The 15 million Jews alive today live all over the world, but most are in America and Israel.
JESUS & ENKI by Benson C. Saili
Jesus came from a tribe originally known as “Ewes” (Jews in today’s parlance) and who were hybrids of white-skinned and dark-skinned peoples
How did the Jews come about?We’re all familiar with the Great Flood of Noah’s day, also called the Deluge, which engulfed much (not all) of the world. The flood was the Anunnaki strategy to extinct the human species.
The Anunnaki, the gods of the Old Testament, had fashioned mankind about 300,000 years before with a view to use us as a slave species – to serve them in mining, farming, and construction in the main. This they did by fusing their own genes with those of a creature that was on its way to evolving into man 10 to 25 million years down the line.
This creature was called Ape-Man, or Homo Erectus in evolutional nomenclature. This genetic engineering resulted in Homo Sapiens, or thinking (reasoning) man.
The Anunnaki were aliens to this planet. They were not indigenous to it. They were from Nibiru, a Solar System planet seen only once in 3600 years. Nibiru itself was not an “indigenous” Solar System planet. It had strayed into the Solar System eons ago. It was originally part of the Sirius star system. One of the stars in the Sirius star system, Sirius B, exploded as all stars ultimately do (though some do so prematurely) to become what is known as a white dwarf.
In the process, one of its planets, Nibiru, was blasted off deep into the void of space. As it drifted along, it was eventually drawn into our Solar System by the powerful gravity of Neptune and thus became a permanent member, the 10th planet.
Nibiru was inhabited by the Anunnaki, who are the ruling race of the Orion and Sirius star systems.In time, mankind grew more clever and therefore more rebellious. Not only were humans difficult to tame but they became the source of a great deal of friction among the Anunnaki pantheon, which was led by Enlil, the principal Jehovah of the Bible, and his step-brother Enki, the Serpent of Genesis.
Legally, Enlil was Earth’s Chief Executive but he was frequently defied by Enki, who thought on merit alone he deserved overall rulership of Earth. Not only was Enki older than Enlil but he was surpassingly brilliant. There was nothing, it was said, that he didn’t know. Furthermore, Enki came to Earth before Enlil, commissioned by his step-father Anu to set up a viable operating infrastructure for the Anunnaki.
Enki was the son of the Queen of Orion, whereas Enlil was the son of Anu, the King of the Sirius star system. Although Anu and the Orion Queen had entered into ceremonial wedlock with a view to cementing peace between the two warring empires, the Orion Queen was senior cosmically in that females existed long before males came to be.
Enki ensured mankind survived the Deluge.
Around 11,000 BC, Nibiru was scheduled to return to its perihelion, that is, the section of its orbital circuit that loops between Jupiter and Mars. The Anunnaki scientists had calculated that when the planet, which is said to be 4-8 times Earth’s size, approached this time around, it was going to trigger a global-wide flood as the ice sheet that capped the South Pole had become loose and Nibiru’s mighty gravitational effect was certain to tip it into the sea, giving rise to a tsunami of apocalyptic proportions. Enlil thought this was the best opportunity to get rid of the troublesome and therefore loathsome human race. Accordingly, the Anunnaki pantheon, comprising of 12 members of the Anunnaki royalty, met to deliberate on the matter. The consensus was that mankind should be allowed to perish in the foreseen cataclysm (GENESIS 6:6-7).
Not every member of the pantheon was pro such a decision though. Enki and his half-sister Ninmah were particularly revolted.
Enki and Ninmah, along with the former’s genius son Ningishzidda, were the mastermind of the genetic engineering project that gave rise to Adam and Eve, the progenitors of mankind. Naturally therefore, they had a very strong attachment to mankind.
Enki never once referred to mankind as a slave race. He called us “a helper race” in the tasks of the Anunnaki. Enki had defied Enlil to enlighten Adam and Eve about their potential to be just like the Anunnaki were (GENESIS 2:5).
Enki always had the best interests of mankind, literally his own creation, at heart.
