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by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
On the planet Nibiru, the long-orbiting (it comes near Earth every 3,600 Earth-years) tenth planet of our solar system, there dwelt 450,000 years ago, a technologically highly-evolved civilization of humans. Nibirans were eight to twelve feet tall. They enjoyed advanced computer, engineering and rocket technology. Competition to rule Nibiru evolved from nuclear war to drawing straws or wrestling. Nibirans on the Goldmining Expedition to Earth, 400,000 years ago also, initially–before they again regressed to missiles–drew lots and wrestled to settle their fights to rule Earth.
On the planet Nibiru, the long-orbiting (it comes near Earth every 3,600 Earth-years) tenth planet of our solar system, there dwelt 450,000 years ago, a technologically highly-evolved civilization of humans. Nibirans were seven to nine feet tall. Their skulls elongated at the occiput. They enjoyed advanced computer, engineering and rocket technology. They had even nuked other.
Then all united under AN, a single king. They developed less lethal ways to settle succession to kingship: lot-drawing and wrestling.
Nibiru’s atmosphere decayed and An’s descendent, King ANU, sent goldminers to Earth. On Earth, 300,000 years ago, the foremost Nibiran scientist, ENKI (called Ea when he lived on Nibiru), grafted and inseminated DNA from his genome and his son NINGISHZIDDA, as well as the DNA of his sister NINMAH, wife DAMKINA and sister-in-law, NINLIL, on devolved Homo Erectus or Neanderthal humans in South Africa to create us Homo Sapien slaves. Enki programmed us biologically and psychologically to mine, garden, war, build, keep records and–domestically and sexually– serve the Nibirans on Earth and ultimately to worship them as gods. The “gods,” addicted to status-competition, addicted us also to compete, divide racially, religiously and linguistically and to endure male rule.
Enki dictated an account of the evolution of Nibiru’s people. He shows how competition to rule Nibiru evolved from nuclear war to DRAWING STRAWS OR A WRESTLING. Nibirans initially–before they again regressed to missiles–drew lots and wrestled to settle competition among rivals for management of Earth’s mines too.
“After eons of time [0n Nibiru] our own species sprouted, by our own essence an eternal seed to procreate. As our numbers grew, to many regions of Nibiru our ancestors spread. Some tilled the land, some four-legged creatures shepherded.
“Rivalries occurred, encroachments happened; clashes occurred, sticks became weapons. Clans gathered into tribes, then two great nations each other faced. The nation of the north against the nation of the south took up arms. What was held by hand to thrusting missiles was turned. Weapons of thunder and brilliance increased the terror. A war, long an fierce, engulfed the planet; brother amassed against brother. There was death and destruction both north and south. For many circuits [3,600 Earth-year orbits of Nibiru around Solaris] desolation reigned the land; all life was diminished.
“A truce was declared; then peacemaking was conducted. Let the nations be united, the emissaries said to one another; let there be one throne on Nibiru, one king to reign over all. Let a leader from the north or from south by lot to be choosen, one king supreme to be. If he be from north, let south choose a female to be his spouse. Let their firstborn be the successor; let a dynasty thus be formed, unity on Nibiru forever to establish.
“”The first king after peace was made, … by lots was he chosen; his decrees in unity were accepted. For his abode he built a splendid city AGADE [Unity] was its name. Governors for each land he appointed; restoration and reclaimation was their task.” [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, pages 25-26]
Lord An, the king who unified Nibiru, dealt with Nibiru’s sexual imbalance from the nuclear wars, which killed many more men than women. To fix the imbalance, he created a hierarchical male-centered, patrilineal society and kingship. Men could take principle and secondary wives, official concubines too. An’s dynasty set The Law of Succession: THE KING’S HEIR, A SON HE HAS WITH HIS HALF SISTER–THE PRINCIPAL WIFE, RULES WHEN THE KING DIES. Nibiru’s succession law plagues Earth to this day. [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 98].
