By Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
From “ANUNNAKI: LEGACY OF THE GODS**–Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work For Them” by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin
Around 200,000 BCE, one of the periodic approaches of the planet Nibiru to the inner solar system upset Earth’s climate and ruined the new crops. The hybrid Earthlings that Enki (Chief Scientist for the gold mining expedition to Earth) had adapted from the Nibiran genome (he added a few Homo Erectus genes) foraged afar in Mesoamerica but made less food.
Enlil, Expedition Commander, prodded Enki to make Earthlings smart enough to farm and herd better. Enki decided to raise Earthling intelligence and, at the same time, enjoy himself. [12th Planet: 5 – 6]
In his African reserve, “Enki in the marshlands looked about. With him was Ismud, his visier, who secrets kept. “On the river’s bank, frolicking Earthlings he noticed; two females among them were wild with beauty, firm were their breasts. Their sight the phallus of Enki caused to water, a burning desire he had.
“A young one to him Enki called, a tree fruit she offered him. Enki bent down, the young one he embraced, on her lips he kissed her. Sweet were her lips, firm with ripeness were her breasts. Into her womb she took the holy semen, by the semen of the Enki she was impregnated.” Enki then coupled with the second young Earthling. [Enki: 167-168]
One of the girls bore a boy, ADAPA; the other, a girl–TITI. Enki kept his fatherhood secret.
Adapa and Titi mated and she bore the twins, Ka-in and Abael.
Enki’s wife, Damkina, “to Titi took a liking; all manner of crafts was she teaching.
“To Adapa, Enki teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing.” Enki boasted, “A Civilized man I have brought forth. A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness. From seed they from food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd. Anunnaki and Earthlings henceforth shall be satiated.” [Encounters: 47; Enki,:168-170]
Enki schooled his (albeit clandestine) son Adapa. He had Adapa then teach his descendants–the enhanced Earthlings–to run farms, herds, estates and how to run less enhanced Earthlings. Enki brought more Earthlings from Africa to Sumer for Adapa to train for the Expedition bosses’ homes and facilities.
Adapa trained and oversaw the workers Anunnaki brought from Africa to work the bases in Iraq. He watched over bakers, water system workers and fishermen and made sure they supplied the Anunnaki and fed themselves Adapa kept the stats—he was in charge of offerings to Enki.
Enki told Adapa that royals on Nibiru ate “The Bread of Life” and drank ‘The Water of Life” to live hundreds of thousands of years. Without those substances, Enki told Adapa, he’d die in a thousand years. Adapa, of course, begged Enki for the Bread and Water of everlasting life. But Enki said only King Anu, back on Nibiru, could decide whether to give him the substances.
Enlil messaged Anu on Nibiru about Adapa. Enlil said his spies saw Adapa pilot a plane north in the Persia Gulf against prevailing wind. Curious how one of the adapted workers could master an aircraft, Anu ordered Adapa brought to him. The King let Enki’s sons Ningishzidda and Dumuzi–but not Marduk, his potential rival for rule on Nibiru–rocket with Adapa to Nibiru. [Encounters: 51-55]
On Nibiru, Anu Nixed Adapa Immortality
The King sent Ilabrat, his Vizier, to Earth for Adapa. Enki gave Ilabrat Adapa. Enki sent his two unmarried Earth-born sons, Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, with Adapa to meet grandfather, Anu, and maybe find Nibiran wives.
On Nibiru, Ningishzidda slipped the King a sealed tablet from Enki. Enki, on the tablet, said he wanted Adapa to breed more enhanced Earthlings. Enki confessed he enhanced Adapa and Titi; he’d impregnated adapted Earthlings descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat. Ningishzidda already knew, from Adapa’s DNA, that Enki begat Adapa and Titi.
The tablet asked Anu to deny Adapa food or elixir “the Bread of Life” (probably monoatomic gold, the “Manna from the Heavens”) and the “Water of Life” that would lengthen the lives of Adapa and his descendants.
The Earthlings descended from both Adam (Adamite hybids) and Adapa (Adapites), Anu knew, descended from him as well. Enki and Ningishzidda–Anu’s son and son’s son–via their seed, passed Anu’s genes to the Earthlings, mixed with their DNA with Homo Erectus’ and created an illegal civilized species. Enki wanted Anu to deny Earthlings the seeming eternal, lifespan Anunnaki had, so the illegal species would stay long- quarantined on Earth.