But it was a numbers game. Enki and Ninmah were out-voted in the ratio 10 is to 2. Mankind had to disappear from the face of the Earth in the coming deluge. Enki immediately put his genius mind to work.
Once the decision to exterminate mankind was reached, Enlil gave the pantheon to understand that under no circumstances was mankind to know of the impending flood. This was a secret to be jealously guarded by the Anunnaki. In order to ensure the secret was cast in stone, Enlil had every member of the pantheon swear to its strict upholding. Although Enki took the oath too, he had other, renegade plans. As the Anunnaki’s greatest thinker, he could always find a loophole for the sake of his beloved mankind, which he indeed did. Through this loophole, he would ensure the survival of mankind.
The agent of survival was going to be Noah. In the Bible, Noah is hurriedly introduced. Genesis only says that he was the son of Lamech. There is no background story of the circumstances of his birth. This omission is deliberate on the part of the Levites, the authors of Genesis and all of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament. This is because not only were the circumstances of Noah scandalous but he was the seed of the very being the Levites called the Serpent. If you have demonized the Serpent, you don’t want your audience to know that this same Serpent is in fact the father of mankind.
The Levites wrote Genesis during their 70-year captivity (with the rest of the Jewish nation) in Babylon in the 6th century BC. Much of the Genesis story was researched from the Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets, which abounded in Babylon. The Sumerian tablets detail the circumstances of Noah’s birth.
One reason the apocryphal Book of Enoch was excluded from the biblical canon was that it revealed too much, including who the real father of Noah was. Noah’s real father was … Enki! Unlike the comparatively self-restrained Enlil, Enki had always been a philanderer. According to Sumerian records, and the Bible itself (GENESIS 4:1).
Enki fathered Cain, the putative firstborn of Adam and Eve, when he committed adultery with the latter. And Enki who fathered Noah, when he committed adultery with Lamech’s wife Batanash (the Sumerian records chronicle that Lamech even complained about his “strange-looking son” [blue-eyed, blondish hair, and chalky-white skin like the ruling Anunnaki pantheon] to his father Methuselah).
In the English Bible, the term “God” uniformly applies to all members of the Anunnaki pantheon, though it mainly refers to Enlil. The Hebrew version of the Old Testament, however, uses specific titular terms, such as Elohim, Adonai, El Elyon, El Shaddai, Baal, etc. The Sumerian tablets are even more particular as they employ the more familiar names such as Enlil and Enki. The same tablets also carry precious more detail about biblical patriarchs like Enoch, Noah, and Abraham.In the Sumerian tablets, Noah goes by the names Ziusudra and Atra-Hasis, both meaning somebody of a very wise pedigree, an echo of Enki, who was acknowledged by the Anunnaki as their greatest intellect ever. In Akkadian (the forerunner to the Hebrew language), Noah was called Utnapishtim, meaning one who preserved life, which he indeed did. The name Noah itself has connotations both of wisdom and serpent. It, therefore, must have been a mocking nickname associating Noah with Enki, the Serpent of Genesis.
The Sumerian tablets expressly describe Noah as the son of Enki and the wisest man of his day. The same Sumerian tablets say it was Enki and not Jehovah who tipped Noah about the impending flood and got him to construct a submersible craft, a kind of submarine, which the Bible simply calls the ark. Since members of the pantheon were not supposed to alert mankind to the coming flood, Enki put up a kind of screen and behind it dictated to Noah the details of the coming deluge. Enki’s post-flood justification when under trial before the pantheon was that he did not talk to Noah directly but simply meditated to himself aloud behind a screen. Noah therefore simply eavesdropped on him.
Noah duly proceeded to construct the submarine and when it was ready he packed his family in there and the DNA of all the animal species, not animals themselves as Genesis mistakenly suggests. There were some physical animals of course on the ark but these were for-food animals as well as beasts of burden to use once the flood had receded.
Thus through his stratagem, which was effected through his bastard son Noah, Enki preserved mankind when Jehovah wanted us to perish once and for all. The irony is that it is Enki who we continue to call the Devil whilst Jehovah we respectfully address as “Our Lord God”. This Earth, My Brother.
