Excerpt from ANUNNAKI, FALSE GODS*: Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work For Them” by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin
Note on name conflation**
Inanna* and her twin Utu showed the Anunnaki that if they bred on Earth they’d have kids half their size, kids who grew up much faster than their parents had back on homeplanet Nibiru. “Who on Nibiru in diapers would still be, on Earth became a child; who on Nibiru began to crawl, when on Earth born was running around.”
To Inanna’s grandfather, Yahweh (Enlil), Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Ninbiru to Earth, Inanna seemed stunted. Unlike most Nibirans–they usually exceeded 84 inches–Inanna only grew to 66 inches. [Giants: 221; Enki: 150-152; King: 173; Wars: 231].
As a young woman, Inanna attended Satan’s (Prince Marduk’s) wedding at Eridu [Iraq], the estate of his dad, Chief Scientist Lucifer (Enki). Lucifer led the clan that challenged Inanna’s.
The celebration teemed with sexual energy. Beautiful Earthling women from the Anunnaki’s line of enhanced hybrids served the Nephilim (Nibiran Astronauts–the Igigi) down from Marsbase where Satan had led them.
Inanna drank and chatted with Marduk’s sexy sister Gestinianna. “Come,” Gestianna said, “meet my brother Dumuzi; he’s Dad’s favorite now. Marduk’s jealous.“
Inanna flirted with Dumuzi. He regaled her with accounts of his stay on Nibiru where he studied animal genetics. He now ran the Anunnaki herds in northeast Africa. Inanna missed cues from the clusters of astronauts, she saw only Dumuzi.
Inanna with goggles
The astronauts waited for the Royals to depart, then they raped their pretty servers and took them aboard their craft. They flew to the Landing Platform at Baalbek [Lebanon], occupied it and sent their demands to Commander Yahweh [Enki: 198,199].
They demanded he recognize their unions with the serving women as legal marriages in which they could raise clans. Satan urged Yahweh to grant their demands. When Yahweh agreed, the astronauts let him again run Earth operations.
But Satan still challenged Yahweh. Yahweh and Lucifer saw their rival clans ready to fight. They hoped an Inanna-Dumuzi union would insure peace.
Satan vowed to stop Lucifer from giving Dumuzi more power.
Gestianna, Satan’s sister, could help him thwart Dumuzi and Inanna. Satan had, at his wedding, seen Gestianna with her arm around Inanna. Gestinianna told Satan Inanna said, “’A vision of a great nation I have. As a Great Anunnaki Dumuzi there will rise. His queen-spouse I shall be. To Dumuzi I status give, the country I will rightly direct.’
“By Inanna’s ambitions Marduk was greatly disturbed; to Geshtinanna a secret plan he said.” Marduk had Geshtinanna go to Dumuzi.
As Satan rehearsed her, Gestinanna told Dumuzi, “Before you your young wife in your embrace will sleep, a legitimate heir, by a sister born, you must have [to keep succession within the Lucifer/Enki Lineage]. Inanna’s son to succession shall not entitled be” [Sitchin, J.; Enki: 251].
After she got his ejaculate, Geshtinanna warned Dumuzi. “Marduk of raping me will accuse you, evil emissaries to arrest you he will send. To try you and disgrace you he will order, the liaison with an Enlilite to disunite.”
Dumuzi, aghast, fled to hide behind a waterfall but slipped into the rapids and drowned in Lake Victoria [Enki: 253].
Dumuzi’s brother Gibil fished Dumuzi from the lake. He brought the body to Inanna’s sister Ereshkigal (Persephone) in South Africa.
Inanna flew to sister her younger sister Ereshkigal’s weather station at Cape Argulas, where Gibil left Dumuzi’s body.
Ereshkigal Stopped Inanna & Nergal Breeding Heir to Africa
Ereshkigal knew Inanna came to exercise levirate to beget an heir with Hades (Nergal). For levirate, a brother of the man who died (Hades, Dumuzi’s brother in this case) impregnates his dead brother’s wife. The child they begat succeeds the dead brother.
Inanna ruled Dumuzi’s eldest brother, Satan, unfit to impregnate her since Satan (Dumuzi’s firstborn brother) caused Dumuzi’s death. So she sought Dumuzi’s next oldest brother, Hades/Nergal, Ereshkigal’s mate.
Inanna would, through Hades and the boy they’d beget, rule in Africa despite Dumuzi’s death. Their son would inherit Dumuzi’s realms in northeast Africa, and she, as regent, would usurp Ereshkigal in Africa. “Of scheming an heir by Nergal, Dumuzi’s brother, Inanna was accused.”
