Dumuzi Zecharia Sitchin

INANNA: Sumer’s Wonder Woman, Declared Herself Earth’s Ruler

From Marduk: King of Earth by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D., (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio)

Inanna, Sargon and our ancestors

Inanna, Sargon and our ancestors

Inanna forced her rule over much of the world.  She turned the Earth Goldmining Expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth into her private campaign to rule Earth.  

Inanna also bore the names Irnini, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Athena, Anat, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Ninni, Kali and Shakti). Inanna visited Nibiru at least once. She, like many Nibirans, often wore flight goggles or sunglasses to deal with greater sunshine on Earth than on Nibiru. [ZS, Giants: 221]

Her main rival, Prince Marduk, married an Earthling, Sarpanit, and allied himself with the Astronaut Commander Shamgaz.  Shamgaz and his men occupied the Landing Platform at Baalbek and forced Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from Nibiru to Earth to let them to create followings with legal recognition of marriage for the Earthlings they’d seized and raped at Marduk’s wedding.

 Maduk settled some of the astronauts and their hybrid families in Babylon; he and Sarpanit stayed with other astronaut/hybrid families in Lebanon. By 100,000 years ago, some of these “Children of the Rocketships” settled in “the far eastlands, lands of high mountains.”[ZS, 2002, Enki: 202; 1985, Wars: 346]


Skirmishes and the likelihood of destructive war grew between Enki’s and Enlil’s lineages. Then their darlings decided to marry.

“On the Landing Platform [Lebanon], Dumuzi and Inanna their eyes on each other set. Hesitant at first they were, he of Enki’s lineage, she of Enlil an offspring [son’s daughter].”

Dumuzi & Inanna (Greek version as Adonis & Aphrodite)

 Enkiite and Enlilite elders hoped that if Dumuzi wed Inanna, deadly rivalry between their lineages would stop. “Perchance the espousing peace between the linages truly will bring” Enlil to them all did say.”  He ordered the Indus Valley developed as a dowry for Inanna and Dumuzi. [ZS, Enki: 251; Giants: 215]

Inanna’s Background:

Rulers of Nibiru and Earth pampered Inanna, then called Irnini. [later scribes wrote of Inanna as Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Athena, Anat, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Ninni, Kali and Shakti].  Nannar fathered her. Her mother, Ningal, bore Inanna and her twin Utu (delivered before Inanna) on Earth, where Inanna’s grandfather, Enlil, rocked her cradle. The twins returned to Nibiru where Anu and his royal wife, Antu raised Inanna. When Inanna returned to Earth, Ninmah educated her. [ZS, Wars: 231; Enki: 250]

Inanna and Utu, like homeplanet Nibirans, seemed immortal to the Earthlings. But Nibirans born on Earth matured faster than those on Nibiru. “Who on Nibiru in diapers would still be, on Earth became a child; who on Nibiru began to crawl, when on Earth born was running around.” Inanna’s height, as well as her adolescence, seemed stunted. She grew a mere 66 inches height, whereas most Nibirans born on the homeplanet stood over 84 inches. [ZS, Giants: 221; Enki: 152]

Dumuzi’s Background:

Enki’s spouse, Damkina, bore Dumuzi (a fast-maturing Earthborn like Inanna) long after she bore their son Gibil and after Enki begat Ningishzidda with Ereshkigal.

Dumuzi [Adonis to Greeks] went with Ningishzidda and their hybrid half-brother, Adapa, to Nibiru. When Dumuzi returned to Earth from Nibiru, with Adapa, he brought sheep and goats. After the deluge receded, Enki made Dumuzi, now his favorite son, boss of Africa’s domestic herds and herdsmen and boss of northeastern Africa.

Jealous, of the new favorite, Marduk made sure Dumuzi and Inanna didn’t wed. He sent his sister GESHTINANNA to Inanna.

Inanna told Geshtinanna,” ‘A vision of a great nation I have. As a Great Anunnaki Dumuzi there will rise. His queen-spouse I shall be. To Dumuzi I will status give, the country I will rightly direct.’

Inanna’s visions of rulership and glory by Geshtinanna to her brother Marduk were reported.