When Noah entered the ark, he was with his wife, three sons, and three daughters-in-law, so the Bible says. The three sons were Japheth (meaning “the light-toned one”), Ham (meaning “the dark-hued one”), and Shem (meaning “the famed one”). The Bible seems to struggle to enunciate the order of the three. It is not crystal-clear who was the eldest among the three. The Genesis statements are so convoluted that any one of the three could be inferred as the youngest. As to who was the oldest, it is a toss-up between Shem and Japheth.
This confusion, however, would be needless had the Levites observed their own chronicling in Genesis 5:32 that “When Noah was 500 years old, he begot Shem, Ham, and Japheth.”Shem, Japheth, and Noah were born at the same time, not as triplets but through surrogate mothers.
They were Test Tube babies, just like Adam and Eve were. Their wives could have come about the same way too. It explains why the Bible neither mentions the name of Noah’s wife nor those of his sons. Noah’s children were genetically engineered by Enki to be the three progenitors of the principal human races of the near-future in the wake of the flood. These were Negroids, Caucasians, and Semites.
Since these are the races Enki wanted to be perpetuated after the deluge, he had Noah sire his three children via artificial means before the advent of the flood.
The flood was anticipated by at least a hundred years or so, well in time for the children to grow to mature adulthood. The Anunnaki knew the rate at which their own planet Nibiru streaked through its orbital circuit. At the cessation of the flood, Enki was tossed from pillar to post by Enlil for divulging the imminence of the deluge to Noah and for preserving the human race though legally he did not do so. It was at this stage Enki owned up to the fact that Noah was actually his son. After almost coming to blows with Enki (Sumerian tablets say exactly that), Enlil was eventually pacified. Enki convinced him that the amount of work that was required to restore the Earth to viable usefulness would need the assistance of mankind so it was just as well that Noah and his family were spared.
Although Enlil was wroth at first, he now could not help commend his step-brother’s amazing powers of foresight.
Before the flood, the Anunnaki directly ruled Earth. Then post-flood, they decided to devolve direct rulership of the planet to the human race themselves, who they now decided to intellectually enhance by introducing civilisation in intervals of 3600 years, equivalent to one year on planet Nibiru. They themselves would simply be the superintending “gods”.
The Earth was accordingly divided into four regions, metaphorically referred to as the Four Corners of the Earth. Says the Sumerian records of this development: “The Anunnaki who decree the fates sat exchanging their counsels regarding the Earth; the four regions they created.
”The four regions were Africa (which at the time included the Arabian Peninsula), Indo-Europe (Indian sub-continent, Europe, and central Asia), the Middle East, and Tilmun.
The first three regions were allotted thus: Indo-Europe to the tribe of Japheth, Africa to the tribe of Ham, and the Middle East to the tribe of Shem. Africa was given to Enki’s subjects whilst Indo-Europe and the Middle East were given to Enlil’s subjects.
Tilmun, however, was retained by the Anunnaki themselves and for a special reason. Tilmun means “land of the missiles”. Tilmun, best known today as the Sinai Peninsula, not only harbored a missile base but was also the site of a spaceport, where interplanetary and inter-galactic flights took place, particularly to and from Mars, Nibiru, the moon, and the Sirius and Orion star systems.
Since Tilmun was such a strategic place, the Anunnaki pantheon decided to vest authority over it not to Enkites or Enlilites, the two adversarial Anunnaki clans, but to NINMAH, the half-sister to Enki and Enlil. Ninmah was regarded neutral not because she was a lady but because she had a son with Enlil and about six daughters with Enki (the Anunnaki were an incestuous race who permitted marriage or consensual sexual relations with sisters, aunties, in-laws, and even daughters).
In practice, however, it was the Enlilites who controlled Tilmun, together with Jerusalem, which was the mission control centre. The commander for Tilmun and mission control centre was Utu-Shamash, the grandson of Enlil. Indeed the Enlilites, particularly Ninurta (Enlil’s son with Ninmah), Shamash, and his sister Inanna-Ishtar were the Anunnaki’s ace aerial fighters and astronauts. And the Sinai Desert is actually named after Nannar-Sin, the second-born son of Enlil and father to Shamash.
