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by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA)
600 or so astronauts who hailed from the planet Nibiru some 400,000 years ago, powerfully affected the politics of the Nibiran Goldmining Expedition to Earth. The Sumerians, the ancient people of Iraq, called the Nibirans Anunnaki. Anunnaki means “those who came down from the sky”. The Anunnaki Astronaut Corps were called the Igigi . Astronauts were based on Mars and on an orbiting space platform. They shuttled gold and personnel between Mars, the orbiting station and the Nibiran spaceport at Sippar (in Iraq). They later shuttled material and Nibirans from the a post-Deluge spaceport on the Sinai Peninsula until it was destroyed. Then the astronauts shipped Nibirans back to the homeplanet from the Nazca Plateau in the Andes. The descendants of the Nibirans are still with us, as key hidden figures in the power elite that rule Earth to this day.

Nibiran King Anu banished his deposed predecessor, Alalu,to die on Mars. Alalu’s kinsman, the astropilot ANZU, volunteered to care for and even die with Alalu on Mars.
Anu ordered freight rockets to shuttle from Earth and its moon, as well as other planets and satellites between Nibiru and the sun. He sent daughter Ninmah with doctors to Earth. “On Mars stop,” he said, “If Anzu lives, to him give men to there a base start.”

On Mars Ninmah found Alalu and Anzu dead. She revived Anzu, however. She left Anzu on Mars with twenty men. Ninmah told Anzu that Anu ordered him to build a base there.

On Marsbase, Anzu soon commanded 300 Nibirans, an orbiting station and the shuttle service. Some of his astronauts, however, had been impressed into goldmining in southeast Africa. They loaded the gold they dug in sea freighters that transported it up the east coast of Africa to the Persian Gulf, then overland to Sippar. Other astronauts rocketed the gold to Mars, where other astronauts rocketed it to Nibiru. On Nibiru, scientists powdered the gold and spread it in the planet’s atmosphere.” Through the intense, unremitting labor of the Astronaut Corps, “slowly was the breach in the heavens healing.” [Enki: 117]
Anzu and the astronauts decided to end their ceaseless toil. They first demanded Enlil, the son of King Anu, meet their demands. Anu had put Enlil in charge of the whole goldmining expediton; Enlil, as Commander, Earth, said Anu, should at least consider what the astronauts demanded–betterwork- conditions, more elixir and a recreation center on Earth. Anu ordered Anzu to Earth to talk with Enlil. The King told Enlil to show Anzu everything.

Enlil, at his command center in Iraq’s Nippur, at first refused to show the his contols to Anzu. Enlil told Anzu, “I alone rull all Earth operations: You and the Igigi must obey, not challenge, me.”
Enki, the Expedition’s Chief Scientist in charge of Goldmining Operations, however, told Enlil to show the gold mining, refining and transport system to Anzu. “Get Anzu to keep his men on the job.”
So Enlil told Anzu he could enter the restricted area in sterile clothes.
When Enlil stripped down to don his scrubs, Anzu stole the key to the Control Room, slipped into the control room and grabbed the crystals that ran Sumer’s spaceport and cities. Anzu forced Enki’s pilot Abgal to take him to the spaceport, Shurupak, where the astronauts declared Anzu King of Earth and Mars. Anzu turned off vital services at headquarters (Nibru-ki), cut Earth-Nibiru communications, and, from his aircraft, buzzed Enlilite positions.

Ninurta launched his fighter plane and defeated Anzu in a furious areal battle over Sinai.
Ninurta then freed Abgal and retrieved the Enlil’s crystals.
Ninurta captured Anzu and dragged him before Enlil.
The Seven Who Judge–Enki, Damkina, Marduk, Nannar, Enlil, Ninmah and Ninurta–found Anzu guilty of treason. Ninurta executed him “with a killing ray.”

Enlil ordered Enki’s son Marduk and the Nibiran noble Shamgaz to run Marsbase. He had them display Anzu’s body on Marsbase, then bury him on Mars to let the astronauts see that Ninurta killed Anzu and will kill any of them foolish enough to rebel. [ZS, Wars: 95 -102, 124–Drawing of cylinder sealVA/243, Berlin Museum]

Nannar, Enlil’s Successor (the first son born of his legal wife, Sud), had secretly directed Anzu’s revolt. Nannar, with Anzu as his agent, meant to challenge Ninurta (Enlil’s Firstborn) as Heir. But after Ninurta slew Anzu, Enlil forced Nannar to honor Ninurta as Heir. Then Enlil exiled Nannar from Sumer.

