Nemesis, Nibiru & Solaris’ Inner Planets
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The giant gods of the ancient world and the successors they choose created mind-sets that shackle us to short desperate lives. These so-called gods rocketed to Earth from a planet they called Nibiru. Nibirans stand way taller and live way longer than we. The ETs said they bred us as short term slaves and soldiers. We killed in their names: Allah (= Sumerian Nannar), Yahweh (sometimes = Enlil, at times Adad or even Enki), Ishtar (Inanna) and Adanoi (Enki)–mining expedition personnel all, all Nibirans. We Hybrids are one species, designed to slave in mines, armies, businesses, schools, governments, farms, factories, brothels and building projects for ETs and the “royal” lines of ever-murderous hybrid rulers they begat.
The alternative history Zecharia Sitchin, Neal Freer, Lloyd Pye, Michael Tellinger, Andy Lloyd, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson articulate about our origins and development shatter the fetters of the lies with which the elite the false gods chose keep us in war, greed, poverty, shortened lives. Lies of church and state now hide hoard information, necessities and survival plans as Earth faces immediate danger from space debris.
We feel our oneness with all people and together survive when we see we’re all kin, descended from the same ancestors, ancestors from two different planets. When we accept our hybrid origins, we nullify what the elites the Nibirans imposed on us demand. We instead cooperate with all. We drop hate the gods scripted on us. When we feel our oneness, we survive together; we jointly plan for the periodic return of Nibiru, its astronauts, and the debris that lurks at its Lagrange point, 180 degrees from Nibiru on its orbit around its subdwarf primary star, Nemesis.
When Sasha studied for his doctorate in anthropology at U.C.L.A. in the 60s, his professors taught that gradual physical then socio-cultural evolution caused all human development.
In physical evolution, the professors said a Miocene or Pliocene anthropoid primate evolved into a hominid Homo Erectus. Erectus, they said, had evolved from simpler primates over millions of years. My anthropology teachers said Homo Sapiens–that’s us–gradually evolved from Erectus [Clark, D., W., 1959, History of the Primates:178].
Socioculturally, 60s anthropologists said we evolved with technology we Homo Sapiens ourselves developed. They thought we proliferated as we planted and bred cereals from local grains, tamed indigenous wild sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys and horses, invented tools and machines, developed medicine, constructed irrigation and transportation systems, built cities and developed ever-more effective mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, metallurgy, architecture and engineering.
Modern information proves the anthropologists wrong about our physical evolution: we didn’t evolve incrementally from simpler primates on Earth. We’ve found no gradually intermediate skeletons of primates that link modern humans from tarsier-like ancestors from which Twentieth Century anthropologists thought we evolved.
Several advanced hominoids co-existed with Erectus, the ancestor, probably, of Neanderthal and its contemporaries. These hominoids may, Cremo believes, have been survivors of astronomically-caused extinction events during human settlement [Cremo, 2003].
Pye contends, with a great deal of detailed evidence, that the hominoids, of which Erectus is but one group on Earth seeded here a million years ago. Pye suggests that terraformers seeded these hominoids and also planned to sequence Homo Sapiens here as part of their plan that, 400,000 years ago, Homo Sapien geneticists from Nibiru would colonize Earth. The Nibirans would engineer their genotype on a base of a bit of Homo Erectus genes. The terraformers envisioned an adapted form of Homo Sapien–that’s us–that could speak and develop into membership in galactic society. So far, we’ve achieved speech but, our violence, destructive militarization, abuse of nuclear power and planetary pollution bars us from galactic government.
In any case, evidence compels us to reject the view of 60s anthropologists that we’re an entirely indigenous species that evolved only from simpler forms native to this planet [Pye, 2013].
Evidence also compels us to reject also anthropologists’ old view that the technologies we modern Homo Sapiens invented caused our own social evolution. We actually developed culturally when the ETs from Nibiru gave us advanced technologies. 60s anthropologists had noted mysterious uplevelings of civilizations every 3,600 years or so, improvements ancient inhabitants of Iraq–then called Sumer–wrote that the Nibiran gods gave them. Anthropologists of the 60s believed these gods imaginary. Well, they weren’t imaginary, nor were they gods.
