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by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) Learn of the mysterious imposter who represented himself as Plenipotentiary of Nibiru’s King Anu.  Anu had sent the Goldmining Expedition to Earth 450,000 years ago.   Around 11,000 BCE Galzu (probably a representative of the Galactic Federation of Light or even the Universal Governing Body), lied to keep Nibiru’s King Anu’s sons Lucifer/Enki/Aquarius, Chief Scientist of the Goldmining Expedition from Nibiru on Earth and Yahweh/Enlil, the Expedition Commander, Anu’s daughter, Chief Medical Officer Lilith/Ninmah, and children of Enki, Enlil and Ninmah on Earth when they, without his lies, would’ve left Earth for Nibiru.  Galzu also intervened, after 2024 BCE to order Yahweh to accept Abraham and his tribe as his representative on Earth.  Recently, Galzu intervened to order Allah (Nannar) and support Lucifer-Enki as top Anunnaki for a Satya yuga, the Age of Aquarius. Galzu intervened to give Enki a computer program (ME) to Enki.  Enki slipped the ME into his son Noah/Ziasudra’s computer. The ME gave Noah plans for the submersible. Enki’s son Ninagal, he told Noah, would guide him and his supporters to Mt. Ararat in Turkey.  Galzu made sure Noah’s sons survived the Deluge, 13,000 years ago to regenerate us hybrid Erectus/Sapien slaves.  Descendants of Ziasudra (hence father Enki and father’s father Anu) to this day rule us. Galzu sent Enlil a dream that Lucifer’s son Satan (Marduk) would prevail in Mesopotamia and conveyed to the Nibirans that the hybrid Earthlings they created should be allowed to develop. Every 3,600 years the planet Nibiru neared our sun. The nearing triggered volcanos on Nibiru, launched huge sunflares. Nibiru’s passing disturbed ground and air on Mars and Earth. Nibiru Perigee       16,000 years ago, as the Earth increasingly suffered an Ice Age, Enlil, Commander of the Goldmining Expedition on Earth from the planet Nibiru, summoned his Nephew, Prince Nergal, Overlord of South Africa, who’d married his granddaughter, Erishkigal. Nergal showed the Commander data and calculations from the observatory at the south tip of Africa.
          Commander Enlil/Yahweh   The Antarctic ice sheet was sliding toward the ocean. Next time Nibiru neared Earth, Nergal reported, the icesheet would slip into the sea and make huge waves. Surges, he said, would reverberate and inundate all Earth except great peaks. This fits in well with Enlil’s plans to kill off Enki’s hybrid slave race, us Earthlings. The Expedition had already since its operations began some 400,000 years ago, sent Nibiru enough gold for floating white gold powder to save the Nibiran atmosphere. Now Nibirans could return home and let the sea drown the Earthlings. King Anu and the Counsel on Nibiru beamed Earth: “‘For evacuating Earth and Lahmu prepare.’ In the Abzu the gold mines shut down; therefrom the Anunnaki to the Edin came; smelting and refining ceased, all gold to Nibiru was lofted. Empty, for evacuating ready, a fleet of celestial chariots to Earth returned.”  GALZU FROM THE  GALACTIC FEDERATION, UNIVERSAL GOVERNING BODY, OR HIGHER DIMENSION (Q)? One spaceship brought the mysterious white-haired Galzu (Great Knower) with a sealed message from Anu to Enki, Enlil and Ninmah. (Galzu, we’ll see, will thwart the watery genocide Enlil planned for us.) “Enlil the seal of Anu examined; unbroken and authentic it was, its encoding trustworthy. ‘For King and Council Galzu speaks. his words are my commands.’ So did the message of Anu state. ‘I am Galzu, Emissary Plenipoteniary of King and Council, to Enlil,'” said the mysterious visitor.”  [ZS, Enki: 208]  GALZU LIED, KEPT ENLIL, NINMAH, ENLIL & THEIR LINEAGES ON EARTH DESPITE COMING DELUGE Galzu told Ninmah, “‘Of the same school and age we are.’ This Ninmah could not recall: the emissary was as young as a son, she was as his olden mother.” Galzu told her she’d aged and he hadn’t because she’d been so long on Earth. She and her brothers lived on Earth so long they’d die if they returned to Nibiru, where their bodies couldn’t survive the home planet’s netforce.   Galzu lied: “The three of you on Earth will remain; only to die to Nibiru you will return.” Ninmah and her brothers must, he said, orbit Earth in rockets when the icesheet sped waves over the planet. When the waters calmed, to live, they must return to Earth. NimahOld     Ninmah’d aged.    