If a single one nation of mankind could live within the vicinities of both the spaceport and mission control centre, that had to be the one that was dearest to Enlil and his clan. This was the tribe of Shem. The original meaning of Shem in the Sumerian language was “rocket”. Shemites (or Semites as per the traditional pronunciation) were thus chosen by Enlil primarily as protectors of the Anunnaki spaceport and mission control centre, controlled as they were by the Enlilites.
Jews therefore call themselves “God’s chosen people”.The main strand of Semites would over time come to be known as Jews (Ewes, or sheep), Hebrews (nation of the beings [the Anunnaki] of the Planet of the Crossing [one meaning of Nibiru]), or Israelites (Protectors of El, that is, El Elyon, a title of Nannar-Sin, who at some stage became the superintending Enlilite after Enlil decided to concentrate on matters of Nibiru).
It was through the conjoined line of Shem (Semites) and Ham (Hamites, or to be specific Canaanites, the descendants of Ham’s fourth-born son Canaan) that Jesus arose.
Why When It Was Ham Who Reportedly Saw His Father Noah’s Nakedness?
Arguing before the Council of the Gods, the Enkite tribunal headed by Enki, Isis, the widow of Osiris and the mother of the triumphant Horus, petitioned that Seth, the blinded and manhood-less loser, should be left to his own devices, without territory to call his own. Seth, she contended, was a cancer on the Enkites: not only was he possessed of a seamless craving for power but he was so unscrupulous he would murder his own kith and kin to get anything he wanted. What he had suffered at the hands of Horus was poetic justice. In fact, if it weren’t for her herself, Horus would have long put him to the sword.
Enki and Marduk, however, had pity on Seth. He may have been a murderer and even megalomaniacal but he still was family. Worse still, he was damaged goods: he would no longer be able to see and he would no longer be capable of producing offspring having been genitally maimed in battle. In fact, from the look of things, he didn’t have long to live. Surely, he had got more than his just desserts.
Enki accordingly proposed that Egypt be re-divided into two, with Seth ruling the southern part as was the case in the day of Osiris.
It was Geb, Seth’s own father, who rose to parry Enki’s line. “What’s the point of giving Seth territory when he never will have heirs?” Geb wondered aloud. “Territory must not vest in a single generation: there has to be a son to bequeath it to.” Geb’s own suggestion was that Seth be given a dwelling place outside Enkite territory as no Enkite would entertain his toxic presence anymore.
After weighing all the pros and cons, Geb’s recommendation carried the day. Horus, Enki pronounced, was to be the new and sole ruler of the whole of Egypt and the decree was formally entered in the Chamber of Records. Meanwhile, it fell to Marduk, his grandfather, to find Seth a place of refuge. In the process, Marduk approached Ishkur-Adad, Enlil’s third-born son who had jurisdiction over modern-day Lebanon. The Igigi, the formerly Mars-based Anunnaki astronauts who had come down to Earth, teemed around the Cedar Mountain and still held Marduk in high esteem having facilitated their relocation to our planet. They were therefore certain to embrace his deathly sickly grandson.
Noting that Seth was now a perpetual invalid who would never raise trouble despite being a rival as an Enkite, Adad consented and granted citadel to Seth. He was given a retirement mansion in Lebanon and all the perks due to a god. There, he was to “end his days as a mortal, among the Igigi,” as per the ruling of Enki’s Council of the Gods. But Marduk had an ace up his sleeve. He didn’t simply organise a settling place for his grandson: he had other, shrewder ideas, which ideas eventually gave rise to what became known as the Second Pyramid War.
One of the most enigmatic statements in the Bible, which, sadly, Christendom has dumbly embraced at face value without objectively interrogating it, is GENESIS 9:25-27. It reads as follows: “Cursed be Canaan. The lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers. Praise be to the LORD, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem. May God extend Japheth’s territory; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be the slave of Japheth.”
