Zecharia Sitchin


by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)


Our science still can’t cut, move and fit huge rocks as well as the the 12-foot tall Homo Sapien ETs who came to Earth for gold 400,000 years ago from the planet Nibiru. The Nibirans cut stones as large as 10 tons with huge cutting tools run on power pulled from the earth. 

Atlantian civ by Harimein  


The Anunnaki, other extraterrestrials and then the ancestors of humanity on every continent built megalithic–big rock–sites on Earth’s ley lines–oscillating telepathic internet fields called telluric currents where all who worship fuse their consciousness into one group mind and can communicate with people and their knowledge at other megalithic sites.  

They selected sites above or near water, such as those along fault lines, where there are powerful magnetic fluctuations.  “When the telluric current is located over water, it moves in a spiral and induces a corresponding charge in the water and produces a corresponding effect in the human body, stimulates the iron in the blood and the millions of particles of magnetite suspended inside the human skull.  Fluctuations in the local electromagnetic field influence awareness through the pineal gland, which can lead to visions and altered states.”  You get info from other levels of reality.  Silva says, you “transfigure your soul.”  [Silva, F., “Temples, Creator Gods and the Transfiguration of the Soul” in Pye, M.,  Lost Civilizations: 92 -95]

aaa ley lines captioned

Giant telluric  waves, undulating vertically and linked to the geomagnetic field of Earth, create a network of crisscrossing lines all around the planet.”  Anunnaki put their structures wher lines crisscross. [Sacred Network: 4 – 8] 

Sacred sites’ “exact place of veneration is located in a spot where the geomagnetic field is more pronounced, accessed by a “spirit road, a telluric current–electromagnetic pathways that flow across the face of the Earth.  Sacred sites are connected to one another through common narratives, myths and folklore.  All share accurate triangles.”  People communing at the sites fly astrally.  They’re “sent flying by an electromagnetic charge in quartz or magnetite, touching it or grounded in its energy.  The local magnetic field is drawn like a whirlpool into the center of the temple.  Stones store and direct the flow of terrestrial energy. ”  Meditate at a sacred site, tap into the power of the world-wide grid and amplify your psychic abilities and spiritual consciousness and you can feel this energy directly.

The builders marked crossing points with temples and standing stones.  Elongated shapes–mehir, steeples or towers) acted as antennae, attracted “cosmo telluric waves” that continue to flow through the worldwide network. 

“Tens of thousands of sacred sites still stand in just about every country on Earth.  These sites share colossal stones, often hauled from hundreds of miles away, aligned to the heliacal rising of specific stars and mirror entire constellations, compute with regularity the solar and lunar calenders, solstices and equinoxes.  They were built to last into an age when humanity would lose its connection with the divine.  These temples were places where the individual could be transformed into a god.  Their purpose was self-realization of the individual through the transfiguration of the soul.” [Silva: 92 -95]

“These cosmo-telluric lines” let the Anunnaki, other ETs on Earth and our ancestors “gather a whole body of knowledge.” Hardy contends we can, at these sites, “trigger a shift to a heightened and more spiritual state of consciousness.”  Though the ETs choose the sites, our ancestors in every era and on every land anchored them with stones and buildings. Once fixed, our forefathers’ reinforced the broadcasting power when they prayed at the sites. Our genitors experienced “planetary consciousness when they did rituals at the big-stone sites,” and so, Hardy says, can you, when you meditate at a Megalithic temple. [Sacred Network: 4 – 8]

At Carnac, in France, we see a perfect example of how these sites, shown our ancestors by the Seven Shining Anunnaki, the Followers of Horus, traversed the globe and helped survivors of the great flood of 9703 BCE build megalithic temples to remember their ancestry in the stars and their connection within to the Creator of All.  


 At Carnac, the Shining Ones set 4000 huge stones in thirteen parallel lines along 31 fault lines–the biggest quake fault lines in France, where the earth’s electromagnetic vibrations were greatest.  The lines of highly magnetic quartz and magnetite start and end in egg-shaped rock circles “that amplify and release telluric energy throughout the day.”  The alternating release and magnification creates electric induction.  Carnac’s menhirs–upright monoliths–are accumulators.

Man show his height, half that of one of Carnac's accumulator- menhirs.
. Man show his height, half that of one of Carnac’s accumulator- menhirs.



Carnac’s dolmans–two or more upright stone groups–are coils.

Dolmen, Carnac, France
Dolmen, Carnac, France

Carnac’s stone circles were both concentrators and accumulators.  The “specially-chosen rocks, high in concentrations of quartz, transported from 60 miles away are piezoelectric; they generate electricity when subject to vibrations.”  And France vibrated most at Carnac.  [Silva, 2012: 95 -96]


BAALBEK, LEBANON, THE LANDING PLATFORM SINCE 400,000 YEARS AGO Baalbek3 Baalbek1 Baallbek open drawers  

              Remains of the Nibiran Landing Platform at Baalbek Lebanon some 400,000 years ago as well as quarry miles away, ready to transport to the Platform Baalbek coin   At Baalbek, Nibirans built a launch tower (shown on coin at left) for the goldmining expedition, “on a vast horizontal platform, artificially created 4,000 feet above sea level, surrounded by a wall.     

   The enclosed squarish area, 2,500 feet long, over five million square feet, was built before the Flood” [13,000 years ago].

Baalbek’s stones were “held together without mortar, rising stage after stage, to incredible heights from a vast stone platform. The massive stones formed an enclosure that surrounded a cavity, a hollow within which stood the rocket about to be launched. The encompassing walls were multileveled, rising in stages to enable servicing the rocketship, its payload, [&] a command module.

Baalbek included “stone blocks of incredible size, precisely cut and placed, including three colossal stone blocks that are the largest in the world, the Trilthon. The stone blocks that make up the Trilithon weigh more than 1,100 tons each and are placed upon older immense stone blocks, over sixty feet long with sides of fourteen to twelve feet, cut to have a slanting face that weigh 500 tons each.

There is even now no man-made machine, no crane, vehicle or mechanism that can lift such a weight of 1,000 to 1,200 tons–to say nothing of carrying such an immense object over valley and mountainside and placing each slab in its precise position, many feet above the ground. There are no traces of any roadway, causeway, ramp or other earthworks that could suggest hauling these megaliths from their quarry, several miles away.”

Nibirans “not only lifted and placed such colossal stone blocks but also carried them from a quarry several miles away. The quarry has been located and in it one of those colossal stone blocks had not been completed, still lies partly attached to the native rock; its size exceeds the Trilithon blocks.

Baalbek platform

Baalbek rocket lands3 HC

Baalbek as Landing PlatformBaalbek rocket lands HC


“Baalbek was incorporated into the post-Deluvian Landing Corridor of the Anunnaki when they planned the planning of a spaceport in the Sinai to replace the one in Mesopotamia wiped out by the Deluge. They ran a line from the peaks of Ararat through Baalbek and extended it to Giza, where they built the pyramids.

They placed the Great Pyramid and the anchor in Sinai that in the end delineated the Landing Corridor equidistant from Baalbek.”

“The stone blocks that comprise the platform are “so tightly put together that no has been able to penetrate it and study the chambers, tunnels, caverns and substructures hidden beneath,” though Arabs did penetrate a “460-feet long tunnel at the southeast corner of the platform.” They proceeded through “a long vaulted passage like a railway tunnel under the great in total darkness broken by green lights from puzzling ‘laced windows.” Nibirans “not only lifted and placed such colossal stone blocks but also carried them from a quarry several miles away. The quarry has been located and in it one of those colossal stone blocks had not been completed, still lies partly attached to the native rock; its size exceeds the Trilithon blocks. [Stairway: 168 – 176; Expeditions: 166 -179]


Ningishzidda directed Lagash’s King Gudea who built a temple for Ninurta. Nibirans used their know-how and Earthling labor to build rocket silos and airplane hangers in the cities and temple-complexes of Sumer. Lagash  





1a Gobekli composite        

GOBEKLI TEPE, Turkey,  an ancient (9000 BCE) amphitheater, focuses above on the star Deneb in the constellation The Swan or The Vulture. Gobekli sits on a ridge above the Plain of Harran–turf of Moon God Nannar (aka Sin-El-Allah after Noah’s flood).  Gobekli sits on a ridge above the Plain of Harran–turf of Moon God Nannar (aka Sin-El-Allah after Noah’s flood).          

