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From ANUNNAKI, LEGACY OF THE GODS* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio

God created world

The Lost Book of Enki and the writers of the Bible (Genesis, King James Version). tell the same story.

The Bible: Genesis, Chapter I, says:
1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Day 1 Comparison from
The Lost Book of Enki: [ZS,:Enki: 73 -78]
“Soon something odd happened, something we had never seen before. The sky was changing from brightness to a reddish hue. The Sun was glowing like a red ball on the horizon and was disappearing! The heroes became fearful, afraid that some great calamity was about to befall us.
“We looked over to Alalu and he was laughing. He quickly calmed us. just a setting of the sun. He announced, ‘It is marking the ending of one day on Earth. It’s time to lie down for a quick rest.’ You could not imagine how short the night. There is little more you can do till morning when the Sun will make another appearance.
“Before we expected, the darkness came separating the Earth from the heavens. Lightening pierced the darkness. Rain followed thunder. Winds blew the waters. These were storms of an alien god.
“Agitated, we hunkered down in the chariot. We were unable to rest. Our hearts quickened when the Sun’s rays returned. Smiling, backslapping, we were most joyful.
“An evening then morning marked our first day on Earth.”

Bible: Genesis:
6: And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7: And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8: And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the

Day two according to Sitchin
The Lost Book of Enki
“With the break of a new day we decided to separate sweet waters for drinking water from marsh waters. I made Engur the master of sweet waters. He and Alalu went to the snake pond and behold, evil serpents were swarming! They reported back to me. We we examined the abundance of rainwaters. I placed Enbilulu in charge of the marshlands to mark the thicket of reeds. I gave Enkimdu charge of creating a ditch and dike which would serve as a boundary for the marshes. We created a gathering place for collecting heaven’s rain. Thus we separated the waters from the waters below from the waters above. Marshwaters from sweet waters we set asunder.

“Again it was evening then morning, the second day was done.”

Bible: Genesis:
9: And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10: And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
11: And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12: And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
13: And the evening and the morning were the third day.

Day three, according to Sitchin’s translation of
Enki’s lost book:
“The Sun announced the morning way too quickly. I assigned the heroes their tasks. I directed Alalu to the place of grass and trees. I wanted him to catalog all the grew in the orchard: herbs, fruits and others. I asked Isimud, my vizier if he knew much about each of the plants. Isimud stepped forward. He was very knowledgeable about plants. He could distinguish what was edible and what was not. He quickly identified a honey plant and ate of its fruit. He gave me another to eat. It was good! I put Guru in charge of gathering food, deciding what was good. By evening we had food and water. But we were far from satiated.
“And it was evening, then morning, the third day on Earth.”

Bible: Genesis
14: And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth”: and it was so.
16: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17: And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.
18: And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19: And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Lost Book of Enki
“On the fourth day the winds finally ceased. The waves stopped tossing the chariot about. It was save to bring tools forth from the chariots. Time to build more suitable abodes for our encampment.
“I put Kulla in charge of fashioning clay bricks. I instructed Mushdammu to lay the foundations and erect the dwelling abodes. The Sun shone all day. It was a great day, full of light!
“Kingu, Earth’s moon was in fullness that night. It cast a pale light on the Earth. Among the celestial gods, a lesser light rules the night.
“Another evening, then morning, the fourth day was done.”

20: And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21: And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22: And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23: And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Lost Book of Enki
“On the fifth day I commissioned Ea Ningirsig to fashion a boat of reeds. He was to measure the marsh, determine the stretch of the swamp lands. Ulmash, master of water creatures and flying fowl was assigned the task of distinguishing what was good and bad. But he’d never seen the likes of these creatures before. Their numbers were bewildering. Good carp were swimming among things that were inedible.
“I directed Enbilulu, the marshland master to fashion a barrier with canebrakes and green reeds so we could separate the fish from fish. We trapped the carp with nets and fashioned snares no bird could escape for the birds good for food.
“Thus we separated fish and fowl, determined what was good for eating and what was not.
“And it was evening, then morning, marking the fifth day on Earth.”