 “By Inanna’s ambitions Marduk was greatly disturbed; to Geshtinanna a secret plan he said.  Marduk had Geshtinanna seduce Dumuzi.

Geshtinanna told Dumuzi, “Before you your young wife in your embrace will sleep, a legitimate heir, by a sister born, you must have [to keep succession within the Enki Lineage]. Inanna’s son to succession shall not entitled be.[Sitchin, J. , Website; ZS, Enki: 251]

After she got Dumuzi’s ejaculate, Geshtinanna panicked Dumuzi. She said, “Marduk of raping me will accuse you, evil emissaries to arrest you he will send. To try you and disgrace you he will order, the liaison with an Enlilite to disunite.”

Dumuzi, aghast, fled to hide behind a waterfall but slipped into the rapids and drowned in Lake Victoria. [ZS, Enki: 253]

Gibil, Dumuzi’s brother, retrieved his body from Lake Victoria. He brought the body to Nergal and his wife, Ereshkigal (Inanna’s sister) in South Africa. Inanna flew to her sister’s place.

Inanna knew Marduk made Dumuzi die–though Marduk blamed a subordinate (the “evil emissary”). With techno-weapons, she chased Marduk, who ran through the chambers of the Great Pyramid. He radioed King Anu who beamed Inanna. The King told her Marduk had weapons that would kill her if she caught him.

Anu ordered Enlil and his chiefs to surround the Pyramid.

“Your side, hear we shall, to decide if you or an evil emissary killed Dumuzi,” they told Marduk. When Marduk came out, the Enlilites assumed Anu would okay what they decided, namely, convict Marduk and sentence him to die slowly with air but no food or water in the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid.

So the Enlilites sealed Marduk in. After awhile, he lapsed into unconsciousness.


Marduk’s wife Sarpanit and son Nabu beamed Anu, who told the Enlilites, “My grandson Marduk must not be slain.”

Ningishzidda tunneled into the chamber and revived Marduk, whom the Council banished to North America. In Egypt, they now called Marduk Ra-Amen (Amen = hidden).

Marduk exiled, Enlil still needed to counter the spread of Marduk’s Earthlings. “‘The Earth by Earthlings inherited will be,’ Enlil to Ninurta said. ‘Go, the offspring of Ka-in find, with them a domain of your own prepare.'” [ZS, Wars: 221 – 228; Handbook:136].

Inanna flew to her sister’s Ereshkigal’s weather station at Cape Aguelas, where Ninigal had flown Dumuzi’s body.


Ereshkigal knew Inanna came to exercise levirate to make an heir with Nergal. For levirate, a brother of the man who died–Nergal, Dumuzi’s brother in this case–impregnates his dead brother’s wife but the child succeeds the dead brother. Inanna thought Dumuzi’s eldest brother, Marduk, unfit to impregnate her since Marduk–Dumuzi’s firstborn brother–caused Dumuzi’s death. So she sought Dumuzi’s next oldest brother, Nergal. She would, through Nergal and the boy they’d begat, rule in Africa despite Dumuzi’s death. Their son would inherit Dumuzi’s realms in northeast Africa, she, as Regent would usurp Ereshkigal in Africa.  “Of scheming an heir by Nergal, Dumuzi’s brother, Inanna was accused.[ZS, Wars: 230; Enki: 255]

When Inanna got to Ereshkigal’s place, Erkeshkigal barred her entry.  Inanna forced her way in, but Ereshkigal disarmed her and hung her on a stake to die. 

Ereshkigal confronted Inanna

Ereshkigal confronted Inanna





But “from clay of the Abzu Enki two emissaries fashioned, beings without blood, by death rays unharmed, to lower Abzu he sent them, Inanna to bring back.