These words were uttered by Noah, who whilst spread-eagled stark naked and in a drunken stupor was happened upon by his son Ham, who proceeded to denounce him to his brothers as a most despicable dad. According to Caucasian bigots of our day, this is the curse that universally extends to the black race (as if blacks have been the only enslaved race in history, when in truth every race was at one time or the other another’s slave: blacks easily come to mind only because their enslavement is relatively recent). BUT THIS VIEW AS WELL AS THE QUOTED PASSAGE ALL ARE BOLLOCKS AND LARGELY SPURIOUS: THE BIBLICAL PASSAGE WAS CONCOCTED AFTER THE FACT AND THE CURSE WAS MIS-CONTEXTUALISED BY THE PRO-ENLIL AUTHORS OF THE PENTATEUCH, THE FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.
The curse story is a litany of absurdities. First, why was it that it was Canaan who was cursed when he had nothing whatsoever to do with the Ham incident? Canaan wasn’t even the heir to Ham: he was the youngest of Ham’s four children. The heir was Cush. So why did Canaan have to incur the curse even if that be on behalf of his father when he was so far removed from the right of primogeniture? Secondly, why did Yahweh (Enlil), Shem’s god, factor into the matter? Why was he exalted at the expense of his rival gods such as Enki or Marduk? One clearly can see politics written all over the story. It’s not real or objective at all: it’s tainted with partisan partiality.
It’s only when one carefully reads between the lines of the Sumerian records and the apocryphal Book of Jubilees that they will come to fully comprehend what really transpired. When Seth moved into Shem’s territory courtesy of the Enlilites themselves, after losing the war with Horus, he had a secret pact with Marduk. The pact was for Seth to eventually appropriate the land between the spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula and the Landing Place at Baalbek in Lebanon so that these globally strategic places should come under the control of the Enkites. The annexation would also be a great springboard to Marduk’s ascendancy to global supremacy (as the new Enlil) when the Age of Aries dawned.
Now, whereas Noah had no say over Seth, who was a god, he did have sway over fellow Earthlings. When the Earth was divided amongst his three sons in the immediate aftermath of the Deluge, each of these sons undertook an oath by which they were to abide through thick and thin. THIS OATH SAID THAT ANYONE WHO ENCROACHED UPON ANOTHER’S TERRITORY WOULD BE ACCURSED OF “GOD”, THAT IS, ENLIL. Of Ham’s progeny, it was only the people led by Canaan who rallied to Seth in the war against Horus. Southern Egypt, which was allocated to Seth in the time of Osiris, was dominated by Canaan’s people, later to be known as Canaanites. It were the Canaanites (secretly prodded by Marduk) who opted to follow after their god Seth in Lebanon ostensibly to provide him a spiritual boost.
Before the Canaanites processed into Lebanon, Ham himself, Cush, and Mizraim did their utmost to dissuade Canaan for fear of the inevitable repercussions. But Canaan was adamant that he had every right to be with his god. Says the Book of Jubilees: “And Ham his father, and Cush and Mizraim his brothers, said unto him: ‘Thou will hast settled in a land which is not thine, and which did not fall to us by lot; do not do so; for if thou dost do so, thou and thy sons will be fallen in the land and be accursed through sedition; for by sedition ye have settled, and by sedition will thy children fall, and thou shall be rooted out forever. Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and his sons did it come by their lot.”
When at long last Canaan and his people were established in Lebanon, the full brunt of the curse came to bear. The Book of Jubilees again: “”Cursed art thou and cursed shalt thou be beyond the sons of Noah, by the curse which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the Holy Judge (Enlil) and in the presence of Noah our father.” IT TURNS OUT THE CURSE DID NOT INVOLVE HAM AT ALL OR A TRANSGRESSION AGAINST NOAH AS AN INDIVIDUAL. IT WAS AN ALREADY ENACTED CLAUSE WHICH WAS RIGHTLY AND JUSTLY INVOKED WHEN CANAAN UNLAWFULLY CROSSED OVER INTO SHEM’S TERRITORY.