Ampitheaters like Gobekli abound in this part of Anatolia. The builders made them ovoid-shaped with stone and mortar benches that face two central monolith-pillars. At Gobekli, the amphitheater surrounds the central monoliths stand 18-feet high. They weigh 15 -20 tons apiece and face each other across a space where a priest communed with the gods.

A century after the builders made a theater, it no longer (due to precession of the equinoxes) aligned with Deneb. So they buried the theater and, along the same ridge, build a new one atop or near the old, out of date one. They built ever-smaller theaters each century, as the Earth moved off its alignment with Daneb.

Central pillars in the middle of these theaters feature anthropomorphic statues. The statues’ arms wrap around them like those on Rapa Nui statues that the Anunnaki and the Capensis ETs erected with flood survivors. The builders of both Gobekli and Rapa Nui carved snakes on the statues.

Easter and Gobekli

Swidarians, Collins says, flood survivors from the North Mountains–Poland, the Carpathian Mountains and Belarus–came down to Turkey and got local hunters and gatherers to work for them and build these structures. Swindarians were tall hybrids with Capensis as well as Neanderthals; some of the Swindarinans had ELONGATED HEADS and left traces of their DNA in human populations.

Collins considers Deneb, the brightest star in The Swan and the star to which the ampitheaters orient, the home in the stars to which the old megalithic structures in Turkey, Ireland, UK and the Baltics point. Deneb points to “the exact point where the Milky Way splits into two to form The Great Rift–the Signus Rift.”      


At Enki’s palace–Great Zimbawe–we see a 12-fathom high tower and the lab he shared with Ninmah and Ningishzidda. 

Zimbabwe Map

Zimbabwe ruins2

Zimbabwe reconstruction2

There, above the gold mines of the inland plains between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers, the genetics team first adapted their Nibiran genome to Earth to create Ti-Amat, the first adapted homo sapiens woman and Adamu, the first homo sapiens man. 

Great Zimbabwe construct1

Great Zimnbabwe reconstruction3

Zimbabwe reconstruction4

This ellipse-shaped complex lies within a mortarless stone wall 12 fathoms high and six meters thick.
Zimbabwe Wall2

The bricks, made from a mixture of granitic sand and clay.  Great Zimbawe’s 11 meter-high outer wall extends 250 meters.  Enki’s palace sits among thousands of miles of twelve-foot wide lanes, lined with graniteboulders.  Enki engineered sonar systems to transport water, gold diggings and machines over these lanes.


Sphinx Pyramids People

Giza, Egypt

Ningishzidda designed the 5,955,000 ton Great Pyramid at Giza with eight concave faces.  With sonar technology and the help of monoatomic gold to lighten the stone blocks, Ningishzidda and his assistants stacked 2,300,000 stone blocks–250 tons worth–on the pyramid. The pyramid’s outer mantle featured 144,000 polished and flat casing stones 100 inches thick and 15 tons each. The pyramid “covered 592,000 feet in area.”
Giza ground area

The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect here. 


 Casing stones of polished limestone covered the outside and reflected the sunlight people could, without magnification, see from Israel and from the moon.

The Great Pyramid, when built, aligned with Alpha Draconis, the Pole Star at the time.
pyramids-starsGiza stars


Pyramidal chambers also, from their various views, shows lines of sight to Deneb (in the Swan) and  Sirus, near the belt of the constellation Orion.

The Great Pyramid entrance had a 20-ton nearly invisible swivel door, nearly invisible when closed and lacked a grasp from the outside.  The pyramid’s cornerstones have ball and socket construction that adjusts to heat expansion and earthquakes.  Temperature inside stayed 68 Degrees Fahrenheit.

The relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid. [Ancient, 2014]


Indus map asia and near east

From 3300 to 1900 BCE, 1000 cities in the Indus Valley extended over an area twice size of France.  The people of this civilization kept had cattle, sheep and goats. Each village had a crafts area, markets, jewlers’stalls. Inanna’s Indus Valley cities–Harappa, Mohenjo Daro and Dholavira and their agricultural village hinterlands–stretched over a million square kilometers 3000 kilometer along the Indus River.  In Mohenjo Daro, 40,000 people concentrated in one square kilometer.  

Indus Valley Civilization lacked caches of weapons and had instead a multitude of toys, musical instruments, metal tools, scales, pottery, jewelry, cloth, wheeled carts, statuary and caches of grain for commerce.  

Boats from Dholavira traded all the way to the Arabian Peninsula.  Indus Valley civilization smelted and traded copper, bronze, lead and tin. 


 Mohenjo Daro map

Roads that intersected at right angles connected residential blocks in Mohenjo Daro–a city of 40,000 in one square kilometer. Gutters and rubbish bins lined the roads. The main street kept nine meters width.  Atop the highest hill, where residents retreated from periodic Indus flooding, Mohenjo featured a huge public bath. Mohenjo had eighty public toilets and a sewage system that serviced the entire city. In the residential area, every house had its own tile bathtub and its own well.  

Mohenjo Daro
Mohenjo Daro

Mohenjo Daro2







 Along the Indus, Inanna’s people grew barley, wheat, melons, peas, sesame seeds, cotton, cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats.



Harappa featured two-stories high, baked brick identical houses with flat roofs; each with windows that overlooked a courtyard. Outside walls lacked windows. Each home had its own private drinking well and its own private bathroom. Clay pipes ran from the bathrooms to sewers under the roads. The sewers drained into streams.







Sixteen meter high brick walls surrounded Dohlavira, a commercial city of 48 acres surrounded with a population of. 20,000. Dohlavira contained grain-storage bins and reservoirs with flood control dams.  The largest reservoir was 7 meters deep,79 long. 

The dams kept water around the city for grapes (they made raisins) barley, wheat, peas, cotton and sesame seed crops and flowed downhill from the highest reservoir to lower ones. Rainwater channeled down a city-wide collector reservoir. Dikes diverted an ancient river–the Ghaggar–to water the area between Indus and Ganges.

Mohenjo Daro Reconstruction







Indus Valley cities featured reservoirs and multi-storied fired-brick buildings laid out along a grid of wide brick-paved streets with run-off gutters.



To ready the Jerusalem site for the Enlil’s temple, Israel’s King David, whom Enlil forbade to build the temple, readied its site for his successor, Solomon.  David had thirty-three hundred foremen guide seventy thousand carriers and eighty thousand stonecutters in the hills as they took large blocks of quality stone for the Temple’s foundation.

Solomon built Enlil-Yahweh’s first permanent temple on huge stones in 957 BCE on huge stones–too heavy to move and fit in place without Anunnaki technology (so we know that’s how the stones were moved).



The Temple’s east-west axis aligned with the equinox.

David gave Solomon a scale model and architectural drawings for the Temple.

Its east-west axis aligned with the equinox. David, gave Solomon a scale model and architectural drawings for the Temple.










Solomon set the temple so the sun at dawn entered the Tabernacle at spring and autumn equinoxes.

The temple featured a 100 x 200 foot main hall and a smaller room for Moses’ Ark.  Solomon put the Ark on the rock where Abraham started to kill his son Isaac to prove himself loyal to Enlil.  The new temple replaced the portable one Moses made in the desert, local sanctuaries and altars in the hills. 

The Temple complex had a large basin (called the “Brazen Sea”) 10 cubits wide brim to brim, 5 cubits deep and with a circumference of 30 cubits around the brim on the backs of twelve oxen. The basin held 3,000 baths.

The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, had walls lined with cedar, on carved with figures of cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive, boasted carved cherubim, palm-trees, and flowers, all being overlaid with gold. 

Egypt’s Pharaoh Sheshonk I sacked the Temple a few decades later.  

In 931, when Solomon,died, Abraham’s descendants split their turf into the kingdoms of Judea in the south, Israel on the north. 