Sasha’s Chairman at U.C.L.A., Dr. Walter Goldschmidt, said technological innovations Sumerians themselves developed explained social evolution. Their innovations, Goldschmidt wrote, allowed more population growth, sedentariness, material goods, specialization and leisure, all of which caused social evolution. Neither Sasha nor Goldschmidt ever considered as real–let alone the source of cultural evolution–“gods” Sumerians said gave them genes, inventions, crops and livestock that let them increase their numbers and master the environment. In the thrall of evolutionary anti-creationism, anthropologists dismissed what Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, Norse, Chinese, Tibetan, Central and South Americans said about gods who rode Celestial Chariots, threw thunderbolts and periodically boosted our civilizations with crops, herds, devices, medicine, laws and knowledge. [Goldschmidt, W., 1959, Man’s Way: 110 -117]
Sociologist C. W. Mills showed how power elites control Earth and collaborate to perpetuate competition and war. These elites descended from the bloodline of Enki whom Sumerians said was a god, albeit a flesh-and blood god. 300,000 years ago, Enki combined his genes with those of a Neanderthal ancestor to breed goldmining slaves. 13,000 years ago, Enki fathered Ziasudra (Noah in The Bible), ancestor of the elite that to this day rule Earth. The elite still employ a master-slave, god-worshiper code (with them in master status and we in slave–albeit economic slave–status) to run humanity. Ziasudra’s descendants–today’s elite–passed their mandate to dictate “from Sumer through Egypt to Israel through David and the messiahs, fostered by the Essene communities in Canaan.
“Jesus was an Essene as was his wife, Mary Magdalene, information the Catholic Church suppressed. Catholics instead perpetuated slave-code fear and subservience. They hid the truth of our hybridization and persecuted and brutalized the human-centered strain of the bloodline [that’s most of us].” [Gardiner, L., 2000, Bloodline of the Holy Grail; quote from Freer, 2004, Sapiens Rising]
In 2000, Cody and Robin Johnson brought us to a seminar led by Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin displayed evidence in clay and stone of astronomical, geological and biological knowledge Sumerians said gods gave them, knowledge our scientists only verified many millenia later. Sitchin disproved the power elite’s theistic and evolutionary dogma. His findings solved the mysteries of missing hominid links and periodic leaps in our social and industrial evolution. No missing physical links existed because we emerged suddenly, when Enki and his cohorts blended their genome and Neanderthal’s. We got stronger tools and weapons when a Sumerian “god” showed the Hittites how to mine and refine iron.
Sitchin’s work breaks the elite’s stranglehold on us. We attended Sitchin seminars and read everything he, Tellinger, Lloyd, Cremo, Pye and other revisionists wrote. Thanks to these revisionists, we can stop dismissing “myths” as superstition.
Sumerians labeled Nibirans’ aircraft, submarines, helicopters, spaceships, weapons and computers with their own words and words the Nibirans taught them. Our ancestors called aircraft and rockets “skyships,, “celestial chariots” and “fire-breathing dragons.” They labeled helicopters “whirlbirds.” A whale that swallowed Jonah = a submarine. We called weapons “brilliances.” The Nibirans called their computer programs “MEs.” We labeled Nibiran medical and scientific achievements “miracles.” Our ancestors also recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the Nibirans taught them. Each of our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, simile and analogies from their experiences to the words the Nibirans bestowed. We can now evaluate what these ETs said and decode our ancestors’ metaphors instead of dismissing them and the tales of gods as superstitious myth.
“Sitchin advanced a coherent paradigm of our genesis to rewrite our beginnings and astronomically, evolutionarily, paleontologically, archaeologically and redefine ourselves. His thesis corrects creationism, redefines Darwinism. Sitchin read Sumerian as well as Hebrew, was steeped in the history and had material from the Middle East rediscovered only last one hundred and fifty years.” [Freer, N., 2004, Sapiens Arising]
In Anunnaki: Gods No More, we review our ancient history and sense of who we are, how we got here, and how the new paradigm of Hybrids’ unique two-race genetics frees us from the model the ETs imposed on us. The new view frees us the physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, derogation of women, gold lust, antagonistic religions and nations the Nibirans and the hybrid elite they created dictated.
Free of short, desperate lives, we’ll create our future. We shall activate our latent Anunnaki genes, scientifically improve our own genome and take our place in the civilization of the galaxy.
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