The first in a series of videos on people of Earth–Earth’s human and reptilian settlers.
Humans from the Constellation Lyra, who fled to Mars and a now-extinct planet called Maldek, between Mars and Jupiter, that Draco Reptilians blasted into the Kuiper asteroids.
The Lessins chronicle war for Earth, Venus, and Luna that pursuing Reptilians and the Galactic Federation of Lyran Refugees fought.
The Treaty of Hatona that ended the Draco-Federation war authorized 12 human groups and one Reptilian group to fashion a hybrid proto-Earthling for each area of off-planet alien interest in Earth.
The Anunnaki, Lyran refugees from the Sirius Unity Kingdom via the planet Nibiru, combined their Homo sapiens genes with those of Homo erectus, the proto-Earthling who inhabited Africa, to create our species.
Anunnaki Royals Enki and Marduk, as well as the rebel Anunnaki astronauts who ran their gold transshipment base on Mars, enhanced the Earthling gene pool.
People of Earth, Part 2 ORIGINS
OUR SUN’S SYSTEM The Solaris Solar System grew from a gas cloud that circled its center counterclockwise, cooled, & formed our Sun & a dimmer pair-star, a sub-brown dwarf called NEMESIS. Our Sun & Nemesis developed planets that circled them. Four and a half billion years ago, our Sun created TIAMAT, the planet that would become Earth.
Tiamat orbited the Sun clockwise between the orbital paths of Jupiter & Mars. Next, the Sun created MERCURY, which circled the Sun counterclockwise like the rest of the Sun’s planets. The Sun sent Mercury with water, gold–comets & meteorites–to Tiamat. Other planets circled the Sun clockwise also. These planets formed in pairs: Venus (which entered the Sun’s system later) paired with Mars. The Sun’s original planets, all moving counterclockwise, also settled into pairs. Saturn paired with Jupiter; Uranus paired with Neptune. Initially, no planet orbited between Venus & Jupiter, where the Earth is now.
Pluto was a moon of Saturn.
Tiamat lacked a partner planet, but one of her moons, KINGU, enlarged. Four billion years ago, before Kingu could orbit the Sun, either Nibiru or Nemesis invaded the Sun’s inner planetary system. Nibiru, newly formed, belched fire & radiation. Neptune’s gravity pulled into the inner solar system, where it changed the orbits of all Solaris’ planets.
When Tiamat approached Tiamat,” both Tiamat & Nibiru sprouted moons. When Nibiru, still plastic and orbiting counterclockwise, passed Uranus, Uranus’ gravity tore matter off Nibiru. This matter formed four moons (the South, North, East, & West Winds) that orbited Nibiru clockwise.
When Nibiru pierced our Solar System, it lost three of its moons & tore four moons from Uranus. Moons formed around Nibiru as it passed Uranus & and these moons hit Tiamat. Nibiru’s journey through the system also tilted Uranus’ orbit. One orbit of Nibiru into the inner solar system forced all of Tiamat’s new sprouting moons from a counterclockwise orbit into a clockwise rotation. Twelve new moons then circled Nibiru (instead of Tiamat). They formed “retrograde orbiting comets.” Hit 1: Nibiran Moon, the North Wind hit Earth: In the first Proto-Earth vs. Nibiru clash.
Nibiru’s perigee sucked off Kingu’s air & blocked Kingu’s orbit around the Sun. Kingu, in Sitchin’s formulation, remained as Earth’s Moon. [The alternate theory of Earth’s moon holds that it was an artificial and hollow satellite placed next to Earth by invading Draco Reptilians as a staging platform for their invasion of Earth.]
Hit 2: Nibiru & its moons knocked Tiamat into chunks. Some 200 million years ago, as Nibiru again transited the inner solar system, the gravity of Jupiter & Mars tore three more moons: Evil Wind, Whirlwind, & Matchless Wind, from Nibiru. Evil Wind struck Tiamat. The collision knocked bits of Tiamat & its waters into clockwise orbits. Tiamat got genetic building blocks from Evil Wind.