Enlil continued reading the order Galzu said he brought from King Anu, “To each of the other Anunnaki, a choice to leave or the calamity outwait must be given. The Igigi who Earthlings espoused must between departure and spouses choose. No Earthling, Marduk’s Sarpanit included, to Nibiru to journey is allowed. For all who stay and what happens see, in celestial chariots they safety must seek.” [ZS, Enki: 209 – 211] Enlil convened the Anunnaki Council–the Leaders’ sons and grandchildren–and the Igigi commanders. He decreed the Earthlings drown in the deluge.  Enki objected, “‘A wondrous Being by us was created, by us saved it must be,’ Enki to Enlil shouted.” Enlil roared back,”‘To Primitive Workers you gave to them knowing you endowed. The powers of the Creator of All into your hands you have taken. With fornication Adapa you conceived, understanding to his line you gave. His offspring to the heavens you have taken, our wisdom with them you shared. Every rule you have broken, decisions and commands you ignored. Because of you a Civilized Earthling brother [Abael] a brother [Ka-in] murdered. Because of Marduk your son the Igigi like him with Earthlings intermarried.'”   The Earthlings, Enlil said, must drown. He demanded Enki and all Nibirans on Earth swear not to tell the Earthlings a flood will come. Enki hesitated to openly defy Enlil, but he refused to swear. He and Marduk stamped out of the Council. [ZS, Enki: 212 -214] Enlil brought the Council back to order. Astronauts with Adapite wives and children, he decreed, must move to the peaks above the waves. He, Enki, Ninmah, their sons, daughters and descendants would orbit Earth. Marduk must shelter on Marsbase and Nannar on the moon. When the waters receded the leaders and kin would return to Earth. [ZS, Enki: 230] Enki and Ninmah buried their records and computer programs deep in the Iraqi soil. They made genetic banks to save Earth’s creatures from the flood. “Male and female essences and life-eggs they collected, of each kind two by two they collected for safekeeping while in Earth circuit to be taken, thereafter the living kinds to recombine. The day of the deluge they waited.” [ZS, Enki: 216] Enki dreamed Galzu spoke “‘Into your hands Fate take, for the Earthlings the Earth inherit. Summon your son Ziusudra, without breaking the oath [swearing not to tell Earthlings] to him the coming calamity reveal. A boat that the watery avalanche can withstand, a submersible one, to build him tell, the likes of which on this tablet to you I am showing. Let him in it save himself and his kinfolk and the seed of all that is useful, be it plant or animal, also take. That is the will of the Creator of All.'” Enki woke and pondered his dream. He stepped out of bed and kicked an actual physical tablet that now appeared next to his bed. The tablet showed how to build a submersible craft in which Ziusudra and his followers could ride out the deluge. Enki searched his home and grounds for Galzu but didn’t find him. None except Enki (in the dream) had seen Galzu. Sitchin termed the appearance of the tablet–a physical object–after Enki’s dream encounter with Galzu, a representative of a higher power- a twilight zone miracle. Noah's submersibleplans   The Submersible schematic    “That night to the reed hut where Ziusudra was sleeping Enki stealthily went. The oath not breaking, the Lord Enki not to Ziusudra but to the hut’s wall [computer bank] spoke from behind the reed wall. Enki_Pgm_to_Noah_Sitchin2000p194          In the tablet above, Galzu, in the center, tells Enki (on the left with his snake icon) to warn Ziusudra (touching the “wall”–a computer bank, shown with Xs across the screens and slots for programs) of the Flood. Galzu guides Enki’s arm to convey a computer disk. The disk leaves Enki’s hand en route to Ziusudra’s computer) “When Ziusudra by the words awakened, to him Enki said, ‘Reed hut, a calamitous storm will sweep, the destruction of Mankind it will be. This is the decision of the assembly by Enlil convened. Abandon thy house, Ziusudra and build a boat, its design and measurements on a tablet. A boatguide [Ninagal] to you will come. To a safe haven the boatguide will navigate you. By you shall the seed of Civilized Man survive. Not to you Ziusudra, have I spoken, but to the reed wall did I speak.'” [ZS, Enki: 220 -222]  Ziasudra and his community in Basara build the ark.  He explained to Commander Enlil that he was building it to sail his community down to Enki’s palace in southeast Africa since it was to Enki that he was devoted.  Enlil did not know Ziasudra was Enki’s son, but Enlil let the construction continue.   Let Enki’s followers leave Mesopotamia, sail to Africa, and there die in the flood to come, thought Enlil. Building the ark  The submersible: ancient wall depiction, the context of the ancient wall that shows two airplanes, a helicopter, a rocketship and a submersible with folded mast.