When the Canaanites moved into Shem’s territory, the Enlilites made very light of the matter. Why? There were likely two main reasons. First, the days of their god, Seth, were numbered. Not only was he gravely ill but he had been condemned by the Council of the Gods to “live like a mortal”. What that meant, fundamentally, was that he was to be deprived, at least officially, of the vital longevity-boosting substance, the monoatomic powder of gold we today call Ormus, which the Anunnaki ingested in one way or the other to stay in excellent physical health. As such, Seth was certain to die sooner rather than later and since he had no heirs that would spell the end of his cult following. Second, the Enlilites counted on the possibility that with time, future-generation Canaanites might switch allegiances from Enkite to Enlilite and thus swell the ranks of Earthlings who danced to the totem of the Bull – Enlil’s symbol. It turned out the Enlilites were self-deluded.
At first, Seth pulled a prank on the Enlilites. Apparently, he did fully recover from his infirmities. It is probable that unlike his castration, which was permanent, his sight was restored, in all likelihood thanks to the medical genius of Ningishzidda as his blindness is not emphasised in the Sumerian records. Upon his recovery, the Enlilites made a proposition to him for a switching of camps in their favour. Seth duly agreed though this was a ruse on his part. Seth’s role now was to recruit the Canaanites to the Enlilite fold. He was to test the genuineness of their commitment to the Enlilite cause by administering to them a kind of truth serum or lie detector test. It was on account of this role that his name, Set-En, took on the new meaning of “Truth Lord”. When Jesus was “tempted of Satan” in the Judean Wilderness, it was not by a supernatural king of the fallen angels: it was an agent of Enlil, a Set-En/Satan who was mandated to have a go at co-opting Jesus into the Enlilite faction of the Anunnaki (Jesus was an Enkite). Jesus turned down these overtures as is common knowledge.
While Seth was pretending to dutifully pander to the Enlilite agenda, he was at the same time rallying in force a mighty army to overrun Shem’s lands in cahoots with Marduk (under the pretext that he was preparing for another clash with Horus for the retaking of Egypt). Marduk was resentful of the fact that whilst Tilmun, the spaceport, was supposed to be a neutral area, the Enlilites were the ones running the show there: Ninmah, the official overseer, had been reduced to a figurehead if not an outright Enlilite puppet. Marduk’s scheme eventually did bear fruit although scholars have under-emphasised his triumph. Seth did march on the Sinai Peninsula and capture the spaceport without the Enlilites putting up the merest fight having been thoroughly outwitted. Meanwhile, the triumphant Canaanites fanned all over Shem’s lands, settled them, and appropriately renamed them Canaan, which was to become Palestine in New Testament times. The Enkites now had control of the Landing Place, the spaceport, the Mission Control Centre at Jerusalem, and the Giza Pyramid – the principal symbols with which the Anunnaki asserted their might!
It is obvious from the Sumerian records that Seth did capture the Sinai Peninsula as we read of Enki and Ninmah deliberating together as to which Enkite should rule a particular segment of the region. In one passage, Enki suggests to Ninmah that, “Let Enshag (either Seth or Marduk’s son Nabu: scholars are not sure) rule Tilmun”. It was at this juncture that Ninmah was conferred the title of MISTRESS OF THE GREAT PYRAMID by the Egyptians and also began to be addressed as HATHOR, in paraphrase meaning “Rocket Goddess”. To the Enlilites, however, Ninmah had sold out. She was dubbed TSIR, meaning “snake”, since in their eyes she now was a witting tool of the Enkites, who were called Serpents in mocking though the original meaning was a most noble one. Enki was of the Serpent race of Orion, as opposed to Enlil who was of the Wolfen-Leonine race of Sirius.
The seizure of Shem’s lands by Seth is such a glaring embarrassment to the pro-Enlilite Levite authors of the Pentateuch that it has been skirted in the Bible although it is resoundingly chronicled in the Book of Jubilees, perhaps one of the reasons the book was excluded from the Old Testament canon. IT WAS THIS ACT OF ENLILITE BETRAYAL ON THE PART OF SETH THAT TURNED HIM FROM SET-EN THE TRUTH LORD TO SATAN THE DEVIL.