24: And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25: And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29: And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30: And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31: And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Lost Book of Enki
“We focused on the creatures of the land on the sixth day. I assigned Enursag the task of cataloging everything that creeps and walks. He was quite alarmed to discover how ferocious the beasts were that surrounded us and so I commanded Kulla and Mushdammu to construct a fence to protect our compound before dark. All the heroes were put to task. They made and laid bricks on foundations and used trees for the fencing and reeds for roofs.
“Anzu brought the Beam that Kills and the Speaker from the chariot and set them up in the compound. By evening time the encampment was complete. We gathered inside by night. Safe, we felt good about all that we accomplished.
“And it was evening, then morning, the sixth day.”

1. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them.
2: And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3: And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Lost Book of Enki
“On the seventh day I gathered the heroes around me and spoke, “We’ve undertaken a hazardous journey, overcoming much as we traversed from Nibiru to the seventh planet. We successfully arrived on Ki, which we now have renamed Earth, established an encampment and completed much good. Let this, the seventh day be a day of rest. And hereafter the seventh day always to be a resting day. Henceforth let this place be called Eridu, meaning Home in the Faraway. Let us keep our promise, declare Alalu of Eridu our commander!
The heroes shouted agreement in unison. Alalu uttered words of consent then paid homage to me. Let Ea be given a second name, Nudimmud, the Artificial Fashioner.
“The heroes agreed, shouting in unison.
“And it was evening, then morning. Thus marked the end of the seventh day.”

Except for the one discrepancy on day six–where man was created and told to be fruitful and multiply–this is a pretty close match between King James’ Genesis and Enki’s account, a match way beyond the odds of random probability. Later of course, Enki does create man and he’s set free to multiply, but that happens a wee bit later in the story.


by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Q: What difference does this make for our life nowadays?
A: Frees us from godspell and Illuminati-power elite control.

In parts of the Bible, the ET called “Yahweh” is Enlil–where Yahweh hates Earthlings, wants them dead, teaches them to hate women, orders they obey blindly. Yahweh designates Enlil when he orders his branded followers to murder any among them who honored other Nibiran gods. He sends them to kill followers of his rivals.

Bible authors also allude to Enki as Yahweh. Enki’s Yahweh when he genetically adapts the Nibiran Homo Sapiens genome to Earth and creates us, the slave race.

Other places, the Bible, calls members of Commander Enlil’s lineage–Ninurta, Adad and Nannar–“Yahweh.”

When, in 1393 B.C., Israelites captive in Bablylon, wrote Genesis, they fused well-known writings of how Enki, Ninmah and Thoth made us and thwarted Enlil. Bible writers spun the tale so it justifies a national religion that glorified Enlil–the Nibiran Expedition Commander who forbade us reproductive ability and wanted us all drown in Noah’s flood–as Yahweh, the sole god. The clay tablets and stone engravings, before Genesis’ authors distorted them for their propaganda, show “two Nibiran brothers, Enlil and Enki, always at odds with each other. Enki, with his half-sister Ninmah, created humans and always favored them.

“Enlil had reservations about Earthlings and dominated them with severity.”

Freer wrote: “Our species’ internecine violence, a product of Babel-factoring for crowd control that has carried through to great wars and the religious mayhem of crusades, jihads, inquisitions and persecutions and not intrinsically of human nature.” The Bible’s compilers “make Enlil their single monotheistic deity. Religious, military and political controllers “suppressed the knowledge about the alien presence.”

The Old Testament called god Adonai (Enki) when he did good things to or for the Hebrews. When god murdered, Bible writers called him Yahweh (= Jehovah, alias Enlil), whom they worshiped in fear. They “sublimated Enlil–a disagreeable, harsh, peevish individual, cruel toward humans–into a cosmic being. The establishment, fundamentalist Jews, Muslims and Christian fear the more efficient explanations Sitchin and the Vedas cited by Cremo [2003, Human Devolution] and Thompson [Alien Identities,1993], for they would undermine research monies, social control and sinecures they treasure.” [Freer, 2004, Sapiens Rising]