“Upon the corpse the clay emissaries a Pulser and an Emitter directed, then the Water of Life on her they sprinkled, in her mouth, the Plant of Life they placed. Then the dead Inanna arose.” [ZS, Enki: 255]

Enki's robot-androids rescue Inanna

Enki’s robot-androids rescue Inanna





 Inanna took Dumuzi’s body to Sumer and mummified him so he could rejoin her bodily on Nibiru, since, she said, Nibiran gods live forever. Sitchin wrote that the biophysics of Nibiru, which rounds the Sun once every 3,800 times Earth circles it, made Nibirans live longer than Earthlings but didn’t let them live forever.  [ZS, Cosmic Code: 90, 96]
Inanna with Dumuzi corpse

 The Enlilites feared Enkiites would run Earth’s space facilities, dictate gold flow from Earth to Nibiru, and with this leverage, force Marduk’s rule on Nibiru as well as Earth. Enlilites couldn’t talk with Nibiru or flee Earth when they quit mining if Marduk won the space sites.  To counter this, Enlil sent Ninurta to covertly construct a communications center next to Lake Titicaca.  Ninurta built also a spaceport on the Nazca plains next to the Andes. 

“From there” Ninurta reported, “gold shipments to Nibiru can continue, from there in need we too can ascend. [ZS, 12th Planet: 248 -249]


Ninurta, Inanna and the Enlilites waited 300 years, then attacked Seth’s forces in Canaan. The Enlilites fought to regain the space-related marker peaks–Moriah, Harsag (Mount St. Katherine) in the Sinai and the artificial mount, the Ekur (The Great Pyramid) in Egypt.” [ZS, Wars: 156 – 158]  

Ninurta, in a new jet with a 75-foot wingspan blasted Marduk’s stongholds “while Adad roamed behind the enemy lines” and destroyed the fish, cattle and food of the Enkiites and their Earthling armies.  Marduk’s armies retreated into the mountains but Inanna blasted them with “an explosive beam that tore the enemy apart” and forced them south.  Ninurta led the Enlilite forces’ “attack on the heartland of Nergal’s African domain and his temple-city Meslam. They scorched the earth and made the rivers run red with the blood of the innocent bystanders–the men women and children of the Abzu.”

Ninurta rained poison-bearing missiles on Meslam and leveled the city.  Survivors fled to nearby mountains.  But Ninurta “with the Weapon that Smites threw fire upon them, smote down the people.”  Utu held off the Igigi in Sinai.  [ZS, Wars: 159 – 163, based on Lugal-e Ud Melam-bi in Geller, S., 1917 Altorientalische Texte und Untersuchungen]

 After Ninurta killed the Enkiites on Sinai, he defeated Marduk in Kur.  Marduk fled into the Great Pyramid at Giza, where Enki “raised up a shield through which the death rays could not penetrate.” [ZS, Wars:162]

Marduk’s brother Nergal “broke through Ninurta’s lines and came to Marduk’s aid. Nergal strengthened the pyramid’s defenses “through ray-emitting crystals positioned within.”  But Marduk’s brother Ningishzidda refused to defend him.  Marduk’s other brothers, Ninagal and Gibil, his father Enki and Marduk’s grandson Horon joined Marduk in the pyramid. The Enkiites made their stand together in the Giza Pyramid. 

Utu cut off the water source to the Enkiites in the Pyramid. 

Horon, disguised as a ram, slipped out of the pyramid but Ninurta blinded him with his “Brilliant Weapon.”  Enki radioed Ninmah to stop the fight and save Horon.


Ninmah lied that Anu ordered a cease fire then a peace conference.  Adad objected; he demanded Enkiites surrender unconditionally.  Enlil overrode Adad and told Ninmah, “To your palace [the Harsag, above the Sinai] bring Enki and his issue.” Ninurta gave Ninmah a suit that protected her from radiation. 

She crossed the battle lines and told the Enkiites, “The Enlilites wouldn’t hurt you; just come out and surrender.” 

Enki hesitated, “Out shall we come if to a peace treaty between our lineages Enlil commits.”  But he gave her his hand. Ninmah led him and his lineage loyalists to the Harsag, her abode. [ZS, Wars: 164 -172]

Ninurta entered the pyramid and explored the Enkiites’ astronavigational guidance systems and secret weapons.  He threw away equipment he wrecked in the fight as well as weapons he couldn’t use.  He salvaged the interplanetary landing beacon and “the Gug Stone that directions determined.”  Ninurta broke or looted 54 large crystals that spiraled energy up, around out the top of the pyramid to rockets and to Nibiru. [Sereda: 2010; ZS, Enki: 262.]


