
SLAVERY: Anunnaki Brain-Virus for physical, marital, military & debt bondage

SLAVERY: An Anunnaki-Caused Problem


300,000 years after the Anunnaki (people who came to Earth from the Planet Nibiru) created us, we forgot THEY MADE US TO SLAVE FOR THEM. They trained and forced us to labor, serve, soldier, prostitute and serve their needs. They imprinted us to labor as wives, debtors, prisoners, underclasses, low castes, and serfs. We continue slaving for the Hybrids whom Anunnaki Prince Marduk controls. “Man was created,” Tellinger writes, “as a slave to the Anunnaki gods.” After Noah’s flood, Earthlings enslaved other Earthlings. [Slave Species: 216]


For decades, volunteers from Nibiru dug gold under southeast Africa. The miners and Chief Scientist ENKI–nominally mining boss–resented ENLIL, the Commander. Enlil oppressed the miners, ignored their demands and ordered Enki to make the miners send ever-more gold, ever-faster to Iraq to process for rocketing to Nibiru. The miners were no longer free men; their service was involuntary.  They were slaves who were denied females as well as enough beer.
Enki, fed up with Enlil’s demands and the suffering Enlil inflicted on the miners, left the mines to his #2, Ennugi.

Enki went to his lab in Africa’s Great Rift Valley.  He tested the genome of a smart hominoid, Homo erectus–a humanoid whom the Federation had fostered on Earth after the Council of Hatona. Enki thought grafting Erectus’s genes with his own could adapt the Anunnaki genome to Earth.

Erectus had immunities suited to Earth.  He reasoned, freed trapped animals and sent thoughts without speaking. Enki wished the Anunnaki felt for other beings as Erectus did.  Telepathic abilities, if genetic, would also, Enki thought, help the quarrelsome Anunnaki get along better as well. Earthlings he’d create would have more joy and peace than their makers.

Some 300,000 years ago in his lab, he grafted erectus genes into the Anunnaki genome to create slave to replace the miners from Nibiru, who verged on mutiny from Enlil’s pressure to get more and more gold with less and less beer and recreationCommander Enlil insisted that the hybrid slaves would lack the Anunnaki level of intelligence but remain “primitive, ignorant, obedient, fearful and in its place.”

Ninmah, whom Enlil chose to lead the genetics team, added surrogate Anunnaki mothers whose wombs gave the hybrids they carried some immunities. 

Enki’s son Ningishzidda, also on the team, saw they only cloned males.  He found that Adam and his copies “had only 22 chromosomes” and so; they couldn’t procreate. The 23 chomosome, missing from Adam, was, Ningishzidda found, the locus of the xx and xy chromosomes that allowed sexual differentiation of male and female phenotypes.  Ningishzidda made a female, then made her fertile. 

For the next 100,000 years,Ti-amat, the first fertile female the team made and her descendants kept much more of the Anunnaki longevity and lived much longer than do we moderns.   [Slave Race: 448-454; Cremo, Forbidden Archeology; Devolution: 9-41; Genesis: 121; Giants: 16, 153; Pye, 2000]

Initially, to ready Enlil to accept the genetic team’s work, Enki told the miners, “Shrink gold shipments. When Enlil comes to investigate, trap and threaten him.”

Enki planned to “save” Enlil and get him to endorse a plan he’d developed to make gold flow again. He’d lobby the Commander to let him create hybrid clones as miners. Enlil could send the Anunnaki miners back to Nibiru as heroes.

When the miners cut the gold volume they shipped to the metallurgy plant at Badtibira (Iraq), Enlil sent his son Ninurta to investigate.

Miners “backbiting and lamenting, in the excavations they were grumbling. Unbearable is the toil.'”

“Call Enlil to the mines,” Enki told Ninurta; “Let the Commander see how the miners suffer.”

