Part 4*
Part 5
Part 6
When the Deluge of 13,000 years ago receded, The Nibirans, whom the Sumerians called “gods” on Earth Fostered Crops and Beasts 11,000 – 10,500 B.C.. First Enki, the Chief Scientist of the Nibiran Goldmining Expedition on Earth, Master of Africa, Basara and the seas, dug up the seeds under the Lebanon Platform. In his lab, he quadrupled the grain chromosomes and had his son Noah/Ziasudra’s son run bakeries for the re-builders, then had him supervise the laborers. Ninurta, Champion of Commander Enlil and Enki mapped a dam, sluice and canal system for Sumer. Enlil’s youngest son, Adad, surveyed fruit trees that lived and found grapes Chief Medical Officer Ninmah brought from Nibiru. Earthlings again grew white and red wine grapes as well as beer.
Ninagal reported, “Life essences and life eggs in the four-legged animals from Ziusudra’s boat can be combined. Sheep for wool and meat will multiply, cattle for milk and hides will all have.” Enki bade Dumuzi replenish the livestock; Ziusudra’s middle son ran the shepherds for Dumuzi. So began the Neolithic, the Age of Domestication. [ZS, Enki: 229 – 234]
From 11,000 – 10,500 B.C., the gods revived Sumer, taught the proliferating Earthlings bronze and brick technologies, built a new spaceport in Sinai Spaceport and renewed Earth’s crops and beasts. “Suddenly and without gradual perpetuation,” the gods made Earthlings farmers. The agriculture they taught “spread all over the world from the Near Eastern arc of mountains and highlands.” The gods gave Earthlings wheat and barley, then “millet, rye, spelt, flax (for fibers and edible oil), onions, lentils, beans, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, apples, apricots, cherries, pears, olives, figs, almonds, pistachios, walnuts.” They taught Earthlings to weave fiber into cloth, make flour, bread, porridge, cakes, pastries, biscuits, yogurt, butter, cream, cheeses, beer and wine. Settled communities grew and the gods gave Earthlings domesticated dogs, geese, ducks, sheep, goats, pigs, horned and hornless cattle for hides, meat, milk and wool.
Ninurta introduced PLOWS. First, Earthlings pulled them, then cattle. With Enki’s new grains, they boosted food-growing. Nibirans and their foremen directed Earthlings to regulate the Nile and create pastureland for Dumuzi’s herds. The Nibirans gave Sumerians the WHEEL, carts and chariots, which Dumuzi’s oxen and horses pulled. [ZS, 12th Planet: 6 -9; Wars: 125]
Enlil and his sons and grandchildren ruled Sumer: Innana, Elan (southeast); Adad, the Taurus Mountains, Asia Minor and the northwest; Ninurta, the highlands; Nannar, the North; Utu, Lebanon’s Airport. Each Sumerian god walled his sacred precincts, “each with a skyscraping ziggurat [stepped pyramid]. The ziggurats rose in several steps (usually seven) to 90 meters. They were build of two kinds of mud brick sun-dried for highrise cores and kiln-burned for extra strength for stairways, exteriors, and overhangings; held together with bitumen as mortar.”
Enlil kept Nippur, Sumer’s center, and there stored his computer programs, “Tablets of Destinies” [orbital paths] and the “Command and Control Center for Earth to offplanet communication, the Bond Heaven-Earth in his high-rise stepped pyramid. In the city, Enlil had Earthlings built schools of science and scribing as well as a library with 30,000 inscribed clay tablets. [ZS, Wars: 125; Giants: 67 – 69]
Enlil, Enki, Inanna, Adad, Ninurta, Utu and Nannar taught the Sumerians “every ‘First’ of what we deem essential to advanced civilization: wheeled transportation, brick that made possible high-rise buildings; furnaces and kilns essential to baking and metallurgy, cities and urban societies, kingship, temples, priesthoods, festivals, beer, culinary recipes, art, music, musical instruments, musical notes, dance, writing and record keeping, medicines, textiles, multicolored apparel, a mathematical system, sexagesimal, that initiated the circle of 3690, timekeeping that divided day/night into 12 double hours, a luni-solar calendar of 12 months intercalated with a thirteenth leap month, geometry, measurement units of distance, weight and capacity, an advanced astronomy with planetary, star, constellation and zodiacal knowledge, law codes and courts of law, irrigation systems, transportation networks and customs stations, even taxes.” [ZS, Giants: 58, 70]
Enlil ordered a new rocket terminal at Sinai, on the Arabian Peninsula, for freighting gold to Nibiru. Enlil told Enki and his lineage to build the new terminal, Mission Control and guidance facilities in a mountain-like Great Pyramid at Giza, near the Nile at the 30th Parallel. “Although the Sinai Peninsula and the Giza pyramids were supposedly neutral under Ninmah, Enki and the Enkiites” intended to control the peninsula. Whoever ran the Giza Pyramid and Sinai, controlled “space activities, the comings and goings of the ‘gods,’ the vital supply link to and from Nibiru. Only Enki, the master engineer and scientist had the know-how and experience for the massive works.”