Contrary to Genesis, literature written 4000 years before the Bible’s propagandists made their spin on the tale the Anunnaki told their Sumerian scribes. The Anunnaki said Enki, his son Ningishzidda, and half-sister Ninmah, created our adapted–mostly Nibiran, but with a bit of Erectus genes species. They made us as substitute miners in Africa to mollify mutinous Nibiran miners there. We, the adapted slave species replaced these pure Nibiran miners. Each generation, Enki mated with the prettiest females born to us adapted hybrids; he multiplied the ratio of Nibiran to the small number of Erectus genes in our stock. He gave his part-Earthling (but mostly Nibiran) son Noah a computer file that showed him how to build the submersible to save the bloodline and to save humanity. Noah’s descendants rule us to this day.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


“Scientists now believe Earth’s atmosphere reconstituted initially from gasses spewed out from wounded Earth. Clouds thrown up from these eruptions shielded Earth and it began to cool, the vaporized water condensed and came down in torrential rains. Oxidation of rocks and minerals provided the first reservoir of higher levels of oxygen on Earth; plant life added both oxygen and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and started the nitrogen cycle with the aid of bacteria. The fifth tablet of the Enuma elish describes the gushing lava as Tiamat’s “spittle” as it poured forth, “assembling the water clouds; after that the foundations of Earth were raised and the oceans gathered” just as the verses of Genesis reiterated. Thereafter life appeared: green herbage upon the continents and “swarms” in the waters.” [ZS, Genesis: 134 (“Genesis” condenses Enuma.)]

3.4 billion years ago, “clays acted as chemical laboratories where inorganic materials were processed into more complex molecules. Inorganic proto-organisms in the clay acted as a template from which living organisms [one- celled microscopic algae like today’s blue-green algae] evolved. Defects in the clays acted as sites where stored energy and chemical directions for the formation of proto-organisms developed.” Green algae’s “the precursor of chlorophyllic plants that use sunlight to convert their nutrients to organic compounds, emitting oxygen in the process after algae spread upon dry land. For plantlike forms to process oxygen, they needed rocks containing iron to bind the oxygen; free oxygen was still poison to life forms. Such banded-iron formations sank into ocean bottoms as sediments, the single-celled organisms evolved into multicelled ones in the water. The covering of the lands with algae preceded the emergence of maritime life” [ZS, Genesis: 136 – 139] .

Crick and Orgel, our Nobel laureate scientists, say, in “Directed Panspermia [Icarus, vol. 19], a technologically advanced society on another planet in a spaceship with due protection and a life-sustaining environment, seeded Earth” Crick and Orgel “rule out the possibility that the essential genetic material had time to evolve on Earth.” They found the same twenty amino acids in all living organisms on Earth. All Earth’s organisms, when they evolved, incorporated within themselves the same four nucleotides “that and no other. [ZS, Genesis:152]

The Nibirans “figured out evolution on Earth.” Maritime vertebrates came 500 million years ago; land vertebrates, 100 million years later. 225 million years ago, fish filled the waters. Sea plants and amphibians moved from water to land. Plants lured amphibians to land; amphibians adapted into egg-laying reptiles. Some reptiles evolved into birds; reptiles on land grew to dinosaurs. 65 million years ago, dinosaurs died out. “Full agreement here” among the Enuma, Genesis and modern science.” [ZS,Genesis: 141 – 145]


Fire the gods of hierarchy, war, slavery & religion.

The giant gods of the ancient world and the rulers they choose created mind-sets that shackle us to short desperate lives. These so-called gods rocketed to Iraq from a planet they called Nibiru. The Nibirans who came to Earth called themselves “Anunnaki,” which means, “those who descended to Earth from the sky.”

The Anunnaki, who bade us call them ”gods”, stand way taller and live way longer than we. They said they bred us as short-term slaves and soldiers. We killed in their names: Allah (Sumerian, Marduk or Nannar), Yahweh (sometimes Enlil, sometimes Adad or Enki) and Ishtar (Inanna)Bmining expedition personnel all, all Nibirans. They bred us to slave in mines, armies, businesses, schools, governments, farms, factories, brothels and building projects.

The gods made us serve them and the Royal lines of ever-murderous hybrid rulers and priests–the elite–they begat. The ruling elite the gods left to govern us keep us warring with weapons and trade. The elite give all sides credit to arm and trade. They also run religions to bring back the god of their faith and defeat the gods and followers of other faiths.