In 835 BCE Jehoash, King of Judah, renovated the Temple, but in 700. Assyrian King Sennacherib stripped it again.  In 586, Nebuchadnezzer, Marduk’s Babylonian King, sacked Jerusalem and destroyed by the Temple.

In 539,Cyrus of Persia, whom Marduk welcomed, conquered Babylon and returned Nebuchadnezzar’s hostages to Jerusalem.  Cyrus built the Second Temple from 538 to 515.



This second temple narrowly avoided being destroyed again in 332 BCE when the Jews refused recognize Macedonian King Alexander as a god.  Ptolemies ruled Judea and the Temple from Egypt after Alexander died.


Seleucid King Antiochus III defeated Egypt in 198 BCE. He prompted a short-lived rebellion in 187 when he introduced Marduk-Zeus and the Greek pantheon into the temple. Antiochus IV Epiphanes again pushed the Greek gods for the Temple and, when the Jews again rebelled and Antiochus again crushed them, he again he forbade circumscision which marked Jews as followers of Enlil.  Antiochus banned the Jewish Sabbath, put a statue of Zeus in their temple and had Greek priests sacrifice pigs there. When a Greek ordered Jewish priest Mattathias to perform a Hellenic sacrifice, Matathias killed him.

In 167 BCE the Jews rose up behind Mattathias and his five sons to fight and win their freedom from Seleucid authority. Mattathias’ son Judas Maccabeus re-dedicated the temple in 165 BCE and the Jews celebrate this event to this day as a major part of the festival of Hanukkah.

Judas Maccabaeus rededicated the Temple under Judas Maccabaeus in 164 BCE. 

During the Roman era, Pompey entered (and desecrated) the Holy of Holies in 63 BCE, but left the Temple intact.  

In 54 BCE, Crassus looted the Temple treasury Jews revolted again but Romans subdued them again in 43 BCE.

Herod the Great renovated the Temple in 20BCE; When Romans occupied Judea, they let Jewish priests run the Temple.  Then in 70 CE, Romans destroyed the Temple.

 During the last revolt of the Jews against the Romans in 132–135 CE, Simon bar Kokhba and Rabbi Akiva led another failed revolt from 132 to 135 and the Romans banned Jews from Jerusalem.

The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, featured walls lined with cedar with carved cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive. 

The Temple complex featured a large basin (called the “Brazen Sea” measured 10 cubits wide brim to brim, 5 cubits deep and with a circumference of 30 cubits around the brim, rested on the backs of twelve oxen It held 3,000 baths for the purification by immersion of the body of the priests.




 At Carnac, France, Anunnaki Silva calls the “Seven Shining Ones, Followers of Horus” set 4000 huge stones in thirteen parallel lines along 31 fault lines–the biggest quake fault lines in France, where the earth’s electromagnetic vibrations were greatest.  The lines of highly magnetic quartz and magnetite start and end in egg-shaped rock circles “that amplify and release telluric energy throughout the day.”  The alternating release and magnification creates electric induction.  

Carnac’s menhirs–upright monoliths–are accumulators.

Man show his height, half that of one of Carnac's accumulator- menhirs.
. Man show his height, half that of one of Carnac’s accumulator- menhirs.



Carnac’s dolmans–two or more upright stone groups–are coils.

Dolmen, Carnac, France
Dolmen, Carnac, France

Carnac’s stone circles were both concentrators and accumulators.  The “specially-choosen rocks, high in concentrations of quartz, transported from 60 miles away are piezoelectric; they generate electricity when subject to vibrations.”  And France vibrated most at Carnac.  [Silva, 2012: 95 -96]







After Enki ordered Ningishzidda to cede Egypt to Marduk, Ningishzidda built a stone observatory at  Stonehenge, a site he chose for it. Ningishzidda–architect of the Anunnaki–goldminers from the planet Nibiru who came to Earth 450,000 years ago–built, and with Middle Eastern and Black Olmec crew from Central America, rebuilt Stonehenge II and III from 2100 and 2000 BCE on the Salisbury Plain in Britain (80 miles from London), among people who had inhabited the area since 30,000 BCE. 


“Stonehenge, built initially around 2900 BCE (Stonehenge, Phase I) is the most elaborate of nine hundred ancient stone, wooden and earthen circles in the British Isles, as well as the largest and most complicated one in Europe.  Stonehenge, a planned astronomical observatory” adjusted for latitude, let its builders fortell eclipses, solstices, moon as well as changing apparent positions of stars.


Stonehenge II alignments chart

Stonehenge features thirty upright stones, of which seventeen remain: “pairs of huge upright stone blocks, each about thirteen feet high, connected at the top by a massive lintel stone to form free-standing Trilithons erected in a semicircle, surrounded in turn by a massive circle of similar giant stones connected at the top by lintels carved to form a continuous ring around the paired uprights.  Inside this massive stone ring, smaller stones (bluestones) from 250 miles away over land and two miles down the Avon River from southwestern Wales, of which 29 are still there, form the Bluestone Circle outside the Trilithons and a bluestone semicircle.”  “Within this second ring stood five pairs of trilithons, making up the Sarsen Horseshoe of ten massive sarsen blocks.    The innermost circle consisted of nineteen bluestones that form the Bluestone Horseshoe. Within this innermost compound, on the axis of the whole Stonehenge complex, stood the Altar Stone–a sixteen-foot long dressed block of blue-grey sandstone half-buried under an upright and the lintel of one of the Trilithons.

“The rings of stone are in turn centered within a large framing circle. It is a deep and wide ditch whose excavated soil was used to raise its banks and forms an encompassing ring around the whole Stonehenge complex, a ring with diameter three hundred feet. “A circle of fifty-six deep pits (Aubrey Holes) surround the inner bank of the ditch.  “Two stones, on opposite sides of the ditch’s inner embankment and further down the line, two circular mounds with holes in them once held stones akin to the first two stones and the four called Station Stones, connected by lines outline a perfect rectangle.

Stonehenge inner rectangle

The embankment had a wide gap that opened into the concentric rings of stones, holes and earthworks.  The opening in the ditch, oriented northeast, leads to a causeway (the Avenue). Two parallel embankment ditches outline this avenue, leaving a passage thirty feet wide for a third of a mile where it branches northward toward the Cursus, an elongated earthwork at an angle to the Avenue; the other branch of the Avenue curves toward the Avon River.
Stonehenge wide overview

A line drawn through the center of the Avenue passes through the center of the circles and holes to form the structures axis” along which are marker stones, one of which, the Heel Stone, were placed along the axis.
Stonehenge heel stonestonehengeHeelstone2

Some of the bluestone semicircles are missing, some lie about as fallen giants.
Stonehenge E

Stonehenge began with a ditch and a berm, an earthen circle with a circumference of 1050 feet at its bottom, twelve feet wide, six feet deep, digging up two raised banks within this outer ring of the circle are 56 pits.  Ningishzidda left the northeast part of the dirt ring undug as an entrance to the middle of the circle.  The two (now missing) gateway stones that flanked the entrance.  The entrance stones gave the Heel Stone, a massive boulder set four feet underground and sixteen feet above on a 24 degree angle round points on which to create lines of sight down the Avenue that movable pegs set into holes on the entrance stones.  Ningishzidda put four rounded Station Stones within the circle to form a perfect triange. That was the extent of Stonehenge 1–the Earthen Ring, an entranceway axis, seven stones, and wooden pegs.

About 2100 BCE, Ninghzidda directed the Wessex people to add four-ton bluestones to Stonehenge; now called Stonehenge II.  A double Bluestone Circle thus surrounded Stonehenge II.  The builders shifted the Heel Stone, widened and realigned the Avenue to keep up with the changes in the Earth’s tilt made in the sunrise point.  Ningishzidda and the Wessex moved the “Altar Stone” when the remodeling began.