Ningishzidda Took Adapa & Seeds To Earth
Anu gave Ningishzidda grain seeds and told him to take them and Adapa back to Earth. “Adapa teach; with Enki, teachers of Civilized Man be,” said the King.
Kai-In Killed Abael
Ningishzidda flew to Earth with Adapa and grain seeds. Ningishzidda would teach Abael animal care so he could help Dumuzi when he too returned to Earth. When Dumuzi returned, however, Marduk pre-empted Abael and the animal project for the Enkiites.
Enlil had Ninurta tutor Ka-in to raise grain Ningishzidda brought. Enlilites, not Enkiites, would run Earth’s farming. Ninurta taught Kai-in, Marduk taught Abael.
At the “Celebration for Firsts,” Ka-in offered first grain, Abael showed Enlil and Enki their first lambs. Enki lauded Abael’s lambs for mat and wool but said nothing of Ka-in’s grain.
“By the lack of Enki’s blessing greatly was Ka-in aggrieved.”
The twins quarreled an entire winter. They argued whether Ka-in’s grains and fish-filled water canals or Abael’s meat and wool gave most.
In summer, when Abael=s meadows dried and his pastures shrunk, he drove his flocks Afrom the furrows and canals to drink. By this Ka-in was angered.”
The twins fought with fists till Ka-in bludgeoned Abael with a stone, then sat and sobbed. [Enki: 183-184]
Enki took Ka-in to Eridu, where the senior royals (The Seven Who Judge) met decide Kai-in=s fate. The Enlilites in the meeting–Enlil, Ninki, Ninurta, Nannar and Marduk wanted Ka-in killed.
Marduk, at first agreed Ka-in should die for killing Abael, the Expedition’s animal breeder-designate. But Enki, Marduk=s father, said he begat Ka-in’s father Adapa. Marduk then accepted Ka-in as his own grandnephew.
“Ka-in must live,” said Enki, “to breed superior Earthlings to work field, pasture and mines. If Ka-in too shall be extinguished, satiation [of food supplies]to an end would come, mutinies will be repeated.”
Ningishzidda Made Ka-In’s DNA Beardless
The Seven ruled, “Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart. Ka-in and his generations shall distinguished be.”
“By Ningishzidda was the life essence [genotype] of Ka-in altered: his face a beard could not grow.” The beardless Indians of the Western Hemisphere descended from Ka-in. [Genesis: 201]
Ka-in’s line grew and spread
“With his sister Awan as spouse, Ka-in from the Edin departed.” They wandered in the wilderness to the east. [Enki: 186 – 187; 1990, Genesis: 201]
Kai-in wandered until Adapa, his father lay dying. Ninurta searched for, found and (in his plane), took Ka-in back to Adapa in Ed-in. “The eyesight of Adapa having failed, for recognition of his sons’ faces he touched. The face of Ka-in was beardless.”
Adapa told Ka-in, “For your sin of your birthright you are deprived, but of your seed seven nations will come. In a realm set apart [the Western HemisphereBie, they’re one group of the AIndigenous Amerinds] they shall thrive, distant lands they shall inhabit. But having your brother with a stone killed, by a stone will be your end.”
Ninurta returned Ka-in to the wilds east of Edin. There Ka-in “begat sons and daughters.” Ninurta, “for them a city built, and as he was building, by a falling stone was Ka-in killed.” Ninurta may have killed Ka-in. [Wars: 112]
Ka-in’s survivors planted grain. They founded and ruled the city of Nud [also called Dun, Dunnu and Nu.dun]. Ka-in’s successors for the next four generations murdered their fathers. For the next three generations after that, each ruler of Nud killed his parents, married his sister, then ruled.
Ka-in’s son’s son’s son Enoch succeeded Ka-in four generations later. Enoch married his sisters Adah and Zillah. Adah’s first son, Jabal (and the sub-lineage Jabal begat), lived in tents and herded cattle. Adad’s second son, Jubal, begat lyre and flute players. Enoch’s other wife, Zillah, bore Tubal-Cain, a smith, “artificer of gold, copper and iron.”
Adapa &Titi’s Other Kids &Their Kids Spread
In addition to Abael and Ka-in, Titi bore thirty sons and daughters to her brother Adapa. Nibirans divvied them up and taught them to write, do math, dig wells, prepare oils, play harp and flute.
Nannar made Adapa’s descendants priests. The priests led rituals for the Earthlings and taught them to support, obey and worship Nannar and the other Anunnaki as gods.