From 10,000 B.C. on, Enki’s sons Marduk and Ningishzidda assisted Enki, as did his descendants Shu, Tefnut, Geb and Nut. “The secret plans of the Great Pyramid were in the hands of Ningishzidda.” [ZS, Wars:149-155]
Viracocha [Adad/Ishkar] gathered the survivors atop the Andes who survived the Deluge; he had them build palaces for him and his Nibiran Overseers. Viracocha educated couples he chose to establish an empire ruled from Cuzco. [ZS, Time: 247]
Nibiru’s perigee 13,000 years ago created the Deluge and also “ripped away the shield of gold dust around Nibiru, gold the astronauts struggled for millennia to ship to the mother planet. Nibiru’s atmosphere was again dwindling. The mother planet again desperately needed Earth’s gold. While survivors on Earth rebuilt their lives, word came from Nibiru, ‘The shield of gold dust was torn.’” Nibiru ordered the Expedition to send lots more gold at once.
For more gold, the Expedition needed more Earthling miners and a new rocket terminal. But in Africa mud interred the mines as well the miners. In Sumer mud topped the Bad-Tibira refinery. Mud smothered the rocket terminal at Sippar.
Mud covered all the stone and minerals Sumerians needed for building. Ninurta, who ran the recovery for the next 7000 years, taught the Earthlings who survived how to make bricks and bronze tools and build houses, temples, canals and dams.
Sumer and Europe failed to yield enough CASSITERITE, which Ninurta needed to refine copper for tin and bronze, so he hunted gold and natural copper. He found them in alluvium of rivers that run into the east coast of Lake Titicaca in Peru–huge chunks of pure gold and copper. The copper needed no refining.
On an island in the lake, Ninurta also found beardless descendants of Ka-in, now Andean Indians, who’d survived the flood on rafts. They could mine the gold Ninurta found. Ninurta brought Adad, Sumerian overseers and African technicians to organize the Indians. [ZS, Lost Realms: 228- 222]
“When the Anunnaki gods decided to help humans learn skills of survival after the flood, not all humans were convinced this was a good idea. Some did not trust the brutal gods who had oppressed them for so long, and therefore remained in their mountain hideouts, too scared to enter the newly established settlements of people. It looked to them like a new version of the labour camps that persisted for millennia around the gold mines. Eventually [the gods] found these communities of rebellious Earthlings and imposed their control on them in the remote locations. Even the most remote tribes of the planet all had a similar relationship with the omnipresent gods. As the new communities’ need for labour increased they went into the mountains or neighboring village and caught themselves some slaves. All ancient cultures in the world were practicing slavery. From the very first day of civilization man practiced what he was taught by his maker: obsession with gold and keeping slaves.” [Tellinger, Slave Species: 217 -218]
Ningishzidda (with power tools better than ours to cut and move rock) built two pyramids in Egypt. First he built a model, then the Great Pyramid. Then he built the Great Pyramid over the records of the Nibirans, inscribed on emerald tablets, in a secret chamber, the Halls of Amenti. [Doreal, Emerald Tablets of Thoth-The-Atlantean: 1]. He installed Nibirans’ master computer programs and astronavigational equipment in the Great Pyramid and configured the pyramid itself as a communication device send messages directly to Nibiru. [Sereda, 2012]
Enki got Enlil to let Ningishzidda to build a statue too: “Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion to announce. The image of Ningishzidda, the peaks’ designer, let its face be. Let it precisely toward the Place of Celestial Chariots gaze.” Marduk protested (later Marduk’ll chisel the face of his son Osiris to replace Ningishzidda’s). [ZS, Enki: 238]
Marduk fumed that Enlil choose Utu to run the Sinai Spaceport on the 30th parallel. The 30th separated the realms of the Enlilite Lineage (North of 30) and Enkiite (South of 30).