Stonehenge III: Around 2000 BCE, Ningishzidda re-erected the Heel Stone and dug holes for new sightings.  He completely dismantled the Bluestone Circle of Stonehenge II. With Anunnaki sonar technology, he brought 77 fifty-ton sarsen stones from Marlbough Downs, forty miles away.  He incorporated nineteen of these bluestones in a new  inner oval of stones topped by lintel stones and placed the others bluestones ready to be inserted in holes dug for two new circles (not yet completed).  He replaced the old entrance stones with two huge new ones. [Time: 39 – 180]


 NEWGRANGE (County Meath): One of Ireland’s many Anunnaki observatories, Newgrange, a large circular mound of stone with a long hall and inner rooms. Anunnaki flood survivors built Newgrange and other stone observatories in Ireland to track the moon, sun, and the precession of the equinoxes in relation to the constellation Signa (aka the Swan or Southern Cross), where they could see Anunnaki craft and Nibiru nearingEarth.

White stone facade's a modern addition.
White stone facade’s a modern addition.


Grass grows atop the layers of earth and stones that make the Newgrange mound. The mound measures 249 feet across and 39 feet high. Inside, a hallway of large stone slabs engraved with star maps stretches 60 feet to three small chambers off a larger central chamber with a high corbelled vault roof.

Newgrange schema

Each of the smaller chambers has a large flat basin stone.  Once a year, at the winter solstice, the rising sun shines directly along the long passage and lights up the inner chamber and, for seventeen minutes, sunlight enters the passage through a specially contrived opening, known as a roofbox, directly above the main entrance.
Newgrange light 

Sunlight focuses on a triple spiral star map on the front wall of the chamber. 

Newgrange map lit



13,000 years ago Earth’s climate deteriorated in the run-up to the perigee of 10,500 years ago that caused Noah’s flood.  Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki), ordered a second interplanetary spaceport atop the Andes, where his son Adad had built a landing platform around 15,000 BCE [Lost Realms: 222]. Enlil wanted the second rocket base in case Marduk and his ex-astronaut allies (the Igigi) overran the Sinai rocketport that Enlil’s grandson Utu ran.

Enlil, under orders from his father, King Anu, back on Nibiru, expected to return to Nibiru with the Nibirans he commanded as well as enough gold to powder into Nibiru’s atmosphere to protect it from destructive dissipation. 

Enlil warned Anu that Marduk, the son of Enlil’s rival, Chief Scientist Enki, had created alliances not only with the ex-astronauts, but also with the hybrid Erectus-Nibiran Earthling miners and slaves Enki had made from the Nibiran genome.  Marduk and his allies, Enlil and Anu realized, could push the claim of Marduk to rule Nibiru by dint of the treaty Anu had sworn with Marduk’s mother’s father, Alalu, Anu’s predecessor on the Nibiran throne.


Enlil sent his youngest son, Adad-Viracocha and Adad’s older half-brother General Ninurta to the Andes to scout out a potential second spaceport.  They found their ideal site at Lake Titicaca, Earth’s highest (913,861 feet) lake–perfect for boats–20 by 44 miles large, 100 -1000 feet deep and dotted with over 41 islands.


Waters running from the lake gave the Anunnaki placer gold and cassiterite tin and bronze for their European and Middle Eastern centers. The Desaguadero river flows from the southwest corner of Lake Titicaca into the satellite lake, Lake Poopo, 260 miles to the south; “there is copper and silver all the way to the Pacific Coast, where Bolivia meets Chile.” [Lost Realms: 242 – 243]

A moat surrounded Pumapunku and connected to a canal system that ran to lake Titicaca, fifteen miles away through level ground.  Upheavals, probably from the same disturbances that caused the destruction of the Nile area that Moses, whom Enlil forewarned, from the nearing of Nibiru or its lagrange points in 1450 BCE, destroyed the huge landing platform and scattered its H-shaped 400-ton twelve by ten by two foot thick red sandstone blocks that Adad had quarried ten miles from Pumapunku.
Quarry for Pumapunka

“A destructive wave of water from Lake Titicaca violently destroyed Pumapunku, Tihuanacu to the south of the lake.” [Childress, 2012:107, 177]

 “The stones at Pumapunku interlocked by grooves and articulated notches in the edges of the stones and cemented together by keystone cuts and bronze clamps.” [Childress, 2012: 105; Lost Realms: 211]

Adad’s workers survived Noah’s flood on Titicaca and Coati Islands in the sheltered southern portion of the lake.

island in Titicaca

Adad and his Sumerian foremen had them build, 1/4 of a mile from Pumapunku, Tiahuancu, aka “Tin City,” [Anuku = “metal granted by the Anunnaki.”] a two-square-mile city, metallurgical, temple, and observatory complex powered by electricity, on the shore and a with subterranean chambers. Tin supplies had run out in Europe after 2600 BCE, then Adad’s Cassites [Kosseans] Earthlings, related to the Hittites and Hurrians,  flowed vast amounts of tin from South America to the Near East.  [Lost Realms: 243 -245] 

The Anunnaki employed “portable power plants” and “rotating magnetic fields” that gave Tiahuanacu AC power.”  They “set up hydroelectric or wave stations to generate a large amount of power to send via microwaves to satellites and then redirect them to the remote parts of the earth as a form of usable power.”  They sent cargos of precious metals and dried or honey-packed psychedelic mushrooms around the world. [Childress, 2012: 151]

The Anunnaki smelted, at high temperature, alloys including plantinum and extracted mercury from mineral cinnabar.  They used the mercury to extract nearby silver. They built also an underwater city, Huanacu, some 80 feet down, hewn into the northern side of Titicaca Island. Tiahuanacu’s “builders planned Tiahuanacu in advance, with diverted rivers, water reservoirs on the top of pyramids (on or in which water washed ores) and massive stone [refining] structures with gigantic solid-stone doors.  Pumapunku, the original New World El Dorado-Ophir city (the one to which Israel’s King Solomon flew over the Pacific from the Java Sea) featured gigantic walls covered in sheets of gold, golden masks, sun disks, gold-woven tapestries and drill holes to attach sheets of gold and other gold items.”

Nearby, Bolivians gathered the Fuante Magna Bowl, that bore ancient Sumerian cuneiform writing circa 3000 BCE and the Aymara language that the descendants of Ka-in developed from Proto-Elamite or Akkadian [Childress, 2012: 86, 109, 129 – 131, 146,150].
fuente bowl

Tiahuanacu set off Pumapunku with a grand gate, the “Gate of the Sun,” originally a doorway for a solid granite door to for a nine-foot tall person or a person with an elaborate headdress.

SunGateTiahuancu1Sun Gate collage of 2

The door led to a smashed 400 by 450 foot rectangular astronomical observatory called the “Kalasasaya,” that a moat had surrounded. The building, like a similar building at Pumapunku, had been destroyed and the door frame moved to form an arch leading to Pumapunku.

The Nibirans cut and shaped the gate as it stood in Tiahuanacu from a single hundred-ton, 10 x 20 foot stone block that features a carving of Adad, with golden tears. Tears, which represent the molton gold, tin, iron, platinum and mercury Tiahuanacu refined, run down his cheeks.  The statue wears an elaborate headdress and holds Adad’s symbol, the forked lightening the zodiac of Sumerian Anunnaki.  Reliefs of 30 “bird men”on Adad’s right–probably Nibiran astronauts–run toward him; one of these holds the trumpet-like object the Anunnaki used to move large stones.
Viracocha and birdmen at Gate to Sun

After the building that contained the gate broke apart, the Anunnaki reconstructed it and incorporated as an arch to Pumapuku for a pilgrimage site for Andean “Indians.”  Next to the gate stands a wall into which the builders sculpted heads of the various Earthling and ET types that visited the site [Childress, 2012: 88; Lost Realms: 210, 216 -217].
download (1)
Pumapunka relief looks like contemporty Grey.Relief on Pumapunka wall (left) looks like contemporary Grey (Right). 