Enki taught astronomy to one of his own descendants, a hybrid Anunnaki-Adapite named Enkime. Marduk rocketed Enkime to the Moon and Marsbase, then to the Spaceport at Sippar to oversee the Earthlings there for Utu.
When Enki divvied Africa among his sons, he gave Marduk Egypt and let Nergal rule southern Africa. Enki kept Gibil (whom he’d taught metalworking) in northeastern Africa’s mining region. Enki awarded and the Great Lakes and headwaters of the Nile to Ninagal. Enki gave the grazing region, further north (Sudan) to his youngest son, Dumuzi. [Wars: 126 -127]
Enlil had Ninurta tutor Ka-in to raise grain Ningishzidda brought. Enlilites, not Enkiites, would run Earth’s farming. Ninurta taught Kai-in, Marduk taught Abael.
At the “Celebration for Firsts,” Ka-in offered first grain, Abael showed Enlil and Enki their first lambs. Enki lauded Abael’s lambs for mat and wool but said nothing of Ka-in’s grain.
“By the lack of Enki’s blessing greatly was Ka-in aggrieved.”
The twins quarreled an entire winter. They argued whether Ka-in’s grains and fish-filled water canals or Abael’s meat and wool gave most.
In summer, when Abael’s meadows dried and his pastures shrunk, he drove his flocks “from the furrows and canals to drink. By this Ka-in was angered.”
The twins fought with fists till Ka-in bludgeoned Abael with a stone, then sat and sobbed. [Enki: 183-184]
Enki took Ka-in to Eridu, where the senior royals (“The Seven Who Judge) met decide Kai-in’s fate. The Enlilites in the meeting–Enlil, Ninki, Ninurta, Nannar.
Marduk, at first agreed Ka-in should die for killing Abael, the Expedition’s animal breeder-designate. But Enki, Marduk’s father, said he begat Ka-in’s father Adapa. Marduk then accepted Ka-in as his own grandnephew.
“Ka-in must live,” said Enki, “to breed superior Earthlings to work field, pasture and mines. If Ka-in too shall be extinguished, satiation [of food supplies] to an end would come, mutinies will be repeated.”
The Seven ruled, “Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart. Ka-in and his generations shall distinguished be.’
“By Ningishzidda was the life essence[genotype]of Ka-in altered: his face a beard could not grow.” The beardless Indians of the Western Hemisphere (we’ll see) descended from Ka-in. [Genesis: 201]
“With his sister Awan as spouse, Ka-in from the Edin departed.” They wandered in the wilderness to the east. [Enki: 186 – 187; 1990, Genesis: 201]
Kai-in wandered until Adapa, his father lay dying. Ninurta searched for, found and (in his plane), took Ka-in back to Adapa in Ed-in. “The eyesight of Adapa having failed, for recognition of his sons’ faces he touched. The face of Ka-in was beardless.”
Adapa told Ka-in, “For your sin of your birthright you are deprived, but of your seed seven nations will come. In a realm set apart [the Western Hemisphere–ie, they’re one group of the “Indigenous Amerinds] they shall thrive, distant lands they shall inhabit. But having your brother with a stone killed, by a stone will be your end.”
Ninurta returned Ka-in to the wilds east of Edin. There Ka-in “begat sons and daughters.” Ninurta, “for them a city built, and as he was building, by a falling stone was Ka-in killed.” Ninurta may have killed Ka-in. [Wars: 112]
Ka-in’s survivors planted grain. They founded and ruled the city of Nud [also called Dun, Dunnu and Nu.dun]. Ka-in’s successors for the next four generations murdered their fathers. For the next three generations after that, each ruler of Nud killed his parents, married his sister, then ruled.
Ka-in’s son’s son’s son, Enoch, succeeded Ka-in four generations later. Enoch married his sisters, Adah and Zillah. Adah’s first son, Jabal (and the sub-lineage Jabal begat), lived in tents and herded cattle. Adad’s second son, Jubal, begat lyre and flute players. Enoch’s other wife, Zillah, bore Tubal-Cain, a smith, “artificer of gold, copper and iron.”
After she bore Abael and Ka-in, Titi bore thirty sons and daughters to her brother Adapa. Among themselves, the Anunnaki distributed these kids and taught them to write, do math and astronomy; they taught them to cultivate crops, husband animals, dig wells. They taught these “Adapite” kids to make oils, euphoric intoxicants (“elixir from the Ibu fruits”—probably grapes) and beer from barley. The Adapites learned to build furnaces and kilns, smelt and refine bitumens, play harp and flute.
