PAST-, PARALLEL-, or FUTURE-LIVES: Do They Program Your Present?

(Tantra Tactics for Chakra 6: Brain Chakra, Part 3 Occipital; Tantra Theosophical Society Core Principle 6B) By Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., Pastlife Therapist, Certified by the late Roger Woolger (author of “Other Lives, Other Selves”) Excerpt from “TEACH TANTRA: The book that shows you how to teach lovers to love you better and more”, by Janet Kira …


From TEACH TANTRA* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Dean School of  Counseling & Janet Kira Lessin, CEO, Aquarian Radio Aloha, I’m Sasha Lessin. I live from a very here-and-now philosophy psychotherapists call  “gestalt therapy.”  I don’t like the word “therapy” because it implies you’re sick.  You’re not.  I just call this philosophy “gestalt” in the sense …


by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (U.C.L.A.), co-author, TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS*& TEACH TANTRA** One of the most effective strategies I’ve experienced for loving communication is Compassionate Communications, CC. It’s based on Rosenberg, M., 1991, Nonviolent Communication (Puddledancer, CA).         CC’s four parts are observe without evaluating, share feelings, state needs and request, without demanding, …

ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT; SAY WHY YOU WANT THAT* –Do-It-Yourself-or-with-Partners Exercise

From TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS * Read your partner the cues in CAPS aloud to your lover or your partner. Read anything enclosed in square brackets [like this] silently. TELL ME ABOUT AN UPSET, FRUSTRATION, PROBLEM OR ISSUE YOU HAVE OR HAD WITH ME, USING THIS FORMULA. “WHEN YOU … , I FEEL … AND …

SINGLES TANTRA: Do-It-Yourself-For-Now Experiential Directions for Self-Pleasuring

Many are single by choice. There are many benefits to being single in the dance of life. Dating many allows you to dance many different styles of dances; tango, hip hop, waltz, country line, ballroom. Any particular partner may not know how to do all the types of dances you desire, and if you limit yourself …

CLEAR CHAKRAS, CULTIVATE KUNDALINI: Do- It-Yourself Cues to Picture & Empower Planetary Peace

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) Human “life begins with spiral patterns that swirl in vortex-like patterns that form a snake-like channel of energy known as KUNDALINI, which means serpent.  Kundalini winds around the spinal column [through] energy centers known as CHAKRAS. In a typical human, kundalini energy is always present but usually blocked.  …

Sitchin: Enki (Lucifer) Fomented Anunnaki Miners’ Mutiny as Pretext to Modify Nibiran Genome with Erectus Genes for Mine Slaves

Excerpt from Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio) NIBIRAN CENTERS ALIGNED LANDING CORRIDOR ACROSS MESOPOTAMIA By 400,000 years ago, Enlil had built four centers in Sumer: Sippar his spaceport, Nippur, Mission Control, Shurrupak, Med Center and Badtibira, Metallurgy Center.  Enki’s boats brought  gold from …


by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) Learn of the mysterious imposter who represented himself as Plenipotentiary of Nibiru’s King Anu.  Anu had sent the Goldmining Expedition to Earth 450,000 years ago.   Around 11,000 BCE Galzu (probably a representative of the Galactic Federation of Light or even the Universal Governing Body), lied to keep …

Freer & Leary’s Legacies: We Sapiens Can Arise & Break the Godspell

NEIL FREER   Neil, who passed recently, was a generalist, futant, futurist, lecturer, author, poet, contributor to the Arlington Institute think tank.  Neil and his wife, Ursula, lived in the Eldorado area. Neil held a BA in English and did his graduate work in Philosophy and Psychology at the New School for Social Research. He …

BOSNIA: ETs Here Before Anunnaki?

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) Consider more than just written evidence and examine the overwhelming evidence of ETs on Earth hundreds of thousands of years before the Anunnaki from Nibiru claimed they came to Earth for its gold (They claim they came around 400,000 years ago).   Peruse evidence the ETs left all …