Around 3800 BCE, Nibiru’s King Anu and Queen Antu flew with their grandson, Ninruta, from Sumer to the Tiahuanancu where a gold-plated enclosure (held together with solid gold nails) he and Adad had built awaited them.  They saw the Spaceport on the 200 square-mile Pampa plain below where.   On the runway, “Anu and Antu’s celestial chariot stood ready, with gold to the brim it was loaded.” Anu pardoned Marduk tor his last offensive against Enlil, then the King and his Queen rocketed off to Nibiru, then to Mars, then to Nibiru.  Enlil ordered Adad to guard the Enlilite South American facilities from Marduk while he and the other Nibiran Earth Mission leaders returned to Sumer. [Enki: 272-276, Lost Realms: 255; Journeys: 206] 

By 2200 BCE, as supplies of tin for bronze dwindled in Europe, Adad sent tin aplenty from Tiahuanaco back to Sumer, through his Hittite-Cassite subjects in Turkey.  Descendants of these Middle Easterners still dwell on Titicaca and Coati Isles. Tiahuanaco, after most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru, became a pilgrimage site for the growing “Indian” population.  There, Adad directed the construction of Mochica, Chan-Chan, Cuzco, Macho Picchu, Chavin, Ollantaytambu and tutored a couple he chose to create Machu Picho [Time: 247].

From Lake Titicaca and Tiahuanacu in Bolivia and Peru’s south, Anunnaki spread megalithic culture–landing platforms, metallurgical plants, pyramid power plants, astronomical observatories, palaces, canals, homes, statues, city walls, roads, bridges and quarries.  Everywhere they settled, they left deep, extensive tunnels that moderns have not yet explored. Anunnaki culture spread North into ancient, pre-Inca Cusco, Ollantaytambu, Machu Pichu and Chavin. The Anunnaki mined copper and gathered gold and alluvial casseiterite–oxidized, water-washed tin from the Eastern coast of Lake Titicaca and the Lake Poopo area southeast of La Paz (down the Desaguardero River from Tiahuanacu).

Anunnaki brought successive waves of descendants of Ka-in, the South American Indians to coastal settlements along the Peruvian coast. At Paracas Bay, Adad blasted a huge image of his metal tool with its forked lightning to welcome incoming boats and aircraft from the Pacific.



Ollantaytambo's 637 km (miles along the Urubamba River from Tiahuancu (roads and airroute erased)
Ollantaytambo’s 637 km (386 miles) along the Urubamba River from Tiahuanacu (roads and air-route erased).

Ollantaytambo rests 637 km from Pumapunku, 45 miles north of Cuzsco.  Ollantaytambo lies northwest along the Urubamba, on an exact 45 degree angle line between the Titicaca Island off Tiahuanacu and the Equator. “A 45-degree line originating at Tiahuanacu, combined with squares and circles embraced all the key ancient sites between Tiahuancu, Cuzco and Ollataytambu.” Earth’s tilt (obliquity) when the Anunnaki laid out this grid was 24 degrees, 08’ in 3172 BCE, the Age of Taurus [Enlil’s Age] between 4000 BCE and 2000 BCE.”  [Lost Realms: 199 – 205]

Ollantaytambo, a landing platform (probably for the gold refinery at Sacashuaman, 60 miles to the southeast) rests “atop a steep mountain spur” and overlooks “an opening between the mountains that rise where the Urubamba-Vilcanota and Patcancha rivers meet.”
Ollantaytambo summit

On the summit “megalithic structures begin with a retaining wall built of fashioned polygonal stones.


Through a gateway cut of a single stone block, one reaches a platform supported by a second retaining wall of polygonal stones of a larger size. On one side, an extension of this wall becomes an enclosure with twelve trapezoid openings–two as doorways and ten false windows.  On the other side of the wall stands a massive gate to the main structures.” The Anunnaki channeled a stream through Ollantaytambo’s structures.  Childress suggests Ollantaytambo featured a control building for an airport below the plaza along the river. [2012: 315]



“A row of six colossal monoliths stand on the topmost terrace. The gigantic stone blocks are from eleven to fourteen feet high, six or more feet in width and vary in thickness from three to over six feet. These 50-ton or so blocks stand joined together without mortar with long dressed stones inserted between the colossal blocks to create an even thickness. The megaliths stand as a single wall oriented southeast. One of the monoliths touts a relief of the “Stairway symbol” of Tiahuanacu” that shows the connection between Earth and Sky.

Something interrupted Ollantaytambu’s construction; “stone blocks lie strewn about,” with T-cuts for poured metal clamps in them to hold the blocks together during earthquakes.  The clamp-cuts duplicate those at Tiahuanacu.  “A levitation device made the stones leap down the road from the quarry to slides, where the stones would be pushed over the edge and retrieved at the bottom. They would again be made to jump to the river and across, then up to the plaza. During this process, certain stones were “lazy” and could not be made to jump properly and were therefore abandoned.”  [Childress, 2012: 303]

Ollantaytambo Lazy stones

The Anunnaki carved huge blocks of very hard red [porphyry] granite that holds large-grained quartz crystal, from Kachiqhata, the opposite mountainside of Ollantaytambo’s valley.  There builders hewed and shaped the blocks, then, with inverse piezoelectricity, moved them over two streams to slides on each side of the rivers, then up to Ollantaytambo where they raised, precisely placed and fused the blocks together. Though they brought many blocks across the river, the builders left 40 or more on the river’s eastern side. [Childress, 2012: 259 – 303; Lost Realms: 199 – 205]

MACHU PICCHU (Tampu-Tocco)

macho and tiahuanacu map

On the eastern slope of the Andes, 7,585 feet above the sea, Machu covers 32,500 hectares4,000 feet above a bend in the Urubamba River, “which forms a horseshoe gorge half encircling the city’s perch, 75 miles northwest of Cuzco.  Machu “was situated to control access to Ollantaytambu and Tiahuanacu.

Machu Picchu “first served as a model for Cuzco, then emulated it.” Both Machu and Cuzco “consisted of twelve wards, royal-priestly groupings on the west and residential-functional ones occupied by the Virgins and clan hierarchies on the east separated by wide terraces.  Common people tilled and cultivated the mountainsides.  They lived outside the city and in the surrounding countryside.”


Machu Picchu layoutMachu scale model

“Royal residences are built of ashlars [squared facing stones] laid in courses, finely cut and dressed.”

In the most ancient area, the Temple of Three Windows, Sacred Plaza [landing platform?] and Principal Temple display huge, precisely-cut stone blocks locked together without mortar.

“One of the stones has 32 angles.  Cutting, shaping and angling of the hard granite stones was as though they were soft putty.  White granite stones had to be brought from great distances, through rough terrain and rivers, down valleys and up mountains.

“The Temple of Three Windows has only three walls” and on its open, western side” faces a 7 foot tall pillar for “astronomical sighting purposes.

Temple of 3 windows and ashlar Machu

“The Principle Temple too has only three walls, some twelve feet tall. The western wall is constructed of just two giant stone blocks held together by a T-shaped stone.”
andes6 machu14

A huge monolith, fourteen by five by three feet, rests against the north wall of the Principal Temple.
machuPicchuN wall monolith Principal Temple

The Intihuatana:
Intihuatanna at Machu

“Winding steps lead from the northern edge of the Sacred Plaza up a hill whose top was flattened to serve as a platform for the Intihuatana, a stone cut with precision to measure the movements of the sun, determine the solstices and make the sun return, lest it return the Earth to darkness that occurred before.”

The Torreon:
Machu semicircle

“At the end of the western part of Machu Picchu, the semicircular Torreon is built of ashlars “creates its own sacred enclosure at the center of which there is a rock that’s been cut and shaped and incised with grooves” like the rock in Jerusalem’s Temple Mound and Mecca’s black stone. 

The Cave:

Machu cave 4Machu cave1Machu cave2Machu cave3

Beneath Machu, lies a huge cave “enlarged and shaped artificially to precise geometric forms, masonry of white granite ashlars.  This is the cave from which the Anunnaki sent the first Inca king to found Cuzco, 75 miles southeast of Machu.  [Childress, 2012:319 -343; LosRealms 140 – 154]


 Cuzco map

Cuzco, which the Anunnaki built sometime after Noah’s Deluge of 10,500 BCE, sits on a promontory called Sacshauman (11,500 feet above sea level) that rises above the Tullaumayo and Rodadero Rivers.  The site panned gold and featured aircraft landing facilities.