Zecharia Sitchin, Neal Freer, Lloyd Pye, Michael Tellinger, Andy Lloyd, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson give us an evidence-backed view of our origin. They reveal the slavery and genocide the gods, our ET genitors, perpetrated. The truth we review in the Anunnaki, Gods No More series, ends the power of the lies of rulers to impoverish us. We see how the elite manipulate us to war. How the matrix they modeled makes us recklessly exploit our resources and pollute our environment. They see that we never feel our unity as a planet of peace.

Lies of church and state hide technology, knowledge of our ET heritage and information about the Galactic Federation.

At last we see Yahweh and Allah murdered masses; they and Marduk hated women. These Nibirans lacked compassion, showed no love, certainly exhibited no divinity.

When we embrace the oneness of all Earthlings and stop warring, our allies among the gods can show us the advanced astronomy, medicine, energy, rocket science and survival strategies we need now, as space debris nears Earth. We can forgive them and synergize our gifts and theirs.

LEGACY OF THE GODS documents our planet-wide kinship. All us Earthlings descended from the same progenitors. We are kin. Anunnaki gods and their hybrid overseers–the elite–imprinted on us the same greed, one-upmanship and dominator consciousness that ran them.

Our Nibiran mentors modeled, dictated and indoctrinated avarice, domination, miscegenation, competition, hate and violence in us. Some 4,000 years ago, as most of them left Earth, the Nibiran leaders dictated their world view to their Earthling scribes. The perverse perspective they perpetrated prevails until we see the matrix, then nullify it. Then we create a civilized world that honors everyone’s consciousness.

The clay tablets the scribes left say a royal military dictatorship ruled Nibiru. From 450,000 years ago until 300,000 years ago (when they created us to work their goldmines) the Nibirans modeled hierarchic, male-run gold-extraction monopoly.

This book shows everyone on Earth as family, all descended from the same ancestors from space. We can trash the master-slave-enemy mental matrix the gods scripted. We can transcend the legacy of the gods.

When we Earthlings remember our oneness, we survive together. We plan together for the periodic returns of Nibiru and the gods.

When Sasha studied for his doctorate in anthropology at U.C.L.A. in the 60s, his professors taught that human bodies evolved through intermediate forms over millions of years. The university dons also taught that human cultures also evolved slowly, as they gained knowledge and technology from experience. They said a Miocene or Pliocene anthropoid primate evolved into the hominid, Homo Erectus. Erectus, they thought, evolved from simpler primates over millions of years. They contended that we Homo Sapiens evolved, genetically step-by-step, from Erectus also over long periods of time [Clark, D., W., 1959, History of the Primates:178].

60s anthropologists said we evolved culturally as we Homo Sapiens ourselves improved our technology We proliferated, they said, as we planted and bred cereals from local grains, tamed indigenous wild sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys and horses, invented tools and machines, developed medicine, constructed irrigation and transportation systems, built cities and developed ever-more effective mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, metallurgy, architecture and engineering.

The anthropologists proved wrong about our physical evolution: we didn’t evolve in increments from simpler primates on Earth. We’ve not–despite 140 years of search–found intermediate skeletons of primates that link modern humans from tarsier-like ancestors from which Twentieth Century anthropologists thought we evolved.

Several advanced hominoids co-existed with Erectus. Erectus probably developed into Bigfoot, the modern Neanderthal.

Lloyd Pye challenged physical evolution devotees to the disproved theory of slow, incremental Darwinian macroevolution from the simplest cells to us.

Pye said ET terraformers seeded hominoids here a million years ago. They planned for Anunnaki, 300,000 years ago, to add Neanderthal genes to the Nibiran Homo Sapien genome to make Earth-adapted humans workers. Nibirans created what the terraformers planned for us–Homo Sapien like the Nibirans, but adapted to Earth. The terraformers manipulated Nibiran goldminers on Earth to adapt their genome to Earth. [Pye, 2013].

