From ANUNNAKI, FALSE GODS * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Media)
The Anunnaki are people from the planet Nibiru or their direct descendants on Earth. One of the Anunnaki, the genius, Quetzlcoatl-Kukuklan, known in the old world as Ningishzidda, Thoth, Hermes and Mercury, and his uncles Ninurta and Adad (Viracocha), put “Indians” to work on a spaceport at Tiuhuanacu, atop the Peruvian Andes. At Tiahuanaku, the princes moved huge stones with sound devices, the Indians did the rest.
Ningishzidda-Thoth, though Earthborn, is an Anunnaki (a person whose ancestors came from planet Nibiru to Earth), son of Lucifer (Enki–Lord of Earth). Thoth organized gold and copper mining operations and structured Mayan Civilization from Mexico to Peru. In 3113 BCE Thoth brought Black West African Administrators, bearded White Semitic Advisors and beardless Brown South American “Indians” from the Andean realm of his cousin Viracocha (known in Sumer as “Adad”) to Teotihuacan in Central Mexico. Thoth’s team mined the gold and refined the copper into tin for Anunnaki to use in their Middle Eastern cities. They shipped the gold to Viracocha’s spaceport at Tiahuanacu atop the Andes; Viracocha rocketed it from Nazca to the Anunnaki transshipment base on Mars. From Mars, Astronauts rocketed the gold to Nibibu. Nibirans refined the gold into white powder of monoatomic gold and floated it up to the atmospheric to shield Nibiru.
“Indians” is a misnomer. The so-called Indians that worked for Thoth and his uncles came, Sitchin showed, from from among Cain’s descendant who migrated from Iraq into Canaan (Palestine). These Canaanites conflated into a mixed-up stereotype that anthropologists (locked in dogma of “Indians” who came from Asia via Alaska) called Indians.
“The Olmec tongue belongs to the Mande languages from West Africa, between the Niger and Congo Rivers. From that part of Africa Thoth brought over his followers expert in mining, for it is there that gold and tin, and copper to alloy bronze with, have been abundant, cast in the Lost Wax process.” [Lost Realms: 272-273]
In 3840 BCE, Anu, King of the planet Nibiru, inspected the facilities his sons and grandsons (the Anunnaki) created on Earth. At the Tiahuanacu Spaceport atop Peru’s Andes, Anu summonsed Marduk (once-Pretender to the Anu’s Throne) from exile in North America.
Anu pardoned Marduk for causing Prince Dumuzi (Marduk’s half-brother) to die. Dumuzi drowned as he fled enforcers his brother Marduk (Satan) sent to arrest him for a rape set-up with their sister. Anu had fired Marduk as Egypt’s boss and exiled him to North America. Anu and Enlil installed Marduk’s half-brother Thoth as the top god of Egypt.
Pardoned, Marduk moved to Bab-il, a section of his dad’s estate at Basara (Iraq). At Bab-il Marduk built a launch tower. Earth Commander Enlil (Yahweh) bombed the tower.
Marduk gathered an army, returned to Egypt and priests who had remained loyal to him, and challenged Thoth’s armies for Egypt. After 300 years of fighting, their father Enki (AKA Ptah, Lucifer) took Thoth from Egypt. They went to work on Stonehenge in Britain, New Grange in Ireland, Tiahuanacu in Peru, then to central Mexico, at Teotihuacan.
In Mexico, Ningishzidda, Sumerian overseers, Olmec foremen and Indian laborers built two unadorned pyramids at Teotihuacan.
In Mexico, Anunnaki and their assistants started Teotihuacan ca 4000 BCE and the Aztec’s Tenochtitlan after 1,400 CE. Teotihuacan’s thirty miles north of Mexico City.