500,000 years ago, Nibiru’s protective shield weakened. The thick atmosphere thinned. This created the impetus for the Nibirans to sent miners to Earth for gold to powder Nibiru’s air with golddust, save their atmosphere, and keep the heat they needed. [Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god, page 88]
By the reign of Enshar, sixth king after An, “Nibiru’s air has thinner been made, the protective sheild diminished.” scientists warned. Ensha’s successor, Duuru begat no sons so the Council of Counselors elevated Duuru’s adopted son, Lahma to the throne.
To King Lahma, “In the councils of the learned, to heal the breach in the atmosphere there were two suggestions.
(1) “Use gold, within the Hammered Belt [Asteroids] abundant. To finest powder, gold could be ground, lofted high to heaven, suspended it could remain. With replenishment, the breach it would heal. Let celestial boats [rockets] the gold to Nibiru bring over.
(2) “Let weapons of Terror [nukes] be created, the missiles the volcanoes to attack, their dormancy to bestir, their belching to increase, the atmosphere to replenish, the breach to make disappear.”
But “For a decision Lahma was too feeble; what choice to make he knew not.” Every clockwise orbit around the Sun, Nibiru lost more air Nibirans needed desperately to smooth their temperature and let them live. One Nibiran year, remember, is 3,600 Earth orbits of the sun. For four Nibiran years (204,000 Earth years), the King fretted, couldn’t decide: nuke the volcanoes or send miners to the Asteroids? Meanwhile, Nibiru’s air bled into space. [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki pages 32 – 33]
Prince Alalu, descended from Nibiru’s forth king, Anshurgal (and a concubine) confronted the King atop the palace’s highest tower. ‘ We need a king who acts now. Not you; you dither while we all die. I’m taking over now, before we lose what’s left of our atmosphere.’ Alalu hurled Lahma from the tower, then proclaimed himself King of Nibiru.
Anu, a prince descended from King An’s youngest son (Enuru) declared he, not Alalu, should succeed Lahma. But Alalu told Anu, Wed our children–my daughter Damkina; your son Ea; I rule and civil war we forestall. Anu agreed; he canceled the betrothal his daughter Ninmah had proclaimed with Ea. Instead of Nimah, Ea wed Damkina [Sitchin, Z., 2010, There Were Giants Upon the Earth, page 249].
Ninmah pined for Ea, but sought solace in sex with her (and Ea’s) half-brother Enlil, a dashing military man. When Ninmah bore Enlil’s son Ninurta, Papa Anu angrily forbade her marriage to anyone ever.
Enlil, who before the Anu-Alalu marriage deal, would, by the Nibira Succession Law, have succeeded Anu as Nibiru’s king, lost his claim to the throne. The first male born of Ea and Damkina, Anu and Alalu agreed, would rule Nibiru and bring together the descent lines of both grandfathers, Alalu and Anu.
Ea and Damkina had a boy, Marduk. The pact between Anu and Alalu pledged Marduk, not Enlil, would one day rule Nibiru. Deal in place, Anu pledged fealty to Alalu. Alalu, now acknowledged as King, made Anu his Cupbearer. [Sitchin, Z., The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, page 84]
King Alalu didn’t– though he tried–save Nibiru’s air. To create overcast that would hold the air, he nuked the volcanoes, but this didn’t yield enough overcast.
Alalu next sent a rocket to the Asteroids for gold to powder and spread as a shield for Nibiru’s atmosphere. But the ship crashed into an asteroid; all aboard died. Nine more Nibiran years (nine sars, orbits of Nibiru around Solaris’ 32,400 Earth years) passed and Alalu still hadn’t stopped Nibiru’s air loss.
Cupbearer Anu raged at Alalu’s failure to protect and replenish Nibiru’s atmosphere, He cited Nibiru law and proclaimed himself rightful king. He challenged Alalu.
“Anu gave battle to Alalu. To hand-to-hand combat, with bodies naked, Alalu he challenged. Alalu in combat was defeated; by acclaim Anu was hailed as king.” [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki, pages 24 – 39]
Alalu stole a rocketship loaded with nuclear missiles his men had used in their failed attempt to stimulate Nibiru’s volcanoes to regenerate an atmospheric shield for the planet. Alalu launched the rocket for Earth. He blasted through the stones of the Asteroid Belt. He nuked them from his path with some of the missiles.
