From ANUNNAKI, FALSE GODS* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio)
Long-lived (hundreds of thousands of years) extraterrestrial Homo Sapien Goliaths from the planet Nibiru mined gold on Earth 400,000 years ago. 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine slaves—that’s us–from their genome. We called them “Anunnaki,” People-From-The-Sky. They taught us hierarchy, violence, greed, slavery, debt. They made us worship them, call them “gods.”
Click successively on the arrows on the web radio icons and hear the story as you also click each icon’s associated hotlink and peruse the illustrations and articles that accompany each. Chapter 1: How the Solar System Formed
Chapter 2: Nibiru’s Moons, then Nibiru, Hit Earth
Chapter 3 How Lyrans, Reptilians, Martians, Venutian & Nibirans came to Earth & Mars
Chapter 4: How Nibiru’s Peril Drove Miners to Earth 450,000 Years Ago
Chapter 5 Enki & Goldminers from Nibiru Come to Earth, Mollify Ex-King Alalu
200,000 years ago, ENKI, their Chief Scientist, begat his own line of Earthlings, whom he exalted.
Enki begat Noah with Batanash, his Earthling lover in 11,000 BCE. After Noah’s flood, Anunnaki ruled through Noah’s sons’ descendants.
The Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. Most of Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day.
The Nibirans taught one-upsmanship. We watched them kill each other to rule; the elite today still kill each other and each others’ followers. Our ancestors plundered, enslaved or killed whomever their master, the dominant Nibiran in their area, told them. We Earthlings still plunder, enslave and kill whomever our elites tell us.
The Anunnaki loosed plagues, nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction upon us. They raised speech barriers and forbade learning. They and their spawn made exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.
The Anunnaki stand feet taller and live millennia longer than we. We killed in their names: Allah (= Sumerian Nannar), Yahweh (Enlil, sometimes Adad) and Inanna (Ishtar)–Nibiran Expedition personnel all. They bred us to slave in mines, armies, businesses, schools, governments, farms, factories, brothels and building projects.
Anunnaki Princess Inanna and half breed Sargon conquered Earthlings
We worshipped and them and the “royal” lines of ever-murderous hybrid rulers and priests–the elite–they begat. The few Anunnaki who stayed on Earth and the line of hybrids they support still rule Earth. They give all factions and nations credit and arms and engineer wars among them.
The elite run competing religions which each say they’ll bring back the Anunnaki god of their faith and defeat gods and followers of other faiths.We can end the power of the lies that impoverish us.
The ancient scenario of divide-and-rule, to this very day, makes us deplete our resources, pollute Earth and wage war. The elite and their ET controllers assure we never feel our unity as a planet of peace.
Lies of church and state hide technology, knowledge of our ET heritage and info about the Galactic Federation. Commander Enlil-Yahweh hated women; so did his rival, Marduk. Yahweh and Allah–Anunnaki in any case–murdered many. These Anunnaki lacked compassion, showed neither love nor divinity.
Other Anunnaki–Enki, Ningishzidda, Ninmah–love us and continue to work to free us from the mental matrix with which Yahweh and Allah (Enlil’s second son) have left us enslaved. Bau, daughter of Nibiru’s king Anu, loved us too; she died as she treated victims of nuclear fallout from bombs her mate Ninurta dropped on us.
Embrace the oneness of all Earthlings and stop warring. Our allies among the Anunnaki can, when we stop warring, advance our astronomy, medicine, energy, rocket science and survival strategies.
We all descended from the same genitors. Anunnaki and hybrid overseers imprinted their greed, one-upsmanship and dominator-consciousness on us. They modeled, dictated and indoctrinated avarice, domination, slavery, competition, hate and violence. Some of Anunnaki stay on Earth.
They still control us and Earth’s resources. Their perverse perspective will prevail unless we see the matrix they made and nullify it. Then we make a world that honors everyone’s consciousness.The Anunnaki dictated their world view to Earthling scribes of Iraq (then called Sumer). Clay tablets the gods dictated say that on Nibiru, a king and his military ruled.
The Anunnaki dictated tales of how, 450,000 years ago, they got gold from Earth and how, till 300,000 years ago, when they created us for the mines, they shipped the gold back to Nibiru. Their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors and what our forefathers saw, imprinted us with values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extract, pollute, enslave, indebt, monopolize and obsess with gold.
Yet we all descended from the same ancestors from space. We can trash the mental matrix the so-called gods scripted. We can transcend the legacy of the gods.When we recall our oneness, we survive together. We plan together for the periodic returns of the planet Nibiru and its false gods.
Millions of years before the Anunnaki got to Earth, other ET terraformers seeded hominoids here. The terraformers introduced advanced hominoids, ancestors of Homo Erectus, Neanderthal and Bigfoot, to Earth so the Anunnaki could implant Homo Erectus genes into their Homo Sapien genome and thus adapt their genome to Earth. The Anunnaki created what the terraformers planned for us—they made us Homo Sapien like them, but adapted to Earth [Pye, 2013].
We progressed when the Anunnaki gave us new technologies. Every 3,600 years, they gave us marvelous devices, astronomical and geological information, new crops, new chemistry and ever-more lethal weapons. Suddenly, our architecture, public projects, weaponry, and military training revved up and we build new cities, temples and armies.