When Enlil and his Vizier, Nusku, arrived, “‘Let us unnerve Enlil,‘ mine-working heroes shouted. ‘Of the heavy work let him relieve us. Let us proclaim war, with hostilities let us gain relief.’ To their tools they set fire, fire to their axes they put.” They held Ennugi hostage and, with tools as torches, surrounded the house Enlil occupied.

Enlil beamed King Anu back on planet Nibiru to shuttle to Earth and shoot the miners’ leaders and their instigator (he meant Enki).

The miners wouldn’t tell Ninurta who led or incited them, but Anu messaged back that he felt for the miners. Ninurta asked Anu to send new miners from Nibiru.

Enki entered the house where Enlil and Ninurta stood, weapons at-ready. Enki told Enlil, “Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship to take over, let the Being the toil of the Anunnaki carry on his back. The Being that we need, it already exists. All that we have to do is put on it the mark of our essence [genome], thereby a Lulu, a Primitive Worker, shall be created!” [Enki: 124-127; Encounters: 347- 380]

Enki showed Erectus to Enlil and Ninurta,“Ningishzidda, my son, their fashioning essence [DNA structure] has tested; akin to ours it is, like two serpents it is entwined. When with our life essence shall be combined, our mark upon them shall be, a Primitive Worker shall be created. Our commands will he understand. Our tools he will handle, the toil in the excavations he shall perform, to the Anunnaki in the Abuzu relief shall come.” [Enki: 130]

Enlil objected. “Don’t create slaves. Slavery has from Nibiru long been ended. Tools are slaves, not other beings.”

Ninurta said, “Make machines, not slaves.” [Wars:130]

“Earthlings we create,” said Enki, “shall helpers, not slaves, be.’”

Enlil shouted, “To create hybrid beings is in The Rules of Planet Journeys forbidden.”

Enki and Enlil beamed Anu Council on Nibiru. Each brother spoke to them. Enki, the scientist, lobbied for a project he’d run to make workers adapted to Earth from the Nibiran genome.

Enlil, the military-man, urged the Council to deny Enki. If Enki made slaves, it would validate the miners, traitors who valued themselves more than gold for Nibiru and should be executed. He argued that the Rules of Planetary Journeys forbade cloned slaves. He said he’d resign as Commander if the Council failed to veto Enki’s slave project.

But Enlil “forgot” he said he’d resign as Commander when Anu ruled and the Council okayed Enki’s project. Nibiru messaged Earth: “Gold must be obtained. Let the Being be fashioned! Forsake The Rules of Planetary Journeys, let Nibiru be saved.” The slaves Enki’d create, Enlil believed, would be clones who, when the Anunnaki quit Earth, would become extinct as they died.

Enki and his genetics team, however, exceeded its mandate to make only clones. They also fashioned breedable hybrids–Adamu and Ti-Amat. Enlil, disgusted, ordered Adamu and Ti-amat confined to Africa to breed mine slaves.

Enki put Adamu and Ti-Amat in an enclosure in Zimbabwe. As we related in the Perks section, Ti-Amat bore twins Kai-in (fathered by Enki) and Abael (fathered by Adamu), then bore others who in turn bred with each other and with Anunnaki.


When the Anunnaki of Iraq learned descendents of Adamu and TiAmat worked the African mines and Enki’s Zimbabwe palace and gardens, these Anunnaki too wanted Earthlings to do work they considered dirty, boring or dangerous.

Enki had let his Earthlings roam free in the wilderness; sometimes his son Ningishzidda went with them. But when Enki built a wall around his workers’ homes to impede potential Enlilite raids when he heard Enlil’s sons agitated for slaves too.

Enlil appeased his sons’ lust for slaves, though he wanted none himself. He and Ninurta built “a powerful new weapon.” He cut communication with Nibiru so King Anu wouldn’t stop the raid Ninurta planned. Ninurta took the weapon and fifty Anunnaki raiders to Enki’s place in Africa. With the weapon, they breached the fence that protected Enki’s workers.