Ninmah, “brought out Enki and his sons, took them to her abode in the Harsag.  The Enlilite gods were already there, waiting.”  She started the conference with a plea for peace. Enlil unilaterally ceded Enki’s settlement, Eridu in the E.Din area at the Persian Gulf with land around to bear fruit for the temple and to have seeded fields.  Ninurta objected to giving this foothold in Sumer to Enki, till Ninmah told Ninurta to drop the issue. 

Enlil agreed to stop attacks if the Enkiites and the Earthlings descended from Shem left Canaan’s  Restricted Zone (the Sinai Peninsula and Spaceport) and Jerusalem.  Enki demanded his Enkiites keep Giza.  To this, Enlil agreed if “the sons of Enki who brought about the war and used the Great Pyramid for combat be barred from ruling over Giza or Lower [Northern] Egypt.” 

So Enki replaced Marduk with Ningishzidda, Enki’s son with Enlil’s granddaughter Ereshkigal.  Ningishzidda had refused to fight for Marduk and Enki against Ereshkigal’s paternal uncle, Ninurta.  The Enlilites could accept Ningishzidda, though an Enkiite, to rule Egypt, since his mother, Ereshkigal, was an Enlilite.  Both lineages accepted Ningishzidda as Nile Delta ruler. 

Enlil ordered all astronavigational communications and guidance equipment stay in lands he and his Enlilites ruled.  Astronauts who’d sided with Marduk must leave the Landing Place in Lebanon as well as Canaan.  Treaty concluded, Enki and sons left for Africa [ZS, Enki: 260, Wars: 174 -176]

Enlil chose Mount Mashu,  just north of Giza (the site became Annu, then Heliopolis) for a new rocket beacon to replace the beacon Ninurta wrecked at the Giza Pyramid. Ninurta installed the crystals he’d salvaged from Giza for the new beacon and topped the mountain with the Gug Stone (“Stone of Directing, Mount of the Supreme Celestial Barque, the mount was called.”). [ZS, Wars: 181-182; Enki: 263] 


Enlil, Ninurta, Adad, Nannar and Nannar’s wife, Ningal sat with Ninmah to hear Enlil divide Enlilite territory and hear who he’d appoint to rule Sumer, Lebanon and Canaan. 

Ninurta–Enlil’s declared successor–and Nannar–Enlil’s firstborn by his offical spouse–clashed.  Enlil, recall, had made Ninurta Campion and made Nannar, who’d supported Anzu’s rebellion, swear loyalty to the Champ.  Then Enlil banished Nannar from Ur.  Now, however, Ningal got Enlil to restore Sinai, Canaan and Syria to Nannar. [ZS, Wars: 178-180]

Enlil chose Utu to run the new Mission Control at Jerusalem, “central in the Divine Grid that made the comings and goings between Earth and Nibiru.  Jerusalem pinpointed the middle line, the Landing Path, equidistant from the Landing Platform in Lebanon and the Spaceport.” [ZS, Wars: 180-181; Enki: 264]

Enlil kept Adad as chief in Lebanon and the Landing Place at Baalbek and lands north, south and east of Lebanon (where Igigi astronauts and their hybrid familes lived). 

Inanna erupted when Enki chose Ningishzidda to replace Marduk as Lord of Nile Lands.  She and Dumuzi, she shouted, should’ve ruled the Upper Nile “Against Marduk the war I led; that entitles me to my own domain,” she roared. 

She demanded Commander Enlil make her Egypt’s ruler in Marduk’s stead, since Marduk caused Dumuzi’s death, but Enlil gave Ningishzidda Egypt.

The Enlilite leaders beamed Anu on Nibiru.  He’d not visited Earth for 7,000 Earth Years.  “To Earth come,” Enlil pleaded, “Deal with Inanna.” 

“How Inanna’s demands the leaders contemplated.  Regarding the Earth and its resettling, words with Anu [on Nibiru] they exchanged. 