In the Great Pyramid, Gibil installed pulsating crystals and the Gug Stone, a capstone of electrum, to reflect a beam for incoming spacecraft. The beam from the capstone marked the western edge of the runway line from Ararat to Tilmun on the Sinai. Mt. Katherine, at the southern tip of the Sinai, marked the eastern edge of the rocket runway corridor. Mission Control perched on Mount Moriah (the future Jerusalem), off-limits to Earthlings.
“Marduk to his father Enki words of aggrievement said, `To dominate the whole Earth to me did you promise. Now command and glory to others are granted, without task or dominion I am left.'” [ZS, Enki: 238]
Enki’s other sons as well as Enlil’s Champion, Ninurta, and Ninurta’s half-brothers in the Enlilite Lineage also demanded “lands for themselves and devoted Earthlings.”
Ninmah urged Enlil to give all Royals land and Earthlings. He gave Ninmah Sinai–Tilmun (Land of Missiles)–as neutral turf between his Enlilite lineage and Enki’s. Enlil and Enki made her a palace in Sinai. Enlil titled her “Ninharsag, Mistress of the Mountainhead.” Though Enlil “entrusted Tilmum to the neutral hands of Ninmah, control of the Spaceport was in the hands of Utu, commanding the Eaglemen” [astronauts]. Marduk thought he, not Utu, should lead the Astronaut Corps. [ZS, End of Days:71]
Enlil gave lands east of Sinai to two of Ziusudra’s sons. Descendants of these sons–Shem and Japheth–served the Enlilites.
The Commander gave Africa to Enki and his lineage. Ziusudra’s son Ham and Ham’s descendants–Enki’s Earthlings–ruled Enlil, must stay in Africa. But Ham’s descendants defied Enlil and moved North, out of Africa and into Canaan on the Mediterranean side of the Arabian Peninsula.
Nibiran whirlbirds lofted Peru’s gold nuggets to the Sinai to ship to Niburu to again shield it with gold. Andean Indians, white overseers, black technicians and redmen descended from Ka-in mined the gold for Nibiran pilots to rocket to Nibiru and for tin for bronze for Sumer.
For 300 years, peace prevailed on Earth.
“To protect themselves against competition from a new species on Earth, the Anunnaki ensured that the genome of the slave species was severely stunted, did not live too long, was prone to disease, did not use much of its brain and had a finite memory. They did not count on the evolution of our genome and our intelligence because they did not expect to stay on this planet for so long.” [Tellinger, Slave Species:130 – 131]
Enlil feared revolt by the hundreds of thousands of Earthlings and ordered the Anunnaki to conceal Earthlings’ part-Nibiran genealogy from them. For awhile, only Earthlings Enki brought into his secret society, the Brotherhood of the Snake, knew he’d made them genetically part-Nibiran and suppressed their genes for longevity.
Enki meant the Brotherhood for our benefit, “to bring knowledge.” Other Anunnaki objected, defeated Enki, infiltrated the Brotherhood, split it into several competing cults run–to this day–by elite Earthlings beholden to Nibirans who pose as gods and to the elites in the Nibirans’ favored Earthling bloodlines. All the secret society cabals hide our extraterrestrial genetic heritage. [DoHerarty, J., Did Enki Give Humans Knowledge? ]
Enki moved to Elephantine (Abu) Island near Aswan (Syene). From Abu, Enki (now called Ptah) ruled Egypt. His Earthlings built dams, dykes and tunnels and controlled the Nile’s flow to the Mediterranean. Then Enki abdicated and gave Marduk, (now Ra) official rule of Egypt and its Earthlings. He divvied Africa among his sons. Marduk ruled Egypt, Nergal ruled southern Africa. Enki kept Gibil (whom he’d taught metalworking) in north Africa’s mining region and gave Ninagal the Great Lakes and headwaters of the Nile. Enki gave the grazing region, further north (Sudan) to his youngest son, Dumuzi.