Ninurta brought some of them as slaves back to Iraq to work naked in mansions, gardens, orchards and cities. Enlil even let him breed the slaves.  All Anunnaki, Enlil planned, would soon return to Nibiru and leave Earth and the slaves. [DNA: 122, 177]

Enlil and his lineage in Sumer ruled from buildings they called temples. There, Earthling slaves brought the Anunnaki “gods” the food and products they made and gathered.

In Iraq, Earthlings adapted as Earth’s climate deteriorated and its bounty lessened. They foraged afar but made less food. They took to the bush and cave-dwelling. “Following generations showed less advanced civilized life. The dwindling population reached almost complete absence of habitation.”

Naked Earthlings worked, cavorted, copulated and bred. They slaved and foraged. Their numbers grew till they ran out of food. Enlil, angry Enki created fertile Earthlings, told him to teach them to feed themselves. Enki gave the Earthlings seeds, plants and tame beasts. [Encounters: 47; Genesis: 201]

In a few thousand years, “Earthlings proliferated. To be with the Anunnaki they were eager, for food rations they toiled well. Of heat and dust they did not complain, of backbreaking they did not grumble. Of hardships of work the Anunnaki were relieved.”

The Earthlings worked the African mines and submersible cargo boats that, in just ten days, brought the gold from the mines to Bad-Tibira in Sumer to smelt, refine and form into portable ingots to transship to Mars. From Mars, Astronauts flew the gold to Nibiru, where scientists powdered and floated it into the ozone hole. The hole shrunk. “The vital gold to Nibiru was coming; steadily. Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing.” [Lost Realms: 232; Enki: 151; Giants: 99]

The Anunnaki gave Earthlings “food and shelter while they performed grueling tasks, the reason for which they did not understand. The stuff [gold] they dug up had no value to them. They could not eat or use it in any way.” The Nibiran Royals, their staffs and the Astronaut Corps needed “a steady stream of fresh laborers for projects.

“In South Africa, from Mozambique to Botswana, Zimbabwe and beyond, where the descendants of Adamu labored for the Anunnaki, the extended ancient settlement covered an area much larger than modern Johannesburg, more than 500,000 square kilometers.”

The Anunnaki and their Adamite slaves built circles and channels of magnetically-charged iron-rich granite rocks.  The channels ran over 500 kilometers in a never-ending grid of 500 million stones.  They directed sound waves from trumpet-like stones and electromagnetic energy from the Earth throughout the grid for mining and life support.

The stone circles capacitated sonar energy. Nibirans and their adapted worker-slaves laid channels of stone that connected all the stone circles in South Africa. They set iron-rich, magnetically-charged granite rocks on both sides of the channels among the stone circles. The linked, continuous stone channels spread in a never-ending web of 500 million stones over a 500-kilometer area. The channels gave the Nibirans and their slaves the energy grid for the mining operations and life support. The Nibirans directed electromagnetic energy from the Earth along the stone channels. Sound waves capacitated the energy along the channels.

Nibiran overseers directed goods and water along the channels with “a levitation device that tapped into the magnetic content of the stones–the same way modern trains float above electromagnetic tracks. The levitation device helped them lift stones heavier than 10 tons. They used a floating substance, the same monoatomic gold that they shipped back to Nibiru to save its atmosphere. The stone channels connected pits to leach gold, houses, terraces, workstations and ceremonial centers. Three of these South African cities that contained 1086 million circular stone ruins stretched over 10,000 kilometers.” [Slave Species: 125; Temples: 53-82]

Some of the Earthling miners in South Africa–after 100,000 years of toil to get what seemed an unimportant substance, gold–revolted. Others kept digging. Nibirans let many Earthlings “leave the mining compounds.” Some Earthlings created new communities and survived without Nibirans’ help. [Slave Species: 117]

We Earthlings “civilized first in city or mining centers of the Nefilm [Nibiran mining bosses], worked for them. Some of us were forced into an uncivilized (non-city-center) environment. Humans in the city centers lived at the same time as humans in the wild.” Slaves the mining bosses cast off in Africa developed their own traditions but recalled Anunnaki lords, cities, mines and miscegenation. [Godspell: 68]

Some 200,000 years ago, Enki begat the super-hybrids Adapa and Titi to make more obedient and intelligent slaves.  Their genius and fast-breeding frightened Enlil and his clan. The Anunnaki “were very unhappy that the slaves were making rapid progress, gaining knowledge and showing signs of higher intelligence.”

