Adapa Ancient Anthropology Anu Anunnaki Dumuzi Enki Enlil Marduk Nibiru Ninmah References Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. Sitchin Thoth



Ancient Rocket









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Schema of Adapa/Ezekiel’s journey to Nibiru/Heaven




In Episode 4 we jumped ahead in the ongoing drama of the goldmining expedition to Earth from the planet Nibiru. In Episode 3, we shared how Enki, some 250,000 years ago, begat Adapa and Titi on two fetching descendants of Adamu and Titi (the original breeding pair of Erectus/Nibirans). A nearing of Nibiru to Earth a few centuries later devastated the Mars Transshipment Base Enki’s eldest son, Marduk (at one time, Pretender to the Throne of Nibiru), ran for the Expedition. Adapa, whom Enki tutored, we see in today’s episode, showed such genius, that King Anu ordered Adapa, accompanied by his half-brothers Ningishzidda and Dumuki (but not Marduk), to Nibiru. Marduk, now without a command, rocketed with Enki to the moon, and there Marduk complained that Enki’d sent Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, not he (Marduk) to Nibiru. Nibiru’s King Anu did not want Marduk–a potential rival to Enlil (Anu’s heir)–to return as a  hero to Nibiru. On the moon, Enki said Marduk, when Marduk’s celestial constellation namesake, the Ram, was ascendant, would rule Earth.

In the south Africa, from Mozambique to Botswana, Zimbabwe and beyond, where the descendants of Adamu labored for the Nibirans, “the extended ancient settlement covers an area much larger than modern Johannesburg, more than 500,000 square kilometers.” The Nibirans and their Adamite slaves built circles of stone linked by a never- ending web of over 500 kilometers of roads or connecting channels lined on both sides with over 500 million large iron-rich, magnetically-charged stones. The roads climb hills too steep for animals.

The Nibirans and their hybrid laborers in South Africa sent capacitated energy generated by sound along connecting lanes. They moved goods and water with “a levitation device that tapped into the magnetic content of the stones–in the same way modern trains float above their electromagnetic tracks and helped them lift stones heavier than 10 tons. They used a floating substance, the same monoatomic gold that they shipped back to Nibiru to save its atmosphere. The roads connected pits to leach gold, houses, terraces, workstations and ceremonial centers. Three of these South African cities that contained 1086 million circular stone ruins covered 10,00 kilometers.” But 70,000 years ago, disaster, in the form of poison gas and dust swept over the ancient African goldmining complex. Survivors fled Africa. These refugees were the early Bantu (devotees of Antu’s wife) fled to India, after a super volcano at Lake Toba in Sumatra erupted. “Prevailing winds from the supervolcano carried most of the dust and poisonous gasses westwards towards eastern and southern Africa [and] caused a mini ice- age. The most affected area: southern Africa, where the first civilization lived.” The refugees carried the memories of the earth-moving equipment, astronomy, metallurgy, writing, architecture, energy generation, aircraft and weaponry of the Nibirans, but did not know how to make the tools. [Tellinger, M., Temples: 53-82, 122-125;]


Adapa and Titi, Enki’s son and daughter, mated. Titi bore twins, KA-IN and ABAEL, the first ADAPite humans, humans with far more–due to Enki’s genetic infusion–Nibiran genes relative to Erectus genes than their mothers, the ADAMite girls Enki impregnated.

Enki schooled his (albeit clandestine) son Adapa. He ordered Adapa to teach his descendants–the enhanced Earthlings–to run farms, herds, estates and less enhanced Earthlings. Enki brought more Earthlings from Africa to Sumer for Adapa to train for the Mission bosses’ homes and facilities.

Adapa worked, studied, pondered. He learned Nibirans ate the Bread of Life and drank the Water of Life to live hundreds of thousands of years. Without those substances, he’d die in mere thousands of years. He begged Enki for the Bread and Water, for immortality.

Adapa, “a busybody in charge of the services for which the primitive workers were brought over to the Edin, supervised bakers, assured water supplies, oversaw fishing for Eridu and tended offerings.” Enki, either with a device that changed reversed the wind that blew down the Persian Gulf to blow Adapa north in a sailboat or he sent Adapa in a rocket. A Spy told Enlil he saw Adapa speed North. [ZS, Encounters: 51 -55]


Enlil beamed Anu on Nibiru: Enki changed Gulf weather to blow Adapa south. Anu sent his Visier Ilabrat to Earth for Adapa. Enki gave Ilabrat Adapa and sent his two unmarried Earth-born sons, Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, with Adapa to meet grandfather, Anu, and perhaps find Nibiran brides.