Cuzco overview

Cuzco’s “older edifices were built of perfectly cut, dressed and shaped stones of brown trachtyte, stones of great size and the oddest shapes that fitted one into another’s angles with precision and without mortar.”megalithic walls at Cuzco

Some of Cuzco’s megalithic stones had been melted with added oxygen in temperatures over 1,100 degrees.  This glazed their silicate surfaces,  so the “surfaces even if irregular, feel smooth to touch.”  The builders put each newly placed but still hot stone next to stones already cool and hardened prior-placed jigsaw polygonal blocks. The new, just placed stone stayed fixed in perfect precision against the hardened stones. The new stone became its own separate block of granite, that would then have more blocks fitted into their interlocking positions in the wall. [Childress, 2012: 249]


The Saschuaman promontory, “shaped like a triangle with its base to the northwest,” rises eight hundred feet above the city below. Cuzco overviewGorges form Saschuaman’s sides and “separates it from the mountain chain which it rejoins at its base.” 

Tunnels, niches and grooves perforate huge rock outcroppings, cut and shaped into giant platforms.  Siphon-fed aquaducts channeled water to wash ores. Childress speculates that one of the tunnels connects Cuzco with Tiahuanacu, though moderns who explored the tunnels never returned to the surface.  “Cuzco started out as a mining camp and processing area, then became a temple.” [Childress, 2012: 246]cusco tunnel

A flattened area, “hundreds of feet wide and long”–probably an aircraft landing strip marks the promontory’s middle.  From here, aircraft lofted away the nuggets the structures panned. “The narrower edge, elevated above the rest of the promontory, contained circular and rectangular structures under which run passages, tunnels and openings beneath a maze cut into natural rock”–all part of Cuzco’s gold-panning operation.

Three massive walls of massive stones “rise one behind the other, each one higher than the one in front of it to a combined height of sixty feet.” The walls run parallel to each other in a zigzag” and protect this area from the rest of the promontory.  Earth-fills behind each wall created terraces.  The lowest first [Anunnaki-built] wall, built of colossal boulders” weigh ten to twenty tons, many fifteen feet high, fourteen feet long and thick.” One of these boulders in this wall reaches “twenty-seven feet tall and weighs over 300 tons.  As in the city below, faces of these boulders have been artificially dressed to perfect smoothness, beveled at the edges.  The massive blocks lie atop one another, sometimes separated by a thin stone slab.Sacsayhuaman terraces

Everywhere the stones are polygonal, odd sides and angles fitting without mortar into the odd and matching shapes of the adjoining stone blocks.

Larger blocks were Anunnaki; smaller stones, Incan.
Larger blocks were Anunnaki; smaller stones, Incan.


The builders quarried the gigantic stone blocks miles away and moved them “over mountains, valleys, gorges and streams.” Cusco quarry    At the center of the front wall, the Gate of Viracocha made a four-foot opening. “Steps then led to a terrace between the first and second walls from which a passage opened against a transverse wall at a right angle” and led to the second terrace. There two entrances at an angle to each other led to the third wall” and “could be blocked by lowering large, specifically fitted stones into the openings.Cusco-Sights-Puma-Puncu-Sacsayhuaman-Madeleine-Ball

On a nearby plateau, Sitchin noted a cut rock that once held “a mechanical contraption.”

Bed for mechanical tool at Cusco [Lost Realms: 129]
Bed for mechanical tool at Cusco [Lost Realms: 129]


“Walls, conduits, receptacies, channels form a series of water-channeling structures one above the other; rain or spring water could flow from level to level.  A huge hircular area enclosed by megalithic ashlars lies underground at a level permitting the running off of the water from the circular area–a large-scale gold-panning facility. The water was flowed off througth the sluice-chamber and away through the labyrinth.  In the stone vats, what remained was gold.”   

“Facing the cyclopean walls across the wide open flat area, the Chingana (labyrinth), a cliff whose natural features have been artificially enlarged into passages, corridors, chambers, niches, and hollowed-out spaces” featuring “rocks dressed and shaped into horizontal, vertical, and inclined facings, openings, grooves cut in precise angles and geometric shapes, holes drilled down.” gold panning circle, Cuzco

Sitchin shows how it had to be the megalithic builders of Tiahuancu, rather than the very recent Incas, that built Cuzco, long before Inca times.  “One of the Inca mastermasons decided to haul up a stone where the original builders had dropped it.  More than 20,000 Indians, dragging it with great cables.” But the rock rolled down the slope and killed four thousand Indians.” Coricancha The Coricanchais [conflated into the “Temple of the Sun” by the Spanish] an Anunnaki temple of which a semicircular wall survives, Sitchin wrote, honored Adad. 

The Coricancha adjoined auxiliary temples for Nannar, Inanna and other Anunnaki.  Next to an enclosure, the Acilla-Huasi, we see “a secluded enclave where virgins dedicated to the Great God lived.”[Childress, 2012: 209-254; Lost Realms:120 – 131  ]

From South America, Ningishzidda surveyed Yucatan and the Valley of Mexico for gold and then brought his Olmec and Sumerian aides to organize Indians to mine and refine gold, silver and other minerals. [Lost Realms: 237 – 250]

Chavin map

The nation of Chavin appeared suddenly, around 15000BCE or Earlier.”  The main city, Chavin De Huantar–probably a ceremonial center– sits  “at an elevation of 10,000 feet in the Cordillera Blanca range of the northwestern Andes of northern Peru between the coast and the Amazon basin.

Chavin 3Chavin chart2

There in a mountain valley where tributaries of the Maranon River form a triangle, an area of 300,000 square feet was flattened and terraced for complex structures precisely laid out.

chavin map1

Buildings and plazas form precise rectangulars and squares aligned with east-west as the major axis.”  The builders “ingeniously used the two levels of the tributaries to create a flow for panning gold.  The site once held ultramodern machinery. 


The site yielded artifacts with motifs from Ninishzidda’s Mayans as they retreated south –jaguars, condors, entwined fangs–Egyptian motifs–the Eye of Marduk/Ra, serpents, pyramids–Mesopotamian motifs–winged disks, Anunnaki headdresses, and trophy statues of Sumerians in pain– and portraits of black African Olmecs holding mining tools.

Adad at Chavin

Adad at Chavin2

Figure on top's bearded, not Native American. Lower left--an Olmec; Lower right, a "giant" with a weapon or tool. (Lost Realms: 192]
Figure on top’s bearded, not Native American. Lower left–an Olmec; Lower right, a “giant” with a weapon or tool. (Lost Realms: 192]

A nearby site Peruvian site shows Gilgamesh of Uruk, Sumer, in Mesopotamia, wrestling two lions–good evidence of the same people inhabited both places.

Gilgamesh at Chavin

The Sumerian trophy statues show straight-nosed Indo-European men from “Asia Minor, Elam and the Indus Valley, the “giants” with metal tools–perhaps part of two invasions, one by Naymlap who landed  at La Plata Island and Equador. Inca histories say Adad and his Sumerian assistants massacred these newcomers.

 The three main buildings rose from terraces that elevated them and leaned them against forty-foot high outer western wall that ran 500 feet and encompassed the complex on three sides and left the site open to the river on the east side.

The southeast corner building– the site’s largest (240 x 250 feet in area)–rose three stories made of smooth-faced incised masonry stone blocks.  “From a terrace on the east a monumental stone stairway led to a gate up to the main building.” Two cylindrical columns flanked the gate.  “Adjoining vertical stone blocks supported a thirty-foot horizontal lintel made of a single monolith.  A double stairway led to towers atop the building. 

Steps led from the eastern terrace at Chavin De Huantar to a sunken plaza surrounded on three sides by rectangular platrorms. A large flat boulder with seven grind holes and a rectangular niche stood “Outside the southwestern corner of the sunken plaza.”

The three buildings featured corridors and inside maze-like passages, connecting galleries rooms and staircased faced with decorated stone slabs.  The stone slabs that roofed the passages set to support the buildings.

The Tello Obelisk

This monolith in the main building engraved Chavin’s tales of  figures  with “human bodies and faces with feline hands, fangs or with wings” as well as animals, birds, trees, gods emitting rocketlike rays, and geometric designs.”
Tello disk 2Tello a

The Raimondi Monolith  

A seven-foot carved stone on the southwestern edge of the sunken plaza, probably Adad with his thunderbolt and his cult animal, the bull of his grandfather,  Enlil.