Submersible and other Anunnaki craft on ancient wall
Submersible and other Anunnaki craft on ancient wall 
submerible closeup
submerible closeup 
Submersible1            Enki prepared. Before the wave hit, he sent Ninagal with boxes to Ziusudra. The boxes held “DNA, sperm and ova, ‘the life essence and life eggs of living creatures it contains, by the Lord Enki and Ninmah collected. From the wrath of Enlil to be hidden to life resurrected if Earth be willing.’” Ningishzidda prepared too; he inscribed “ancient wisdom on two great pillars and hid sacred objects and scrolls inside them. [Hauck, Emerald Tablet: 22] 13,000 years ago, “in the Whiteland, at the Earth’s bottom, off its foundation, the [Antarctic] icesheet slipped. By Nibiru’s netforce it was pulled into the south sea. A tidal wave arose, northward spreading.” “The tidal wave, several hundred meters high, moved northward from Antarctica at 500 km per hour, like a giant circle around the world; it destroyed all lands lower than 2,000 meters above sea level.” [Tellinger, Slave Species: 472 – 473] 
Deluge, 13,000 years ago
Deluge, 13,000 years ago
Deluge1            “The boat of Ziusudra the tidal wave from its moorings lifted.”  Ark lifts off its mooringsNoah's ark lifts of its moorings NoahWaving Then, when the waves closed over the ark,  “Though completely submerged, not a drop of water into it did enter. For forty days, waves and storms swept Earth, downing everything on the planet except those on mountaintops and in Ziusudra’s boat.” [ZS, Enki: 227] Here’s what happened to the Earthlings who weren’t on the ark or mountaintops: noahsfloodpg37_300 ENKI & JESUS  by Benson C. Saili Jesus came from a tribe originally known as “Ewes” (Jews in today’s parlance) and who were hybrids of white-skinned and dark-skinned peoples How did the Jews come about? We’re all familiar with the Great Flood of Noah’s day, also called the Deluge, which engulfed much (not all) of the world. The flood was the Anunnaki strategy to extinct the human species. The Anunnaki, the gods of the Old Testament, had fashioned mankind about 300,000 years before with a view to using us as a slave species – to serve them in mining, farming, and construction in the main. This they did by fusing their own genes with those of a creature that was on its way to evolving into man 10 to 25 million years down the line. This creature was called Ape-Man, or Homo Erectus in evolutional nomenclature. This genetic engineering resulted in Homo Sapiens or thinking (reasoning) man. The Anunnaki were aliens to this planet. They were not indigenous to it. They were from Nibiru, a Solar System planet seen only once in 3600 years. Nibiru itself was not an “indigenous” Solar System planet. It had strayed into the Solar System eons ago. It was originally part of the Sirius star system. One of the stars in the Sirius star system, Sirius B, exploded as all stars ultimately do (though some do so prematurely) to become what is known as a white dwarf. In the process, one of its planets, Nibiru, was blasted off deep into the void of space. As it drifted along, it was eventually drawn into our Solar System by the powerful gravity of Neptune and thus became a permanent member, the 10th planet. Nibiru was inhabited by the Anunnaki, who are the ruling race of the Orion and Sirius star systems. In time, mankind grew more clever and therefore more rebellious. Not only were humans difficult to tame but they became the source of a great deal of friction among the Anunnaki pantheon, which was led by Enlil, the principal Jehovah of the Bible, and his step-brother Enki, the Serpent of Genesis. Legally, Enlil was Earth’s Chief Executive but he was frequently defied by Enki, who thought on merit alone he deserved overall rulership of Earth. Not only was Enki older than Enlil but he was surpassingly brilliant. There was nothing, it was said, that he didn’t know. Furthermore, Enki came to Earth before Enlil, commissioned by his step-father Anu to set up a viable operating infrastructure for the Anunnaki. ENKI WAS THE SON OF THE QUEEN OF ORION Enki was the son of the Queen of Orion, whereas Enlil was the son of Anu, the King of the Sirius star system. Although Anu and the Orion Queen had entered into ceremonial wedlock with a view to cementing peace between the two warring empires, the Orion Queen was senior cosmically in that females existed long before males came to be. Enki ensured mankind survived