On Nibiru, King Anu asked Adapa why Enki changed the wind south and sent him down the Gulf. Ningishzidda slipped Anu a sealed tablet from Enki. Enki’s tablet said he wanted Adapa to breed more enhanced Earthlings. Enki confessed fathering Adapa and Titi with Earthlings descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat. Ningishzidda already knew, from Adapa’s DNA, that Enki begat Adapa and Titi. Enki asked Anu to send Adapa back to begat more hybrids, to father more ADAPITES–Civilized Humans.

Anu said,”

The tablet asked Anu to deny Adapa food or elixir–the Bread of Life (probably monoatomic gold, the “Manna from the Heavens”) and the Water of Life–that would lengthen the lives of Adapa and his descendants.

The Earthlings descended from both Adam (Adamite hybids) and Adapa (Adapites), Anu knew, descended from him as well. Enki and Ningishzidda–Anu’s son and son’s son–via their seed, passed Anu’s genes to the Earthlings, mixed with their DNA with Homo Erectus’ and created an illegal civilized species. Enki wanted Anu to deny Earthlings the seeming eternal, lifespan Nibirans had, so the illegal species would stay long- quarantined on Earth.


Anu gave Ningishzidda grain seeds and told him to take them and Adapa back to Earth. “Adapa teach; with Enki, teachers of Civilized Man be,” said the King.


Anu told Dumuzi, “On Nibiru stay, animal husbandry to master till Nibiru next nears Earth. [3,600 years] then to Earth return” Dumuzi would bring sperm and female goats and sheep to inseminate. He’d teach his nephew Abael to tend the animals.[ZS, Encounters: 49 – 65; Enki: 173 174]


References   Pages in citations are signaled by a colon [:] preceding the page number

Alford, A., 1996, Gods of the New Millennium: Scientific Proof of Flesh and Blood Gods, Eridu Books

Bauval, R., and Hancock, 1996, The Keeper of Genesis, Mandarin

Bramley, W., 1989, The Gods of Eden, Avon

Chatelain, M., 1979, Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space, Pan

Cremo, M. and Thompson, R., 1993, Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Torchlight

Cremo, M.,
2003, Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory, Torchlight
2001, Forbidden Archeology’s Impact, Torchlight

Freer, N.,
1999, God Games, Book Tree
2000, Breaking the Godspell, Book Tree
2004, Sapiens Rising,
2004b, The Alien Question,
2008, Sapiens Rising: The View From 2100, Electronic Dragon

Kramer, S.,
1971, The Sumerians, University of Chicago

Lessin, S.,
2012, Anunnaki, Gods No More, Createspace
2011, “ETs from Planet Nibiru”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2
2011, “A Chat with Dr. Sasha Lessin”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2
2011 “Extraterrestrials Engineered Our Species” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine,
Issue 4
2011, “ The Anunnaki’s Great Deluge: The True and Original Story ” UFOs and
Supernatural Magazine, Feb-March Issue

Pye, L., 2000,Cyclostratigraphy,

Sitchin, Z. [ZS in text attributions]
1976, The 12th Planet, Avon
1983, The Stairway to Heaven [Stairway], Avon
1985, The Wars of Gods and Men [Wars], Avon
1990, Genesis Revisited Avon
1990, The Lost Realms Avon
1993, When Time Began [Time], Avon
1995, Divine Encounters [Encounters], Avon
1996, Of Heaven and Earth, Book Tree
1998 The Cosmic Code, Avon
2002, The Lost Book of Enki [Enki], Bear
2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions [Expeditions], Bear
2007, The End of Days, HarperCollins
2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past [Journeys], Bear
2009 The Earth Chronicles Handbook [Handbook], Bear
2010 There Were Giants Upon The Earth [Giants], Bear

Tellinger, M.,
2006, Slave Species of god [Slave Species], Music Masters
2009, Temples of the African Gods, [Temples], Zulu Planet
2011, White Powder of Gold,
2012a Temples of the African Gods,
2012b Michael Tellinger Youtube: Bantu Fled African Et-ruled Civilization after Sumatra
Eruption 70,000 Years Ago,

Velikovsky, I., Undated, In The Beginning
Prior Episode, The Lost Book of Enki, Tablet 7


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More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

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