To make sure Nannar and the sons and grandsons of Enki (the Enkiites) obeyed Ninurta, Enlil gave him the IB missile, “a weapon with fifty killing heads.” Enlil and Ninurta could now, with unmatched firepower from the multi-headed missiles, intimidate even the astronauts forced to work the African goldmines. [ZS, 12th Planet: 107 -116; Wars: 95 -102].
Ninurta, now Enlil’s “Foremost Warrior,” enforced Enlil’s rules to extract, process and send gold to Nibiru. Enlil appointed Enki’s son, Marduk, new Chief or the Astronaut Corps on Mars; Marduk’s Chief of Staff was the Nibiran Noble Shamgaz.
At the South African goldmines, though Enki was theoretically in charge, he spent his time at his genetics lab in Zimbabwe, studying the local hominoids and experimenting with hybridizing the hominoids and other creatures. Enki left mine supervision to his foreman, Ennugi.
Astronaut Corps men working the mines, griped that Ennugi still worked them way too hard. Miners “were backbiting and lamenting, in the excavations they were grumbling, ‘Unbearable is the toil.'”
Ennugi radioed Enki in at his genetics lab in Zimbabwe, but Enki sided with the miners.
Enki secretly told the miners to shrink gold shipments, lure Enlil to the mines and trap him. He planned to get Enlil to accept a plan for the hominoids—Neanderthal or Erectus—he’d been studying. When the miners cut gold to the metallurgy in Iraq (Badtibira), Enlil sent Ninurta to investigate.

“Call Enlil to the mines,” Enki told Ninurta, “Let the Commander see how the miners suffer.”
When Enlil and his Vizier, Nusku, arrived at the mines, “‘Let us unnerve Enlil,‘ the astronauts-cum-mners shouted. ‘Of the heavy work let him relieve us. Let us proclaim war, with hostilities let us gain relief.’ To their tools they set fire, fire to their axes they put.” They held Ennugi hostage and, with tools as torches, surrounded the house Enlil occupied.
Enlil beamed Anu on Nibiru to shuttle to Earth and shoot the miners’ leaders and their instigator (implying Enki).
The miners wouldn’t say who led or incited them, but Anu felt for them. Ninurta wanted new miners from Nibiru.
Enki said, instead, “Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship to take over, let the Being the toil of the Anunnaki carry on his back. The Being that we need, it already exists. All that we have to do is put on it the mark of our essence [genes], thereby a Lulu, a Primitive Worker, shall be created!” And so Enki, Chief Medical Officer Ninmah and geneticist Ningishzidda created our ancestor, Adam, with mostly Nibiran Genes and a bit of Homo Erectus’ [http://enkispeaks.com/2013/04/05/did-adam-have-three-parents-by-zecharia-sitchin/].
Enki created a line of hybrids that he enhanced when he impregnated a couple of the slave women whose offspring mated to begat a line of Earthling foremen to run the other Earthlings. These superslaves served the Nibirans’ homes, smelting factories, ships, gardens, building projects and brothels as well as the mines. [Lessin, 2013, http://enkispeaks.com/2013/04/05/did-adam-have-three-parents-by-zecharia-sitchin/;ZS, Enki: 124 -127; Encounters: 347- 380]
In a few thousand years, the hybrid Earthlings prolipherated. “They were eager, for food rations they toiled well. Of heat and dust they did not complain, of backbreaking they did not grumble. Of hardships of work the Anunnaki were relieved.” The Earthlings worked the African mines and cargo boats that, in just ten days, brought the gold from the mines to Bad-Tibira in Sumer to smelt, refine and form into portable ingots for transshipment to Mars. The vital gold to Nibiru was coming; steadily. Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing.” [Lost Realms: 232; Enki: 151; Giants: 99]
More than 300,000 years ago, on one of Nibiru ‘s orbits though the inner Solar System, the Anunnaki homeplanet’s nearing disturbed the atmospheres and prompted volcanoes and earthquakes on both Earth and Mars. Marduk, who ran Marsbase, smelting and transshipment facilities on Mars) reported Marsbase unusable and asked Enlil to employ him on Earth. Enlil agreed.
Enlil beamed Anu on Nibiru that rockets should instead of transshipment from Mars, take gold right from Sumer to Nibiru.
“Keep Marduk Astronaut Boss and re-assign the flyboys to a moonbase,” Enki beamed Nibiru. “‘The netpull [Gravity] of Earth greatly exceeds Lahmu’s [Mars’]. To overcome it our powers shall be exhausted. Let us an alternative examine: nearby Earth, the Moon. Smaller is its netpull, ascent and descent thereon little effort will require. Let us a waystation consider, let me and Marduk thereto journey.’
“In a rocketship did Enki and Marduk to the Moon journey. In a place of rolling hills they set the rocketship down. Eagles’ helmets [eagle-shaped helmets] they had to don; the atmosphere was for breathing insufficient. In the rocketship they made their dwelling. For one circuit [orbit = one Earth year] they remained.” [Enki:153 -161]
Marduk, on the Moon with Enki, told him, “You, Father, are Anu’s Firstborn; yet Enlil and not you the Heir is. Gold in the city of Ninurta is assembled, therefrom to send to or withhold. The survival of Nibiru in his hands is, not mine. Am I to fame and kingship fated or again to humiliated be.“
Enki hugged Marduk. “On that which I have been deprived your future lot shall be. Your Celestial Time will come.” Enki alludes here to the “Age of the Ram,” Marduk’s constellation, when Marduk should, with the calender he (Enki) created, rule.
Marduk announced he’d marry an Earthling superslave, Sarpanit, daughter of Marduk’s Earthling protégé, Enkime (a descendant of Enki’s part-Earthling son, Adapa).