Though Adapa rocketed to Nibiru and begged for Anunnaki longevity, King Anu denied him long life and sent him back to Earth to run slaves there for the Anunnaki.

The Annunaki Royals “panicked and took steps to prevent the slaves from gaining skills and knowledge.” The Royals did not yet realize Enki had been educating selected slaves in his Snake Society but the Igigi Astronauts and the wives from Adapa’s female descendants with whom they eloped freely shared with their further hybridized descendants.

So the Anunnaki cranked up “the principle of divide and conquer successfully among the emerging human threat.”

When, 13,000 years ago, Nibiru’s nearing Earth threatened everyone on Earth, 4 million of ever-smarter slaves threatened the few hundred Anunnaki Royals here. We showed “signs of uncontrollable intelligence, asking too many questions, absorbing advanced technological knowledge without the gods’ permission.

Enlil ordered all slaves drowned in the flood of 13,000 years ago. But Enki, with help from Federation Rep Galzu, saved Enki’s son Noah (Ziusudra), Noah’s lineage and his carpentry crew. Noah’s sons—Ham, Japhet and Shem–would beget more slaves to feed their descendants and the other surviving humans who had survived the flood. The lords organized us to help them reclaim Mesopotamia from mud. They used their advanced technology to restore the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to their beds. With newly dug riverbeds, brickmaking technology and town-planning they gave us, we built cities around new temples for them. [Slave Species: 117, 139, 226]

For the first thousand years after the flood, the Anunnaki taught us to build, maintain and supply their temples. We made kilns, manufactured bricks, build houses, carts, ships and schools. We dug canals and irrigation ditches, wrote and printed records, wove textiles, made pottery and wove textiles as they directed.

Most of our ancestors slaved for the Anunnaki and the Earthlings the Anunnaki chose to govern. In the eastern Mediterranean, the Anunnaki enslaved us as miners, debtors, corvee laborers, soldiers, brides, concubines, prostitutes, war-prisoners and criminals.

Between 800 and 600 BCE, Marduk’s Greeks settled the Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts.  Greek cities had about 30% slaves and most Athenians owned at least one slave.  Slaves pumped the economy in Mycenean and Dorian Greece.  Sparta, in 600 BCE, reduced most of its people into a slavery system helotry; slaves outnumbered Spartans 7 to 1.

In 272 BCE, Rome pressed conquered Italians into large farming gangs. In 262 BCE Rome sold 25,000 Sicilians; in 209 BCE they sold 30,000 Italians [Westermann, 2004].  Rome took more turf and “enslaved entire populations, thus ensuring laborers for quarries and homes.”

Romans took Greek, Berber, German, British, Slav, Gaul, Celt, Jew and Arab slaves “for labor and amusement as gladiators and sex slaves.  Rome crucified runaway slaves.

In the Middle Ages, most peoples enslaved others and traded them as salable property.  Vikings slaved across Eastern Europe Britain and Scotland.  The Vikings sold most of their captives in Byzantine or Muslim markets.   In the 11th century Vikings settled in the European territories, they raided. They converted serfs to Christianity and merged with the locals.

Charlemagne enslaved Slavs and sold them to Muslims in North Africa, Spain, and the Near East.  “So lucrative was this market that it spawned an economic boom in central and western Europe–The Carolingian Renaissance.  In Spain and Portugal, Christian-Muslim wars enslaved thousands from both camps.  Each camp took thousands of slaves from the other.