Alalu landed in the Persian Gulf, anchored his rocket, and made his way to shore.
Alalu confirmed gold in the Gulf. From Earth, he controlled the gold Nibiru needed to survive. The gold gave him power over the home planet. In addition, Alalu positioned his nukes to blast Nibiru when it next passed Earth. Alalu thus dangled gold as a carrot and menaced missiles as a stick. “The Speaker-of-Words he stirred up; toward Nibiru the words to carry.” To Anu on Nibiru he beamed, “On another world I am, the gold of salvation I have found. The fate of Nibiru is in my hands. To my conditions you must give heed! Return my throne” [Sitchin, The Lost Book of Enki,page 60]
Back on Nibiru, the Council heard Alalu’s demands. Enlil, King Anu’s Foremost Son, beamed Alalu back, Prove there’s ample gold on Earth. Alalu transmitted his data to Nibiru. Enlil impugned Alalu’s data. He and the Council begged Anu to resist Alalu’s attempt to regain rule.
The scientist Ea, Firstborn Son of Anu as well as Alalu’s son-in-law, told the Council he’d rocket to Earth. He’d verify or deny enough gold to send miners whether Anu or Alalu ruled Nibiru.
‘If from gold dust of Earth a shield for Nibiru its atmosphere to save’, said Ea, ‘let Alalu Earth rule as King. For kingship on Nibiru, let him wrestle Anu. Let me in a chariot [rocket]to Earth journey, a path through the Bracelet [Asteroids] with water, not fire [Alalu used nuclear missiles to get through the Asteroids] I shall fashion. On Earth, from the waters let me the precious gold to obtain; to Nibiru back it will be sent.’ [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page: 66]
Anu endorsed Ea’s plan and sent him with Alalu’s kinsman, pilot Anzu and fifty men to Earth. Ea had pre-empted the mission his half-brother Enlil coveted. Enlil seethed while Ea and Anzu blasted for Earth.
Ea built a settlement, Eridu, at the head of the Persian Gulf, near modern Basara. From Gulf waters, he extracted some gold. He built a plane, and with his personal pilot, Abgal, tested all over the planet for more gold.
Nibiran scientists powdered the gold into fine dust and experimented with it; they could use it, they reported, to disperse as contrails in the air and shield Nibiru’s atmosphere. Get more gold quick, they said. Anu beamed Earth: Send us Alalu’s ship with all gold you gathered.
Ea programmed a return route through the Asteroids and Abgal flew the spacecraft to Nibiru with sample gold to test as an atmospheric shield there.
On Nibiru, scientists processed the gold “to make of it the finest dust, to skyward launch it was hauled away. A Shar [one orbit of Nibiru around the Sun, equal to 3,600 Earth years at the time; Nibirans live so long they seem immortal by our standards] did the fashioning last, a Shar did the testing continue. With rockets was the dust heavenward carried, by crystal beams was it dispersed.
[But] when Nibiru near the Sun came, the golden dust was by its rays disturbed; the healing in the atmosphere was dwindled, the breach to bigness returned.” [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki, page 86]
Anu sent Abgal back to Earth for more gold.
On Earth again, Abgal found only a small gold yield, all Ea could mine from the Gulf so far. Ea sent Abgal to Nibiru again with this disappointing yield of gold.
Then Ea found gold, huge veins of it, in southeast Africa (Abzu). Jubilant, he announced his find to Nibiru.
Back on Nibiru, Anu and Enlil received Ea’s news of vast veins of gold.
Enlil, angry still that brother Ea led the Earth Mission, demanded proof, not just of gold, but of lots of gold. ‘False hope Ea gave already that gold enough could from Earth’s waters could Nibiru’s atmosphere save,’ Enlil shouted.
‘Then you, Enlil, take charge on Earth’, Anu replied. ’Assess the gold there.’
Enlil made landfall on Earth and examined Ea’s find. Enlil beamed back to Nibiru that, despite his initial doubts, Earth probably had gold enough to save Nibiru’s atmosphere.