In 11,000 B.C., before the Deluge, Marduk, Sarpanit, and their sons, Osiris (Asar) and Seth (aka Satu or Enshag) sheltered with Marsbase’s Igigi Commander, Shamgaz. Osiris and Seth married Shamgaz’s girls, Isis (aka Asra–Ningishzidda’s child with Marduk’s granddaughter). Osiris married Isis. Seth married Nephys (aka Nebat). [ZS, Enki: 243 – 244.]
“Shamgaz with Seth connected and bonded.” The full siblingship of Seth and Nephys disqualified their offspring from rulership. Osiris and Isis lived near Marduk in the northern lowlands of Lower Egypt. Seth and Nebat settled in southern Upper Egypt’s mountains, near Shamgaz’s villa and the Lebanon Landing Platform. Shamgaz and Nebat told Seth that while Osiris lived he and the astronauts would lack good fiefs on Earth. Osiris, Shamgaz argued, lived near Marduk. So Osiris, said Shamaz, will succeed Marduk and rule of the fertile lower Nile. Only Upper Egypt for you and the Igigi.
In 11, 000 B.C., Marduk, Sarpanit, and their sons, Osiris (Asar) and Seth (aka Satu or Enshag) sheltered with Marsbase’s Igigi Commander, Shamgaz. Osiris and Seth married Shamgaz’s girls, Isis (aka Asra–Ningishzidda’s child with Marduk’s granddaughter)
“Shamgaz with Seth connected and bonded.” When Marduk settled in Egypt and Osiris “to block Seth’s chances to have his descendants rule Egypt, took Seth’s half-sister Isis as his spouse. Seth then married Nephys, his full sister.” The full siblingship of Seth and Neptys disqualified their offspring from rulership [ZS, Enki: 243 – 244.]
Osiris and Isis lived near Marduk in the northern lowlands of Lower Egypt. Seth and Nebat settled in southern Upper Egypt’s mountains, near Shamgaz’s villa and the Lebanon Landing Platform. Shamgaz and Nebat told Seth that while Osiris lived he and the Astronauts would lack good fiefs on Earth. Osiris, Shamgaz argued, lived near Marduk. So Osiris, said Shamaz, will succeed Marduk and rule of the fertile lower Nile. Only Upper Egypt for you and the Igigi.
So Seth, Nephys and Shamgaz decided to kill Osiris.Shamgaz and Seth invited Osiris to an Astronaut and Royals banquet honoring Aso, Ethiopia’s visiting Queen. Shamgaz drugged Osiris’s wine, and when Osiris passed out, sealed him in a coffin they tossed in the sea.
Word of Osiris’s murder reached Isis, Sarpanit and Marduk. They retrieved Osiris’s coffin from the sea.
Seth said he, as Marduk’s sole surviving son, ruled all Egypt.
Papa Marduk wanted Seth dead for killing Osiris but Grandpa Enki forbade this. Instead, Enki had Isis extract semen from Osiris’s corpse and inseminate herself with it.
Isis said, “I carry Osiris’ son. Our son, not Seth should rule Lower Egypt.” She hid and bore Horus (Horon) to fight Seth and avenge Osiris. Shamgaz and the astronauts ignored Isis and she raised Horus to avenge Osiris.
The Igigi astronauts spread their estates and their Earthling armies from Lebanon all the way to the edge of Ninmah’s neutral Jerusalem region. They advanced toward the Interplanetary Landing Zone on Sinai.
Meanwhile, in Upper Egypt, Marduk’s brother Gibil tutored Horus to manhood. Gibil taught Horus to pilot aircraft, made multi-headed missiles for him and taught him and his Earthlings to smelt IRON and make iron weapons. Horus’ army marched on Sinai.
Seth, rather than face Horus’s better-weaponed army, dared Horus to an air battle.
Horus flew his fighter toward Seth, who hit him with a poison dart missile. Ningishzidda gave Horus an antidote and a “blinding weapon.” Horus hit Seth with the weapon, then with a missile called the harpoon. Blind, Seth crashed, his testicles squashed; Horus bound him and dragged him before the Council.