The Knights of Malta Muslim boats and sold North Africans and Turks they captured into the 18th century. Russia, in 1679 CE, made its slaves serfs.  Runaway Russian slaves became the Cossacks.

In 1575 CE, Tartars enslaved 35,000 Ukrainians, 40,000 in 1676, 60,000 in1688  and 60,000 in 1688y.  Romanians enslaved  Roma people until 1864 [Forsythe: 399f].

Mongols in the 13th Century sold captives throughout Europe and Asia. “In 1382 Khan Tokhtamysh’s Golden Horde under sacked Moscow and had Venice’s and Genoa’s merchants sell thousands of Muscovites as slaves. In 1441 Haci I Giray of the Crimean Khanate sold Slavic peasants as slaves to the Ottomans and Middle Easterners. 

In 1521 Khan Mehmed Giray and the Kazan’s allies took thousands of slaves from Moscow and in 1571 Crimean Tatars took thousands of slaves. 75% of Crimea’s people were slaves.

 “At the start of the 19th Century, 3/4 of all people alive were slaves or serfs.”


“Between 1525 and 1886 CE more than 12m slaves shipped across the Atlantic to European colonies in the Americas.  Half a million died on the way.400-500 enslaved Africans landed in Brazil every week. [The Economist 5/25/19]


Nazis their Japanese allies enslaved thousands of European and Asian women as prostitutes and “comfort women” in the 20th Century.  In 2013, 40 million people still slaved.”


By 1860, slaves in the U.S. numbered four million, 95% of whom lived in the South, where they made up 1/3 of the people (vs 1% of people in the North). When the election of 1860 made Lincoln President and gave his Republican party to control of Congress, southern states seceded from the U.S. and formed the Confederate States of America, based on the promise of maintaining slavery. War broke out in April 1861. The Emancipation Proclamation freed 3 million slaves from the defeated Confederacy. 

Paramilitaries like the KKK, disease and starvation killed many Blacks. Many freedmen stayed on the same plantation where they’d slaved.  Some ex-slaves crowded into refugee camps the Freedmen’s Bureau ran.  The Bureau gave them food, housing, clothing, medical care, church services, some schooling, legal support, and arranged for labor contracts.

After 1877, White Democrats took control of all the southern states and Blacks lost the political power they had won during Reconstruction. By 1900 they also lost the right to vote   Most of them lived in the rural South in poverty as laborers, sharecroppers or tenant farmers.

The great wealth and power of the United States, was based upon the worth of slaves, who provided the labor for capitalism and its expansion.


Intelligence services, criminal gangs and, say, whistleblowers, Secret Space Program (SSP or the International Corporate Conglomerate–ICC) and Satanists continue to abduct people to slave and die. Of the ICC, abductee Penny Bradley writes, “The entire SSP program is based on criminal activity. They kidnap little kids, drown them until their minds fracture, use them as slave labor. When they do return them home they are damaged. They keep using them until they die. This is what happens to the ones they like. The ones they don’t like, they turn them into a cyborg super soldier and sell them to ET’s so they never come home. So these cyborg’s are created out of human beings whether they are kidnapped earth humans or clones.  They are now doing 100,000 cyborgs per day between the various factories. This is how many humans are being converted into cyborgs – 95% are being sold off-world to ET’s.  The sale of human cyborgs to ET’s is funding most of the SSP. They only use the head for the cyborg. The rest of the human body is sold off too (food, genetic material).”

Islamists like Boko Haram and Isis steal women and children to serve as sex slaves and suicide bombers.  Draftees and kidnapped boys in many nations are of course slaves to this day.

   Are you a debt slave?

Currently, debt bondage–the most common enslavement–enslaves 8.1 million people. Debt slavery abounds in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. South Asia holds 88% of the world’s debt slaves.  Debtors become bonded slaves to pay on a loan or to taxes, and as they worked, their masters added fees for lodging, meals, and clothing to the existing debt so overall debt and interest grew. These added fees made leaving servitude unattainable.  The U.S. imprisons its poor for petty offenses–trivial as jaywalking or failure to pay parking tickets–and puts them to work as convict laborers.

