At the end of days a Day of Judgment there shall be.
The Earth shall quake and the rivers change course,
and there shall be a darkness at noon and
a fire in the heavens in the night,
the day of the returning celestial god
will it be.
And who shall survive and who shall perish,
who shall be rewarded and who will be punished,
gods [astronauts from Nibiru] and men alike,
on that day it shall be discovered;
For what shall come to pass by what had passed
shall be determined; and what was destined
shall in a cycle be repeated,
and what was fated and only by the heart’s will
occurring for good or ill shall for judgment come.
The record read, the Past remembered,
the Future as prophesy understand,
Let the Future of the Past the judgment be!’
These are the words of Enki, Firstborn of Anu of Nibiru”
That’s what Enki (says Zecharia Sitchin, in The Lost Book of Enki) says.
by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
Click arrows on icons to HEAR relevent discussion; contrarians must not listen.
Get our ancient history, sense of who we are and how we got here. Escape the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model ETs from planet Nibiru imposed on us. They made us as Earth-slaves from their genome.
Our true history frees us from slaving, indenturing ourselves to creditors. It frees us from physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, woman-dissing, and gold lust. Real history moots antagonistic religions and nations.
Drop the false gods and the hybrid elite they created. Create our own future, activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.
Zecharia Sitchin’s translations radically change our concepts of who we are and how we live.
Sitchin translated inscribed clay tablets and monument engravings from ancient Sumer (now Iraq). The translations detail our solar system’s history four billion years ago. They say long-lived ETs grafted their genes onto Homo Erectus to create slaves on Earth 300,000 years ago.
The tablets explain the Deluge 13,000 years ago as the ETs’ planet neared Earth and slid the Antarctic icesheet into the South Sea.
The tablets show the ETs nuked Sodom and Gomorrah in 2024 B.C..
Sumerian scribes wrote that the ETs, whom they called gods (the Bible’s Elohim), dictated the tablets and statue tags. Statues show the ETs looked like 7-foot (and taller) Scandinavians with space-age weapons. The “gods” said an atmospheric crisis 445,000 years ago on the ET homeplanet, Nibiru, drove them to Earth.
The Nibirans found ample gold in Africa and South America. Enki incited the goldminers to strike, then pressed Enlil, the Expedition Chief, to pardon the strikers and let him breed mining slaved to replace them.
To make the slaves, Enki added his genes, his sister Ninmah’s mitochondrial DNA and genes of Homo Erectus, the ancestor of Neanderthals and modern Bigfoot.
Enki believed he assisted the Creator-of-All when he, his sister and his son adapted their genome to Earth. They engineered breedable Homo Sapiens–short versions of themselves. Nibirans usually stood seven or eight feet tall and had longer heads. [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon The Earth, pages 294 -347]. Nibiran men lacked foreskins like those of the hybrids Enki created.
We lack the Nibirans’ longevity partly because our year’s shorter than the Nibirans’. A year’s how long a planet takes to circle the Sun; different planets have years of varying lengths of time. Nibiru circles the Sun every 3,600 Earth years. One of Nibiru’s years is enough time for 180 generations of our ancestors to live and die. Another cause of our relatively short lives: Enki genetically scripted us to short lives. To us, the long-lived Nibirans seemed immortal. But Nibirans died after hundreds of thousands of years. They lived so long they seemed to live forever. [Sitchin, Z., Genesis Revisited, 1990, page 190].
Enki created our ancestors. He and the Nibirans begat babies with each generation of slaves. They trained the slaves to mine gold and copper. Slaves tended the ETs’ crops, livestock and mansions.
After the Deluge 13,000 years ago, Expedition bosses told slaves to call them “gods” and build them temples, palaces, hangars and cities in Sumer (Iraq). Nibirans taught slaves astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, herding, writing, architecture and geology to support the cities and palaces. The Nibirans owned and controlled the Earthlings.
Enlilites, gods of Sumer and India descended from Enlil, sent slave armies against Enkiites, the gods of Africa. The pushiest Enkiites, Babylon’s god Marduk and his demigod son Nabu, raised fifth-columns in Canaan and sent slave armies to take the Sinai spaceport from the Enlilites. In 2023 B.C., Enlilites nuked the Spaceport to keep it from the Enkiites.
Part I:
Part II:
Fallout from the bombs spread to Enlil’s Sumer but not Marduk’s Babylon; Babylon nestled safely north of the deadly cloud. Sumer’s Enlilite gods fled, but their slaves died. Marduk ruled Sumer for awhile.
The heirs of the gods hide our ET/Homo Erectus breeding and chain us in matrices of religion, war and business to think that one of the ETs is a god. We manumit ourselves when we examine the Sumerian account of our history and reject the mind-set of the patriarchal and genocidal Nibiran who poses as God.
The so-called gods shaped our physical, social, intellectual and consciousness evolution. They scripted us for patriarchal hierarchy, violence, obedience and disdain for the consciousness of underlings.
Enlilite and Enkiite gods taught slaves to expect war, violence, slaving and defoliation. Each god insisted on his or her slaves’ unquestioning obedience. Some slaves fled mines and cities of the gods, hid in hinterlands far from gods’ abuse and wars, no longer fodder for spears, arrows, chariots, then explosives, lasers, gas and biological agents.
Science confirms facts the gods dictated, facts that only technologically-sophisticated space travelers who saw Earth from space could have known, facts. The tablets give us models for physics, astronomy and biology better than the models of our current science. Today, scientists verify genetic, metallurgical, geological, scientific, mathematic, astronomical data, predictions and principles on the ancient tablets.
With the clarity of our origins Sitchin gives us with his translations of the tablets, we free ourselves to create a new paradigm, a paradigm freed of the”godspell”. Philosopher Neal Freer defines godspell as the yearning of Earthlings for Nibiran overlords’ return. The yearning for such “divine” lead created alternative and competing religions which mandate murder of millions–as service and duty to gods competing faiths worship. Nibiran gods–mere long-lived, technologically advanced humans with a wide range of individual quirks and a hierarchic, patriarchal warlike culture–obsessed with genealogical precedence and male superiority. They trained the Nibiran in each of us, the part that fights, kills and grasps.
The Homo Erectus in us–the hominid the Nibirans altered–resonates with Gaia, this planet. Our Gaian aspect cooperates.
When we know and balance our Nibiran and Gaian energies, we break the godspell, become peers rather than servants of the gods. We and they evolve together to support, encourage, love and celebrate consciousness and its manifestations.
The Homo Erectus in us–the hominid the Nibirans altered–resonates with Gaia, this planet. Our Gaian aspect cooperates.
When we know and balance our Nibiran and Gaian energies, we break the godspell, become peers rather than servants of the gods. We and they evolve together to support, encourage, love and celebrate consciousness and its manifestations.
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