiru triggered a volcanic explosion …

“KILL, CONQUER, ENSLAVE, INDEBT” Legacy of The Sumerian Gods

Click the arrow below and you’ll hear a gripping internet radio drama. Dr. Sasha and Janet Kira Lessin summarize how Homo Sapien ET goldminers from the planet Nibiru trained the slave race–that’s us–they created out of their genome for obedience, debt, violence, mass murder, slaving, enslaving, lust, breeding, eternal enmity and revenge. ANUNNAKI TAUGHT US …