Americans have, through their campaign finance laws (Citizens United), elected Presidents and Congresses that reduced most of their population to virtual slavery in order to survive.



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Professors Hudson (Texas A&M), Bowen and Nielson (BYU) show that male domination-oriented cultures still build their lives “around male kinship groups. The leaders are all men.  At home, women are expected to obey husbands, fathers, and brothers. Women are absent from tribal meetings.  Men who are related to each other unite against external enemies.  If they marry outside the group, the women move to join their husbands.  This is “patrilocal” marriage. The bloodline passes from father to son (this is “patrilineal”).

Property and leadership roles also pass down the male line. Daughters are valued for their ability to give birth to sons.

Strict rules insure women’s chastity.

Hudson, ranked 176 countries for this patrilineal syndrome—unequal treatment of women in family law and property rights, early marriage for girls, patrilocal marriage, polygyny [one man, multiple wives], bride price, son preference, violence against women, and rape seen as a property crime against men.
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Iraq, Nigeria, Pre-Taliban Afghanistan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, sub-Saharan Africa and India measured the very worst, most committed to this “patrilineal-fraternal syndrome,” the researchers say.  In contrast, Australia, Sweden and Switzerland won perfect scores and were the most egalitarian societies.
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Hudson, found a strong correlation between states’ patrilineal syndrome and the Muslim countries’ Fragile States Index.  The Patrilineal dominance syndrome of Iraq, Nigeria, Pre-Taliban Afghanistan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, sub-Saharan Africa and India “proved a better predictor of violent instability than income, urbanization or a World Bank measure of good governance.

Hudson’s group “also found evidence that patriarchy and poverty go hand-in-hand. Patriarchy explained 4/5 of the variation in food security, and 4/5 of the variation in scores on the UN’s Human Development Index, which measures lifespan, health and education.


Curses women face start in the uterus. “Families that prefer sons may abort daughters.” China, India and post-Soviet Caucasus countries do this. “Thanks to sex-selective abortions and neglect of girl children, 130 million girls are missing from the world’s population.  Many men are doomed to remain single and frustrated,” especially in India and China, are volatile and more violent..


Polygyny (MFF+marriages) increase crime, violence and property crime. “In China, every 1% rise in the ratio of men to women, violent and property crimes rose 3%.”

In the richest man men in polygynous societies, where, say 10% of men have four wives each, the poorest dudes
“have a powerful incentive to kill other men and steal their goods. “In Northern Nigeria, the Sahel and Guinea unmarried men form groups of bandits with their cousins or join rebel armies.

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“In half the polygynous societies bride price entails money or goods exchanging hands.  Resources pass from the groom’s family to the bride’s; in South Asia bride price is called “dowry” and passes from the bride’s family to the groom’s. 

“Bride Price encourages early marriage for girls and later marriage for men.”  In poor countries, poor men can never afford bride price.  Since natural adult sex ratios are equal, no man has multiple wives without leaving other men without wives.

“Insurgent groups exploit male frustration to recruit. Boko Haram in Nigeria offers its troops the chance to kidnap girls. Islamic State gave its fighters sex slaves.  Taliban in Afghanistan are knocking on doors and demanding that families surrender single women to “wed” them.”

“Patrilineality,” the Economist writes, “is sustained by property rules that favor men. To keep assets within the patriline, societies make it hard for women to own or inherit property.

“If boys see their fathers bully their mothers, they learn to bully their future wives and get the idea that might makes right and apply it in the public sphere.” [The Economist, 9/11/2021: 56-58]


Kids comprise 26% of today’s slaves.  Their masters work in homes and especially in the cocoacotton and or fishing industries.  Children are taught to steal, beg and give sex. 