30 miles North of Mexico City Thoth and his team built two great undecorated Sumerian-type pyramids –the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon–along a five-mile long North-South avenue of administrative buildings, shrines, temples. The avenue slopes 90 feet to channel water from the Moon Pyramid at its north end to the Sun Pyramid at its south end. The builders erected a series of double walls at a right angle to the Avenue that made “six subterranean compartments open to the sky.” They lined the compartments with mica. The compartments collected then released water to flow from the Moon Pyramid to the Sun Pyramid “until it reached a channel that diverted from the San Juan River.
These external steps of the huge pyramids, 745 feet above sea level let Thoth’s scientists study astronomical movements and let his technicians to pan placer gold as water washed ore down the steps.
Crude stones and stucco held ten million cubic feet of “mud bricks, adobe, pebbles, and gravel” together for the Pyramid of the Sun. In front of its central external steps, a central cavity “contained ancient steps twenty feet down to the entrance to a horizontal passageway that Thoth had enlarged, roofed with heavy stones, and walled with smooth plaster. 150 feet from the stairway the tunnel sprouts two long side chambers under the first stage of the Sun Pyramid’s first stage. From there the subterranean passage, seven feet tall, continues another 200 feet, with man-made floors, drainage pipes connected to an underground watercourse. The tunnel ends below the fourth stage of the pyramid in a hollowed-out cloverleaf, supported by adobe columns and basalt slabs. ” [Lost Realms: 48, 51-55]
Around 300 BCE, Toltec Indians “began drifting in” to Teotihuacan, which Black Olmec ran. The Toltec tribesmen worked as manual laborers, learned the Olmec picture-writing, goldsmithing, astronomy, calendar and worship of the Sumerian gods. much later, built the Quetzalcoatl Pyramid along the avenue, and decorated its outer walls, in an administrative-business area (“the Citadel).
Around 200 BCE, the Olmecs left Teotihuacan to the Toltecs, who added administrative and commercial buildings (the “Citiadel) and another pyramid, the Quetzalcoatl Pyramid, along the avenue. Unlike the Olmec Sun and Moon Pyramids, the Toltec’s Quetzalcoatl Pyramid featured decorated outer walls.
1000 years after the Toltecs drifted in, they, like the Olmecs before them, left Teotihuacan and created Tollan on the bank of the Tula River as a mini-Teotihuacan. Tollan’s rulers claimed they descended from Quetzlcoatl-Thoth.
Teotihuacan’s Temple of the Sun
Stone markers, two miles out, lined up with The Temple of the Sun on its east-west axis; its other axis is north-west at the time it was built on the model of the Giza Pyramids. Teotihuacan’s Sun Pyramid’s 745 feet per side on its base. The Anunnaki built the Sun Pyramid of “mud bricks, adobe,pebbles and gravel held together by a sheath of crude stones and stucco with and aggregate mass of 10,000,000 feet.” The Sun Pyramid rises250 feet. [Lost Realms: 49]
Mayan cities were open-ended ceremonial centers surrounded by a population of administrators, artisans and merchants supported by an extensive rural population. “From a base abutting the Gulf of Mexico, the cities of La Venta, Tres Zapotes and San Lorenzo formed the area of Olmec settlement and cut southward toward the Pacific Coast of Mexico and Guatemala. By AD 900 the realm of the Maya extended from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf of Mexico and the Carribean. Mayan civilization spread “southward across Mesoamerica by 800 BCE and along Peru’s West Coast and Coastal Mountains.
Thoth left Yucatan in 311 BCE. He said he and his father Balam Yokte (Enki) would return on December 21, 2012, and challenge the forces of evil on Earth. Thoth and his accompanying Nibirans “left Yucatan, presumed to be swallowed by the ruler of the night, the Jaguar; and the image of Thoth was henceforth covered by the jaguar’s mask through which serpents, his symbol, emerge.”
“Indians” revolted in Mexico and Yucatan revolted against their Olmec and Sumerian bosses and drove them ever southward, toward the Anunnaki settlements in South America where Adad-Viracocha ruled. At Chavin, the southernmost kingdom of Olmec civilization, Adad halted the African-Semitic extension into the Andes from Mesoamerica.