Nannar made some of Adapa’s descendants priests. The priests led rituals for the Earthlings and taught them to support, obey and worship Nannar and the other Anunnaki as gods.
Enki taught advanced astronomy to one of his own descendants, a hybrid Anunnaki-Adapite named Enkime. Marduk rocketed Enkime to the Moon and Marsbase, then to the Spaceport at Sippar to oversee the Earthlings there for Utu.
Enki’s account of Adapa’s journey and stay on Nibiru echoes Enoch’s account of his journey to Tel Idris in Turkey. But there are critical differences between Enoch’s and Enki’s versions of the same events. The differences reflect rationalizations Enki later gave for humans’ shortened lifespans.
Silva writes, “Four miles south of Harran [Turkey] [Edin] on the summit of Mount Ardis where the assembly of the Lords of Anu held a council,” including Enlil (Yahweh). After the Lords of Anu [Nibiru’s King] settled Ardis, several hundred teacher-craftsmen named Watchers [Igigi], in the days of Jared, father of Enoch, hundreds of years before Noah’s flood, descended and assisted” the job of civilizing Earthlings. “The Watchers are White physical people capable of living hundreds of years, who are enlightened and performing supervisory roles.”
The “Book of Enoch” allows an alternate explanation for Sitchin’s account of Anu denying Adapa longevity. Sitchin’s translations relate that Anu denied Adapa immortality on Nibiru at Enki’s request that Anu return Adapa from Nibiru to Enki (Adapa’s father) to Earth to help him run Earthlings for the Anunnaki.
Silva, however, shows that Adapa/Enoch was probably himself a Watcher. Silva’s evidence: in Enoch’s books, the Watchers glowed from Myrrh as did Noah–Enoch’s descendant.
In the First Haven, the Watcher Mika-el took Enoch’s clothes and dressed him as an Anunnaki and anointed him with the Watchers’ oil. The anointing made Enoch and his descendants glow. The glow validated Enoch’s status as a fellow Anunnaki. The oil smelled like myrrh and made the Watchers and then Enoch a luminous look quality; that’s why they’re called “Elohim,” which means “Shining Ones.” That’s why Silva sees Adapa/Enoch, ancestor of Noah, as an Anunnaki Watcher.
In Enoch’s books, most of the Watchers were not given life-extention; Enoch/Adapa was one of these. In Enoch’s book, “Books of Adam and Eve,” he relates that Watchers like Enoch “lived for hundreds of years, fed by the fruit of a forgotten tree. But the more associated with the physical world, the denser they became. Consequently their lifespan shortened to resemble that which humans consider normal. However, the Watcher Uri-el could extend their lifespan; those whose lifespan he extended included Enoch’s descendant Noah.
Watchers, some of whom had elongated heads, were commissioned to “instruct the children of men to do judgment and uprightness upon the earth. They possessed knowledge of the mechanics of nature and how to manipulate it.”
Enoch was, in the account of the Hebrew Bible-writers, conflated with Enmed-urrana, King of Sippar [Iraq].
The Watchers, Enoch wrote, regularly took him “to the compound of Anu aboard a flying device that airlifts him to the summit. Enoch wrote that the flying machine “lifted me up. I could see sky all around and still higher, I seemed to be in space. We landed on the First Haven and there they showed me a great sea, bigger than the inland [Caspian?] sea where I lived.” The Watcher Mika-el took Enoch to “the grand assembly of 49 lords (seven groups of seven sages) overseen by King Anu.
“The four central watchers of the assembly are Mika-el, the kind and patient one; Ra-pha-el, responsible for treating illnesses and wounds. Uri-el was responsible for dealing with those selected to receive an extension of their normal life-span.”
The Watcher Gabi-el “was responsible for a special garden [the Garden of Eden] from which fruit trees were grafted to seed places in the lowlands where humans and People of the Serpent [Enki/Lucifer] would learn to grow their own crops.
The Lords of Anu gave Enoch “advanced notice of an impending global deluge.” The Lords told him “how his great-grandson Noah would be further instructed on what to do because the events would occur in Noah’s lifetime, not Enoch’s.” The Lords of Anu, 200 years before the Deluge, also told the ancient Egyptians to build “pyramids and other safe houses to protect knowledge to be recovered afterward by the Shining Ones [The Anunnaki Flood Recovery Educators].