When Inanna got to Ereshkigal’s place, Ereshkigal barred her entry.
Inanna forced her way in, but Ereshkigal disarmed her and hung her on a stake to die.
But “from clay of the Abzu Enki two emissaries fashioned, beings without blood, by death rays unharmed, to lower Abzu he sent them, Inanna to bring back.
“Upon the corpse the clay emissaries a Pulsar and an Emitter directed, then the Water of Life on her they sprinkled, in her mouth, the Plant of Life they placed. Then the dead Inanna arose” [Enki: 255].
She took Dumuzi’s body to Sumer and mummified him so he could rejoin her bodily on Nibiru, since, she said, Nibiran gods live forever [Cosmic Code: 90, 96].
In 8670 BCE Inanna helped defeat Satan and the Enkiites in the Second Pyramid War. She blasted them with “an explosive beam that tore the enemy apart.” Inanna demanded Yahweh make her Egypt’s ruler in Satan’s stead since Satan caused Dumuzi’s death. But Yahweh gave his nephew Thoth/Ningishzidda Egypt.
Inanna erupted when Yahweh chose Thoth to replace Satan as Lord of Nile Lands. She and Dumuzi, she shouted, should’ve ruled the Upper Nile. “Against Marduk the war I led; that entitles me to my own domain,” she roared.
The Enlilite leaders beamed King Anu on Nibiru. He’d not visited Earth for 7000 Earth years. “To Earth come,” Enlil pleaded, “Deal with Inanna.”
“Inanna’s demands the leaders contemplated. Regarding the Earth and its resettling, words with Anu [on Nibiru] they exchanged” [Wars:180,181; Enki: 264].
In 3800 BCE, King Anu and Queen Antu landed at Tilmun.
“Anu to his great-granddaughter Inanna took a liking; he drew her closely, he hugged and kissed her.” At Anu’s temple at Uruk, Sumer’s sacred precinct, Anu’s wife, Antu, taught Inanna tantric sexual meditations and how to channel the sexual energy she and Anu would share to elevate their whole clan. Then Antu ritually gave Inanna to Anu. Antu and the Anunnaki royals meditated outside the love-chamber as Anu and Inanna coupled. Antu and the royals shared ecstasy, epiphany and satori. “The sexual experience was a merging of energies which enhanced the creative powers of both partners and the aggregate of their race [Enki: 273].
Anu renamed Inanna, “Anu’s Beloved.” She’d been “Irnini” before this. He’d bed her whenever he visited Earth. The king gave her the temple where they loved and the skyship he’d use to survey Earth. Inanna, he said, would run Uruk’s temple through a priest/king, the son of her brother Utu with an Earthling.
Earthlings paved Uruk with “limestone blocks brought from mountains fifty miles to the East.” They erected a thick, 6 mile long wall around Uruk’s living quarters and Inanna’s temple [Encounters: 166 – 176; Giants: 75].
[When archeologists excavated Uruk, they “found [Earth’s] first colored pottery baked in a kiln, first use of a potter’s wheel, first cylinder seal, first inscriptions in the pictorial predecessor of cuneiform.”]
After Anu and Antu flew back to Nibiru from Tiahuancu’s Nazca runway, their rocket filled with gold, Satan raged at the regions of influence Anu gave his rivals. Satan said Inanna blamed him for Dumuzi’s death which she herself caused. Now, Satan whined, Inanna consorted with Anu, who gave her reign over the Indus Basin, as well as Uruk in Sumer.
Inanna fumed too, while male Enlilite royals built cities in Sumer. “While the domain of her own she demanded. ‘The Third Region [Indus Valley] after the second one will come!’ her leaders thus assured her” [Enki: 279].
Inanna Seduced Enki for Uruk’s Programs
No way Inanna would wait. She wanted a city now, one like Ninurta’s Kishi. Lucifer had urban AIs–the MEs she needed to build her city around the temple Anu gave her at Uruk. (Yahweh’s son Ninurta’d built Kishi with 50 MEs–programs Enki gave him for math, smithing, pottery, beer-making, wagon wheels and law. Enki gave MEs “to benefit mankind, step by step.” )
“The MEs, electronic physical objects one could pick up and carry, wear or sew into garments, contained secret knowledge or data like our computer chips on which data, programs and operational orders have been recorded. On them the essentials of civilization were encoded” [Wars: 239].
