PHOENICIANS DEVELOPED MINOAN CIVILIZATION ON CRETE, THEN SETTLED GREECE & MERGED WITH ARYANS DISPACED IN THE LATE BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE TO CREATE MYCENEAN CIVILIZATION Greek Civilization developed among Bronze Age people who descended from Crete’s Phoenician settlers.  An Anunnaki couple–the Minos [King] may have been the Anunnaki sage Enki, whose mate, Ninmah, made sure Crete …

BOONS for your HERO-JOURNEY—Do-It-Yourself-or-with-Partners Exercise

From EXPERIENCERS: CONSCIOUS CONTACTEES ***** EXPERIENTIAL CUES Have a partner give you the directions below or read the directions and experience the visualization in private. If you do this with a partner, tell her or him to read the cues printed in bold, but not the directions enclosed in [square brackets]. Sit comfortably. Close your …

From the Anunnaki to the Cabal: THE DOMINATOR WORLD & HOW WE GOT HERE

From ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS* Our ET creators, the Anunnaki from Nibiru, imprinted us with Dominator Consciousness.  They left us with governments, corporations, religions and power elites who steal property, health, environmental resources and life & say it’s for the good of all.  Governments and their allies hide their theft & say that what …


Hardy writes, “We live in two dimensions at once; we, living on Earth, have a part of our being that is immaterial and appears mostly in human form–called the etheric body, astral body, body energy or dreamtime body–able to exit from our biological body and move instantly through space.  And it is also as an immaterial body that the deceased appear most of the time to their friends or relatives.  They appear to us in several ways that they choose.  The etheric body is an appearance they take so we may recognize them.  Their real form is a field of energy, a syg-field.  They can choose to appear in whichever form they want.”‘


BENEFIT FROM BONDING You bond (co-depend) when you and your lovers react to each other as though first one, then the other of you is a parent, then a child.  This is natural and inevitable.  And, when it’s sweet, you and your lovers enjoy positive bonding; you nurture and protect one another. But also inevitably, …


by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (UCLA), M.A., (Counseling Psychology, University for Humanistic Studies) From TEACH TANTRA * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Dean, School of Counseling) and Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Media) Aloha, I’m Dr. Sasha Lessin.  I want you to free yourself from automatically reacting to your current situations from automatic programs you got when, …

JESUS’ MESSAGE: Embrace Universal Compassion & Peace on Earth & for depth analysis of Jesus’ story. From ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio Many of the Ancients have been conflated in the traditions of various cultures: Enki and Lucifer, Mithas and Jesus, Enlil and Marduk with Yahweh and Zeus, …

THEFT & MURDER: Anunnaki Dominator-Consciousness Governments Steal & Kill until They Kill Us All & the Planet Unless …

From ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS* Giants from the planet Nibiru, the Anunnaki (People from the Sky), adapted their hierarchic, status-obsessed, violent and misogynistic cultural imprints on the slave species they created with their genes, genes from Homo erectus (Bigfoot’s ancestor), copper and minerals in Zimbabwe’s clay.  We Hybrid Anunnaki-Erectus Earthlings multiplied until hundreds of …

Fathom Finitude & Deal with Death–GRACE GROWS IN DEATH’S JAWS—Do-it-Yourself Experientials on NEGATION & FINITUDE

USE LIMITS TO MAKE LIFE MEANINGFUL; REFLECT ON NEGATION, FINITUDE, DEATH           Accept that your physical body will die and you move to live with full vitality, individuality and commitment.  Realize you and others will die prompts you to make authentic, intimate, feelingful, expressive contact.  Knowing you’ll die gives you timetables for the tasks you’ve …

PAST-, PARALLEL-, or FUTURE-LIVES: Do They Program Your Present?

(Tantra Tactics for Chakra 6: Brain Chakra, Part 3 Occipital; Tantra Theosophical Society Core Principle 6B) By Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., Pastlife Therapist, Certified by the late Roger Woolger (author of “Other Lives, Other Selves”) Excerpt from “TEACH TANTRA: The book that shows you how to teach lovers to love you better and more”, by Janet Kira …