Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) and Janet Kira Lessin, (CEO, Aquarian Radio), students of the late Zecharia Sitchin, review the ancient Sumerian “myths” that tell how long-lived extraterrestrial Giants–the Anunnaki–from a planet named Nibiru–adapted their genome to Earth to create our species to dig gold for them.
The Sumerian tales say the extraterrestrials posed as gods, gave us and ruled technologically-advanced urban civilizations but pitted us against each other in rival states and religions.
The rivalry culminated in a devastating nuclear war that led most of the Anunnaki to return to their homeplanet and left Anunnaki prince Marduk in charge of Earth.
The politics of Nibiru, the homeworld of our creators and the politics of the mining expedition they sent to Earth imprinted on us the matrix of male domination and obsessive competition that threatens our survival. The Nibirans who settled Earth–the Anunnaki–engineered us to work their gold mines. They programmed us with the matrix of open or covert dictatorship, war, resource rivalry, pollution, gold-lust and religious oppression as well as slavery–actual, and by military conscription, female servitude and debt. Dynastic rivalry among Anunnaki factions on Earth led to their Prince Marduk’s rule. Marduk secretly controlled our nations, religions and business conglomerates. He pitted us against each other and hid his orchestration of our crises. Recently Marduk renounced war, religious competition and economic enslavement. He vowed to help us create on Earth an age of peace, planetary unity, creativity and abundance.
Sasha Lessin Ph.D., author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of this site studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. Sitchin asked Lessin to create popular courses to revise ancient anthropology and add the aliens, the Anunnaki, on Earth from 450,000 – 300BCE.Dr. Lessin’s work documents the fallacy of Darwinian gradual evolutionism that posited human evolution from pre-cursor hominoids but failed in 140 years searching to find a missing link. Lessin verifies that Pye’s formulation, “Macroevolution’s false, Microevolution’s true, Interventionism’s what Earth got.”
Janet Kira Lessin, a lifelong scholar and experiencer of ET contacts, and a student of Sitchin as well, is the voice of Ninmah consciousness and is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of Ninmah to the world.
She has co-authored Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods with Dr. Lessin. Together, the Lessins guide us through an evocative history of giants from the planet Nibiru. They share evidence the giants created us from their genome work for them from the ancient past till now.
This info, they say, frees us from the god-spell, the nation-spell and the materialist-spell, the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model ETs from planet Nibiru imposed on us. Our true history frees us to create our own future, activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.
Prince Anu, Pretender to Lahma as King of Planet Nibiru, ceded his right to rule Nibiru after Lahma. Prince Alalu killed Lahma and declared himself Nibiru’s King. After Alalu murdered Lahma, Anu let Alalu take the crown on condition that Marduk–son of Enki, Anu’s Firstborn son and Damkina, Alalu’s daughter. But Anu abrogated the treaty he signed; he fought and deposed Alalu. Bitter, Marduk rocketed to Earth to join his father Enki-Aquarius, Chief Scientist for the Earth Goldmining Expedition (the Anunnaki). On Earth Marduk ran the Anunnaki Gold Transshipment Base on Mars. He married Sarpanit, an Earthling from among the super slaves the Anunnaki bred in Iraq. After millennia of war, Marduk controlled all of Earth’s nations, religions and business conglomerates with which his agents pitted us against each other.
In 530 CE Anu abdicated the Nibiran Throne and made grandson Nannar (Allah) King of Nibiru. Nannar sent agents who infiltrated Marduk’s cabal. Marduk’s and Nannar’s people killed each other until recently, when Marduk renounced war, religious competition and economic enslavement. He pledged to cooperate with Nannar and Enki and co-create the Age of Aquarius– the age of peace, planetary unity, creativity and abundance on Earth.
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