the Deluge. ENKI IS OUTMANOUVERED Around 11,000 BC, Nibiru was scheduled to return to its perihelion, that is, the section of its orbital circuit that loops between Jupiter and Mars. The Anunnaki scientists had calculated that when the planet, which is said to be 4-8 times Earth’s size, approached this time around, it was going to trigger a global-wide flood as the ice sheet that capped the South Pole had become loose and Nibiru’s mighty gravitational effect was certain to tip it into the sea, giving rise to a tsunami of apocalyptic proportions. Enlil thought this was the best opportunity to get rid of the troublesome and therefore loathsome human race. Accordingly, the Anunnaki pantheon, comprising of 12 members of the Anunnaki royalty, met to deliberate on the matter. The consensus was that mankind should be allowed to perish in the foreseen cataclysm (GENESIS 6:6-7). Not every member of the pantheon was pro such a decision though. Enki and his half-sister Ninmah were particularly revolted. Enki and Ninmah, along with the former’s genius son Ningishzidda, were the mastermind of the genetic engineering project that gave rise to Adam and Eve, the progenitors of mankind. Naturally therefore, they had a very strong attachment to mankind. Enki never once referred to mankind as a slave race. He called us “a helper race” in the tasks of the Anunnaki. Enki had defied Enlil to enlighten Adam and Eve about their potential to be just like the Anunnaki were (GENESIS 2:5). Enki always had the best interests of mankind, literally his own creation, at heart. But it was a numbers game. Enki and Ninmah were out-voted in the ratio 10 is to 2. Mankind had to disappear from the face of the Earth in the coming deluge. Enki immediately put his genius mind to work. THE CUNNING OF ENKI Once the decision to exterminate mankind was reached, Enlil gave the pantheon to understand that under no circumstances was mankind to know of the impending flood. This was a secret to be jealously guarded by the Anunnaki. In order to ensure the secret was cast in stone, Enlil had every member of the pantheon swear to its strict upholding. Although Enki took the oath too, he had other, renegade plans. As the Anunnaki’s greatest thinker, he could always find a loophole for the sake of his beloved mankind, which he indeed did. Through this loophole, he would ensure the survival of mankind. The agent of survival was going to be Noah. In the Bible, Noah is hurriedly introduced. Genesis only says that he was the son of Lamech. There is no background story of the circumstances of his birth. This omission is deliberate on the part of the Levites, the authors of Genesis and all of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament. This is because not only were the circumstances of Noah scandalous but he was the seed of the very being the Levites called the Serpent. If you have demonized the Serpent, you don’t want your audience to know that this same Serpent is in fact the father of mankind. The Levites wrote Genesis during their 70-year captivity (with the rest of the Jewish nation) in Babylon in the 6th century BC. Much of the Genesis story was researched from the Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets, which abounded in Babylon. The Sumerian tablets detail the circumstances of Noah’s birth. One reason the apocryphal Book of Enoch was excluded from the biblical canon was that it revealed too much, including who the real father of Noah was. Noah’s real father was … Enki! Unlike the comparatively self-restrained Enlil, Enki had always been a philanderer. According to Sumerian records, and the Bible itself (GENESIS 4:1). Enki fathered Cain, the putative firstborn of Adam and Eve, when he committed adultery with the latter. And Enki who fathered Noah, when he committed adultery with Lamech’s wife Batanash (the Sumerian records chronicle that Lamech even complained about his “strange-looking son” [blue-eyed, blondish hair, and chalky-white skin like the ruling Anunnaki pantheon] to his father Methuselah). In the English Bible, the term “God” uniformly applies to all members of the Anunnaki pantheon, though it mainly refers to Enlil. The Hebrew version of the Old Testament, however, uses specific titular terms, such as Elohim, Adonai, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Baal, etc. The Sumerian tablets are even more particular as they employ the more familiar names such as Enlil and