Zecharia Sitchin



by Enki September 13, 2016 0 comment


Silva writes that the Book of Enoch, written in Ge’ez, the sacred language of Ethiopia, two or more centuries before the Bible the Hebrew hostages in Babylon compiled.

(Continued from ANUNNAKI Tablets, Tubes, Talks Part 7–Enki Begat Adapa & Titi)

A) Sitchin’s formulation: Adapa, born around 200,000 years ago, son of Enki and a hybrid teen woman who descendant from Adam, the original Hybrid Enki’d created 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki Lords Ningishzidda and Dumuzi took him to Nibiru, where he was denied the extreme longevity enjoyed by Anu, King of the Nibirans.

B) Silva’s formulation: Adapa was a Watcher or Nephilim known as Enoch, Idris, or Enmed-uranna, whom Commander Enlil (Yahweh) rocketed to a distant planet run by King Anu.


The Anunnaki–people from the planet Nibiru who, in Sitchin’s formulation, came to Earth–shortened our lives in order to protect themselves.  They saw that when they educated us, we mastered their technology, from computers to weather control devices.  We outbred them and posed a threat to them on Earth.  Adapa, Chief Scientist Enki’s hybrid son, showed them we think as well as they.  We could master their technology and adapt it to changing conditions.  Enki, for his part, wanted Adapa and his descendants to stay on Earth, quarantined, to develop to our own inherent potential.

Enki also realized that Nibiru might not solve its environmental challenges and might one day migrate to Earth as a new home, and needed a civilized populace living in peace and prosperity to sustain them on Earth.


Excerpt from ANUNNAKI: FALSE GODS–Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work For Them by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin


One of Nibiru’s approaches upset Earth’s climate and ruined the new crops. Earthlings adapted and foraged afar but made less food. From 27,000 B.C., Earthlings’ standard of living worsened and they took again to the bush and cave-dwelling. “Following generations showed less advanced standards of civilized life. From 27,000 to 11, 000 the regressing and dwindling population reached almost complete absence of habitation.” Enlil prodded Enki to make them smart enough to farm and herd better.

Enki decided to uplevel Earthling intelligence and, at the same time, enjoy himself. [12th Planet: 5 – 6;]

In his African reserve, “Enki in the marshlands looked about. With him was Ismud, his visier, who secrets kept. “On the river’s bank, frolicking Earthlings he noticed; two females among them were wild with beauty, firm were their breasts. Their sight the phallus of Enki caused to water, a burning desire he had.

A young one to him Enki called, a tree fruit she offered him. Enki bent down, the young one he embraced, on her lips he kissed her. Sweet were her lips, firm with ripeness were her breasts. Into her womb she took the holy semen, by the semen of the Enki she was impregnated.”

Enki then coupled with the second young Earthling. [Enki: 167 -168]

One of the girls bore a boy, ADAPA; the other, a girl–TITI. Enki kept his fatherhood secret. His wife, Damkina, “to Titi took a liking; all manner of crafts was she teaching.

“To Adapa, Enki teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing.” Enki boasted, “A Civilized man I have brought forth. A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness. From seed they from food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd. Anunnaki and Earthlings henceforth shall be satiated.” [Encounters: 47 Enki,: 168-170]


Enki impregnated Titi with his son Ka-in; Adapa impregnated her with a fraternal twin, Abael.  Ka-in and Abael were the first ADAPite humans, humans with far more–due to Enki’s genetic infusion–Nibiran genes relative to Erectus genes than their mothers, the ADAMite girls Enki impregnated. Ka-in, of course, had more of Enki’s Nibiran genes than did Abael.

Enki schooled his (albeit clandestine) son Adapa. He ordered Adapa to teach his descendants–the enhanced Earthlings–to run farms, herds, estates and less enhanced Earthlings. Enki brought more Earthlings from Africa to Sumer for Adapa to train for the Mission bosses’ homes and facilities.

Adapa worked, studied, pondered. He learned Nibirans ate the Bread of Life and drank the Water of Life to live hundreds of thousands of years. Without those substances, he’d die in mere thousands of years. He begged Enki for the Bread and Water, for immortality.

Adapa, “a busybody in charge of the services for which the primitive workers were brought over to the Edin, supervised bakers, assured water supplies, oversaw fishing for Eridu and tended offerings.”



Enki, either with a device that changed reversed the wind that blew down the Persian Gulf to blow Adapa north in a sailboat or he sent Adapa in a rocket. A Spy told Enlil he saw Adapa speed North. [Encounters: 51 -55]


Enlil beamed King Anu on Nibiru: Enki changed Gulf weather to blow Adapa south. Anu sent his Visier Ilabrat to Earth for Adapa. Enki gave Ilabrat Adapa and sent his two unmarried Earth-born sons, Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, with Adapa to meet grandfather, Anu, and perhaps find Nibiran brides.