Inanna flirted with Lucifer at his villa on the Persian Gulf. Enki could thrill her with advanced sexual practices and she could show him a thing or two as well. But MEs for weaponry, statecraft, mathematics, writing, metallurgy, masonry, arts and courts interested her more. She lusted for an ME Enki kept for membership in the Anunnaki Council of Twelve on Earth that gave its owner primacy among the Anunnaki for 2,160 days (a full twelfth of the zodiac cycle).
She visited Lucifer at Eridu, got him drunk, then seduced him.
He gave her the MEs she’d come for and more. She slipped the MEs to her pilot to take back to Uruk. Lucifer sobered, captured her, locked her up and tried to get the MEs back.
Commander Yahweh flew to Eridu. Inanna shouted, “‘By right the MEs I obtained, Enki in my hand placed them.’ So did Inanna to Enlil say; the truth Enki meekly admitted [Enki: 281].
Inanna had scored 90 MEs. They included “Lordship, Throne of Kingship, Exalted Scepter and Staff, Exalted Shrine, Rings of Rulership, Righteous Rulership” and MEs for “temple rites and organization, science and scribeship, fine arts and architecture, justice, weaponry, personal exaltation.”
The Council of the Twelve Top Anunnaki replaced Lilith/Ninmah with Inanna in their meetings, for Inanna now held MEs for Exalted Tiara and High Priesthood. The Council assigned Inanna Venus as her planet and the constellation Leo as her zodiac house. She would reign supreme on Earth for 2,160 years when Leo rose before the Giza Sphinx on the Spring Equinox [DNA: 61 to 63, 143; Time: 188].
In 3760 BCE Inanna chose the first king of Sumer, the Lugal. The Lugal represented the gods to the Earthlings. Lugals shifted their center to Inanna at Uruk, then to Akkad (which she ruled).
When Yahweh ordered kingship moved to Uruk, Inanna launched the MEs she’d seduced from Lucifer. She made Uruk a mighty city state and made Enmerkar (son of and successor to her nephew) its ruler.
In 3450 BCE Inanna and the Enlilites bombed Satan’s Launch Tower at Babylon. The Enlilite Council named the star group Gemini after Inanna and Utu and replaced Lilith with Inanna both as a Council member and as The Maiden [Virgo].
Igigi Aryans followed Inanna east to Aratta in the Indus Valley. “In the eastern lands, beyond even seven mountain ranges, was the Third Region, Zamush, Land of Sixty Precious Stones. Its highland called Aratta [Harappa] the Wooded Realm, was in the valley of a meandering great river [Indus] located. In the great plain did the people cultivate crops of grains and horned cattle herd. There too two cities with mud bricks they built, with granaries they were filled.” Inanna appointed an Earthling shepherd chief (descended from Dumuzi) king of Aratta [Enki: 286, 287].
Inanna roamed “the lands and took a liking to the people who in the upper plain of the two rivers dwelt. They were the Igigi [Nephilim] who descended to Earth from heaven from Lahmu (Mars). The Igigi Aryans moved east, following Inanna [they called her Ishtar] to the Indus Valley [Aratta] and laid the foundation for the Indo-European culture” [Slave Species: 499].
Yahweh ordered Lucifer to craft a new language and script for Aratta. Lucifer wrote the language but refused Aratta MEs for Aratta to make Inanna a world power. He said she could share with Aratta the MEs he already gave her for Uruk.
Inanna shuttled in her skyship between Aratta and Uruk. But “what to Inanna was entrusted she neglected, other domains, not to her granted, in her heart she coveted. By Inanna was the bitter end started, Marduk as Ra with Destiny tangled” [Enki: 291].
Inanna’s second ruler in Uruk, Enmerkar (Utu’s grandson and an Earthling) sent an emissary to the Arattan king with a written message to Aratta. In the message, Enmerkar demanded Aratta swear fealty to Uruk, but the Arattan king couldn’t read the Sumerian writing. After 10 years, Enmerkar told Utu to have Nisaba, the astronauts’ scribe, teach him Arattan script. When he’d learned it, Enmerkar sent his son, Banda The Short, to Aratta with a message in Arattan: “Submit or War!”
The Aratta king wrote back that he’d prefer to trade Aratta’s precious stones for the MEs of Uruk.
Or if Enmerkar insisted on war, let one champion of Aratta and one of Uruk fight to settle the war.
“On the way back, carrying the peace message, Banda fell sick.” Inanna’s brother Utu revived and enhanced Banda and sent back to Uruk [Enki: 287 to 289].
Meanwhile, “Journeying between Unug-ki and Aratta, Inanna restless and ungratified was, for her Dumuzi she still mourned, her love’s desire unquenched remained. When she flew about, in the sunrays Dumuzi’s image she saw shimmering and beckoning.” In her dreams and visions, Dumuzi told her he’d return and share with her the “Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt]” [Enki: 291].