Kidnappers, company recruiters, Intelligence services, government soldiers, paramilitaries, and rebels take kids to work as

  • beggars,
  • cooks,
  • guards,
  • servants,
  • spies,
  • pornography subjects,
  • child soldiers,
  • drug smugglers,
  • petty criminals,
  • porters,
  • laborers,
  • militia wives,
  • sex toys,
  • involuntary organ donors.

“In addition to sex slavery, modern slaves are often forced to work in certain occupations. Common occupations include:
Small-scale building work, such as laying driveways, and other labor,
Car washing by hand,
Domestic servitude, sometimes with sexual exploitation,
Nail salons (cosmetic). Many people are trafficked from Vietnam to the UK for this work,
Fishing, mainly associated with Thailand’s seafood industry,,
manufacturing – Many prisoners in the US are forced to manufacture products as diverse as mattresses, spectacles, underwear, road signs and body armor,
Agriculture and forestry – Prisoners in the United States and China are often forced to do farming and forestry work,
In North Korea, dulgyeokdae(youth workers) are often forced to work in construction and inminban (women workers) are forced to work in clothing sweatshops.

Signs that someone may have been forced into slavery include a lack of identity documents, lack of personal possessions, clothing that is unsuitable or has seen much wear, poor living conditions, a reluctance to make eye contact, unwillingness to talk, and unwillingness to seek help. In the UK people are encouraged to report suspicions to a modern-slavery telephone helpline..

In 2013, 820,000 men, women, and children were trafficked across international borders each year–70 percent were women and girls and up to 50 percent were minors, the majority trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation. 50,000 people are trafficked every year in the United States. Facebook and smartphone apps are used to sell the slaves.  In 2016, a Washington Post article exposed that the Obama administration placed migrant children with human traffickers. They failed to do proper background checks of adults who claimed the children, allowed sponsors to take custody of multiple unrelated children, and regularly placed children in homes without visiting the locations.  []

Early or forced marriage affects millions of women and girls all over the world. When families cannot support children, they may marry their daughters to the males (often way older) of wealthier, more powerful families. In UK 3,546 girls told police of forced marriage from 2014 to 2016.  Child brides must serve their husbands.

COLONIAL COERCION: Slavery for whole nations

In SETTLER COLONIALISM, imperial powers exterminate or almost exterminate native populations, as in the U.S., Cuba, and Australia. 

With EXPLOITATIVE COLONIALISM imperial powers destroy the country’s agricultural base and drive the population into cities, as did European powers in their African and Asian colonies.  The great wealth of Britain and the capital the English used to enslave whole countries like Ireland, India, much of Africa either directly or through subsidized businesses.  Slaver states like Britain kept colony citizens pitted against each other so that their frustrations were directed at each other rather than their colonial rulers.  

In MILITARY BASE DOMINATION, the power owning bases in a colony runs the whole country, as did the U.S. in the Philippines, where America ran puppet paramilitary collaborators to kill opponents of the elite of the tributary regime.

* Anunnaki: EVOLUTION of the GODS *

by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin


The Anunnaki, people like us, rocketed here 450,000 for years ago for gold to send home to powder for a sky shield.

200,000 years ago, their miners on Earth mutinied. To replace them, the Anunnaki created us from their genome, copper, clay-embedded minerals, copper and genes from Bigfoot’s African ancestor.

The Anunnaki gave us math, architecture, writing, botany, zoology, geography, kings, taxes, temples, priests, record-keeping, laws, libraries, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicine, festivals, beer, art, music, instruments, dance, and textiles.

But they also imposed hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt, and war. In 2024 BCE they ruined their Mediterranean cities with nuclear bombs and fallout.

Most of them returned to Nibiru, but some stayed and, with their hybrid kin, have kept us pitted against each other in dominator consciousness.

Recently, however, Anunnaki Royals returned to Earth, joined Enki, and pledge to usher in the Age of Enki.
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Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence

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