El Lanzon

El LanzoneRamondi 3

This stone column, enscribed with Adad’s bull, in the Chavin De Huacar’s middle building sticks through a hole in the floor above it.  [Lost Realms: 184 – 196]


Paracus Bay

 Behold the feet-deep ’Candelabra’ in nearby Bay of Paracas, Peru, symbol of Adad-Viracocha, the Great God of South America.

Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha's trademark, Bay of Paracas, PeruCandelabra, Adad/Viracocha’s trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru

From South America, Ningishzidda surveyed Yucatan and the Valley of Mexico for gold and then brought his Olmec and Sumerian aides to organize Indians to mine and refine gold, silver and other minerals. [Lost Realms: 237 – 250]


Pyramids flattened on top for aircraft landing abound in northern and central China’s (though China’s bosses hide this) rival Egypt’s and Central America’s for age–12,000years ago–and size.
Chinese Pyramids1


MACHO PICHUMachu2Machu5    

MALTA (Part of Sicily when these structures were built.)

Malta Gozo preEgyptian

Malta map

A temple both below a limestone hill and beneath it too, the Hypogeum near Malta’s capital Valletta, dates back to either before Noah’s flood of 11,000 BCE or from before Thera erupted and killed Minoan hegemony in the eastern Mediterranean. One large room in the Hypogeum, The Oracle Room, amplified sound a hundred times. People curled up in small rounded cubicles carved into the walls to listen.  The part of the Hypogeum Malta lets us see holds 30 rooms that passages, stairs and halls link. The builders cemented the walls with concrete of compacted rock dust and water. In the rooms, they smoothed the walls with imported flint instruments. [Coppens, 2012] Before authorities removed them, long-headed skeletons were among the many bones washed in from flood. The structure also contained a statue of a grey. A a Malta Grey Skeleton        



Pyramid Bosnia close up goodBosnian Pyramid beaming energyBosnian Pyramids

Cement for the Bosnian Pyramid
Cement for the Bosnian Pyramid

       Semir Osmanagich describes pre-Deluge Bosnian Pyramids–the biggest 700 feet high, (vs Giza’s 450 feet). Nibirans probably build these structures and the labyrinth beneath them. The Bosnian Pyramids of huge blocks of very fine pour concrete. The Deluge buried the 5 pyramids about 13,000 years ago. Under the Bosnian Pyramid complex, Osmanagish found a labyrinth of tunnels with fresh running water. Pyramid Bosnia, Healing Water system 


        The tunnels lead to chambers that connect the five pyramids. The chambers held ceramic sculptures with runic writing on them. Pyramid Writing in BosnianPyramid Bosnia Runic writing on Bosnian Pyr2Pyramid Bosnia Runic writing on Bosnian Pyr     


 Under the pyramid Osmanagish calls Bosnia’s Pyramid of the Sun, he reports, are mysterious little generators that still run on Tesla technology. The pyramid still sends an ever -growing energy wave up and releases a high frequency sound wave (like that Tellinger reports from the South African structures and lanes). Pyramid as power house4


All who’ve worked inside these tunnels come out euphoric; the vibrations inside release endorphines and pleasurable sensations in them. The vibrations also purify the water that runs through the pyramid complex.


Angkor Wat’s huge city complex centers about a square (5,000 feet by 4,000 feet), walled, moated temple.*  The temple sits atop an ancient Anunnaki landing platform, power station and metallugy plant.  The temple complex features red sandstone paved causeways “lined with stone figures who pull a hooded serpent.”  The moat is 623 feet wide, the walls on each side, a mile long. Within the walls, paved courtyards join three galleries. A large tower caps the highest, center gallery.

Before the world-wide Deluge of 11,000 B.C., Preah Pisnokar, a part-Earthling, part-Anunnaki, built a landing-platform, power station and gold-processing plant at  Cambodia’s Angkor Wat.  He built Angkor with advanced technology from Nibiru, the planet of his mother.  Preah and later kings reduced local sandstone to a slushy concrete.

 They poured the sandstone concrete into molds that formed continuous mile-long walls on four sides of the temple complex.  The walls nestle within a canal that surrounds the temple. 

Preah poured “magical water onto stone, which made the stone into a concrete which hardened in place as blocks in the structures of Angkor.  He probably used technology Dunn proved in Egypt’s Giza Pyramids. Angkor generated power as part of a world-wide grid Anunnaki pyramidal power stations and monoliths that accessed and augmented power for aircraft, communication, lighting and computing. 

Here’s how the Anunnaki, and probably Angkor’s builders, generated power.  From the canal around Angor’s walls, they piped water into a stagnant pool under pyramids.  They pressured the stagnant pools with pumping and/or sonar devices.  This created a powerful vibration moving up the structures.  In sealed chambers above the vibrations from the pools, they exploded hydrogen (from hydrochloric acid they mixed with hydrated zinc).  [Dunn, C., in http://enkispeaks.com/2013/12/20/mars-and-earths-pyramid-parallel-power-stations-statues-spaceports/]


On Easter Island (Rapa Nui), a native informant told Ancient Aliens [Season 3, Disk 2, 44:53] that a god, wearing an Eagle Helmet (helmet of the Nibiran Astronaut Corps [Igigi]) transported the huge statues through the air to their platforms on the hill. Rapa Nui Moi moving thru space Easter Isle Statue moves through space                      


In South America, Ningishzidda and his Uncle Adad directed the construction of Mochica, Chan-Chan, Cuzco, Macho Picchu, Chavin, Ollantaytambu and “the Baalbek of the New World”–a metallurgical, temple, and observatory complex at Tiahuanaco, Peru. Tiahuanaco2Tiahuanaco   



map cancun


After Enlil nuked Sinai and radiated Sumer in 2024 BCE, Ningishzidda and his team–Anunnaki assistants, Black Olmec and bearded Mesopotamians–brought descendants of Ka-in (“Indians” to American Anthropologists) across the Atlantic to Yucatan and then to Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico.  In both Central America’s Yucatan and in the valley of Mexico, the Anunnaki team first built their megalithic pyramidic power stations, then had their Indians built megalithic structures and statues.  In Yucatan, the Maya,  guided by Olmec technicians and Sumerian overseers,  built (at Dzibilchaltun, Palenque, Tikal, Uxmal, Izamal, Mayapan, Chichen Itza, Copan, Tolan and Izapa) huge stepped-stone temples like Sumer’s.  [Lost Realms: 86 – 110] 

The Olmec-Maya culture spread across Central America and into the Valley of Mexico till Ningishzidda* left them in 311 BCE, when he said he’d return December 21, 2012, with other Anunnaki, to wrest control of Earth from its current matrix of war, miscegenation  and debt-slavery. [* Ningishzidda’s also known as Hermes, Thoth, Votan, Quetzlcoatl, Kukuklan, Itzmam, Mercury.] 

Olmec structures appeared suddenly throughout Yucatan, without prior development.  The ceremonial center at Itza aligned with  three-mile markers along a north-south line. Heads were buried around 1 CE as Olmecs retreated south. Pyramids laid out south to north to allow transit-sightings.

Toltecs moved to Itza after they left Tolan, near Mexico City.  Toltec pyramid to the Plumed Serpent reaches 185 feet high; it duplicated the pyramid the Toltecs left at Tula.
Toltec centers in the Yucatan featured ballcourts where opposing teams enacted the astronomical events depicted in the Anunnaki account of Earth’s creation.  Toltecs beheaded the losing captain of the losing team to mimic how Nibiru, the Anunnaki homeplanet, decapitated Tiamat, the Proto-Earth.

The Maya decorated the main ballcourt at Chichen Itza “with scenes of the Sumerian Tree of Life and the standard winged and bearded Anunnaki.”

Maya Ballgame beheads losing teams captain
Mayan Ballgame beheads losing teams captain

Maya cast virgins into sacred well.

Maya, at urging of priestly caste Ningishzidda left to rule them, cast virgins into sacred well. 

 Itzas mined.  They employed cutting tools and lights for their mines. They–perhaps after  Ningishzidda left them–threw maidens as well as mirrors, gold, silver, refined tin and bronze ornaments engraved with bearded Mesopotamians and Anunnaki gods [Itzas were beardless descendants of Ka-in] into the well.