“From the time of the Deluge [11,000 BCE] almost two Shars [7200 years] passed. Earthlings proliferated, from mountainlands to dried lowlands.  Of Civilized Mankind Ziusudra there were descendants, with Anunnaki seed they were intermixed.  Offspring of the Igigi who intermarried roamed about.  In the distant lands Ka-in’s kinfolk survived. 

“Few and lofty were the Anunnaki who from Nibiru had come, few were their perfect [genetically unmixed with Earthlings] descendants.  How over Mankind lofty to remain, how to make the many the few obey and serve.  About all that, about the future the leaders with Anu words exchanged.  To come to Earth Anu decided.” [ZS, Enki: 264 -265]

In the 7000 years since the Deluge, the Nibirans reclaimed Sumer.  They rebuilt on the silt that covered their predeluvian homes–Enki’s Eridu and Enlil’s Nibru-ki.  For Anu’s visit to Earth, they built Unug-ki, a temple in Uruk where neither Enki nor Enlil ruled.



3800 BCE, Anu and his wife Antu landed at Tilmun.  Enki, Enlil and Ninmah–Anu’s three children–greeted them. 


 “Anu to his great-granddaughter Inanna took a liking; he drew her closely, he hugged and kissed her.”  At Anu’s temple at Uruk, Sumer’s sacred precinct, Anu’s wife, Antu, taught Inanna tantric sexual meditations and how to channel the sexual energy she and Anu would share to elevate their whole clan.  Then Antu ritually gave Inanna to Anu. Antu and the Nibiran elite meditated outside the love-chamber as Anu and Inanna coupled. Antu and the Nibiran royals shared ecstasy, epiphany and satori. “The sexual experience was a merging of energies which enhanced the creative powers of both partners and the aggregate of their race.” [ZS, Enki: 273] 

Ani gave Inanna the temple where they loved and his survey plane.  She’d run Uruk’s temple through a priest/king, son of her brother Utu with an Earthling.

Inanna's temple Uruk

Inanna’s temple Uruk






Inanna’s next move: Programs to make her city Capitol of  Sumer.

She seduced her uncle Enki for programs to expand her Uruk temple complex into a city. 




She got him drunk, seduced him and he gave her the ME programs. She slipped them to her pilot to hide in Uruk. Enki sobered, locked her up at Eridu but couldn’t reclaim the MEs. “By right the MEs I have obtained, Enki himself placed them in my hand placed them! So did Inanna to Commander Enlil say; the truth Enki meekly admitted.” [ZS, Enki : 281].

 In 3760 Inanna chose the first King of Sumer, the Lugal. The Lugal represented the gods to the Earthlings. Lugals shifted their center to Inanna at Uruk, then to Akad. In 3450 B.C., Inanna and the Enlilites bombed Marduk’s Launch Tower at Babylon. The Enlilite Council named the Constellation Twins, after Inanna and Utu and replaced Ninmah with Inanna both as member and as The Maiden [Virgo].

Inanna appointed an Adapite Hybrid Earthling Shepherd-Chief (descended from Dumuzi) King of Aratta in the Indus Valley (Pakistan).


Aratta (Harappa)

Inanna roamed “the lands and took a liking to the people who in the upper plain of the two rivers dwelt.  They were the Igigi who descended to Earth from heaven from Lahmu (Mars).  The Igigi Aryans moved east, following Inanna [they called her Ishtar] to the Indus Valley [Aratta] and laid the foundation for the Indo-European culture.”]

 But “what to Inanna was entrusted she neglected, other domains, not to her granted, in her heart she coveted.  By Inanna was the bitter end started, Marduk as Ra with Destiny tangled.” [ZS, Enki: 291; Tellinger, Slave Species: 499]

 “Journeying between Unug-ki and Aratta, Inanna restless and ungratified was, for her Dumuzi she still mourned, her love’s desire unquenched remained.  When she flew about, in the sunrays Dumuzi’s image she saw shimmering and beckoning.”  In her dreams and visions, Dumuzi told her he’d return and share with her the “Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt].” [ZS, Enki: 291]

 In Uruk, “A House for Nighttime Pleasure she established.  To this young heroes, on the night of their weddings, with sweet words she lured: long life, a blissful future to them she promised; that her lover Dumuzi was she imagined.”  But each one in the morning in her bed was found dead.”