Enki. The same tablets also carry precious more detail about biblical patriarchs like Enoch, Noah, and Abraham.In the Sumerian tablets, Noah goes by the names Ziusudra and Atra-Hasis, both meaning somebody of a very wise pedigree, an echo of Enki, who was acknowledged by the Anunnaki as their greatest intellect ever. In Akkadian (the forerunner to the Hebrew language), Noah was called Utnapishtim, meaning one who preserved life, which he indeed did. The name Noah itself has connotations both of wisdom and serpent. It, therefore, must have been a mocking nickname associating Noah with Enki, the Serpent of Genesis. The Sumerian tablets expressly describe Noah as the son of Enki and the wisest man of his day. The same Sumerian tablets say it was Enki and not Jehovah who tipped Noah about the impending flood and got him to construct a submersible craft, a kind of submarine, which the Bible simply calls the ark. Since members of the pantheon were not supposed to alert mankind to the coming flood, Enki put up a kind of screen and behind it dictated to Noah the details of the coming deluge. Enki’s post-flood justification when under trial before the pantheon was that he did not talk to Noah directly but simply meditated to himself aloud behind a screen. Noah therefore simply eavesdropped on him. Noah duly proceeded to construct the submarine and when it was ready he packed his family in there and the DNA of all the animal species, not animals themselves as Genesis mistakenly suggests. There were some physical animals of course on the ark but these were for-food animals as well as beasts of burden to use once the flood had receded. Thus through his stratagem, which was effected through his bastard son Noah, Enki preserved mankind when Jehovah wanted us to perish once and for all. The irony is that it is Enki who we continue to call the Devil whilst Jehovah we respectfully address as “Our Lord God”. This Earth, My Brother. HAM, JAPHET & SHEM: THREE ENGINEERED PROTOTYPES When Noah entered the ark, he was with his wife, three sons, and three daughters-in-law, so the Bible says. The three sons were Japheth (meaning “the light-toned one”), Ham (meaning “the dark-hued one”), and Shem (meaning “the famed one”). The Bible seems to struggle to enunciate the order of the three. It is not crystal-clear who was the eldest among the three. The Genesis statements are so convoluted that any one of the three could be inferred as the youngest. As to who was the oldest, it is a toss-up between Shem and Japheth. This confusion, however, would be needless had the Levites observed their own chronicling in Genesis 5:32 that “When Noah was 500 years old, he begot Shem, Ham, and Japheth.”Shem, Japheth, and Noah were born at the same time, not as triplets but through surrogate mothers. They were Test Tube babies, just like Adam and Eve were. Their wives could have come about the same way too. It explains why the Bible neither mentions the name of Noah’s wife nor those of his sons. Noah’s children were genetically engineered by Enki to be the three progenitors of the principal human races of the near-future in the wake of the flood. These were Negroids, Caucasians, and Semites. Since these are the races Enki wanted to be perpetuated after the deluge, he had Noah sire his three children via artificial means before the advent of the flood. The flood was anticipated by at least a hundred years or so, well in time for the children to grow to mature adulthood. The Anunnaki knew the rate at which their own planet Nibiru streaked through its orbital circuit. At the cessation of the flood, Enki was tossed from pillar to post by Enlil for divulging the imminence of the deluge to Noah and for preserving the human race though legally he did not do so. It was at this stage Enki owned up to the fact that Noah was actually his son. After almost coming to blows with Enki (Sumerian tablets say exactly that), Enlil was eventually pacified. Enki convinced him that the amount of work that was required to restore the Earth to viable usefulness would need the assistance of mankind so it was just as well that Noah and his family were spared. Although Enlil was wroth at first, he now could not help commend his step-brother’s amazing powers of foresight. DIVISION OF EARTH Before the flood, the Anunnaki directly ruled Earth. Then post-flood, they decided to devolve direct rulership of the planet to the human race themselves, who