The Council, though Canaan was reserved for Enlilites and their Earthlings, let Seth live there. The Council had ordered Enkiite Nibirans and Earthlings descended from Ziusudra’s son Ham restricted to Africa, but the Ham-ites defied the Council and occupied Canaan. The Council let Seth live among these Enkiites. Seth soon ruled Canaan.
Seth’s rule in Canaan meant Enkiites controlled the Giza Spacecraft Marker-Pyramid, the control tower and runways on Sinai, and the new Mission Control Jerusalem.
The Enlilites feared Enkiites would run Earth’s space facilities, dictate gold flow from Earth to Nibiru, and with this leverage, force Marduk’s rule on Nibiru as well as Earth. Enlilites couldn’t talk with Nibiru or flee Earth when they quit mining if Marduk won the space sites.
To counter this, Enlil sent Ninurta to covertly construct a communications center next to Lake Titicaca. Ninurta built also a spaceport on the Nazca plains next to the Andes. “From there” Ninurta reported, “gold shipments to Nibiru can continue, from there in need we too can ascend.” [ZS, 12th Planet: 248 -249]
Ninurta, Inanna and the Enlilites waited 300 years, then attacked Seth’s forces in Canaan. The Enlilites fought to regain the space-related marker peaks–Moriah, Harsag (Mount St. Katherine) in the Sinai and the artificial mount, the Ekur (The Great Pyramid) in Egypt.” [ZS, Wars: 156 – 158]
Ninurta, in a new jet with a 75-foot wingspan blasted Marduk’s stongholds “while Adad roamed behind the enemy lines” and destroyed the fish, cattle and food of the Enkiites and their Earthling armies.
Marduk’s armies retreated into the mountains but Inanna blasted them with “an explosive beam that tore the enemy apart” and forced them south. Ninurta led the Enlilite forces’ “attack on the heartland of Nergal’s African domain and his temple-city Meslam. They scorched the earth and made the rivers run red with the blood of the innocent bystanders–the men women and children of the Abzu.” [ZS, Wars: 159 – 163, based on Lugal-e Ud Melam-bi in Geller, S., 1917 Altorientalische Texte und Untersuchungen]
Ninurta rained poison-bearing missiles on Meslam and leveled the city. Survivors fled to nearby mountains. But Ninurta “with the Weapon that Smites threw fire upon them, smote down the people.”
Utu held off the Igigi in Sinai.
After Ninurta killed the Enkiites on Sinai, he defeated Marduk in Kur. Marduk fled into the Great Pyramid at Giza, where Enki “raised up a shield through which the death rays could not penetrate.” [ZS, Wars:162]
Marduk’s brother Nergal “broke through Ninurta’s lines and came to Marduk’s aid. Nergal strengthened the pyramid’s defenses “through ray-emitting crystals positioned within.” But Marduk’s brother Ningishzidda refused to defend him. Marduk’s other brothers, Ninagal and Gibil, his father Enki and Marduk’s grandson Horon joined Marduk in the pyramid. The Enkiites made their stand together in the Giza Pyramid.
Utu cut off the water source to the Enkiites in the Pyramid.
Horon, disguised as a ram, slipped out of the pyramid but Ninurta blinded him with his “Brilliant Weapon.” Enki radioed Ninmah to stop the fight and save Horon.
Ninmah lied that Anu ordered a cease fire then a peace conference. Adad objected; he demanded Enkiites surrender unconditionally. Enlil overrode Adad and told Ninmah, “To your palace [the Harsag, above the Sinai]bring Enki and his issue.” Ninurta gave Ninmah a suit that protected her from radiation.
She crossed the battle lines and told the Enkiites, “The Enlilites wouldn’t hurt you; just come out and surrender.”
Enki hesitated, “Out shall we come if to a peace treaty between our lineages Enlil commits.” But he gave her his hand. Ninmah led him and his lineage loyalists to the Harsag, her abode. [ZS, Wars: 164 -172]
Ninurta entered the pyramid and explored the Enkiites’ astronavigational guidance systems and secret weapons. He threw away equipment he wrecked in the fight as well as weapons he couldn’t use. He salvaged the interplanetary landing beacon and “the Gug Stone that directions determined.” Ninurta broke or looted 54 large crystals that spiraled energy up, around out the top of the pyramid to rockets and to Nibiru. [Sereda: 2010; ZS, Enki: 262.]