Back in Sumer, her second ruler in Uruk, Enmerkar (Utu’s grandson and a Earthling), sent an emissary to the Arattan King. Enmerkar sent his son, Banda The Short, to Inanna Aratta fief. On the way back to Uruk, “Banda fell sick, to his death was Banda abandoned” but Inanna’s brother Utu revived him.

When Banda returned to Uruk, Inanna saw him as Dumuzi. “’A miracle!’ My beloved Dumuzi to me came back!’ she shouted. In her abode Banda was bathed. “Dumuzi, my beloved! she called him.

“To her bed, with flowers bedecked, she lured him.” In the morning Banda still lived. “Inanna shouted: ‘The power of dying in my hands was placed, immortality by me granted.’ Then to call herself a goddess Inanna decided, the Power of Immortality it implied.” [ZS, Enki: 287-292]




Inanna's Indian Fief: Indus Valley CivilizationInanna’s Indian Fief: Indus Valley Civilization

Enlil ordered Enki to craft a new language and script for Aratta.  Enki wrote the language but refused Aratta MEs for Aratta to make Inanna a world power.  He said she could share with Aratta the MEs she’d already gotten from him for Uruk.


Banda succeeded his father, Enmerkar, as King of Uruk.  Banda married Ninurta’s daughter, Ninsun, who bore Gilgamesh.  Gilgamesh oppressed the people of his city; he insisted on sex with brides before their grooms could couple with them.

 Enki created Enkidu, an android, to tame Gilgamesh and arranged for the tantric practitioner, Shamhat to tame him.

 Gilgamesh and Enkidu fought,then became best friends.  Gilgamesh went with Enkidu to the rocketpad at Baalbek to plead with the gods for a rocket to Nibiru for immortality he thought they enjoyed. 

 In Lebanon, near Inanna’s home, Gilgamesh and Enkidu tracked Enlil’s security robot to the launchpad.  As they watched a rocket launch, Inanna, from her plane, saw them smash Enlil’s robot.  “At the entrance to the Cedar Forest its fire-belching monster their way blocked. To pieces it they broke.”

 “Watching Gilgamesh take off his clothes, bathe and groom himself, glorious Ishtar [Inanna] raised an eye at the beauty of Gilgamesh. “Come, Gilgamesh, be thou my lover. Grant me the fruit of thy love!”.  But he declined and insulted her.

 She, enraged, demanded Anu release the guard-bull at the launchpad.  Anu complied.  The bull charged Gilgamesh and Enkidu but Gilgamesh stabbed it while Enkidu held it. [ZS, Encounters: 132 -172; Giants, 311 – 312, 339 (citing S. Kramer’s translation of cuneiform text, The Death of Gilgamesh)]


Inanna and the Enlilites ran Sumer.  The Council of Twelve had her Uncle Adad run the landing place at Baalbek and her father Nannar run the Sinai energy source (Heavenly Bright Object) and the Spaceport.  With her weapons, armies and power (she said) to bestow immortality, Inanna controlled kingship of Sumer, the First Region, for 1000 years. 


 The Enlilite leaders wanted a [“hybrid demigod”] war-king to unify the First Region fiefs and block Marduk’s threat to their squabbling temple-cities. “To Inanna, of Marduk the adversary, the task of the right man to find they entrusted.” [ZS, Enki: 30]

In 2371 BCE Inanna choose her gardener, Sargon, as the Akkadian warrior king to lead her armies and Sumer.  Nannar had fathered both Sargon and Inanna.  Sargon rose from gardener to king when he raped her and she liked it.  Enlil ratified Sargon–who had Enlilite genes–as Sumer’s king. 

Sargon began his rise when he saw Inanna snooze in his garden.  “He bent over her perfect face and lightly, then, as she–half awake–responded, kissed her savagely.  He entered her as she opened her eyes and her eyes shone with pleasure.”  She declared Sargon her lover.  Inanna repeatedly joined powerful aggressive men to lead her armies.