On Nibiru, King Anu asked Adapa why Enki changed the wind south and sent him down the Gulf. Ningishzidda slipped Anu a sealed tablet from Enki. Enki’s tablet said he wanted Adapa to breed more enhanced Earthlings. Enki confessed fathering Adapa and Titi with Earthlings descended from Adamu and Ti-Amat. Ningishzidda already knew, from Adapa’s DNA, that Enki begat Adapa and Titi. Enki asked Anu to send Adapa back to begat more hybrids, to father more ADAPITES–Civilized Humans.

The tablet asked Anu to deny Adapa food or elixir–the Bread of Life and the Water of Life–that would lengthen the lives of Adapa and his descendants. The Earthlings descended from both Adam (Adamite hybids) and Adapa (Adapites), Anu knew, descended from him as well. Enki and Ningishzidda–Anu’s son and son’s son–via their seed, passed Anu’s genes to the Earthlings, mixed with their DNA with Homo erectus’ and created an illegal civilized species.

Enki wanted Anu to deny Earthlings the seeming eternal, lifespan Nibirans had, so the illegal species would stay long-quarantined on Earth.

DumuziAnu told Dumuzi, “On Nibiru stay, animal husbandry to master till Nibiru next nears Earth. [3,600 years] then to Earth return,” Dumuzi would bring Earth sheep and goat sperm as well as female goats and sheep to inseminate. He’d teach his nephew Abael to tend the animals.[Encounters: 49 – 65; Enki: 173 174]


Anu gave Ningishzidda grain seeds and told him to take them and Adapa back to Earth. “Adapa teach; with Enki, teachers of Civilized Man be,” said the King.


Silva’s version of the same events is based on The Book of Enoch and the Books of Adam and Eve.

Enki’s account of Adapa’s journey and stay on Nibiru echoes Enoch’s account of his journey to Tel Idris in Turkey.  But there are critical differences between Enoch’s and Enki’s versions of the same events.  The differences reflect rationalizations Enki later gave for humans’ shortened lifespans. 

Silva writes, “Four miles south of Harran [Turkey] on the summit of Mount Ardis where the assembly of the Lords of Anu held a council,” including Enlil (Yahweh).  After the Lords of Anu [Nibiru’s King] settled Ardis, several hundred teacher-craftsmen named Watchers [Igigi], in the days of Jared, father of Enoch, hundreds of years before Noah’s flood, descended and assisted” the job of civilizing Earthlings.  “The Watchers are White physical people capable of living hundreds of years, who are enlightened and performing supervisory roles.” 

The “Book of Enoch” allows an alternate explanation for Sitchin’s account of Anu denying Adapa longevity.  Sitchin’s translations relate that Anu denied Adapa immortality on Nibiru at Enki’s request that Anu return Adapa from Nibiru to Enki (Adapa’s father) to Earth to help him run Earthlings for the Anunnaki.

Silva, however, shows that Adapa/Enoch was probably himself a Watcher.  Silva’s evidence: in Enoch’s books, the Watchers glowed from Myrrh as did Noah–Enoch’s descendant.

In the First Haven, the Watcher Mika-el took Enoch’s clothes and dressed him as an Anunnaki and anointed him with the Watchers’ oil.  The anointing made Enoch and his descendants glow.  The glow validated Enoch’s status as a fellow Anunnaki.  The oil smelled like myrrh and made the Watchers and then Enoch a luminous look quality; that’s why they’re called “Elohim,” which means “Shining Ones.” That’s why Silva sees Adapa/Enoch, ancestor of Noah, as an Anunnaki Watcher.

In Enoch’s books, most of the Watchers were not given life-extention; Enoch/Adapa was one of these.  In Enoch’s book, “Books of Adam and Eve,” he relates that Watchers like Enoch “lived  for hundreds of years, fed by the fruit of a forgotten tree.  But the more associated with the physical world, the denser they became.  Consequently their lifespan shortened to resemble that which humans consider normal.  However, the Watcher Uri-el could extend their lifespan; those whose lifespan he extended included Enoch’s descendant Noah..

Watchers, some of whom had elongated heads, were commissioned to “instruct the children of men to do judgment and uprightness upon the earth.  They possessed knowledge of the mechanics of nature and how to manipulate it.”

Enoch was, in the account of the Hebrew Bible-writers, conflated with Enmed-urrana, King of Sippar [Iraq]. 

The Watchers, Enoch wrote, regularly took him “to the compound of Anu aboard a flying device that airlifts him to the summit.  Enoch wrote that the flying machine “lifted me up. I could see sky all around and still higher, I seemed to be in space. We landed on the First Haven and there they showed me a great sea, bigger than the inland [Caspian?] sea where I lived.” The Watcher Mika-el  took Enoch to “the grand assembly of 49 lords (seven groups of seven sages) overseen by King Anu.