Ninmah, “brought out Enki and his sons, took them to her abode in the Harsag. The Enlilite gods were already there, waiting.” She started the conference with a plea for peace. Enlil unilaterally ceded Enki’s settlement, Eridu in the E.Din area at the Persian Gulf with land around to bear fruit for the temple and to have seeded fields. Ninurta objected to giving this foothold in Sumer to Enki, till Ninmah told Ninurta to drop the issue.
Enlil agreed to stop attacks if the Enkiites and the Earthlings descended from Shem left Canaan’s Restricted Zone (Sinai Peninsula and Spaceport) and Jerusalem. Enki demanded his Enkiites keep Giza. To this, Enlil agreed if “the sons of Enki who brought about the war and used the Great Pyramid for combat be barred from ruling over Giza or Lower [Northern] Egypt.”
So Enki replaced Marduk with Ningishzidda, Enki’s son with Enlil’s granddaughter Ereshkigal. Ningishzidda had refused to fight for Marduk and Enki against Ereshkigal’s paternal uncle, Ninurta. The Enlilites could accept Ningishzidda, though an Enkiite, to rule Egypt, since his mother, Ereshkigal, was an Enlilite. Both lineages okayed Ningishzidda as Nile Delta ruler.
Enlil ordered all astronavigational communications and guidance equipment stay in lands he and his Enlilites ruled. Astronauts who’d sided with Marduk must leave the Landing Place in Lebanon as well as Canaan. Treaty concluded, Enki and sons left for Africa [ZS, Enki: 260, Wars: 174 -176]
Enlil chose Mount Mashu, just north of Giza (the site became Annu, then Heliopolis) for a new rocket beacon to replace the beacon Ninurta wrecked at the Giza Pyramid. Ninurta installed the crystals he’d salvaged from Giza for the new beacon and topped the mountain with the Gug Stone (“Stone of Directing, Mount of the Supreme Celestial Barque, the mount was called.”). [ZS, Wars: 181-182; Enki: 263]
Ninlil, Ninurta, Adad, Nannar and Nannar’s wife, Ningal sat with Ninmah to hear Enlil divide Enlilite territory and hear who he’d appoint to rule Sumer, Lebanon and Canaan.
Ninurta–Enlil’s declared successor–and Nannar–Enlil’s firstborn by his offical spouse–clashed. Enlil, recall, had made Ninurta Campion and made Nannar, who’d supported Anzu’s rebellion, swear loyalty to the Champ. Then Enlil banished Nannar from Ur. Now, however, Ningal got Enlil to restore Sinai, Canaan and Syria to Nannar. [ZS, Wars: 178-180]
Enlil chose Utu to run the new Mission Control at Jerusalem, “central in the Divine Grid that made the comings and goings between Earth and Nibiru. Jerusalem pinpointed the middle line, the Landing Path, equidistant from the Landing Platform in Lebanon and the Spaceport.” [ZS, Wars: 180-181; Enki: 264]
Enlil kept Adad as chief in Lebanon and the Landing Place at Baalbek and lands north, south and east of Lebanon (where Igigi astronauts and their hybrid familes lived).
Inanna erupted when Enki chose Ningishzidda to replace Marduk as Lord of Nile Lands. She and Dumuzi, she shouted, should’ve ruled the Upper Nile “Against Marduk the war I led; that entitles me to my own domain,” she roared.
The Enlilite leaders beamed Anu on Nibiru. He’d not visited Earth for 7,000 Earth Years. “To Earth come,” Enlil pleaded, “Deal with Inanna.”
“How Inanna’s demands the leaders contemplated. Regarding the Earth and its resettling, words with Anu [on Nibiru] they exchanged.
“From the time of the Deluge [11,000B.C.] almost two Shars [7200 years] passed. Earthlings proliferated, from mountainlands to dried lowlands. Of Civilized Mankind Ziusudra there were descendants, with Anunnaki seed they were intermixed. Offspring of the Igigi who intermarried roamed about. In the distant lands Ka-in’s kinfolk survived.