 Inanna & Sargon conquered all Sumer

Sargon and Inanna built their capital, Agade in Akkad (near Babylon).  They subdued all Sumer except Lagash, her Uncle Ninurta’s fief.  She led Sargon’s army through Luristan in the Zagros Mountains. With the army and her mass-killing weapons, she and Sargon united Sumer. They spread spoken and written-on-clay Akkadian all over Sumer and spawned the Semitic languages (including Hebrew and Arabic). [ZS, Wars: 10 -11]

 In 2316 BCE, while Marduk built an army in Egypt, Sargon invaded Marduk’s empty stronghold, Babylon.  To show insult Marduk, Sargon displayed in Agade an urn full of Babylon’s soil.  Sargon “took away the soil for another Gateway to the Gods [Tower to Launch Rockets to Nibiru].” Inanna would build her own launch site and take interplanetary power.  [ZS, Giants: 270] 

Marduk and Nabu returned from Egypt to Babylon.  They fortified the city and diverted  rivers to it from the other Sumerian cities.  Marduk said he’d build his spaceport in Babylon. “In the heart of Edin, in the midst of the First Region, Marduk himself established! 

“Inanna’s fury no boundaries knew; with her weapons on Marduk’s followers death she inflicted.  The blood of people, as never before on Earth, like rivers flowed.”  Inanna and Marduk both loosed lasers on each other’s Earthling armies. 

“While Inanna remained gorgeous and enticing, Sargon began to age and drink too much.  Inanna watched as the man she once loved passionately crumbled into a pathetic drunk afflicted by insomnia, haunted by demons.”  In the end, Marduk’s minions besieged Sargon and he died cursing Inanna [Ferguson, “Inanna Returns,” in Heaven and Earth, ZS, Ed.: 97]


The waterworks Marduk made for Babylon cut reliable water to Sumer’s cities.

The Anunnaki Council told Nergal to restore their water and disarm Marduk and Babylon. Nergal and his retinue of black Earthlings left Kuth for Babylon.  En route, Nergal visited Inanna in Uruk.

 Though she was Enlilite and he Enkiite, he allied himself with her against his brother, Marduk (also an Enkiite). Marduk ran Egypt, north of Nergal’s and Ereshkigal’s realm in South Africa.  Marduk’s claim to rule all Earth alarmed Nergal.  He asked Inanna to help him contain Marduk.  Nergal and Inanna sealed their alliance sexually and planned to conquer all Earth for themselves. 


When Nergal left Inanna, he and his Blacks continued to Babylon, where Marduk greeted them.  Nergal promised him, if he’d leave Babylon for South Africa, he’d get weapons and computers, including “the instrument for giving orders, The Oracle of the gods, The Holy Scepter, sign of kingship which contributes to Lordship and the holy Radiating Stone which disintegrates all”  hidden there since the Flood.  Marduk said if he left Babylon, the waterworks for all Sumer which he ran would fail and Sumer’d flood, crops’d dry-up crops and cholera spread.  Nergal said, “Ceremonial bulls at the Babylon’s gate only shall I install, upset waterworks I shall not.” Reassured, Marduk left for the weapons and programs in South Africa. [ZS, Wars: 252 -254] 

When Marduk left Babylon for South Africa, Nergal broke into the Babylon control room, destroyed the watering program and seized the radiation source that ran Sumer’s water.  Fields and canals dried-out, parts of Sumer flooded.

Enki ordered Nergal back to Africa, but Nergal left his men in Elam, near Babylon, to aid Inanna.  She then publicly, “to defy the authority of Anu and Enlil, abrogated their rules and regulations and declared herself Supreme Queen.” [Ancient text, Queen of all the MEs; ZS, Wars: 254]

In 2291 BCE “In the First Region, Enlil and Ninurta absent were, to the lands beyond the oceans Inanna and Nergal went; In the Second Region, Ra was away, as in other lands he traveled.  Her chance in her hands to seize all powers Inanna envisioned.[ZS, Enki: 303]

Inanna, Naram-Sin (Sargon’s grandson) and the Akkadian armies captured Baalbek, the Landing Platform in Lebanon.  They dashed along the Mediterranean coast for the Sinai Spaceport and inland for Mission Control, Jerusalem.  Akkadians crossed the forbidden Forth Region, taboo to Earthlings (across the Jordan from Tell Ghassul, the private city of the Igigi Astronauts’ and their Earthling wives).