“The four central watchers of the assembly are Mika-el, the kind and patient one; Ra-pha-el, responsible for treating illnesses and wounds. Uri-el was responsible for dealing with those selected to receive an extension of their normal life-span.”

The Watcher Gabi-el “was responsible for a special garden [the Garden of Eden] from which fruit trees were grafted to seed places in the lowlands where humans and People of the Serpent [Enki/Lucifer] would learn to grow their own crops.

The Lords of Anu gave Enoch “advanced notice of an impending global deluge.”  The Lords told him “how his great-grandson Noah would be further instructed on what to do because the events would occur in Noah’s lifetime, not Enoch’s.”  The Lords of Anu, 200 years before the Deluge, also told the ancient Egyptians to build “pyramids and other safe houses to protect knowledge to be recovered afterward by the Shining Ones [The Anunnaki Flood Recovery Educators].

 When Eve is talking to a serpent about eating the fruit from the [probably DMT-laden] Tree of Knowledge, she is actually talking with Gadre-el, a Serpent person, one of the watchers living at Gar-sag.”

Enoch describes how the Watchers/Anunnaki were split into groups of seven and given jurisdiction over an assigned Earthly precinct, to attend the raising of humans from their primitive state.  [Silva, Missing Lands: 236-246]






>      Giant Humans, the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, bred, blessed, cursed and challenged us.·        

>      They came for gold to rocket back to Nibiru, powder, and float into their atmosphere to shield it from temperature extremes and radiation.    

>    We exist because they grafted Homo erectus genes into their genome.

>     They gave us computers, rockets, submarines, free electricity, longevity treatment, and gene spicing. We imitated the technology we saw them use.        

>       They gave us literacy, physics, laws, math, cosmology, astronomy, biology, medicine, metallurgy, brick-making, music, instruments, architecture, geology, cities, schools, canals, ships, cartography, and contracts. They gave savants advanced knowledge to share with us now.        

>       But they trained us to compete and hurt rivals, made us slave in armies, homes, and jobs.  They imprinted dominator-consciousness on us.        

>       The Anunnaki shortened our lives, imprinted us to obsess on status and greed, and inflicted royals, religions, racism, sexism, slavery, taxes, gold lust, debt, murder, war, propaganda, and ignorance on us.        

>      Nibiran King Anu ignored the treaty his predecessor signed that designated Marduk (Satan) A Nibiru’s next ruler.        

>       Marduk ran Earth until a new Nibiran King (Nannar) sent agents to Earth to wrest it from him.        

>     The Anunnaki now promise peace, free energy, and quantum computing. They hype harmony, urge understanding, emphasize empathy, and advocate disclosure.

>       They returned to Earth to dawn Prince Enki’s (Aquarian) Age.  In the Age of Aquarius, they say, we and they  embrace individuality and unity.         

>     Together, Earthling and Anunnaki, they say, we end the god-spell, the nation-bane, and the materialist-compulsion.  Ancestor-race and Descendant Race, we drop the master-slave curse,the god-devotee hypnosis.  The boss-worker hex, and lord-tenant model the Anunnaki imposed on us is annulled and we live happily ever after. 



>      Giant Humans, the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, bred, blessed, cursed and challenged us.·        

>      They came for gold to rocket back to Nibiru, powder, and float into their atmosphere to shield it from temperature extremes and radiation.    

>    We exist because they grafted Homo erectus genes into their genome.

>     They gave us computers, rockets, submarines, free electricity, longevity treatment, and gene spicing. We imitated the technology we saw them use.        

>       They gave us literacy, physics, laws, math, cosmology, astronomy, biology, medicine, metallurgy, brick-making, music, instruments, architecture, geology, cities, schools, canals, ships, cartography, and contracts. They gave savants advanced knowledge to share with us now.        

>       But they trained us to compete and hurt rivals, made us slave in armies, homes, and jobs.  They imprinted dominator-consciousness on us.        

>       The Anunnaki shortened our lives, imprinted us to obsess on status and greed, and inflicted royals, religions, racism, sexism, slavery, taxes, gold lust, debt, murder, war, propaganda, and ignorance on us.        

>      Nibiran King Anu ignored the treaty his predecessor signed that designated Marduk (Satan) A Nibiru’s next ruler.        

>       Marduk ran Earth until a new Nibiran King (Nannar) sent agents to Earth to wrest it from him.        

>     The Anunnaki now promise peace, free energy, and quantum computing. They hype harmony, urge understanding, emphasize empathy, and advocate disclosure.

>       They returned to Earth to dawn Prince Enki’s (Aquarian) Age.  In the Age of Aquarius, they say, we and they  embrace individuality and unity.         

>     Together, Earthling and Anunnaki, they say, we end the god-spell, the nation-bane, and the materialist-compulsion.  Ancestor-race and Descendant Race, we drop the master-slave curse,the god-devotee hypnosis.  The boss-worker hex, and lord-tenant model the Anunnaki imposed on us is annulled and we live happily ever after. 


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