Marduk’s mother, Damkina, warned him: if he married Sarpanit “to Nibiru with his spouse he would never go. His princely rights on Nibiru he forever will forsake. To this Marduk with a bitter laugh responded, “My rights on Nibiru are nonexistent.Even on Earth my rights as firstborn have been trampled” [by Enlil and Ninurta]. But Marduk would marry Sarpanit to proclaim his alliance with the Earthlings. He’d wield the Earthlings as weapons and with them win mastery, first of Earth, then Nibiru.
Enlil beamed King Anu on Nibiru. “The Marduk-Sarpanit union forbid.”
But Anu and his counselors ruled, “On Nibiru Adapa, the maiden’s progenitor, could not stay. Therefore to return to Nibiru with her, Marduk must forever be barred. Marduk marry can, but on Nibiru a prince he shall no more be.“
In 3450 B.C., Enlil let Marduk and Sarpanit say they’d wed at Eridu. But Enlil ordered the couple, after they wed, to Egypt (henceforth Marduk’s fief) within Enki’s African domains.
“A great multitude of Civilized Earthlings in Eridu assembled. Young Igigi from Lahmu [Mars] in great numbers came.” Inanna, Enlil’s granddaughter flirted with Enki’s son, Dumuzi, oblivious that the Igigi planned to seize power for Marduk. [Enki: 198 – 199]
200 Igigi astronauts occupied the Landing Platform in Lebanon then flew to Eridu. They mixed with Earthlings and Nibiran Expedition people and watched Marduk and Sarpanit wed. Then each astronaut seized an Earthling woman. (The Anunnaki thus reinforced on us Earthlings’ consciousness the model of rape, that Commander Enlil had modeled when he raped Medical Officer Sud.)

The astronauts took the women back to Lebanon and “into a stronghold the place they made.” Shamgaz, their leader, radioed Enlil: “Bless our Earthling marriages or by fire all on Earth shall we shall destroy.” Marduk, their commander, demanded Enlil stop calling the Igigi/captive unions “abductions” and ratify them as marriages. Enlil fumed but didn’t press the issue, “things against Marduk and his Earthlings was Enlil plotting.” [Enki: 201-202; Wars: 346 ]
Marduk settled some of the Igigi and the families they created (known as the Children of the Rocketships) in his stronghold in Babylon (northern Iraq). He and Sarpanit stayed with other astronaut and Enki-line Earthling families in Lebanon. [2002, Enki: 202; 1985, Wars: 346]
Enlil ordered Ninurta, to counter the spread of Marduk’s Earthlings. “‘The Earth by Earthlings inherited will be,’ Enlil to Ninurta said. ‘Go, the offspring of Ka-in [Enki’s banished grandson] find, with them a domain of your own prepare.'”
In 2047 B.C., Marduk took the Hittite city Harran from Enlil’s son Nannar and cut Hittite trade to Sumer. Meanwhile, Shamgaz and Marduk’s allies in southern Egypt (Thebes) attacked pro-Enlilite northern Egyptians. At the same time, Nabu, the son of Marduk and Sarpanit, based in Bosippa (south of Babylon), brought cities west of the Euphrates as well as Canaan against Enlil. Marduk then threatened the Sinai Spaceport which Nannar’s son Utu/Shamash commanded. [Wars: 298; Enki: 302 – 306; End of Days: 78].
In 2024 B,C., the Anunnaki Council on Earth beamed Anu on Nibiru: would he okay nuking the Spaceport as well as Nabu and his armies at the south end of the Dead Sea? Marduk, Enlil reminded Anu, claimed rule of Nibiru as well as Earth, as per the dynastic agreement between Anu and Alalu. Marduk threatened Anu in every way. So Anu said, “Bomb.” Enlil evacuated the Igigi from Sinai, then Ninurta bombed Sinai. Marduk’s half-brother Nergal joined the Enlilites and bombed the cities of Canaan that had allied with Marduk and Nabu [http://enkispeaks.com/2013/05/10/4693/].
The nuclear storm that followed Ninurta’s and Nergal’s missile strikes blew over and decimated all Iraq, but not Marduk’s stronghold in Babylon. The Nibirans fled the storm in their aircraft and left Iraq to Marduk and most of Canaan—except the descendants of Enlil’s Earthling general Abraham—to Marduk and his former astronaut allies. The latter became the Philistines.