Articles Evidence Media Nibiru Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. Videos


Andy Lloyd youtubes, Sasha Lessin article, Robert H. Evans, Jr. photos and commentary

by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

  Our Solar System grew from a gas cloud that circled its own center counterclockwise, cooled, and formed both our sun and a dimmer pair-star, a SUBBROWN DWARF–NEMESIS (probably WISE J104915.57-531906.1B ). Both the sun and Nemesis developed planets that circled them. TIAMAT, the very watery planet that would become Earth orbited the sun between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.

The planet NIBIRU revolves around Nemesis, a dark subdwarf star more massive than Jupiter. Nemesis nears our Sun, at the KUIPER BELT, 48 Astronomical Units from Earth, every 10,800 Earth years. Nibiru circles Nemesis but did not orbit our sun. Instead, every 3,600 years Nibiru passed though our inner solar system between Jupiter and Mars. One of Nibiru’s years (the time Nibiru took to circle Nemesis) was thus 3,600 Earth years–long enough for 180 generations of Homo Sapiens Earthlings to live and die. [Lloyd, Dark Star: 176 -181, 225 – 228].  Since then, Nibiru’s revolution’s speeded to 3, 450 Earth years.
1 aaaaAAaaaAAaAaaa Nemisis & Nibiru

Freer, in Sapiens Rising, says sinking of lemuria [connected polynesian isles), Atlantis, tectonic plate shifts, extreme volcano eruptions, solar flares, etc. were all from flood of 13,000 years ago (11,000bc). Lloyd, in Dark Star, cites a sequence of extinction events even earlier, that would account for surviving humans like Homo Erectus and surviving Hominids, such as Bigfoot, Yeti, Agowe, and Alma (modern Neanderthals, according to Pye).

The ancient Enuma Elish describes how, four and a half billion years ago, our sun created Tiamat, then Mercury. The sun then, says the Enuma, sent Mercury with water and gold to Tiamat. Planet-pairs formed: Venus with Mars, Jupiter with Saturn, Uranus with Neptune. These planets orbited the Sun counterclockwise, as did Tiamat. “There was no planet between Venus and Jupiter, where the Earth now resides and Pluto was a moon of Saturn.”

Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu started to partner with Tiamat. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, not Tiamat.

But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could orbit the Sun, either Nibiru invaded the Sun’ inner planetary system. Nibiru changed the planets’ orbits. When it approached Tiamat, “Tiamat and Nibiru sprouted moons. [Lloyd, Dark Star: 41, 122 -124]

Evil Wind (a moon of Nibiru) hit Tiamat. Another orbit, Nibiru hit Tiamat and scattered rocks—the Asteroids–and ice–comets–from Tiamat into orbit between Jupiter and Mars.  When Nibiru hit Tiamat it gouged a deep gap in Tiamat and knocked a big chunk of Tiamat into orbit between Mars and Venus.  The chunk–now Earth– orbited the Sun.  Evil Wind and Nibiru broke Earth’s crust into slabs. The gap in our chunk of Tiamat became our Pacific Gap.

Earth’s crust formed 4 billion years ago on continents, but formed 200 million years ago under the Pacific.  The crust, 12 -45 miles deep on land, lies but 3.5 – 5 miles under the Pacific Ocean.  When Evil Wind and Nibiru hit Tiamat, no crust remained in the Pacific Gap, only a gaping hole.  After collisions, silt ran into the gap from the land and volcanoes spewed lava into it; they created the thinner crust under the Pacific.

Earth then “attained the shape of a globe dictated by forces of gravity.  Waters gathered into the cavity on the torn-off side. Dry land appeared on Earth’s other side.  Breakup of the Earth’s crust, plate tectonics, differences between continental and oceanic crusts, emergence of a Pangaea [a single continent] from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean” led our scientists to confirm the Nibiran model of Earth formed after Evil Wind then Nibiru hit Tiamat. [Genesis:96-105]

Nibiru attained a clockwise 3,600-year orbit around Nemesis and back through the Solaris System between Mars’ and Jupiter’s orbits.  Nibiru went through regions of great cold when distant from both Nemesis and Solaris. Nibiru’s volcanoes kept spewing ash into its atmosphere, so that in the cold parts of its orbit, ash kept the planet’s inner heat within its atmosphere.  As it neared Solaris, ash also shielded Nibiru from Solaris’ heat and radiation.

Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise 3,600-year orbit. But in 10,900 B.C., Uranus drifted away from the Sun and sped Nibiru toward Earth sooner than 3,600 years. As Nibiru flew by, Uranus caught Miranda, a moon of Nibiru. Miranda, now a moon of Uranus, circled it instead of Nibiru. From 10,000 B.C. on Uranus slowed Nibiru’s orbit to 3450 Earth years rather than 3600. Nibiru returned to perigee in 7450, 4000, and 556 B.C. and next returns to the inner solar system in 2900A.D. rather than 2012 as it would on its earlier 3600-year orbit (though the debris 180 degrees from Nibiru on Nibiru’s orbital path, its far LAGRANGE POINT moving in harmonic procession always opposite Nibiru, is upon us now). Nibirans can communicate with and even travel to Earth both before and after Nibiru’s perigee. The Infrared Imaging Satellite and the Naval Observatory confirmed Nibiru’s existence 1983 -1984. “NASA attempted to hush-up” Nibiru’s discovery in an published then denied the IRAS sighting. [Freer: Sapiens Rising. Part 1; Lloyd: Dark Star: 75; ZS, End: 315 – 317]

Lloyd, in Dark Star, wrote: “Paleontologists recorded four distinct extinction episodes durnign the Permian 10 Million year period. An extraterrestrial cause is necessary for the sustained changes affecting Earth during the Permian; an isolated asteroid impact is insufficient.” Lloyd goes on “This pattern of extinction and environmental change is explained by the perturbation of the Dark Star [Nemisis] into a temporarily bound orbit.” Nemesis “migrated close to the planetary zone at the beginning of the Permian and became captured in a new, much tighter orbit” that caused the extinctions. “Earth’s lurch into new orbits overturned oceans, coalesced continents and formed ice caps. At the end of the Permian Nemesis’ “temporary unstable orbit degraded, expelling Nemesis back toware the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. Earth moved back to an orbit closer to the sun, warming the world.”

“For tens of millions of years Nibiru returned to the inner solar system, bringing repeated catastrophic effects to the inner planets. Earth was pummeled by thousands of asteroids. Then Nemisis, the Dark Star, underwent massive orbital expansion, eventually locating safely beyond the Oot cloud. 

by Robert H. Evans Jr.


Above: Anunnaki spacecraft with landing gear down, as depicted all over the ancient world

Below’s a photo of huge triangular-shaped spacecraft Evans got from unaltered film of from solar observatory in Soho, California.  The craft fired a beam, near the Sun.  The Soho camera actually caught the craft’s beam deflecting incoming debris from Nibiru, its 180 degree lagrange point, or other objects which, were it not for the craft’s shot, have disrupted the inner solar system.  Looks like someone or something up there likes us.

2011 09 09 0048 Anunnaki Firing weapons

Nemesis & Nibiru a1


















Nemesis & Nibiru b1


The Andy Lloyd youtubes


References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence
More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

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