Futant Neil Freer (author of Breaking the Godspell), Anthropologist Dr. Sasha Lessin (Anunnaki: Gods No More) and ET researcher Janet Kira Lessin (Legacy of the Gods) discuss A. R Bordon’s The Link and how Anunnaki (goldminers from the planet Nibiru who adapted their genome to Earth with copper, clay and proto-Bigfoot genes to make us as disposable slaves. The Anunnaki programmed and pitted us–via religions, nations and debt–against each other. The spawn of the Anunnaki, the planetary oligarchy, maintain control of Earth.
Here’s Neil with his cowboy hat.
Bordon revealed that The Link, a network of twelve mixed extraterrestrials and non-government humans, meets annually on Earth to consider planetary engineering to save us from ourselves.
The Link includes several types of humans similar enough to us that we can interact with them without us knowing they’re ETs. In their meetings, Bordon met also with extraterrestrial humans we’d see as unlike us–several kinds of Greys, beings with Reptilian ancestries and insect ancestries, machine intelligences and android-robots interested in Earth.message behind The Link by A. R. Bordon
Bordon brings insight into the human genome, secret societies, new physics, cosmology, extraterrestrial influence on earth, and the spiritual nature and purpose of humankind.
Bordon’s the most public individual in a network of people who have had direct contact with various individual extraterrestrials and groups, both of a human nature and non-human nature. This exopolitical network has direct face to face and telepathic contact and communication with ETs but is independent of National military and intelligence groups.
This network does liaison with the military and intelligence agencies involving issues of National Security when considered necessary. The members of this exopolitical network have backgrounds with corporations, military and intelligence agencies, but the group works independently and negotiates as a loosely knit operation to identify and to understand the evolution, motives and agendas of a rather large number of extraterrestrial races and civilizations and their interactions with earth humankind.
These direct interactions include several types of humans that closely resemble us enough to interact with us on the street without us knowing who they are. Other types of humans we would recognize as different from us if met on the street. Types that are not human include several kinds of Greys, several types of beings with Reptilian ancestries and insect ancestries and others including machine intelligences, robots, etc.
The big picture is of a well-populated universe of space faring beings of very diverse nature, some who have taken an interest in Earth affairs for a number of reasons as it is profitable for them to interface with us out of self-interest and cooperative interest.
References click here
Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me
Anunnaki Evidence