Legacy of the Gods not only challenges the anthropologists’ fixed ideas about our physical evolution; it also disproves their view that technologies we modern Homo Sapiens ourselves invented upleveled our cultures. We prove in the series, Anunnaki, Gods No More, that we progressed when the ETs from Nibiru gave us advanced technologies.

60s anthropologists had noted culture mysteriously leaped forward every 3,600 years or so, gains ancient Iraqis, then called Sumerians–wrote that Anunnaki gods gave them.

Anthropologists of the 60s erred when they concluded our ancestors imagined these gods. Ancient Sumerians didn’t imagine gods who taught them writing and told them what to write. Rather than imagine gods, Sumerians saw, heard and even touched Anunnaki as people like them, though bigger and longer-lived. Sumerians watched the giants run advanced machines. They witnessed gods shooting weapons of mass destruction.

In Sumer, then all over this planet, the ET gods periodically gave our ancestors ever-advanced technologies and models so they could rule, relate, mine, store data, compute, write, build, trade and war. Earthlings saw gods choose their half-breeds to rule us.

The gods kept breeding with our ancient grandmothers each generation, so of course knew the gods physically, kinesthetically as well as visually and by their bragging. Our ancestors everywhere on Earth saw, heard and even felt Anunnaki gods. Gods were not imaginary. Nor were they gods.

Sasha’s Chairman at U.C.L.A., Dr. Walter Goldschmidt, said technological innovations Sumerians themselves developed drove social evolution. Their innovations, Goldschmidt wrote, let populations grow. The technologies Sumerians invented, let more of them settle and populate towns and cities, accumulate more material goods, specialize and extend leisure to priests, rulers and craft specialists. This sequence, Goldschmidt said, caused social evolution.

Neither Sasha nor Goldschmidt ever considered as real–let alone the source of cultural evolution–gods Sumerians said gave them genes, inventions, crops and livestock that let them increase their numbers and master the environment. In the thrall of evolutionary anti-creationism, anthropologists dismissed what Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, Norse, Chinese, Tibetans, Central and South Americans said about gods who rode Celestial Chariots, threw thunderbolts and, when Nibiru neared Earth, might give us crops, herds, devices, medicine, laws, knowledge and more Nibiran genes. [Goldschmidt, W., 1959, Man’s Way: 110 -117]

Sociologist C. W. Mills showed how power elites control Earth and collaborate to perpetuate competition and war. Gardiner traced their heritage to the Nibirans who started Sumer and created the elites to rule us.

“Jesus was an Essene as was his wife, Mary Magdalene, information the Catholic Church suppressed. Catholics instead perpetuated slave-code fear and subservience. They hid the truth of our hybridization and persecuted and brutalized the human-centered strain of the bloodline” [that’s most of us] [Gardiner, L., 2000, Bloodline of the Holy Grail; quote from Freer, 2004, Sapiens Rising]

In 2000, Cody and Robin Johnson brought us to a Zecharia Sitchin seminar. Sitchin, a Sumerian scholar, showed us evidence in clay and stone of astronomical, geological and biological knowledge ancient Sumerians said gods gave them, knowledge our scientists only verified many millennia later. Sitchin disproved the power elite’s theistic and evolutionary dogma. He solved the mysteries of missing hominid links and periodic leaps in our social and industrial evolution. No missing physical links existed because we emerged suddenly, when Enki and his cohorts blended their genome and Erectus’. We got stronger tools and weapons when a Sumerian “god” showed the Hittites how to mine and refine iron.

Sitchin’s work breaks the elite’s stranglehold on us. We attended his seminars and read everything he, Tellinger, Lloyd, Cremo, Pye and other revisionists wrote. Thanks to these revisionists, we can stop dismissing “myths” as superstition.

Sumerians tagged Anunnaki aircraft, submarines, helicopters, spaceships, weapons and computers with their own words and words the gods taught them. Our ancestors called aircraft and rockets “skyships, celestial chariots and “fire-breathing dragons.” They named helicopters “whirlbirds.” A whale that swallowed Jonah a submarine; weapons “brilliances.” We labeled Nibiran medical and scientific achievements “miracles.”

