In 3800 BCE Anu and his Queen, Antu, rocketed to Earth. At Anu’s temple at Uruk, Sumer’s sacred precinct, Antu, taught Inanna tantric sexual meditations and how to channel the sexual energy she and Anu would share to elevate their whole clan. Then Antu ritually gave Inanna to Anu. Antu and the Nibiran elite meditated outside the love-chamber as Anu and Inanna coupled. Antu and the Nibiran royals shared ecstasy, epiphany and satori. “The sexual experience was a merging of energies which enhanced the creative powers of both partners and the aggregate of their race.” Anu renamed his great granddaughter Inanna, “Anu’s Beloved;” She’d been called Irnini before this. He’d bed her whenever he visited Earth.
The King gave her the temple where they loved and the skyship he’d use to survey Earth. Inanna, he said, would run Uruk’s temple through a priest/king, the son of her brother Utu with an Earthling. Earthlings paved Uruk with “limestone blocks brought from mountains fifty miles to the East.” They erected a thick, 6-mile long wall around both Uruk’s living quarters and Inanna’s temple. But Inanna fumed while the leading Enlilite men built cities in Sumer. “All the while the domain of her own she demanded. ‘The Third Region [India] after the second one will come! her leaders thus assured her.” [Ferguson, V., “Inanna Returns,” in Of Heaven and Earth, Z. 1996, Sitchin, Ed., page 92; Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 279; Sitchin, Z., Divine Encounters, pages 166 -176; 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, page 75]
Inanna wanted to expand her temple at Uruk (the Bible’s Erech) into a city like Ninurta’s city, Kishi, in Sumer. Ninurta had built Kishi with fifty MEs–programs for mathematics, beer-making, smithing, pottery, wagon and wheelmaking and law–Enki gave him. Enki, as “the chief scientist of the Anunnaki” released the MEs “to benefit mankind, step by step.” Inanna, too, needed great-uncle Enki give her MEs too. “The MEs, physical objects one could pick up and carry (or even put on), contained secret knowledge or data like our computer chips on which data, programs and operational orders have been recorded. On them the essentials of civilization were encoded.” [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 239]
Enki flirted with Inanna when he came to his villa on the Persian Gulf. She wanted his MEs for weaponry, statecraft, mathematics, writing, metallurgy, masonry, arts, courts. He could thrill her with advanced sexual practices too. She visited him at Abzu, his palace in southeast Africa. She got him drunk, seduced him. He gave her the Mes. Straightaway, she slipped them to her pilot to take back to Uruk. Enki sobered, locked her up at Eridu and tried to get the MEs back. Inanna’s grandfather Enlil flew to Eridu to confront Enki. “By right the MEs I have obtained, Enki himself placed them in my hand placed them! So did Inanna to Enlil say; the truth Enki meekly admitted.” [Sitchin, 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 281].
In 3760 BCE Inanna chose the first King, the Lugal. The Lugal represented the gods to the Earthlings. 23 successive Lugals ruled Sumer for 24,510 years. Lugals shifted their administrative centers from Kishi to Inanna at Uruk, then to Akad. When Enlil ordered kingship transferred to Uruk, Inanna activated the MEs. With the MEs she made Uruk a mighty city-state and made Enmerkar (son of and successor to her nephew) ruler. In 3450 BCE Inanna joined the other Enlilite in the bombing raid on the Launch Tower and Earth-to-space communication center he was building in Babylon.
Recognizing her contributions, the Enlilite Council named the Constellation The Twins, after Inanna and Utu and further bowed to Inanna’s growing power. The Council replaced Ninmah with Inanna both as member and as the goddess, The Maiden [Virgo].
“In the eastern lands, beyond even seven mountain ranges, was the Third Region, Zamush, Land of Sixty Precious Stones, was its highland called. Aratta [Harappa] the Wooded Realm, was in the valley of a meandering great river [Indus] located. In the great plain did the people cultivate crops of grains and horned cattle herd. There also two cities with mud bricks they built, with granaries they were filled.”[Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 286 – 287]. Inanna appointed an Adapite Hybrid Earthling Shepherd-Chief (descended from Dumuzi) King of Aratta.