they now decided to intellectually enhance by introducing civilisation in intervals of 3600 years, equivalent to one year on planet Nibiru. They themselves would simply be the superintending “gods”. The Earth was accordingly divided into four regions, metaphorically referred to as the Four Corners of the Earth. Says the Sumerian records of this development: “The Anunnaki who decree the fates sat exchanging their counsels regarding the Earth; the four regions they created. ”The four regions were Africa (which at the time included the Arabian Peninsula), Indo-Europe (Indian sub-continent, Europe, and central Asia), the Middle East, and Tilmun. The first three regions were allotted thus: Indo-Europe to the tribe of Japheth, Africa to the tribe of Ham, and the Middle East to the tribe of Shem. Africa was given to Enki’s subjects whilst Indo-Europe and the Middle East were given to Enlil’s subjects. Tilmun, however, was retained by the Anunnaki themselves and for a special reason. Tilmun means “land of the missiles”. Tilmun, best known today as the Sinai Peninsula, not only harbored a missile base but was also the site of a spaceport, where interplanetary and inter-galactic flights took place, particularly to and from Mars, Nibiru, the moon, and the Sirius and Orion star systems. Since Tilmun was such a strategic place, the Anunnaki pantheon decided to vest authority over it not to Enkites or Enlilites, the two adversarial Anunnaki clans, but to NINMAH, the half-sister to Enki and Enlil. Ninmah was regarded neutral not because she was a lady but because she had a son with Enlil and about six daughters with Enki (the Anunnaki were an incestuous race who permitted marriage or consensual sexual relations with sisters, aunties, in-laws, and even daughters). In practice, however, it was the Enlilites who controlled Tilmun, together with Jerusalem, which was the mission control centre. The commander for Tilmun and mission control centre was Utu-Shamash, the grandson of Enlil. Indeed the Enlilites, particularly Ninurta (Enlil’s son with Ninmah), Shamash, and his sister Inanna-Ishtar were the Anunnaki’s ace aerial fighters and astronauts. And the Sinai Desert is actually named after Nannar-Sin, the second-born son of Enlil and father to Shamash. SEMITES = SHEM-ITES, DESCENDENTS OF ENKI’S GRANDSON SHEM If a single one nation of mankind could live within the vicinities of both the spaceport and mission control center, that had to be the one that was dearest to Enlil and his clan. This was the tribe of Shem. The original meaning of Shem in the Sumerian language was “rocket”. Shemites (or Semites as per the traditional pronunciation) were thus chosen by Enlil primarily as protectors of the Anunnaki spaceport and mission control center, controlled as they were by the Enlilites. Jews, therefore, call themselves “God’s chosen people”.The main strand of Semites would over time come to be known as Jews (Ewes, or sheep), Hebrews (nation of the beings [the Anunnaki] of the Planet of the Crossing [one meaning of Nibiru]), or Israelites (Protectors of El, that is, El Elyon, a title of Nannar-Sin, who at some stage became the superintending Enlilite after Enlil decided to concentrate on matters of Nibiru). It was through the conjoined line of Shem (Semites) and Ham (Hamites, or to be specific Canaanites, the descendants of Ham’s fourth-born son Canaan) that Jesus arose. >>> (Back to Dr. Lessin’s narrative)
Galzu, recognized by the Nibirans on Earth as well as by King Anu of Nibiru as representative of the Creator told Enlil,  in a vision, that Marduk ascendancy was destined, but, Galzu told Enlil, make ABRAHAM (son of Ur’s High Priest TERAH) General of Cavalry to keep Nabu and Ham’s descendants in Canaan from the Sinai Spacestation. Enlil kept the vision secret, but told Abraham, “Rule all lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Sumer. In 2113 BCE Nannar, Nibiran “god” of Ur, Sumer’s commercial capital, Enlil and Commander Enlil choose (and King Anu, from Nibiru okayed) Ninsun’s son UR-NAMMU as King of Sumer/Akkad. “The choice signaled that the glorious days under the unchallenged authority of Enlil and his clan are back.” The King would serve under Nannar who’d dictate laws of obedience, justice and morality. [ZS, Wars: 262-264; End of Days: 52, 60 -61]. Enlil Drawing Enlil, Commander of Nibirans and Gold Operations on Earth Enlil gave Ur-Nammu a “weapon that heaps up the rebels in piles” and said, ‘Kill the Amorites who with Marduk and Nabu have allied.’ Enlil and the Enlilite Royal Nibirans who ran Sumer’s Earthlings, blessed Ur-Nammu and added weapons to his arsenal. Off he marched his army to attack the Amorites to Sumer’s west. But in 2096 BCE, “in battle, Ur-Nammu’s chariot stuck in the mud. He fell off, the chariot rushed along, and left the King behind. The boat returning his body to Sumer sank with him on board.” In Sumer, “People could not understand how such a devout king who followed gods’ directives with weapons they put in his hands could perish so ignominiously.” Support of Utu, Nannar, Inanna, Enlil and even Anu failed Ur- Nammu. Nabu dissed the Enlilites. From Sinai to cities and islands of the Eastern Mediterranean Nabu exalted, “Nibiru comes, Marduk shall rule.” The Lord of Command and his children support you no more. They from you concealed that soon Nibiru to Earth shall to The Ram–the constellation of Marduk the Redeemer to win Sumer, rule Elamites, Hittites, Enlil’s Sealand allies and the whole world. [ZS, End of Days: 63 – 66] Inanna invited SHULGI, Ur-Namu’s successor as Sumer’s Earthling Ruler, to Uruk, where she consecrated him in her inimitable Inanna fashion. She declared him “The Man for the Vulva of Inanna.” They wed in the temple where Anu’d elevated her in tantric ritual. Shulgi built the Great West Wall from the Euphrates to the Tigris to keep out Nabu’s forces. He allied with Elamites. He gave them the city of Larsa and married his daughter to an Elamite. Shulgi’s Sumerians and the Elamites “subdued the western provinces, including Canaan.” [ZS, Wars: 276 – 286] But Shulgi failed to drive Nabu from Sinai and in 2048 BCE Enlil had Shulgi killed. Enlil installed Shulgi’s son, AMAR-SIN, as Sumer’s Chief Earthling and sent him to crush a revolt in the north, then fight five kings on the Mediterranean in the west. Amar-Sin died of a poisonous bite and Enlil made Amar-Sin’s brother, SHU-SIN, Boss. Shu-Sin built a shrine for Inanna’s son SHARA at Nippur. In 2039, IBBI-SIN succeeded Shu-Sin. [ZS, Wars: 309, 317, 320; End of Days: 68-72] Galzu, recognized by the Nibirans on Earth as well as by King Anu of Nibiru as representative of the Creator told Enlil,  in a vision, to make ABRAHAM (son of Ur’s High Priest TERAH) General of Cavalry to keep Nabu and Ham’s descendants in Canaan from the Sinai Spacestation. Enlil kept the vision secret, but told Abraham, “Rule all lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Sumer.” [ZS, Wars: 289 – 297] “In 2095 B.C., Enlil sent Abraham and Terah to HARRAN [Turkey] at the foothills of the Taurus Mountains near the Syrian border, where the Euphrates flowed to Ur. Harran dominated trade with Hatti, land of the Hittites, on whose trade Sumer depended. Harran straddled the trade and military land routes to the Spaceport as well. Sumer&Canaan HarranReconstructHarran “Enlil gave Abraham land and riches that made him the richest man of his time. In 2048 BCE Enlil ordered him and his nephew Lot to the Negev drylands that border Sinai. The Commander gave Abraham the best chariots, finest horses, 380 well-trained soldiers, and weapons that “could smite an army of ten thousand men in hours. [ZS, End of Days: 73] In 2047 BCE Enlil sent Abraham and Lot to Egypt for more men and camels from the Northern Egyptians allied against Marduk. In 2041, with this force, Abraham blocked Ninurta’s Elamites from the Spaceport, then rescued Lot, whom the Elamites, as they retreated west of the Jordan River, had captured from the Nabu-friendly city of Sodom. Then Abraham moved to block Nabu and his Earthling armies advancing on the Sinai. Of late, Galzu ordered the Anunnaki to help Earthlings through the chaos we face due to manipulations of Enki’s son Prince Marduk (Satan) and Enlil’s son Nannar (Allah) [now also King of Nibiru).  the Nannar vs Marduk period that marks the end of the difficult times (Kaliyuga) is ending.  Instead of either Marduk or Nannar generating the ethos of the era into which we now move, the Galzu, from a higher consciousness perspective than that of the Anunnaki, now bring peace to the Anunnaki factions that have been contending for control of Earth.  Welcome in the new age, the Satya Yuga, Age of Aquarius.  

May be a cartoon


Evidence References Timeline Who’s Who New Stuff More on the gods of old who gave us Anunnaki religions

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