Our ancestors also recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the gods taught them. What gods called “MEs” we call computer programs. Our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, similes and analogies to the words the gods gave us. We can now decode our ancestors’ metaphors for the Anunnaki and their technology instead of dismissing the weapons, vehicles and personalities of gods as superstitious myths.

“Sitchin advanced a coherent paradigm of our genesis to rewrite our beginnings and astronomically, evolutionarily, paleontologically, archaeologically and redefine ourselves. His thesis corrects creationism, redefines Darwinism. Sitchin read Sumerian as well as Hebrew, was steeped in the history and had material from the Middle East rediscovered only in the last one hundred and fifty years.” [Freer, N., 2004, Sapiens Arising]

Review our ancient history and sense of who we are, how we got here, and how the new paradigm of our genetics frees us from the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model the ETs imposed on us.

 These elites, descended from the bloodline of Enki whom Sumerians considered a god, albeit of flesh-and blood. 300,000 years ago, Enki combined his genes with those of Neanderthal’s ancestor to breed goldmining slaves. 13,000 years ago, Enki fathered Ziasudra (Noah in The Bible), ancestor of the elite that to this day rule Earth. The elite still employ a master-slave, god-worshiper code (with them in master status and we in slave (albeit economic slave–status) to run humanity. Ziusudra’s descendants—today’s elite–passed their mandate to dictate “from Sumer through Egypt to Israel through David and the messiahs, fostered by the Essene communities in Canaan.

ANUNNAKI EVOLUTION OF THE GODS  by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio)  

Long-lived (hundreds of thousands of years) extraterrestrial Homo Sapien Goliaths from the planet Nibiru mined gold on Earth 400,000 years ago. 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine slaves—that’s us–from their genome. We called them “Anunnaki,” People-From-The-Sky or Serpent-People. They taught us hierarchy, violence, greed, slavery, debt. They made us worship them, call them “gods.”

200,000 years ago, Enki, their Chief Scientist, begat a line of Earthlings whom he exalted. In 11,000 [all dates to follow are—before the common era—unless otherwise designated] Enki and his lover Batanash begat Noah. After Noah’s flood, Anunnaki ruled through Noah’s sons’ descendants.

The Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. Most of Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE .

But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day.

The Anunnaki taught one-upsmanship. We watched them kill each other to rule; the elite today still kill each other and each others’ followers. Our ancestors plundered, enslaved or killed whomever their master, the dominant Nibiran in their area, told them. We Earthlings still plunder, enslave and kill whomever our elites tell us.

The Anunnaki loosed plagues, nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass killing upon us. They forced mutually unintelligible languages and scripts upon us and withheld knowledge. They and their spawn made exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.

The Anunnaki stand feet taller and live millennia longer than we. We killed in their names: Allah (= Sumerian Nannar), Yahweh (Enlil, sometimes Adad) and Inanna (Ishtar)–Nibiran Expedition personnel all. They bred us to slave in mines, armies, businesses, schools, governments, farms, factories, brothels and building projects.

We worshipped and them and the “royal” lines of ever-murderous hybrid rulers and priests–the elite–they begat.

Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru. A few who remained on Earth and the hybrids through whom they still rule give all factions and nations credit and arms and engineer wars among them. The elite run competing religions which each say they’ll bring back the Anunnaki god of their faith and defeat gods and followers of other faiths.

The ancient scenarios of divide-and-rule, to this very day, make us deplete our resources, pollute our environment and wage war. The matrix the Anunnaki modeled makes us recklessly exploit our resources and pollute. The elite and their ET controllers see that we never feel our unity as a planet of peace.

Anunnaki and hybrid overseers imprinted their greed, one-upsmanship and dominator-consciousness on us. They modeled, dictated and indoctrinated avarice, domination, slavery, competition, hate and violence.

Yahweh and Allah-Nannar murdered many. These Anunnaki lacked compassion, showed neither love nor divinity.

Other Anunnaki–Enki, Ningishzidda and Ninmah–love us and continue to work to free us from the mental virus with whichYahweh and Allah have infected us. Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda can, when we stop warring, advance our astronomy, medicine, energy, rocket science and survival strategies.

