Zecharia Sitchin

Sumerian Clay Tablets & Statuary: Here’s Revealing Ones I Found; Send Yours to sashalessinphd@aol.com & I’ll Add Them

Nibiru, Pleiades, Earth's Moon, Solaris, Taurus, Alderbaran, Pliedies
Nibiru, Pleiades, Earth’s Moon, Solaris, Taurus, Alderbaran, Pliedies [vlad9vt]
Click on images and they’ll enlarge enough to read text embedded by the researcher who posted them whose posting I reproduce.

Enki, Enlil, Ninmah, Anu

(above) Adapa, Enki’s son with Adamite girl. Adapa born around 200,000 years ago in S. Africa. On tablet, his journey to Nibiru, where Anu, as per Enki’s instruction, denies Adapa Nibiran Longeivity.

Ninmah, Ningishzidda, Creation of Lulu Adam [vNinmah, Ningishzidda, Creation of  us Adapted Nibirans with a bit of Erectus–the Lulu [vlad9vt]


Enlil [vlad9vt]


Enki told Ninmah, after she fought-off Enlil's rape attempt, "Come with me  to Africa and get over Enlil.  He's getting what he deserves."
Enki told Ninmah, after she fought-off Enlil’s rape attempt, “Come with me to Africa and get over Enlil. 

Cuneiform Enki with Lulu and solar system in background
Cuneiform Enki with Lulu and solar system in background [vlad9vt]
Ninghzidda [vlad9vt]
Ninghzidda [vlad9vt]

Marduk/Ra, Sons Seth and Osiris, Grandson Horus

Marduk/Ra, Sons Seth and Osiris, Grandson Horus


Adapa on Nibiru
Journey between Nibiru and Earth
Sud, now recognized as Enlil's wife,  holds baby Nannar whom Enlil begat  when he raped her.
Sud, now recognized as “Ninlil,” Commander Enlil’s wife, holds baby Nannar whom Enlil begat when he raped her.


Source of some of the stills above

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