Olmec ponds connected thru subterranean conduits.

Itza statues had glyph writing and calendar starting 3113 BCE. Their engavings showed miners and metalworkers with tunneling and metalworking tools [metal-cutting flame thrower], as well as Anunnaki flight (Winged people).

Archeologists unearthed sixteen buried massive stone Negroid heads the Olmec’s had moved through over sixty miles of jungle and swamp.  The buried heads measured “5 10 feet high, 21 feet in circumfrance and weighed up to 25 tons.  The Olmec, as they retreated south to survive Indian attackers, buried the stone heads.  [Lost Realms: 86 – 110]

“Maya cities were open-ended ceremonial centers surrounded by a population of administrators, artisans and merchants supported by an extensive rural population. “From a base abutting the Gulf of Mexico, the cities of La Venta, Tres Zapotes and San Lorenzo formed the area of Olmec settlement and cut southward toward the Pacific Coast of Mexico and Guatemala. By AD 900 the realm of the Maya extended from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf of Mexico and the Carribean. Mayan civilization spread “southward across Mesoamerica by 800B.C.. Thoth organized the Maya into four domains, 4 parts, each with a capital. Palenque was capital of the West, Calakmul was capital of the North, whose rulers conquered Palenque. Copan was capital of the South and Tikal, the East.

Palenque with plumbing

Palenque with plumbing

 Palenque ruin with written history carved in stone

Palenque ruin with written history carved in stone 






CalakmulFrom Palenque, a focus on the twelve-foot king buried under a pyramid:

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal AAstros Season 4, Disk 1
Capstone on Lord Pacal’s sarcophagus

Palenque Spaceman, Lord Pacal, in spaceship, model made on basis of carvings atop Lord Pical’s sarcophagus [from Ancient Aliens, Season 4, Disk 1, Tsoukalos narration]
MayanDepictionAstronaut&ModernMayan Astronaut demo2Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing breathing tube 2 AAstros Season 4, Disk 1

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing exhaust flames AAstros Season 4, Disk 1
Mayan Astronaut Lord Pacal Closeup showing exhaust flames

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing exhaust flames 2 AAstros Season 4, Disk 1Ancient Aliens illustrates exhaust from Lord Pacal’s rocketMaya Kuklukan1

Tsoukalo's display of probable source of the Mayan, Indian and Chiese saw as a dragon or plumed serpent: Anunnaki rocket. [Ancient Aliens, Season 4, Disk 1]

Kukuklan emerges from rocket

Kukuklan emerges from rocket

Itza and the other Mayan centers featured ballcourts where Celestial Battle acted out by opposing teams.  Losing captain decapitated, enacting, Sitchin suggests, how the Anunnaki homeplanet, Nibiru, decapitated Tiamat, the Proto-Earth.  

Ningishzidda tutored the Maya in both phonetic and character writing; they manufactured ink and paper books. The Maya produced monumental sculptured art, carved jade, hand-held lights, weapons, flamethrowers and tools fitted with mirrors. Thoth taught them the principles of place value and zero which let them, with the advanced astronomy he dictated, so they could know when Nibiru neared Earth and when Nibiran “gods’ came and went.

He showed them how to make calendars that showed Venus circled the sun every 6000 years. Thoth also taught the Mayans the more-than 26,000-year Precession of the Equinoxes on Earth.

He showed them how to make and use telescopes, and had astronomer apprentices raised in the dark to better see the heavens through the telescopes. The accuracy of their predictions over time validates Nibiran presence and influence on Earth. [Tsarion, M., 2012]

Thoth left Earth.  He said he and his father Balam Yokte (Enki) would return on December 21, 2012, and challenge the forces of evil on Earth. Thoth and his accompanying Nibirans “left, presumed to be swallowed by the ruler of the night, the Jaguar; and the image of Thoth was henceforth covered by the jaguar’s mask through which serpents, his symbol, emerge.”

Bolam Yakte (Enki/Ptah)
Bolam Yakte (Enki/Ptah)
 Kuklukan Emerging from Flying Serpent craft
Kuklukan Emerging from Flying Serpent craft







The night (jaguar) eats Kukuklan

The night (jaguar) eats Kukuklan 




Priests encouraged blood sacrifice, ostensibly to bring back the  gods, but then to execute prisoners and control people. Kings and Priests kept blood sacrifice–at first those of rulers, then of enemy rulers, then anyone they needed to control.

Mayan priests ask Kukuklan to have a heart and return
Mayan priests ask Kukuklan to have a heart and return.







Chichen Itza Yucatan south east map very large mex1

Chichen Itza mex2
Chichen Itza, Yucatan

From 1000 to 450 B.C., Chichen Itza, near where Thoth first landed in Yucatan, became “the principle sacred city of Yuctan.

Chichen Itza by 450BC, “the principle sacred city of Yucatan,” boasted a sacred well. The Itzas, migrants from the south, built their ceremonial center–the great central pyramid and the observatory–near where Thoth first came ashore in Yucatan. The Toltecs, who had migrated from central Mexico, gradually populated Tiotihuacan, then migrated south to Chichen Itza, to be near the place Thoth came ashore and would return.

At Chichen Itza, the Toltecs reproduced sculpture of the Sumerian stories of the Celestial Battle including the astronomical events that killed Tiamat, the proto-Earth and resurrected Tiamat as Earth. The art shows the exact position of the Earth from the outside to the inside of the inner solar system. They built a 9-stage pyramid dedicated to Thoth, decorated with carvings of him. The decorations incorporated in its structure calendrical aspects and duplicates the pyramid in Tula, capital of the Toltecs from Teotihuacan.

Toltecs, in the sacred well at Chichen Itza, threw 40 virgin girls as sacrifices, as well as gold, silver and copper ornaments made from metals refined from ores Mesoamerica lacked. Art on the ornaments showed bearded Sumerian types, as well as Sky Gods [Nibirans].

The Olmecs gradually retreated south as Indians moving down from the North attacked them.  Olmecs first fled their older metropolitan center near the Gulf, circa 300 BCE.  They gave up their  more southern centers last. The Indians killed both negroid Olmecs and the Bearded Ones,” from the Eastern Mediterranean.” 



In Mexico, Ningishzidda, Sumerian overseers, Olmec foremen and Indian laborers built two unadorned pyramids at Teotihuacan.

In Mexico, Anunnaki and their assistants started Teotihuacan ca 4000 BCE and the Aztec's Tenochtitlan aftter 1,400 CE
In Mexico, Anunnaki and their assistants started Teotihuacan ca 4000 BCE and the Aztec’s Tenochtitlan aftter 1,400 CE

Teotihuacan’s thirty miles north of Mexico City.



Temple of the Sun, Teotihuacan

Temple of the Sun, Teotihuacan

Stone markers, two miles out, lined up with The Temple of the Sun on its east-west axis; its other axis is north-west at the time it was built on the model of the Giza Pyramids.  Teotihuacan’s Sun Pyramid’s 745 feet per side on its base.  The Anunnaki built the Sun Pyramid of “mud bricks, adobe,pebbles and gravel held together by a sheath of crude stones and stucco with and aggregate mass of 10,000,000 feet.” The Sun Pyramid rises250 feet. [Lost Realms: 49]

 Ningishzidda brought the Maya then the Toltecs to Teotihuacan.  In in 987 CE, the Toltecs  moved to the Yucatan Peninsula.

Tenochtitlan–City of Enoch

 Aztecs (Chichimecs) built their capital Tenotichlan on an island in Lake Texcoco.  Tenochtitlan featured a Great Temple, 150 high, with a 150 x 150 foot base.

Tieotihuacan, Aztec Capital
Teotihuacan, Aztec Capital



On Mars, Nibirans manned a spaceport and lasered a monument to Alalu, one of their kings, who was exiled to Mars and died there.  Nibiran Chief Medical Officer, Princess Ninmah, on orders from King Anu of Nibiru, had Pilot Anzu create the statue and left 20 men with him to construct Marsbase for transhipment of gold from Earth to Nibiru . Cyndonia37jpgMarsbase3        


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Anunnaki Who’s Who

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