DACIA (Ancient Romania & bits of Hungary & Serbia): ROME’S NEMESIS

DACIA: ROME’S NEMESIS Click https://wp.me/p1TVCy-89V to get more on Dacia. The Carpathian Mountain area known as Dacia extended over parts of ROMANIA, TRANSYLVANIA, HUNGARY & PARTS OF AUSTRIA, SERBIA, & THE CZECH REPUBLIC. In the 4th Century BCE, Dacia,  in thrall to the god Zamolxis, clashed and bred with Myceneans Macedonians (4th century BCE) & …

Release Emotional Trauma & Reprogram Winner Options

Do-It-Yourself Cues that make you the chooser of your responses From TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS* by Dr. Sasha Lessin, (Dean, School of Counseling and Tantra) & Janet Kira Lessin, (CEO, Aquarian Media) Learn how, in the experiential paradigm below, to release trauma and repression that limit you to reactions that protect and defend you. Practice …


PHOENICIANS DEVELOPED MINOAN CIVILIZATION ON CRETE, THEN SETTLED GREECE & MERGED WITH ARYANS DISPACED IN THE LATE BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE TO CREATE MYCENEAN CIVILIZATION Greek Civilization developed among Bronze Age people who descended from Crete’s Phoenician settlers.  An Anunnaki couple–the Minos [King] may have been the Anunnaki sage Enki, whose mate, Ninmah, made sure Crete …


Under construction, but you can see what I’ve got so far below ANTI-DOMINATION SPIRITUAL PRACTICES1. BUDDHISM (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5zV)2. MINOAN NEOLITHIC GODDESS RELIGIONS (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5wC)3. SHINTO (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5xu  and https://enkispeaks.com/hinduism-igigi-aryans-nephilim-took-anunnaki-religion-to-india-2nd-extant-anunnaki-spawned-religion/)4. CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-4uT)5. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISM (https://youtu.be/uCFlI7_Ti9Y)6. SIKHISM (https://youtu.be/BNh7QNRUVp0)7. BAHAI (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5z0)8. EXISTENTIAL AWARENESS                a.Phenomenology (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5QW)                b.Luciferism & Satanism (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5OH)                c. Living Love (https://wp.me/p1TVCy-5pm) ANUNNAKI, DOMINATION-CONSCIOUSNESS RELIGIONS THAT THE SPIRITUAL PATHS …


Your Wisdom Figures EXPERIENTIAL EXERCISE FOR YOUBy Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D., Dean, School of Counseling The wisdom figures in the graphic below are mine. I didn’t include photos of  Irving and Shelley Lessin,  Robert Reich, Stan Grof, Dick Price, Roger Woolger, Carl Rogers, John Lennon, or Janet Kira Lessin who, for me, also embody intelligence, …