In Uruk, “A House for Nighttime Pleasure she established. To this young heroes, on the night of their weddings, with sweet words she lured: long life, a blissful future to them she promised.” She imagined that each lover was Dumuzi. “But each one in the morning in her bed was dead.”
When Banda got to Uruk, Inanna saw him as Dumuzi. In the morning Banda, unlike Earthlings she’d auditioned before, still lived.
She made Banda her king (lugal), his title, Lugalbanda (King Shorty).
“Inanna shouted: ’The power of dying in my hands was placed, immortality by me granted.’ Then to call herself a goddess Inanna decided, the Power of Immortality it implied” [Enki: 287 to 292].
Banda married Ninsun, daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. Banda and Ninsun begat Gilgamesh, who was thus Lucifer’s grandson. Gilgamesh boasted, “I’m three-forth god.” (as genetically-pure Nibirans called themselves).
In 2500 BCE Gilgamesh provoked riots in the Capitol of Sumer, Uruk, fief of Commander Yahweh’s granddaughter, Inanna, and home of Ninsun, daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. Inanna insisted on worship from the people of Uruk. She held instant life-death power them all, even King Gilgamesh, who served at her pleasure.
Each year, in his eagerly-anticipated tantric session with Inanna, for which priests groomed and scented him, Gilgamesh, suspended on ropes, penetrated Inanna 50 times without ejaculating. If he petered out in this ritual, she would zap him with her laser. When he passed the test, she invited him to her bed for a night of more varied sex. [King, 43-44]
The rest of the year, Gilgamesh loosed his lust on Uruk’s brides. He made any he fancied couple with him before their husbands could.
To deal with Gilgamesh, Lucifer created Enkidu in his lab. Enkidu, huge and strong, would distract Gilgamesh from raping brides.
Enkidu developed as a wild animal until Enki sent tantric priestess Shambat to civilize him. Then Enkidu challenged Gilbamesh.
They fought, then befriended each other.
Gilgamesh and Enkidu, with a map from Ninsun, sailed, rowed and treked to the Landing Platform at Baalbek in Lebanon to beg the gods to rocket him to Nibiru for immortality he thought they enjoyed.
In Lebanon, Gilgamesh and Enkidu tracked Yahweh’s security robot to the Launchpad. They watched a rocket launch, and tore the grating off an air-shaft tunnel they thought could lead them to the pad.
Inanna, from her plane, saw them smash Enlil’s robot. “At the entrance to the Cedar Forest its fire-belching monster, Huwawa, their way blocked.
Mighty in stature, his face fierce like that of a lion, Hawawa’s eyes emitted two brilliant beams that scanned as he moved his head. His mouth breathed out a deadly fire; his teeth, like a dragons’ glowed as burning coals. His midriff was a round potbelly; for shoulders he had sockets like giant doors. In his right hand he held a weapon, like a huge sword with teeth of its own. In his left hand he held a round mirror with which he could direct a ray that devoured all that it was pointed at. His feet, fitted with tiny chariots advancing on their wheels. As he stopped to scan the forest, his head turned about its neck like a wheel about its hub.”
Inanna flew her plane overhead in time to see Enkidu hit Huwawa’s groin with a tree he picked. Then Enkidu jumped back and ran.
Huwawa issued a cry of anguish. With his right hand he smashed against the trees around him, felling them to the ground.” With his left hand’s mirror, he “cast scorching rays that devoured the ground around him. Enkidu hit Huwawa’s head with a tree trunk and the head stopped turning. Enkidu hit Huwawa’s hand it dropped its weapon. Gilgamesh plunged his dagger into the monster’s heart. There was a clanking as when metal strikes metal. Gilgamesh struck Hawawa’s forehead with his dagger, and the monster’s convulsions stopped. “[King:150-152]
GIlgamesh and Enkidu kill Enlil’s guardbot, Huwawa
Enkidu and Gilgamesh “were startled by a roar of laughter. They looked up and saw Inanna-Ishtar in pilot’s garb standing beside a skyship.” The comrades seen her land. “Enlil’ll kill you for destroying Huwawa.”
She “cast her gaze upon Gilgamesh. She had never seen him fully naked in daylight before. ‘Approach me,’ she said.‘ She “raised an eye at his beauty.
“Come, Gigamesh, be my lover,’ she said sultrily. She took off her clothes and held up her breasts as invitation.
“Gilgamesh, lover of many women, was stunned by her beauty. He too had never seen her thus naked in daylight.