The Anunnaki dictated their world view to Earthling scribes of Iraq (then called Sumer). Clay tablets the gods dictated say that back on Nibiru, a king and his military ruled. The gods dictated tales of how, 450,000 years ago, they got gold from Earth and how, till 300,000 years ago, when they created us for the mines, they shipped the gold back to Nibiru. Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold.

Millions of years before the Anunnaki got to Earth, other ET terraformers seeded hominoids here. The terraformers introduced advanced hominoids, ancestors of Erectus, Neanderthal and Bigfoot, to Earth so the Anunnaki could implant Erectus genes into their Homo Sapien genome and thus adapt their genome to Earth. The Anunnaki created what the terraformers planned for us—they made us Homo Sapien like them, but adapted to Earth [Pye, 2013]. Eighty percent of our DNA is from off-planet [Tellinger, 2011b].

We progressed when the Anunnaki gave us new technologies. Every 3,600 years, they gave us marvelous devices, astronomical and geological information, new crops, new chemistry and ever-more lethal weapons. Suddenly, our architecture, public projects, weaponry, and military training revved up and we build new cities, temples and armies.

Our Sumerian ancestors didn’t imagine gods who made them literate and told them what to write. Rather than make up gods, Sumerians saw, heard and bred with Anunnaki as very tall, long-lived. Sumerians watched the giants run machines and computers; they saw them fire weapons of mass destruction. They saw Anunnaki with small devices, MEs, overpower other Anunnaki.

Sumerians saw Anunnaki speak into devices and heard voices respond. The Anunnaki said the voices came from spacecraft beyond sight and the moon, southern Africa, the Andes and the Indus Valley, as well as from visible rockets, shuttlecraft, orbiting stations and planes.

In Sumer, then all over this planet, the gods gave our ancestors ever-advanced technologies and models so their half-breeds could rule, relate, mine, store data, compute, write, build, trade and war.

Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, Norse, Chinese, Tibetans, Central and South Americans all spoke of these gods who rode Celestial Chariots, threw thunderbolts and, when Nibiru neared Earth, gave us crops, herds, devices, medicine, laws, knowledge and more Nibiran genes.

In 2000, Zecharia Sitchin showed us clay and stone proof. Rocks and inscribed records astronomical, geological, geographical, chemical and biological info Sumerians said gods gave them, info our scientists only got millennia later.

Sitchin solved the mysteries of missing hominid links never found since they didn’t exist. He showed how they periodically upleved our society and its industries. No missing physical links existed since we appeared suddenly, when Enki and his cohorts added Erectus genes to their genome. We got advanced technology when Sumerian “gods” gave it to us.

Sumerians tagged Anunnaki aircraft, submarines, helicopters, spaceships, weapons and computers with their own words and words the gods taught them. Our ancestors called aircraft and rockets “skyships, “celestial chariots” and “fire-breathing dragons.” They named helicopters “whirlbirds.” A whale that swallowed Jonah = a submarine; weapons = “brilliances.” We labeled Nibiran medical and scientific achievements “miracles.”

Our ancestors recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the gods taught them. What gods called “MEs” we call computer programs. Our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, similes and analogies to the words the gods gave us. We can now decode our ancestors’ metaphors for the gods and their technology instead of dismissing the weapons, vehicles and personalities of gods as superstitious myths.

Unless ETs intervene to save us or the weight of Sumerian evidence convinces Muslims, Jews and Christians to give up their fear gods, their compulsions to unquestioningly obey governmental and religious authorities, their impulse to crush others and the mental programs with which the genocidal Anunnaki imposed on us to keep us divided and conquered, we’ll keep warring.

We are one family and we’ve all been duped by the Anunnaki and their halfbreed successor-line of murderous manipulators. We must recover our oneness as a species. As we face new ET demands for our allegiance and gold, we can negotiate for life extension, medicine, free energy, space transport and other ET technologies. We and they can support each other and face our common challenges–environmental, social and psychological.

The truth of our genetics frees us from the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model the ETs imposed on us. We can end physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, derogation of women, gold lust, antagonistic religions and nations the gods and the hybrid elite they created dictated.

Free of short, desperate lives, we’ll create our future. We’ll activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.


Who’s Who
New Stuff

More on the gods of old who gave us Anunnaki religions

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