Our Sumerians ancestors didn’t imagine gods who made them literate and told them what to write. Rather than make up gods, Sumerians saw, heard and even touched Anunnaki as people like them, though the Anunnaki stood taller and lived longer. Sumerians watched the giants run computers and advanced machines. They witnessed gods shooting weapons of mass destruction.
In Sumer, then all over this planet, the gods gave our ancestors ever-advanced technologies and models so they could rule, relate, mine, store data, compute, write, build, trade and war. Gods chose their half-breeds to rule us.
The Anunnaki bred with our ancient grandmothers each generation. Our ancestors everywhere on Earth saw, heard and even felt Anunnaki gods. Gods were not imaginary. Nor were they gods.
Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, Norse, Chinese, Tibetans, Central and South Americans all spoke of gods who rode Celestial Chariots, threw thunderbolts and, when Nibiru neared Earth, gave us crops, herds, devices, medicine, laws, knowledge and more Nibiran genes.Noah’s descendants passed their mandate to rule “from Sumer through Egypt to Israel through David and the messiahs, fostered by the Essene communities in Canaan.
Jesus was an Essene as was his wife, Mary Magdalene, information the Catholic Church suppressed. Catholics instead perpetuated slave-code fear and subservience. They hid the truth of our hybridization and persecuted and brutalized the human-centered strain of the bloodline [that’s most of us].” [Gardiner, L., 2000, Bloodline of the Holy Grail; quote from Freer, 2004, Sapiens Rising]
In 2000, Zecharia Sitchin showed us clay and stone proof.
Rocks and inscribed records astronomical, geological, geographical, chemical and biological info Sumerians said gods gave them, info our scientists only got millennia later. Sitchin disproved the elite’s lies. He solved the mysteries of missing hominid links never found since they didn’t exist. He showed how they periodically upleved our society and its industries. No missing physical links existed since we appeared suddenly, when Enki and his cohorts added Erectus genes to their genome. We got advanced technology when Sumerian “gods” gave it to us.
Sumerians tagged Anunnaki aircraft, submarines, helicopters, spaceships, weapons and computers with their own words and words the gods taught them. Our ancestors called aircraft and rockets “skyships, “celestial chariots” and “fire-breathing dragons.”
They named helicopters “whirlbirds.” A whale that swallowed Jonah = a submarine; weapons = “brilliances.” We labeled Nibiran medical and scientific achievements “miracles.”
Our ancestors recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the gods taught them. What gods called “MEs” we call computer programs. Our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, similes and analogies to the words the gods gave us. We can now decode our ancestors’ metaphors for the gods and their technology instead of dismissing the weapons, vehicles and personalities of gods as superstitious myths.
Review our ancient history and sense of who we are, how we got here, and how the new paradigm of our genetics we free ourselves from the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model the ETs imposed on us.
The new view ends physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, derogation of women, gold lust, antagonistic religions and nations the gods and the hybrid elite they created dictated.Free of short, desperate lives, we’ll create our future. We’ll activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ANUNNAKI, FALSE GODS extends Zecharia Sitchin’s translations from clay tablets that underlie the Bible. Ten thousand years ago, scribes in ancient Sumer (Iraq) wrote on these tablets what they said the Anunnaki gods (tall people from the sky) dictated. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to keep public attention on his legacy by creating an educational program.
The Anunnaki are Homo sapiens like us but who live hundreds of thousands of years. They said they rocketed to Iraq 450,000 years ago from a planet called Nibiru to harvest gold to send back (via Mars) to Nibiru to powder into an atmospheric shield. They mined abundant gold in Africa until, 300,000 years ago, their miners mutinied.
To replace the mutineers, Anunnaki geneticists created short-lived slaves, called Adamites, adapted from their own genome but modified with a bit of clay, copper and genes from an intelligent hominoid, Homo erectus (Bigfoot’s ancestor) already living in Africa. Two hundred thousand years ago, Enki, their Chief Scientist, begat a line of Earthlings called Adapites with two Adamite girls.
Fifty thousand years ago Enki and an Adamite beauty begat Noah, who carried Enki’s longevity genes and ruled the Iraqi city of Sharuppak. Enki saved Noah and many of his subjects from the Deluge of 13,000 years ago. The Anunnaki had Noah’s people and other flood survivors proliferate and build cities in the Middle East and Egypt with up to 50,000 inhabitants.
The Anunnaki ruled the new civilizations as gods with descendants of Noah’s sons as intermediaries. The Anunnaki gave us the best and the worst of planet-wide civilization–kings, historians, taxes, temples, priests, bicameral congresses, record-keeping, law codes, library catalogs, furnaces, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicines, cosmogony, cosmology, festivals, beer, food recipes, art, music, music instruments, music notes, dance, textiles, and multicolored apparel.
Sumerian schools taught mathematics, architecture, theology, writing, grammar, botany, zoology, geography. They displayed but did not pass on a world-wide energy grid, air, submarine and interplanetary transport vehicles and advanced computers.
They also gave us hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt and war that featured genocide and weapons of mass destruction.
In 2024 BCE Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms.
Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day. They and their spawn created and perpetuate exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.
Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors, as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold.
The genetics team that created us also gave us the capacity and preserved the histories Sitchin and others translated so we can overcome the liabilities they left us.
Recently, Anunnaki Royals returned to Earth, joining Enki and those who remained. The returning Anunnaki pledge to end the era of Marduk’s control on Earth (Kali Yuga), make sure he makes amends for the suffering he fostered here to secure his control, and usher in the Age of Enki (Aquarian, Satya Yuga).