“‘Oh Ishtar, holy Irnina,’ he said as he went down on his knees. He grabbed her extended hand. “How I’ve craved you, desired your warm loins, dreamt of your luscious lips.’ He kissed her hand fervently.
“‘Come then.’ She bent down, lowering her breasts toward his lips.
“He was about to kiss the offered nipples when he held back.” It wasn’t the ritual-night, the only time he could safely enjoy sex with Inanna. “‘If I make love to you now, death will be my verdict.’
“‘Fear not, Gilgamesh, she replied ‘be my lover now and forever you shall be my husband.’
“‘You’re like a brazier that goes out in the cold,‘ Gilgamesh said to Ishtar, refusing her hand. ‘This moment you’re burning with love, next you shall discard me as a shoe that pinches its owner. Which of your lovers, save for Dumuzi, did you love forever?’“ [King:156-161]
Just then, out of the grating he and Enkidu had removed, they heard The Bull of Heaven bellow from the cave in which the grating had confined it.
Inanna said King Anu brought the Bull from Nibiru to symbolize Yahweh’s rule on Earth. But in Sumer, the winged Bull, “bereft of females of its kind, became unwieldy. Lest it cause havoc in its wrath, an underground pasture for it within the Cedar Mountain was created.”
“She put on her clothes and walked back to her skyship. “Now be gone and be damned,‘” she said.
The bull charged Gilgamesh and Enkidu but Gilgamesh stabbed it while Enkidu held it.
Inanna, “from above, hovering in her skyship, cried out, her voice booming down to the triumphant comrades, ”The Bull of Heaven, the destiny of Enlil’s era, you have slain. The wrath of the gods shall now be upon you.'”
As King Anu’s official lover on Earth, Inanna messaged him, “‘Let those who slew the sacred bull, who defamed your beloved Inanna, pay with their lives.'”
Inanna called the Anunnaki rulers together in Nippur, the Seven Who Judge–her Dad, Allah (Nannar/Yahweh), Ishkar (Adad/Viracocha), Utu, Lilith Ninurta and Yahweh to punish Gilgamesh. together in Nippur. Lucifer “insisted that the throne next to him be left vacant, assigned in absence to the exiled Lord Marduk.” They sentenced Enkidu: “Let Enkidu be spared but banished to toil forever in the goldmines and let Gilgamesh end his days as a moral.“
Inanna ran kingship of Sumer for 1000 years. In 2371 BCE, she chose her Earthling half-brother, Akkadian gardener, Sargon (who’d raped her) to lead her armies.
Sargon and Inanna built their capital, Agade, in Akkad (near Babylon). They subdued all Sumer except Lagash, her Uncle Ninurta’s fief. She led Sargon’s army through Luristan in the Zagros Mountains. With the army and her mass-killing weapons, she and Sargon united Sumer. They spread spoken and written-on-clay Akkadian all over Sumer and spawned the Semitic languages (including Hebrew and Arabic) [Heaven & Earth: 95; Wars: 10, 11].
In 2316 BCE in Marduk’s absence, Sargon invaded Babylon. To show disdain for Marduk, Sargon “took away the soil” for Inanna to build a launch site of her own and take interplanetary power.
Marduk and Nabu/ Dionysus came from Egypt to Babylon, fortified the city and diverted rivers to it from the other Sumerian cities. Inanna and Satan both loosed lasers on each other’s Earthling armies. Marduk’s minions besieged Sargon [Giants: 270 to 274; Heaven and Earth: 97].
In 2291 BCE, Inanna, Naram-Sin (Sargon’s grandson) and the Akkadian armies captured the Baalbek Landing Platform.
Then they dashed along the Mediterranean coast for the Sinai Spaceport and inland for Mission Control in Jerusalem. The Akkadians crossed the forbidden Forth Region, the region forbidden to Earthlings.
Inanna and the Akkadians conquered Jericho, which switched alliance from Nannar to her. Her armies, under Naram-Sin, joined Nergal’s and conquered Egypt.
Naram-Sin (r. 2261-2224 BCE) was the last great king of the Akkadian Empire & grandson of SARGON, who founded the empire & ruled it from 2334-2279 BCE on behalf of Inanna, granddaughter of Anunnaki Commander Enlil. Enlil, appointed him as Inanna’s Overseer of Earthlings. Enlil authorized Inanna and Sargon to reign from Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean from his capitol Agade & to make the Akkadian language & written script uniform throughout the area we nowadays call Iraq & Kuwait.