In Sumer, only Ninurta’s city, Lagash [Tello], “beyond the reach of Inanna’s ambitions” and “protected by the best-trained soldiers in the land” held out against Inanna and Naram-Sin [ZS, Giants: 274].

Inanna and the Akkadians conquered Jerico.  Nannar, her father lost Jerico.  Now Jerico obeyed her.

Inanna’s armies, under Naram-Sin, joined Nergal’s Kuthians, and conquered Egypt. “Humans had little choice but to follow the instructions from their brutal gods who showed no regard for human life.  Clashes between the gods almost always involved humans, who never knew the reasons for warring against their neighbors.  Aggression of one group of earthlings against another initiated by their god set the behavioral pattern for all future human conflict.  Humankind perceived this kind of activity as ‘the normal thing to do’ to invade and conquer your neighbor’s land.” 

A “god would command his people to invade and attack, giving his human armies the excuse that they were vile and evil and they were sinful against god.  But this god would differ from land to land, demanding total obedience from humans, or they would be punished. This led to the worship of many different gods by people of the biblical lands as they worshiped the specific gods who led them into battle or out of harm’s way.  This worshiping would lead to retribution from some other Anunnaki god with a higher rank, demanding that people worship only him. And so the clashes between groups of people continue.” [Tellinger, M., 2008, Slave Species: 502 -503] 

In 2255 BCE Inanna recaptured Uruk, destroyed Anu’s temple there and sent Naram-Sin to attack Enlil’s minions at Nippur.  She declared herself supreme to even Anu, King of Nibiru and father of Enlil, her father’s father.

Enlil sent Ninurta with cavalry and an army of Gutians (from the Zagros Mountains of northeast Sumer) to kill all Earthlings in Akkad/Agade.  Gutians wasted most of Sumer; they spared only Ninurta’s city, Lagash. 

Enlil had agents plant a scorpion to kill Inanna’s strongman, King Naram-Sin, for his attack on Nippur. 

Enlil also ordered Inanna arrested but her Nannar and Ningal, her parents, gave her sanctuary.  Then she flew to Nergal’s Lower Africa.  For seven years, she and Nergal plotted to  overthrow Enlil and his Council. 

The Gutians returned to the Zagros Mountains.  From 2220 BCE on, Ninurta built Lagash, restored Elilite power and enforced a century of peace for Sumer.  Ninurta fixed Sumer’s water system and the controls Nergal had ruined in Babylon. [ZS, Wars: 262 – 64; Giants: 274]

She returned to Sumer, where, in 2095 BCE, Shulgi succeeded Ur Nammu.  Inanna invited Shulgi to Uruk and declared him “the man for the vulva of Inanna.”  They wed in the temple where Anu’d elevated her in tantric ritual. 

In 689 BCE Enlil sent Inanna to Assyria to disarm the Ninevan army and destroy their weapons. “Esarhaddon rules,” she proclaimed.   In battles in Arabia and in an attack on Marduk’s Egyptian forces, she fired “an intense brilliance” on her helmet to blind enemies of Ashurbanipal (Esarhaddon’s successor).  She “rained flames upon Arabia.” [ZS, Wars 12-19, 276 -279]

After nuclear fallout from the Enlilite nuking of the Enkiite Dead Sea Cities destroyed all life in Sumer, Inanna fled to Anatolia, where, in 1190 BCE, as Aphrodite, she fought on the side of Troy and was wounded by Diamedes.  Virgil said she helped her half-Earthling son Aeneas flee Troy, sojourn in Carthage, settle in Latinum, marry a local and begat descendants, among them, Numitor, King of Alba Longa.  Numitor begat Rhea, the mother of Romulus and Remus whom Julius Caesar claimed as an ancestor.

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