The Mayan complex of Black rulers with Sumerian-looking associates with metal instruments settled the whole west coast of Peru, moved inland into the mountains and established the high civilization of Chavin over the area.
Adad-Viracocha’s armies from Tiahuancu attacked the Olmecs and Semites, killed them, and destroyed their sites over a period of several centuries.
“After 1,000 years in the northern Andes and 2,000 years in Mesoamerica, the African-Semitic presence came to a tragic end.” At Chavin, archaeologists found sculpted heads of clay that represented [bearded] Semites which displayed “grotesque grimaces or mutilations, stuck as trophies in the site’s surrounding walls. Depictions of mutilated negroid bodies are found in the whole Chavin area.” [Lost Realms: 193]
[Lost Realms: 193]
The nation of Chavin, which appeared suddenly, around 15000 BCE or Earlier was the site of the last stand of the Mayan refugees, the descendants of Black Africans whom Thoth-Ningishzidda imported to Mexico and Central America to administer the mining operations. The “gods” and “engineers” depicted at Chavin were “Africans–negroid, Egyptian-Nubian. They left portraits. Engineers were shown holding a tool associated with waterworks.” [Lost Realms: 190]
The main city, of Chavin–Chavin De Huantar–probably a ceremonial center– sits “at an elevation of 10,000 feet in the Cordillera Blanca range of the northwestern Andes of northern Peru between the coast and the Amazon basin.
There in a mountain valley where tributaries of the Maranon River form a triangle, an area of 300,000 square feet was flattened and terraced for complex structures precisely laid out.
Buildings and plazas form precise rectangulars and squares aligned with east-west as the major axis.” The builders “ingeniously used the two levels of the tributaries to create a flow for panning gold. The site once held ultramodern machinery.
“Excavations revealed a network of subterranean tunnels made out of native rock; they honeycombed the entire site and connected several underground compartments arranged in a chainlike manner. The openings of the tunnels connect the two rivers that flank the site, one above it (due to mountainous terrain) and the other in the valley below it. ” Adad “used the two levels of the tributaries to create a powerful, controlled flow of water for panning gold.” [Lost Realms: 189]
The site yielded artifacts with motifs from Ninishzidda’s Mayans as they retreated south –jaguars, condors, entwined fangs–Egyptian motifs–the Eye of Marduk/Ra, serpents, pyramids–Mesopotamian motifs–winged disks, Anunnaki headdresses, and trophy statues of Sumerians in pain– and portraits of black African Olmecs holding mining tools.
Figure on top’s bearded, not Native American. Lower left–an Olmec; Lower right, a “giant” with a weapon or tool. (Lost Realms: 192]
A nearby site Peruvian site shows Gilgamesh of Uruk, Sumer, in Mesopotamia, wrestling two lions–good evidence of the same people inhabited both places.
The Sumerian trophy statues show straight-nosed Indo-European men from “Asia Minor, Elam and the Indus Valley, the “giants” with metal tools–perhaps part of two invasions, one by Naymlap who landed at La Plata Island and Equador. Inca histories say Adad and his Sumerian assistants massacred these newcomers.
The three main buildings rose from terraces that elevated them and leaned them against forty-foot high outer western wall that ran 500 feet and encompassed the complex on three sides and left the site open to the river on the east side.
The southeast corner building– the site’s largest (240 x 250 feet in area)–rose three stories made of smooth-faced incised masonry stone blocks. “From a terrace on the east a monumental stone stairway led to a gate up to the main building.” Two cylindrical columns flanked the gate. “Adjoining vertical stone blocks supported a thirty-foot horizontal lintel made of a single monolith. A double stairway led to towers atop the building.
Steps led from the eastern terrace at Chavin De Huantar to a sunken plaza surrounded on three sides by rectangular platrorms. A large flat boulder with seven grind holes and a rectangular niche stood “Outside the southwestern corner of the sunken plaza.”