Inanna “liked to roam the lands and took a liking to the people who in the upper plain of the two rivers dwelt. They were the Igigi who descended to Earth from heaven from Lahmu (Mars). The Igigi Aryans moved east, following Inanna [they called her Ishtar] to the Indus Valley [Aratta, Pakistan] and laid the foundation for the Indo-European culture.” [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 499] Enlil ordered Enki to craft a new language and script for Aratta. Enki wrote the language but refused Aratta computer programs (MEs) for Aratta to make Inanna a world power. Enki said Inanna could share with Aratta the MEs she’d already seduced from him for Uruk.
Inanna shuttled in her skyship between Aratta and Uruk. Her second ruler in Uruk, Enmerkar (Utu’s grandson and an Earthling) sent an emissary to the Arattan King. Enmerkar’s emissary bore an inscribed message to Aratta. In the message, Enmerkar demanded Aratta swear feality to Uruk. But the Arratan King couldn’t read the Sumerian writing. After ten years, Enmerkar asked Utu to have Nisaba, the astronauts’ scribe, teach him Arattan script. When he’d learned it, Enmerkar sent his son, Banda The Short, to Aratta with a message in Arattan: “Submit or War! ”
The Aratta King wrote back that he’d prefer trade–Aratta’s precious stones for the MEs of Uruk, or if Enmerkar insisted on war, let one champion of Aratta and one Uruk fight to settle the war. But “On the way back, carrying the peace message, Banda fell sick; his spirit left him. His comrades raised his neck, without the breath of life it was. On Mount Hurmu, on the way from Aratta, to his death was Banda abandoned.” So the peace message never reached Enmerkar, and “In the Third Region, Civilized Mankind did not fully blossom.” [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 287-289].
Inanna ruled India and Uruk but she hallucinated Dumuzi. “Journeying between Unug-ki and Aratta, Inanna restless and ungratified was, for her Dumuzi she still mourned, her love’s desire unquenched remained. When she flew about, in the sunrays Dumuzi’s image she saw shimmering and beckoning.” In her dreams and visions, Dumuzi told her he’d return and share with her the “Land of the Two Narrows.” [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 291].
In Uruk, “A House for Nighttime Pleasure she established. To this young heroes, on the night of their weddings, with sweet words she lured: Long life, a blissful future to them she promised; that her lover Dumuzi was she imagined.” But “each one in the morning in her bed was found dead.”
Utu revived Banda, who returned to Uruk. Inanna hallucinated that Banda was Dumuzi. “’A miracle!’ excited Inanna shouted. ‘My beloved Dumuzi to me came back!’ In her abode Banda was bathed.”Dumuzi, my beloved! she called him. “To her bed, with flowers bedecked, she lured him.
When in the morning Banda was alive, Inanna shouted: ‘The power of dying in my hands was placed, immortality by me is granted.’ Then to call herself a goddess Inanna decided, the Power of Immortality it implied.” [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 292]
Banda succeeded his father, Enmerkar, as King of Uruk. Banda married Ninurta’s daughter, Ninsun, who bore Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh went in vain, to the rocketpad at Baalbek to plead with the gods for a rocket to Nibiru for the immortality they enjoyed. In Lebanon, near Inanna’s home, Gilgamesh and his android pal Enkidu tracked the security robot to the launchpad. As they watched a rocket launch, Inanna watched them from her skychamber. She saw them smash Enlil’s robot. “At the entrance to the Cedar Forest its fire-belching monster their way blocked. To pieces it they broke. Watching Gilgamesh take off his clothes, bathe and groom himself, glorious Ishtar [Inanna] raised an eye at the beauty of Gilgamesh. “Come, Gilgamesh, be thou my lover. Grant me the fruit of thy love!” But when he declined her offer, Inanna, enraged, demanded Anu release the guard-bull at the launchpad. Anu complied. The bull charged Gilgamesh and Enkidu but Gilgamesh stabbed it while Enkidu held it.
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