But the basic rivalry between Ea and Enlil (that plagues Earth to this day) surfaced again.
‘Father Anu’, Enlil beamed from Earth to Nibiru, ‘Affirm, by the law of succession, that I, your son by your own half-sister Antu, precede and have authority over Ea, though, he, your eldest son, be.’
‘Come to Earth,’ Enlil begged Anu, ‘Make Enki obey me.’
Enlil warned Anu he’d have to deal with Alalu too: ‘He yells he’s King of Earth and Nibiru.’
So, 416,000 years ago, Anu flew to Earth, where he put three straws in his right hand, held them out to Ea and Enlil, and ruled: “Whoever draws the long straw rules Nibiru. Draw the short straw and you command Earth. Middle-sized straw: run mining and sea transport.”
“By their lots the tasks they divided; Anu to Nibiru to return, its ruler on the throne to remain.
“The Edin [Mesopotamia] to Enlil was allotted, to be Lord of Command, more settlements to establish, of the skyships and their heros charge to take. Of all the lands until they the bar of the seas encounter, the leader to be.
“To Ea the seas and the oceans as his domain were granted, lands beyond the bar of the waters by him to be governed, in the Abzu [southeastern Africa] to be the master, with ingenuity the gold to procure.” [Sitchin, Z., Lost Book of Enki, pages 92 -93]. Enlil’d already displaced by Enlil as Anu’s successor on Nibiru, now Enlil, his rival, this robber of Ea’s birthright, commanded him on Earth.
But Enli’s first act conciliated Ea. Enlil forever gave Eridu (the settlement Ea’d created on the Persian Gulf) to Ea. Enlil bestowed the title, EN.KI, EARTH’S LORD, on Ea [Sitchin, Z., 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 81]
No sooner did Anu and his sons divide rule of Nibiru and Earth, then…….
“Forward toward Anu Alalu stepped, shouted, ‘Mastery of Earth to me was allotted; that was the promise when the gold finds to Nibiru I announced! Nor have I the claim to Nibiru’s throne forsaken’ [Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki, page 93].
Anu wrestled Alalu. They grappled. [Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 86]
“Anu on the chest of Alalu with his foot pressed down, victory in the wrestling thereby declaring, “I am King”
But when Anu lifted his foot from Alalu, “swiftly he the manhood of Anu bit off, the malehood of Anu Alalu did swallow.!” [Sitchin, The Wars of Gods and Men, page 94]
Enlil tied Alalu up while Ea gave Anu first-aid. “Alalu,” Anu groaned, “will slowly die from my seed.” *
Anu condemned the sickened and doomed Alalu to spend his last days on Mars. The Nibirans knew Alalu would die soon from biting Anu’s penis. “There was apparently something in the “flesh” of others that killed anyone who consumed it.” [Tellinger, M. 2006, Slave Species of god, page 438]
References Pages in citations are signaled by a colon [:] preceding the page number
Alford, A., 1996, Gods of the New Millennium: Scientific Proof of Flesh and Blood Gods, Eridu Books
Bauval, R., and Hancock, G.,1996, The Keeper of Genesis, Mandarin
Bramley, W., 1989, The Gods of Eden, Avon
Cremo, M. and Thompson, R., 1993, Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, Torchlight
Cremo, M., 2003, Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory, Torchlight 2001, Forbidden Archeology’s Impact, Torchlight
Freer, N., 1999, God Games, Book Tree 2000, Breaking the Godspell, Book Tree 2004, Sapiens Rising, 2004b, The Alien Question, 2008, Sapiens Rising: The View From 2100, Electronic Dragon
Kramer, S., 1971, The Sumerians, University of Chicago
Lessin, S., 2012, Anunnaki, Gods No More, Createspace 2000, 2011, “ETs from Planet Nibiru”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2 2011, “A Chat with Dr. Sasha Lessin”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2 2011 “Extraterrestrials Engineered Our Species” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Issue 4 2011, “ The Anunnaki’s Great Deluge: The True and Original Story ” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Feb-March Issue
Osman,A., 2002, Moses & Akhenaten, Bear
Sitchin, Z. [ZS in text attributions] 1976, The 12th Planet, Avon 1983, The Stairway to Heaven [Stairway], Avon 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men [Wars], Avon 1990, Genesis Revisited Avon 1990, The Lost Realms Avon 1993, When Time Began [Time], Avon 1995, Divine Encounters [Encounters], Avon 1996, Of Heaven and Earth, Book Tree 1998 The Cosmic Code, Avon 2002, The Lost Book of Enki [Enki], Bear 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions [Expeditions], Bear 2007, The End of Days, HarperCollins 2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past [Journeys], Bear 2009 The Earth Chronicles Handbook [Handbook], Bear 2010 There Were Giants Upon The Earth [Giants], Bear
Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god [Slave Species], Music Masters 2009, Temples of the African Gods, [Temples], Zulu Planet 2011, White Powder of Gold, 2012a Temples of the African Gods, 2012b
Velikovsky, I., Undated, In The Beginning
More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
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“The Split at Oraibi by Chuka (Don C. Talayesva), Oraibi, forward from
The American occupation of the Southwest in 1846 marked the beginning of government intervention in Hopi affairs. Besides land policies that radically decreased the boundaries of Hopi lands, the newly introduced government schools had severe consequences for Hopi society. The US government took Hopi children away from their families, sometimes against their parents’ will. The children were sent to boarding schools for long periods of time. This policy was hard on Hopi family life and affected the people’s ability to sustain themselves, both physically and culturally. Here, a Hopi elder talks about how factions developed at Oraibi and the final split in 1906.
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“Terrace Homes of Hopi Indians—Street Scene in Oraibi, Hopi Reservation, Arizona, ca. 1900,” Unidentified (Photographer)
You’ll need 3-D glasses to view this Anaglyph image. Don’t have a pair? Request 3-D glasses right away!
I can tell you exactly how it happened because I was involved in that business. I was about sixteen years old then. There was this group in Oraibi that was hostile to the whites. That was the problem. We all used to live peaceably together when I was a young boy, but about the time I was old enough to be in school we began to separate from our old way of life. And this group that was hostile to the government refused to send their children to school. They didn’t want to get help from the government. They wanted to be left alone to go their own way.
It got to be pretty bad in the village. Things got turned upside down. When we friendly people had our ceremonies they [the Hostiles] had theirs by themselves. We were not living peaceably for quite a while, ’til 1906. That was when we decided to do something.
It was on September the 8th, 1906, that it happened. We drove those hostile people from the village, out that way, and kept them gathered there. During the afternoon it was getting pretty bad. Yukioma, who was head of the Hostiles, wanted his people to stay in Oraibi. He wanted us [the Friendlies] to leave the village. So about three o’clock he made four lines on the ground and then he said, “Well, it has to be done this way now that when you pass me over these lines it will be done. We’re going to have a [push]-of-war. If you push us over [the lines] we are the ones to leave.”
“View of Sichomovi Pueblo, Hopi, ca. 1875,” William Henry Jackson (Photographer)
You’ll need 3-D glasses to view this Anaglyph image. Don’t have a pair? Request 3-D glasses right away!
So our chief called a lot of those strong men to do the work. Said, “Well, we’ll get together and push each other. We’ll push them back that way. If we pass them over the four lines it will be done.”
We had a hard struggle. Both of our chiefs were in the center, and they had a hard time to get their breath. And then we drove them over the four lines. Then it was done; that’s what Yukioma said. Before the setting of the sun, he [and his group] departed.
Our chief said to them, “You people are supposed to go out where you came from, Kawestima, to live.” That’s out toward [Kayenta].
After the Hostiles left, someone carved three or four footprints in the rock showing where they went out toward the west. [Two fellows] named Robert Silena and Charles Addington carved the words that Yukioma had said. When the Hostiles got to the place where they were going to stay, Hotevilla, they cut down some trees and made temporary hogans at first, then afterwards they made their stone houses.
Our chief at that time was Tawakwaptewa, and his second lieutenant from Moencopi was Frank Shiamptiwa.