Michael Tellinger, author of Slave Species of god discusses Anunnaki, gold mines and ancient ruins in South Africa. The Anunnaki ate gold dust for longevity, spread it as an atmospheric cloaks for their homeplanet Nibiru and to this day use it to enslave us in debt. He tells how Banksters and Illuminati control Earth. Michael analyzes the spiritual implication of the Anunnaki’s genetic dumbing-down humanity. Telllinger’s findings fill gaps from Zecharia Sitchin’s studies and has clues to free energy utilization with which we can free ourselves from polluting our planet for energy and from the thrall of those who monopolize it.
“Contributionism can free us from the power elite banksters and bring all of us back to loving oneness and artistic expression of our own shining lights. For those of you fortunate enough to live or visit my home isle–Maui–Michael will give an inexpensive presentation July 19 (janetlessin@gmaiil.com for reservations).”
Here’s two background postings with illustrations; check them out:
Michael writes that his book: UBUNTU CONTRIBUTIONISM – Blueprint For Human Prosperity makes the connection between our origins as a species, origins of money and exposes the banking fraud that has enslaved humanity for thousands of years – while presenting a conscious alternative for a future of abundance and unity.
The Anunnaki who lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold left behind more than 10 million stone ruins scattered throughout southern Africa. They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, worshiped the sun, and were the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge, 200,000 years before the Egyptians came to light. They knew laws of nature and how to tap FREE ENERGY from Mother Earth for all their needs. They used the power of sound and frequency as a source of energy. Tellinger collected a display of unexplained tools and artifacts the Anunnaki used to mine and process gold.
Michael’s work touches critical issues around the subject of Unity Consciousness. The more we push the boundaries of science, the more we come to understand the universal mind–the creative source of all things in the multiverse and beyond. What we learn from quantum physics and space-time studies brings us closer to understanding the true nature of reality, the meaning of the universe and our place in it as conscious beings. Michael believes that quantum physics is a gift from the divine creator to allow humanity to find its way back to source – back to unity – from a deeply divided species – not only on Earth but in the entire universe.
In his book Temples Of The African Gods and African Temples of The Anunnaki, he graphically exposes his discoveries that will be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history and provides the physical evidence for much of Zecharia Sitchin’s work.
When we understand our mysterious past, the origins of money and the rise of the royal bloodlines, can we make sense of where we are heading today, why life is so hard and why we have to struggle so much to stay alive.
Tellinger presents a model for a new social structure called CONTRIBUTIONISM – A World Without Money – based on the African philosophy of UBUNTU and proposes how we should move from a money-driven society to a society driven by people, their talents and their passion for life. Where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greatest benefit of all in their community – and money has no meaning. Tellinger has been one of the leading activists against the banking cartels in South Africa since 2010 and his personal experiences in the High Court has helped him to expose the unlawful and corrupt banking sector.
by latest youtube Michael Tellinger
Tellinger shares evidence of advanced ET technology: millions of stone circles of free energy and evidence of vast gold mining activity in south Africa that connect us to the Anunnaki . He gives the location for the Lost City of ENKI 280,000 years ago. He also tells of his legal action against the banksters in South Africa to free humanity fromfinancial tyranny and economic slavery:free energy and the UBUNTU Contributionism movement.
Michael Tellinger writes: “This critical ancient site that links us to the origins of humankind and the Sumerian ENKI’s activity on planet Earth some 450,000 years ago. We have measured the electromagnetic fields; sound frequencies and inexplicable heat-signatures that emanate from the centre of the calendar. The only conclusion that we can reach is that this site was originally constructed as a vortex.”
Listen to this comprehensive report and know who we really are and how we can renounce war, derogation of women and minorities, planetary pollution, physical and economic slavery and rule by the greedy, murderous elite that rule Earth to this day. We remember who we–Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist and scientist–all are, one people, hybrid Erectus/Anunnaki Earthlings.
Michael Tellinger at the Breakthrough energy Movement conference, 2012 Holland
I knew about the gold powder for longevity this is the only place where I ever saw anybody sugest that… I thought I was I was crazy for thinking that but I believe it should be mixed with another ingredient 🙂 Best wishes , People really need to know the Truth!!!
this is a very interesting website it makes sense far more interesting then the bible, the Koran, etc!