Following the death of Sargon, who’d deteriorated into a drunk whom Anunnaki Princess Inanna, his partner in the subjugation of Sumer & defeat of Marduk’s army in Egypt, Sargon’s son RIMUSH assumed the Akkadian throne & ruled from 2279-2271 BCE. The cities of the empire rebelled after Sargon’s death. Rimush fought to re-assert Akkad’s control of its vassals, campaigned against Elam, whom he defeated, & claimed in an inscription to bring great wealth back to Akkad. He ruled for only nine years before he died.
Manishtusu, Rimush’s brother, succeeded him & ruled Akkad from 2271-2261 BCE. Manishtusu also had to put down rebellions upon his succession. He died after a reign of 15 years.
Naram-Sin, who succeeded Manishtusu, also suppressed mutinies within the Akkadian Empire, which, with a weapon Enlil gave him called “the Weapon of God” which forced Anunnaki who held satraps within Iraq to let Akkad’s armies enter their territories in Mesopotamia.
Inanna’s assisted Naram-Sin too. She helped him march at night (as she had for Sargon) with a lighting device assistance over narrow passes & descend upon & massacre his surprised enemies.
Inanna’s boyfriend, Anunnaki Prince Nergal gave Naram-Sin Amanus in Turkey & the Cedar Mountain in Lebanon
But Inanna & Naram-Sin broke up. She sided with a group of seven kings & their army of 360,000 men from Iran, against him. Naram-Sin wrote, “I sent out 120.000 but none of them returned alive.” The 7 Kings killed subsequent attacking Akkadians in the next few years. Akkad was ruined & starving from the wars.
Naram-Sin begged Anunnaki Chief Scientist Enki to plead his case to the Council, but the Council, & the Council responded with an order to maintain peace. Enlil sent Ninurta with cavalry & his army of Gutians (from the Zagros Mountains of northeast Sumer) against Naram-sin. Gutians looted most of Sumer. They spared only Lagash, city of Ninurta, their master.
The Commander had agents plant a scorpion to kill Naram-Sin for his attack on Nippur. Enlil ordered Inanna arrested but her parents–Nannar & Ningal–wouldn’t give her up.
Inanna flew to Nergal’s Lower Africa. For seven years, they plotted to overthrow Enlil & his Council.
The peace lasted 300 years, letting Sumer’s cities of Nippur, Lagash, & Isin prosper under the domination of Ur. [Sitchin, Wars of Gods & Men; 10-11]
Nergal visited Inanna and asked her to help contain Marduk. Nergal tricked Marduk, to leave Babylon, then took its power source, which controlled irrigation for all Sumer.
In 2255 BCE Inanna recaptured Uruk, destroyed Anu’s temple there and sent Naram-Sin to attack Yahweh’s adherents at Nippur. She declared herself supreme to even Nibiru’s King Anu.
Yahweh sent Ninurta and Ninurta’s cavalry and Gutians to reconquer Sumer. They wasted most of Sumer. Yahweh ordered death for Naram-Sin, for his attack on Nippur. Yahweh’s agents planted a scorpion to kill the king and ordered Inanna arrested but she fled to Nannar, then flew to Hades’ Lower Africa. For 7 years, Inanna and Hades plotted to overthrow the Council [Wars: 254].
Inanna returned to Sumer, where, in 2095 BCE, Shulgi succeeded Ur-Nammu as ruler.
In 2113 BCE, Nannar & Enlil chose (and Anu, from Nibiru okayed) Ninsun’s son Ur-Nammu as king of Sumer/Akkad. “The choice signaled that the glorious days under the unchallenged authority of Enlil & his clan are back.” The king would serve under Nannar who’d dictate laws of obedience, justice & morality.
Enlil told King Ur-Nammu to kill Amorites allied with Marduk & Nabu. Enlil gave the King a “divine weapon that heaps up the rebels in piles. Enlilite gods of Sumer all gave Ur-Nammu blessing, honor, weapons & protection. Off he marched his army to attack the Amorites west of Sumer.”
But as he inspected a canal at Uruk [Basra] “Ur-Nammu’s chariot got stuck in the mud. He fell off it, the chariot rushed along, leaving the King behind. The boat returning his body to Sumer sank with him on board.”
In Sumer, “People could not understand how such a devout king who followed gods’ directives with weapons they put in his hands could perish so ignominiously.” Support of Utu, Nannar, Inanna, Enlil & even Anu failed Ur-Nammu.
Marduk’s son Nabu fanned doubts about the Enlil lineage (Enlil-ite) gods. “Enlilite gods deserted you. They hid from you that Nibiru’s almost here. Soon shines, the home planet of the gods upon Earth in The Ram, Marduk’s constellation. Welcome the Era of Marduk the Redeemer, who shall conquer Sumer & Akkad, rule Elamites, Hittites & the whole world, said Nabu.