When Eve is talking to a serpent about eating the fruit from the [probably DMT-laden] Tree of Knowledge, she is actually talking with Gadre-el, a Serpent person, one of the watchers living at Gar-sag.”
Enoch describes how the Watchers/Anunnaki were split into groups of seven and given jurisdiction over an assigned Earthly precinct, to attend the raising of humans from their primitive state. [Silva, Missing Lands: 236-246]
When we in our history, folklore and literature consider the appearance, perpetuation or re-appearance of gods, archetypes or walk-ins as inner fractals or independent beings, we think of them with the garb and elaborations we associate with them. However our pictures of the gods vary, they represent models, paradigms, and explanations of how people, planets, extraterrestrials, and the Universe work.
Sometimes the same Anunnaki had varying names as he or she ages, as when Ea of the planet Nibiru became Enki and Asar in Iraq. He becomes Ptah in Egypt; He’s the Peacemaker in North America. In India, he’s Shiva Greece’s Prometheus, Rome’s Aquarius in Rome, Europe’s Lucifer. For researcher Glenn Bouge, Enki is Jesus. For Jungians, Enki’s a savior archetype. Adapa, as Silva points out, was probably Enoch, Enduranki, and Enkime. Whatever the moniker, Enki and the other Anunnaki were PEOPLE, not all-knowing, all-good, all powerful; none of them are what the Anunnaki call “the Creator-of-All,” Native Americans call “Great Spirit.”
We are learning of the elephant of history from the many perceptual perspectives of Earth’s cultures. Celebrate the richness of our many heritages.
For the list of Anunnaki and their various overlapping names and histories, see ANUNNAKI WHO’S WHO at** ANUNNAKI, LEGACY OF THE GODS
Giant Anunnaki geneticists from the planet Nibiru blessed, cursed and challenged us when, 300,000 years ago, they parented us with their DNA and that of Homo erectus. Then they trained us and modeled the paradigm that dominates the minds of the masses. Recently, the Anunnaki proclaim their new deal: “harmony and understanding, sympathy abounding, no more falsehoods or derisions…”, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
The Nibiran genome and that of Homo erectus comprise the first blessing or perk the Anunnaki gave us. They adapted their genome to Earth with a blend of genes from Homo erectus, copper, and minerals from the clay of Zimbabwe to create us, to give us our very existence.
Lyrans, Dracos, Pleiadians, Martians, Venusians, Agarthans Greys & other extraterrestrials and interdimensionals had already altered Homo erectus before the Anunnaki added their genome to Erectus’.
We benefitted from technology-perks they taught us directly. The perks they gave us included computers, rockets, submarines, free electricity, longevity treatment, gene spicing, revival of the dead, bases on Luna and Mars and much more that we saw them use and eventually imitated.
They blessed us with physics, legal codes, mathematics, cosmology, astronomy, biology, gene spicing, metallurgy, brick-making, music, medicine, instruments, literacy, architecture, geology, cities, schools, canal and watering systems, ships, cartography and contracts.
The Anunnaki gave additional perks to selected savants to share with us when we were ready for them.
Our creators gave us short lifespans, imprinted status obsession and greed as our guiding principles. They inflicted royals, religions, racism, sexism, slavery, taxes, gold lust, debt, murder, war, propaganda and forced ignorance upon us. Now, they give us promises and pledges.
They promise to help us dawn the mini-Satya Yuga/Aquarian Age that celebrates both individuality and unity
This info frees us from the god-spell, the nation-spell and the materialist-spell, the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model ETs from planet Nibiru imposed on us. Our true history frees us to create our own future, activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.
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The godz have been fucking w people, themselves and eachother for tens of thousands of years, and now again, being so smart, we’ve managed to create another series of man-made ELE’s from Cher-N0-byl to Fuk-U-$h!ma to WIPP and duh Tennesee Valley River damn sinkhole, ‘geo-engineering’, HAARP and GMO-food substances, pandemics/vaccinaZ!0n programs and other ‘advances’ of science-gone stark raving mad by criminally insane sociopaths… Should we be CON-“CERN”-ed?Or should we just keep our heads down to our ‘smart-devices’ and stick our heads in the hot sands, while our asses get fried by UV A, B and C + 2,300+ radioactive isotopes from Fuk-U-She-ma, circling the N Hemisphere and Oceans 24/7/