Hit 3: Nibiru’s Moon North Wind then hit the upper part of Tiamat’s remains & knocked it from its orbital position between Mars & Jupiter into a new orbit, between Mars & Venus, where it now orbits and where we know it as Earth. Earth is the big chunk of shattered Tiamat. Earth stabilized & rotated on its tilted orbit from this new orbit as it revolved around Solaris.
Hit 4: The next time Nibiru passed through our inner solar system, it hit the lower part of Earth and knocked chunks of Earth into space between Mars and Jupiter. We call these shards, which careened into space, “ASTEROIDS”; Nibirans called them “The Hammered Bracelet.”
Hit 5: Then Nibiru itself hit Earth and gouged a tremendous PACIFIC BASIN GAP in the Earth and knocked all the remaining landmasses into a single continent on the side opposite the Pacific gauge. The collision left more of Nibiru’s genetic material on Earth.
The Earth’s CRUST formed four billion years ago on continents but started 200 million years ago under the Pacific. The crust, 12 to 45 miles deep on land, lies but 3.5 to 5 miles underneath the Pacific Ocean. When the Evil Wind & Nibiru hit Tiamat, the force of the collision destroyed the crust so that no crust remained in the Pacific Gap. Only a gaping hole existed. After these collisions, the gap was filled with silt from the land. Volcanoes spewed lava into it, creating a thinner crust under the Pacific. Finally, the Evil Wind & the forces from Nibiru broke Earth’s crust into separate slabs.
People of Earth, Part 3 FIGHTS TO WIN NIBIRU
Five hundred millennia ago, Nibiru’s volcanoes erupted less ash to shield the planet from heat, cold, and radiation. Advisors told the then-King, Lahma, and Nuke the volcanos for more ash. Get gold from Earth, refine it to powder, and float it up to the ionosphere. But Lahma pondered while Nibiru’s air bled into space.
Prince Alalu led his fellow princes against Lahma, threw him from a tower, and proclaimed himself King. But Anu, Lahma’s legal successor, said he, not Alalu, should rule.
To avoid war between him and Pretender Anu, Alalu gave his daughter Damkina to Anu’s son Enki. The first boy, Enki and Damkina begat, would follow Alalu as Nibiru King. Their son would unite Anu’s and Alalu’s lines.
Anu agreed and pledged allegiance to Alalu. Alalu made Anu his Cupbearer.
Enki and Damkina begat Prince Marduk and primed him to one day rule Nibiru. Marduk knew he’d rule when Grandfather Alalu died or retired.
Anu, the legal successor to planet Nibiru King Lahma, signed a treaty with King Alalu, who slew Lahma. Anu quit as Lahma’s successor and agreed to let his and Alalu’s grandson, Marduk, succeed Alalu.
Alalu, who murdered Nibiran King Lahma for failing to save Nibiru’s atmosphere by nuking volcanoes or getting gold from Earth, compromised with Anu, the legal heir to Lahma. Alalu gave his Daughter Damkina to Anu’s son Enki. The fathers agreed that MARDUK, DAMKINA’S AND ENKI’S SON WOULD FOLLOW ALALU AS KING OF PLANET NIBIRU. Anu would be Alalu’s Cupbearer, always near Alalu and under his scrutiny.
Alalu had rockets shoot nuclear missiles into Nibiru’s volcanoes to raise the overcast to hold Nibiru’s air. This, however, didn’t release enough ash to plug the hole in the atmosphere. The hole grew.
Alalu also explored the gold-dust shield option. Earth and its asteroids hold most of the gold in the solar system, so he sent a rocket to the inner solar system. But the vessel crashed into an asteroid. All aboard died.
Nine more Nibiran years (9 sars, orbits of Nibiru around the sun, 32,400 Earth years) passed and Alalu still hadn’t stopped Nibiru’s air loss.
Cupbearer Anu seethed when Alalu failed to protect and replenish Nibiru’s atmosphere.