From Sinai to the cities & islands of the Eastern Mediterranean Nabu exalted, ‘Nibiru comes, Marduk shall rule.”
INANNA returned from exile, WED SHULGI & With HIM, RULED SUMER for Anunnaki Commander Enlil
After Ninurta defeated Inanna, who had claimed Sumer, Inanna went into Exile in 2095 BCE but Anunnaki Commander Enlil appointed her father, Nannar, as Sumer’s Ruler. The Commander appointed Ur-Nammu as King of Ur, but Ur-Nammu died in a chariot wreck and cast doubt among Earthlings that Kings the Commander blessed could fail.
So Enlil allowed Ur’s “god” Nannar, to recall to Sumer his (Nannar’s) warrior-daughter Inanna, who had rebelled against Enlil to return to Sumer. Inanna had proved her willingness to kill opponents with Anunnaki technical weapons—a willingness that Nannar lacked—and could ensure Enlil’s control in Iraq.
Enlil consented to a new ruling pair for the Middle East, a union of Inanna with the Hybrid Earthling Shulgi. Shulgi was a disciple of Chief Scientist Enki, who advised him on tactics he needed to unify Mesopotamia.
Shulgi and Inanna wed and consummated their union in the temple in Uruk where Enlil’s father, Nibiru King Anu, had elevated Inanna in a super-charged tantric ritual. This infuriated Enlil, who saw this as a desecration and detraction from the temple as a shrine that honored his dad, King Anu. But Enlil needed Inanna, so he let her and Shulgi conquer Ur’s enemies for him.
Enlil sent Inanna to Assyria to disarm the army of Nineveh and destroy their weapons. She did, and proclaimed, as Enlil dictated, “ESARHADDON rules.”
In battles in Arabia and on Marduk’s Egyptian forces, she fired “an intense brilliance” from her helmet to blind enemies of ASHURBANIPAL (Esarhaddon’s successor). She “rained flames upon Arabia.”
After Ninurta defeated Inanna, who had claimed Sumer, Inanna went into Exile in 2095 BCE but Commander Enlil appointed her father, Nannar, as Sumer’s Ruler. The Commander appointed Ur-Nammu as King of Ur, but Ur-Nammu died in a chariot wreck and cast doubt among Earthlings that Kings the Commander blessed could fail. So Enlil allowed Ur’s “god” Nannar, to recall to Sumer his (Nannar’s) warrior-daughter Inanna (who had rebelled against Enlil) to return to Sumer. Inanna had proved her willingness to kill opponents with Anunnaki technical weapons—a willingness that Nannar lacked—and could ensure Enlil’s control in Iraq.
Shulgi and Inanna wed and consummated their union in the temple in Uruk where Enlil’s father, Nibiru King Anu, had elevated Inanna in a super-charged tantric ritual. This infuriated Enlil, who saw this as a desecration and detraction from the temple as a shrine that honored his his dad, King Anu. But Enlil needed Inanna, so he let her and Shulgi conquer Ur’s enemies for him.
Enlil sent Inanna to Assyria to disarm the army of Nineveh and destroy their weapons. She did, and proclaimed, as Enlil dictated, “ESARHADDON rules.”
In battles in Arabia and on Marduk’s Egyptian forces, she fired “an intense brilliance” from her helmet to blind enemies of ASHURBANIPAL (Esarhaddon’s successor). She “rained flames upon Arabia.”
Inanna invited Shulgi to Uruk and declared him “the man for the vulva of Inanna.” They wed in the temple where Anu’d elevated her in tantric ritual.
In 689 BCE, Yahweh sent Inanna to Assyria to disarm the Ninevan army and destroy their weapons. ”Esarhaddon rules,” she proclaimed. In battles in Arabia and in an attack on Satan’s Egyptian forces, she fired “an intense brilliance” from her helmet to blind enemies of Ashurbanipal (Esarhaddon’s successor). She “rained flames upon Arabia” [Wars: 12 to19, 276 to 279].
When Hades and Ninurta bombed Sinai and the Dead Sea cities loyal to Satan and fallout from the nukes destroyed all life in Sumer, Inanna fled to Anatolia. In 1190 BCE (as Aphrodite) she fought for the Anatolians of Troy against Greece. The Greek halfbreed Diamedes wounded her.
She helped her half-Earthling son Aeneas flee Troy. Aeneas sojourned in Carthage, settled in Latinum, married a local and begat descendants. Numitor, king of Alba Longa and one of Inanna’s descendants, begat Rhea, mother of Romulus and Remus whom Julius Caesar claimed as ancestor.