“Few and lofty were the Anunnaki who from Nibiru had come, few were their perfect [genetically unmixed with Earthlings] descendants. How over Mankind lofty to remain, how to make the many the few obey and serve. About all that, about the future the leaders with Anu words exchanged. To come to Earth Anu decided.” [ZS, Enki: 264 -265]
In the 7000 years since the Deluge, the Nibirans reclaimed Sumer. They rebuilt on the silt that covered their predeluvian homes–Enki’s Eridu and Enlil’s Nibru-ki. For Anu’s visit to Earth, they built Unug-ki, a temple in Uruk where neither Enki nor Enlil ruled.
3800 B.C., Anu and his wife Antu landed at Tilmun. Enki, Enlil and Ninmah–Anu’s three children–greeted them. “At each other they looked, aging to examine: though greater in shars [orbits of Nibiru of Solaris] were the parents, younger than the children they looked. The two sons [Enki and Enlil] looked old and bearded; Ninmah, once a beauty, was bent and wrinkled.” [ZS, Enki: 268].
Enlil told Anu “Enki was withholding from the other gods [i.e., the Enlilites] the ‘Divine Formulas’–[information devices called Mes], that hold knowledge of more than one hundred aspects of civilization–confining advancement to Eridu [Enki’s fief]and its people only.”
Anu said, “Divine Formulas, Enki, with other gods share, so urban centers establish they can. Civilization to all Sumer grant.” [ZS, Wars: 193-194]
“I dreamed,” Enki told Ninmah, Enlil and King Anu, “your Plenpotentiary, Galzu, gave me plans for Ziusudra’s boat. I woke and kicked a stone tablet with boat plans engraved.”
Puzzled, Anu said, “Never did I send a secret plenipotentiary to Earth.”
Enki and Enlil exclaimed, “On account of Galzu Ziusudra and the seed of life were saved. On account of Galzu on Earth we remained.”
” ‘The day you to Nibiru return, you shall die,’ so did Galzu to us say. Incredulous of that was Anu; the change in cycles [between Earth and Nibiru] indeed havoc did cause, but with elixirs cured it was.”
“‘Whose emissary, if not yours was Galzu?’ Enki and Enlil in unison said. ‘Who the Earthlings to save wanted, who on Earth made us stay?‘
“For the Creator of All did Galzu appear.” Ninmah said. The Creator planned, she said, for the Nibirans to hybridize with Erectus.
Anu said, “While fates we decreed, the hand of destiny at every step directed. The will of the Creator of All is: on Earth and for Earthlings, only emissaries are we. The Earth to the Earthlings belong, to preserve and advance them we were intended.
“Whatever Destiny for the Earth and Earthlings, let it so be. If Man, not Anunnaki to inherit the Earth is destined, let us destiny help.
“Give Mankind knowledge…secrets of heaven and Earth them teach. Laws of justice and righteousness teach them then depart and LEAVE.“ [ZS, Enki: 271, 275]
On his sixth day on Earth, Anu called Ninmah, Enlil and Enki to the palace they’d built him.
Enlil told Anu of abundant gold in the Andes.
Enlil, Anu, Ninmah and Enki realized the Creator of All had, via Galzu, ordained they protect and develop the hybrid Earthlings they created in the lab and in bed. They decided:
“Knowledge Mankind to provide. Cities of Man to establish, therein sacred precincts abodes for the Anunnaki create. Kingship as on Nibiru on Earth establish, crown and scepter to a chosen man give, by him the word of the Anunnaki to the people convey, work and dexterity to enforce; in the sacred precincts a priesthood to establish, the Anunnaki as lofty lords to serve and worship. Secret knowledge to be taught, civilization to Mankind convey.”
Nibirans “brought down from heaven symbols of Anu’s military dictator-kingship: divine headdress (crown, tiara); scepter of staff (symbol of power, authority); and coiled measuring cord (representing Justice); these symbols appear in divine investiture depictions at all times in which the god or goddess grants these objects to a new king.” [ZS, Enki, 271 – 272; Giants: 127]
The Anunnaki turned Earthlings’ palace-servant duties into religious rituals that persist to this day. “Serving meats on the Anunnaki table became burnt offerings. The table became an altar. The transportation of the local Anunnaki ruler on a dias became a procession of statues. The Anunnaki palaces became temples.” [Freer, Sapiens Arising]
Anu decreed four regions, three–Sumer, Egypt and Africa, and Indus Valley–whom Ziusudra’s descendants would govern for the Nibirans.