Anu reneged on his signed treaty; he cited the Nibiru succession law that Alalu had broken. Anu proclaimed himself the rightful king and challenged Alalu.
“To hand-to-hand combat, with bodies naked, Alalu he challenged.
“Alalu in combat was defeated; by acclaim, Anu was hailed as king. Anu to the palace was escorted.”
But “Alalu went to the palace but did not return. From the crowds, he stealthily escaped; of dying like Lahma, he was fearful.
“Unbeknownst to others, to the place of the celestial chariots [rockets] he hurriedly went. Into a missile-throwing chariot, Alalu climbed, its hatch behind him he closed. The forepart chamber he entered, the commander’s seat he occupied. In the celestial boat, Alalu from Nibiru escaped. To snow-hued Earth, Alalu set his course.”
450,000 years ago on Planet Nibiru, Cupbearer ANU, in hand-to-hand nude combat, overthrew King ALALU, who had failed to ameliorate the planet’s climate crisis with gold dust from Solaris’ asteroid belt or reactivation Nibiru’s dormant volcanoes.
Alalu stole a nuke-armed rocket, fled to Iraq on Earth, and messaged Anu that Earth had ample gold to save Nibiru but had aimed his nukes at Nibiru and demanded that Anu return rule of Nibiru to him. King Anu sent his son ENKI (Lucifer), who was wed to Alalu’s daughter, to Earth to mollify Alalu.
Enki and with a crew of 50 men, built a base camp at Basra for the Nibiran Goldmining Expedition to Earth. Enki and his pilot ABGAL hid Alalu’s nukes in a cave in Africa.
Enki’s brother and rival ENLIL (Yahweh) and King Anu flew to Earth to organize the expedition and, in a rigged drawing, made his heir Enlil Expedition Commander and Enki the boss of gold extraction and shipping. Alalu rechallenged Anu, lost the fight, but bit off Anu’s “manhood.” Anu banished Alalu to die on Mars of the protective poison from Anu’s flesh. Alalu’s kinsman, ANZU, shared his exile to care for him as he died.
When Anu’s daughter NINMAH, her cousin SUD, and 50 female Anunnaki doctors stopped on Mars en route to Earth. She buried Alalu and built a statue of his head at Cydonia. Ninmah left Anzu 20 men to start a gold transshipment base on Mars.
On Earth, Ninmah renewed her affair with Enlil but left him to live with Enki.
Enlil raped Sud. The Counsel of the Anunnaki (Nibirans on Earth are called “Anunnaki”) exiled Enlil to Africa.
Abgal, who flew Enlil to exile, secretly defected from his loyalty to Enki to Enlil and instead showed Enlil the hidden missiles.
Sud, pregnant, dismissed her rape case against Enlil when he agreed to marry her. She became “NINLIL and birthed their son, NANNAR (later to be Allah).
After Ninmah rejected Enlil, with whom she already had the son Ninurta, Enlil’s rival Enki (Ninmah’s ex-fiance) kept impregnating her.
Enki impregnated the daughters Ninmah bore him. He then rejected each of the daughters he impregnated. This is why, in Sitichin’s account, Nimah poisoned and hypno-cursed him.
In other accounts, in Ninmah’s absence, Enki ate poisoned plants in Ninmah’s garden, thinking they were entheogenic.
Enki, Chief Scientist for the Nibiran Goldmining Expedition to Earth, left his primary responsibility–maintaining the Gold supply from southeast Africa, up the Persian Gulf to Iraq, from Iraq to Mars, and finally from Mars to Nibiru–to his foreman, Ennugi.
Enki, his sister Ninmah, the Chief Medical Officer, and his son THOTH (Ningiszidda) (Enki’s son with Persephone-Ereshkigal) retreated to his lab in Zimbabwe, where the team conducted genetic experiments. They made freaks—“men with two wings, with one body and two heads, with mixed male and female organs, with legs and horns of goats and other hominid-animal mixtures.”