* ANUNNAKI, FALSE GODS amazon.com/Anunnaki-Sasha-Alex-Lessin-Ph-D/dp/1490334246) (Preview)
ANUNNAKI, FALSE GODS extends Zecharia Sitchin’s translations from clay tablets that underlie the Bible. Ten thousand years ago, scribes in ancient Sumer (Iraq) wrote on these tablets what they said the Anunnaki gods (tall people from the sky) dictated. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to keep public attention on his legacy by creating an educational program.
The Anunnaki are Homo sapiens like us but who live hundreds of thousands of years. They said they rocketed to Iraq 450,000 years ago from a planet called Nibiru to harvest gold to send back (via Mars) to Nibiru to powder into an atmospheric shield. They mined abundant gold in Africa until, 300,000 years ago, their miners mutinied.
To replace the mutineers, Anunnaki geneticists created short-lived slaves, called Adamites, adapted from their own genome but modified with a bit of clay, copper and genes from an intelligent hominoid, Homo erectus (Bigfoot’s ancestor) already living in Africa. Two hundred thousand years ago, Lucifer (Enki), their Chief Scientist, begat a line of Earthlings called Adapites with two Adamite girls.
Fifty thousand years ago Lucifer and an Adamite beauty begat Noah, who carried Lucifer’s longevity genes and ruled the Iraqi city of Sharuppak. Lucifer saved Noah and many of his subjects from the Deluge of 13,000 years ago. The Anunnaki had Noah’s people and other flood survivors proliferate and build cities in the Middle East and Egypt with up to 50,000 inhabitants.
The Anunnaki ruled the new civilizations as gods with descendants of Noah’s sons as intermediaries. The Anunnaki gave us the best and the worst of planet-wide civilization–kings, historians, taxes, temples, priests, bicameral congresses, record-keeping, law codes, library catalogs, furnaces, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicines, cosmogony, cosmology, festivals, beer, food recipes, art, music, music instruments, music notes, dance, textiles, and multicolored apparel.
Sumerian schools taught mathematics, architecture, theology, writing, grammar, botany, zoology, geography. They displayed but did not pass on a world-wide energy grid, air, submarine and interplanetary transport vehicles and advanced computers.
They also gave us hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt and war that featured genocide and weapons of mass destruction.
In 2024 BCE Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms.
Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day. They and their spawn created and perpetuate exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.
Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors, as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold.
The genetics team that created us also gave us the capacity and preserved the histories Sitchin and others translated so we can overcome the liabilities they left us.
Recently, Anunnaki Royals returned to Earth, joining Enki and those who remained. The returning Anunnaki pledge to end the era of Satan’s (Marduk’s) control on Earth (Kali Yuga), make sure he makes amends for the suffering he fostered here to secure his control, and usher in the Age of Lucifer/Enki (Aquarian, Satya Yuga).
**AKA Irnini, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Anat, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Lillith, Ninni, Kali, Shakti and maybe Coyolxauhqui.
What we in our history, folklore and literature consider the appearance, perpetuation or re-appearance of gods, archetypes or walk-ins as inner fractals or independent beings, we think of them with the garb and elaborations we associate with them. However our pictures of the gods vary, they represent models, paradigms, and explanations of how people, planets, extraterrestrials, and the Universe work.
Sometimes the same Anunnaki had varying names as he or she ages, as when Ea of the planet Nibiru became Enki in Iraq; sometimes he gets a different name in a different place, as when Enki becomes Ptah in Egypt or the Peacemaker in North America, Shiva in India, Prometheus in Greece, Aquarius in Rome and, later, Lucifer in Northern Europe. God figures are merged and combined in various cultures and in the works of various scholars; thus, for researcher Glenn Bouge, Enki is Jesus and for some Jungians, Enki becomes an archetype of the Messiah. Whatever the moniker, Enki and the other Anunnaki were PEOPLE, not all-knowing, all-good, all powerful; none of them are what the Anunnaki call “the Creator-of-All,” Native Americans call “Great Spirit.”
We are learning of the elephant of history from the many perceptual perspectives of Earth’s cultures. Celebrate the richness of our many heritages.
Evidence https://wp.me/p1TVCy-1zg
References http://wp.me/p1TVCy-2cq
Timeline http://wp.me/p1TVCy-1Km
Who’s Who http://wp.me/p1TVCy-1PE
New Stuff www.enkispeaks.comMore on the gods of old who gave us Anunnaki religions