GALZU SAVES? Federation Rep Galzu & Enki (Lucifer) Saved Our Species from Deluge

by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) Here’s a discussion of Galzu, it begins with my summary of Sitchin’s info on the mysterious imposter who represented himself as Plenipotentiary of Nibiru’s King Anu (who had sent the gold mining expedition to Earth 450,000 years ago.Galzu lied to keep Anu’s sons Enlil (AKA Yahweh) Commander of …


PHOENICIANS DEVELOPED MINOAN CIVILIZATION ON CRETE, THEN SETTLED GREECE & MERGED WITH ARYANS DISPACED IN THE LATE BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE TO CREATE MYCENEAN CIVILIZATION Greek Civilization developed among Bronze Age people who descended from Crete’s Phoenician settlers.  An Anunnaki couple–the Minos [King] may have been the Anunnaki sage Enki, whose mate, Ninmah, made sure Crete …

ISLAM-& Its BAHA’I Adaptation

From ANUNNAKI, EVOLUTION OF THE GODS * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio) Anunnaki who posed as gods steer all religious institutions*.  Anunnaki still on Earth killed humans who disobeyed and rewarded those who did.  They still do. Allah, Islam’s god, like the gods of Judaism and …

George GREEN (RIP 6/2019), Derivatives Inventor, Redeemed Himself Sharing Wisdom ETs Gave Him

GEORGE GREEN’S LIFE PROVES COMPASSION OVERCOMES GREED by Janet Kira Lessin Please take a few minutes to send prayers and love to George Green and his family as he begins his journey home. He and his wife Gillian have been together for over 40 years. George and Gillian hung out with us at conferences as …

The Elephant of Reality Meets the Dragon at the End of Time

  Experiencer Janet Kira Lessin’s reality differed from her family’s. She could sense and communicate with beings beyond the normal range of sight and sound.  Janet shares the model of extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional, bi-local and past and future life reviewing and previewing she learned from her path. She teaches how to cast paranormal experiences in the framework …


Aloha. I’m Dr. Sasha Lessin. Wife Janet and I are hypnotherapists. We specialize in nonordinary consciousness, including alien contact. Hear (in this order) Miesha Johnston, Suzanne Ross, Barbara Jean Lindsey, Gloria Hawker, Penny Bradley, Clifford Stone, Travis Walton, Andrew Basiago, Randy Cramer, Ken Johnston, George Green, Sherry Wilde, Cynthia Crawford, Robert Peralta, Janet Kira Lessin, …

Hypnosis for Non-Ordinary, ET, UFO, Near-Death, Visionary, Dream, Missing Time, Abduction & Milab Experiences

Article by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Dean, School of Counseling, Certified Hypnotherapist) excerpted from “Experiencers: Conscious Contactees” Edited by Janet Kira Lessin  WE’VE HAD ET CONTACT FROM THE GETGO Extraterrestrials have interacted with us, the current Earthlings, since 300,000 years ago, when  geneticists of the Goldmining Expedition from Planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki) adapted (adding …

ET Under Johnston Atoll Upleveled Janet Kira Lessin to an Anunnaki Ambassador to Earth

Miesha Johnston Anunnaki & Paranormal Experiences. PARANORMAL PERCEPTIONS PRESAGE IMPROVEMENT Janet tells how at eighteen months of age, Masons ritually evoked her spirit and how she stayed connected to the paranormal her whole life.  Extraterrestrials revived her from a brutal rape she suffered at age 4. They foretold her role in helping humanity survive and thrive. …


INTERVIEWS WITH HEROES WHO CONTACT ALIENS & “OTHERS’, Part 1 Hear Travis Walton, Andrew Basiago, Randy Cramer, Ken Johnston, George Green, Sherry Wilde, Miesha Johnston, Cynthia Crawford, Robert Peralta, Janet Kira Lessin, John Titor II, Reinerio Hernandez, Hildregard Gmeiser, Karen Christine Patrick, Olaf Jansen and others share their experiences. Aloha. I’m Dr. Sasha Lessin. Wife …