The three buildings featured corridors and inside maze-like passages, connecting galleries rooms and staircased faced with decorated stone slabs. The stone slabs that roofed the passages set to support the buildings.
The Tello Obelisk
This monolith in the main building engraved Chavin’s tales of figures with “human bodies and faces with feline hands, fangs or with wings” as well as animals, birds, trees, gods emitting rocketlike rays, and geometric designs.”
The Raimondi Monolith
A seven-foot carved stone on the southwestern edge of the sunken plaza, probably Adad-Teshub with his thunderbolt and his cult animal, the bull of his grandfather, Yahweh-Enlil. Bulls were absent from South America; the Bull on the Raimondi monolith and its presence here confirms that Adad ruled here.
El Lanzon
This stone column, enscribed with Adad’s bull, in the Chavin De Huacar’s middle building sticks through a hole in the floor above it. [Lost Realms: 184 – 196]
Paracus Bay
Behold the feet-deep ’Candelabra’ in nearby Bay of Paracas, Peru, symbol of Adad-Viracocha, the Great God of South America.
Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha’s trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru
ANUNNAKI, FALSE GODS extends Zecharia Sitchin’s translations from clay tablets that underlie the Bible. Ten thousand years ago, scribes in ancient Sumer (Iraq) wrote on these tablets what they said the Anunnaki gods (tall people from the sky) dictated. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to keep public attention on his legacy by creating an educational program.
The Anunnaki are Homo sapiens like us but who live hundreds of thousands of years. They said they rocketed to Iraq 450,000 years ago from a planet called Nibiru to harvest gold to send back (via Mars) to Nibiru to powder into an atmospheric shield. They mined abundant gold in Africa until, 300,000 years ago, their miners mutinied.
To replace the mutineers, Anunnaki geneticists created short-lived slaves, called Adamites, adapted from their own genome but modified with a bit of clay, copper, and genes from an intelligent hominoid, Homo erectus (Bigfoot’s ancestor) already living in Africa. Two hundred thousand years ago, Enki, their Chief Scientist, begat a line of Earthlings called Adapites with two Adamite girls.
Fifty thousand years ago Enki and an Adamite beauty begat Noah, who carried Enki’s longevity genes and ruled the Iraqi city of Sharuppak. Enki saved Noah and many of his subjects from the Deluge of 13,000 years ago. The Anunnaki had Noah’s people and other flood survivors proliferate and build cities in the Middle East and Egypt with up to 50,000 inhabitants.
The Anunnaki ruled the new civilizations as gods with descendants of Noah’s sons as intermediaries. The Anunnaki gave us the best and the worst of planet-wide civilization–kings, historians, taxes, temples, priests, bicameral congresses, record-keeping, law codes, library catalogs, furnaces, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicines, cosmogony, cosmology, festivals, beer, food recipes, art, music, music instruments, music notes, dance, textiles, and multicolored apparel.
Sumerian schools taught mathematics, architecture, theology, writing, grammar, botany, zoology, geography. They displayed but did not pass on a world-wide energy grid, air, submarine and interplanetary transport vehicles and advanced computers.
They also gave us hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt and war that featured genocide and weapons of mass destruction.
In 2024 BCE Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms.
Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day. They and their spawn created and perpetuate exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.
Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors, as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold.
Fortunately, the Lessins contend, the genetics team that created us also gave us the capacity and preserved the histories Sitchin and others translated so we can overcome the liabilities they left us.
Recently, Anunnaki Royals returned to Earth, joining Enki and those who remained. The returning Anunnaki pledge to end the era of Marduk’s control on Earth (Kali Yuga), make sure he makes amends for the suffering he fostered here to secure his control, and usher in the Age of Enki (Aquarian, Satya Yuga).
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New Stuff www.enkispeaks.comMore on the gods of old who gave us Anunnaki religions