Region 1: Enlilites’: Enlil and his lineage named kings, men descended from Ziusudra’s sons, Shem and Japhet the Fair, through whom they ruled Sumer. By 7400 B.C. Shem, and his successors ran nations from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. Around 3800 B.C., Shem’ s descendants settled the ex-spaceport area of Iraq and the Landing Place at Lebanon. Japhet’s issue ruled lands in Asia Minor, the Black and Caspian Sea areas, as well as the nearby coasts and islands, as they recovered from the flood.
Region 2: Enkiites’: Anu said Enki and his descendants would rule Egypt and Africa though successors of Ziusudra’s son Ham the Dark. Ham’s line ruled Canaan, Cush, Mizra’im, Nubia, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya from the highlands and spreading to the reclaimed lowlands.
Region 3: Inanna’s: Inanna would rule the Indus Valley (to settle around 2800 B.C.) as a grain-source for the other regions.
Region 4: Ninmah’s: Ninmah reigned in The forth region, Tilmun (Sinai). Anu reserved Sinai for Nibirans and their descendants. [ZS, Wars: 129-135; Enki: 271 – 272]
Pages in citations are signaled by a colon [:] preceding the page number
Bramley, W.. 1989, The Gods of Eden, Avon
Doreal, M., 2002, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth-The-Atlantian, Source Books
Freer, N., 1999, God Games, Book Tree; 2000, Breaking the Godspell, Book Tree; 2004, Sapiens Rising, 2004b, The Alien Question,; 2008, Sapiens Rising: The View From 2100, Electronic Dragon
Hauck, D., 1999, The Emerald Tablet, Penguin
Kramer, S., 1971, The Sumerians, University of Chicago
Lessin, S., 2000,; 2011, “Ets from Planet Nibiru”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2; 2011, “A Chat with Dr. Sasha Lessin”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2; 2011 “Extraterrestrials Engineered Our Species” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Issue 4; 2011, ” The Anunnaki’s Great Deluge: The True and Original Story ” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Feb-March Issue
Mitchell, S., 2004, Gilgamesh, Free Press
Sereda, D., 2012, Breakthrough: Faster Than Light Communication with ET, Open Minds
Sitchin, Z. [ZS in text attributions] 1976, The 12th Planet, Avon; 1983, The Stairway to Heaven [Stairway], Avon; 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men [Wars], Avon; 1990, Genesis Revisited Avon; 1990, The Lost Realms Avon; 1993, When Time Began [Time], Avon; 1995, Divine Encounters [Encounters], Avon: 1996, Of Heaven and Earth, Book Tree: 1998 The Cosmic Code, Avon: 2002, The Lost Book of Enki [Enki], Bear; 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions [Expeditions], Bear; 2007, The End of Days, HarperCollins; 2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past [Journeys], Bear; 2009 The Earth Chronicles Handbook [Handbook], Bear; 2010 There Were Giants Upon The Earth [Giants], Bear
Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god [Slave Species], Music Masters; 2009, Temples of the African Gods, [Temples], Zulu Planet; 2011,White Powder of Gold,; 2012a Temples of the African Gods; 2012b Michael Tellinger Youtube: Bantu Fled African Et-ruled Civilization after Sumatra Eruption 70,000 Years Ago
Velikovsky, I., Undated, In The Beginning
More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
* Internet copyright watchdogs removed Parts 1 -3, but you can see, I hope, on youtube.
I love this site.The Giza pyramid was not a power plant but a beacon with self powered functions,like you say.the text “In praise of Ninurta” where he removes the 27 pairs of stones from the grand gallery & big one from the so called “queens chamber” supports this as does Dunn’s work re” the maser aperture/hydrated zinc/hydrochloric acid..
How arrogant that Monsanto think they can improve the grains & stuff that the Anunna gave us..
However I feel skeptical that we can “evolve”..surely we would be a dead end species? I guess this might be off putting for some..
Please keep it coming Dr Lessin!