Millennia later, Enki, in his persona as Poseidon, created a Minotaur, half-man and half-human, for the Minos—King of Crete and ruler of the Minoan Empire. The Minos kept the Minotaur in an inescapable underground maze called the Labyrinth.
They also created many hybrid creatures–the so-called mythical creatures of antiquity. The early experiments with genetic engineering created many failures and some viable creatures–griffin, cyclops, merpeople, and sphinxes (bulls and lions with human heads). Depictions on ancient temples show many of these creations as they were, rather than imaginary creatures as modern geneticists thought before they also started manipulating genomes. [Genesis Revisited: 154-165]
But Enki’s primary focus became the genes of an intuitive, empathetic, intelligent hominoid, HOMO ERECTUS, who had already, long before the Anunnaki arrival on Earth in 450,000 BCE, been adapted to Earth by terraformers.
ADAPA (Adam #2) DENIED LONGEVITY on Planet Nibiru & Returned to Earth to Boss Descendants of Adam #1 Adapa was a Hybrid Nibiran/erectus genius whom Enki, Chief Scientist of the Anunnaki (people from Planet Nibiru) on Earth begat to supervise the descendants of Adam #1).
When Adapa visited Nibiru, The Nibiran King blocked him from longevity treatments at Enki’s request.
Adapa son Ka-in killed his fraternal twin brother (Enki’s grandson) Abael, the Anunnaki Council had Ka-in genetically marked as beardless and banished him East of Iraq.
Ka-in’s descendants are S. America’s Indians.
In Part 10, we left Inanna hallucinating every hunk for whom she hankered harbored a walk-in from the spirit of her murdered fiancé, Dumuzi.
Problem was, after a night of tantric embrace her hunk was dead and she knew he was not Dumuzi.
Dude 1: BANDA: Inanna’s brother Utu tried to revive Banda, the son of Inanna’s Uruk King Enmercar, who had fallen ill journeying back to Uruk in Iraq from Harappa in India. Inanna kissed his lips and he revived. Next day and week he lived. She felt she had the power to bring life to a man rather than kill him.
Dude 2: GILGAMESH: Uruk’s King, sexually frustrated as Inanna’s once-a-year sexual night with her, vented his libido as his right as King to deflower Uruk’s brides before their husband could.
Dude 3: SARGON: Inanna’s yardman. He raped her. She liked it, made him King of Akkad and dominated Iraq, Kuwait, and Turkey with him.
Dude 4: NERGAL: Inanna’s lover, Anunnaki Lord of South Africa coordinated troop movements and diverted Marduk for her.
Dude 5: NARAM-SIN: Joined her slaughter of enemies and made her Mesopotamia’s Monarch.
Part 12 is about the ESCALATION OF THE RIVALRY OF THE ENKI-ITE (led by Anunnaki Prince Marduk & his son Nabu & ENLIL-ITE LINEAGES FOR CONTROL OF EARTH (led by Enlil, Commander of the Goldmining Expedition from Planet Nibiru to Earth), his son Ninurta and his [Enlil’s] granddaughter Inanna.
The rivalry between the Enkiites and Enlilites culminated in the Enlilites nuking the Enkiite allies in Canaan, the rocket runways and lift-off platforms in the Sinai Peninsula, the Mission Control at the site of the future Jerusalem, and the south bank of the Salt Sea. The Salt Sea bombing released its waters and the resulting flood washed away the Canaanite cities of Sodom, Gomorra, and Zoar.
To the shock of the Enlilites, a radioactive storm from the nukes they dropped on the Enkiites blew over the Enlilite territory of Sumer (Iraq and Kuwait), killing all the Earthlings there. The Anunnaki Lords in Sumer escaped, but its Earthlings Perished.
Most of the Anunnaki phased off Earth in the next centuries from the alternate Enlilite Spaceport at Tiahuanaco atop the Andes.
Marduk was left to rule the Earth, though Enlil remained to challenge Marduk for rule here.