The Enlilites did not respond with a knee-jerk reaction to a violation of their territories. Exactly 300 years, equivalent albeit to about a month in Nibiru time, elapsed before they sprang into action. Why did they exercise such uncharacteristic patience when Enlil, their head honcho, was so easily roused to vindictiveness?
It could have been that they wanted to give negotiation ample enough chance, or that King Anu had urged that they bide their time, or that they simply wanted to arm themselves to the teeth and pepper over all the possible cracks before they took on their antagonists – we can only speculate as the Sumerian narratives do not furnish the associated nitty gritties.
In the war, which took place sometime around 8670 BC, the Enlilites were commanded by Ninurta, Enlil’s firstborn son, whereas the Enkites were commanded by Marduk, Enki’s firstborn son. Marduk was no more than a ceremonial general: he had never taken part in any armed conflict in his life. On the other hand, Ninurta was a decorated warrior whose CV included his iconic defeat of “The Evil Zu” many shars ago. Moreover, Ninurta’s key lieutenants – Ishkur-Adad, Utu-Shamash, and Inanna-Ishtar – were all fighter pilots of note. In the Marduk High Command, which comprised of Ninagal, Gibil, Horus, and Marduk himself, only Horus was a seasoned and accomplished dog of war. Nergal, who was married to Ereshkigal, Enlil’s granddaughter, had recused himself from participation in the war to tread a neutral path. Ningishzidda, who had been instrumental in Horus’s defeat of Seth when he provided Horus with some of the air power, made it clear he wasn’t going to have anything to do with the war, which in his opinion the Enkites had precipitated simply to stroke the oversized ego of Marduk. And Enki of course was not a military man: although Marduk roped him into the war, it was only for his sagacity and for his potentially valuable tips as the elder statesman.
Meanwhile, Ninurta’s aim, he told his lead combatants, was to terminate the “Great Serpent”, that is, Marduk. They responded that they had his full support as their general, that they too would fight to the death to ensure the Enkites were routed once and for all and all the space-related sites were repossessed. Ninurta was in the main counting on the dreaded IMDUGUD, a most elusive and deadly fighter craft he had personally designed after his earlier one, the TLADI, was destroyed in the showdown with Zu. It was the IMDUGUD which inspired his emblem, a lion-headed bird resting on two lions or two bulls. When in 1497 Leonardo Da Vinci did a sketch of his concept of a future man-powered flying machine, it was the IMDUGUD he seemingly plagiarised as the sketch had an uncanny resemblance to the Sumerian depiction of Ninurta’s war machine.
The war was fought in three phases – the Sinai Peninsula precincts, the Mountainlands of Africa, and the Great Pyramid. Who would triumph in the war now dubbed the Second Pyramid War although a better billing should be Ninurta Vs Marduk?
The Anunnaki did not consider themselves gods. They told us to call them “Lords,” and later, to worship them as though they were gods.
General Abraham slavishly obeyed the Nibiran Enlil, Commander of the gold mining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth.
Enlil hid the vision that led him to choose Abraham as general of his cavalry. Abraham descended from our hybrid Homo Erectus-Nibiran-Homo sapien ancestors who slaved for the Nibirans. Nibiran scientists on Earth–Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda created our species. Their fellow mining personnel trained us hybirds to serve them in their temples, gardens, harems and armies. Abraham descended directly from Ziusudra (Noah), the son of Nibiran Chief Scientist Enki and Ziusudra’s son Shem.
In 8650 BCE Enlil ordered Shem’s descendants to rule Canaan, the area north of the Sinai Spaceport. But descendants of Shem’s brother Ham, whom Enlil ordered to stay to the south and west–in Africa (the rival Enkiite lineage’s area) took the Canaan strip of the Arabian Peninsula.
Enkiites Marduk and his son Nabu made allies among these Hamites for Marduk’s push to wrest the Sinai Spaceport from Enlil’s son’s son, Utu, Enlil’s boss of the astronauts and scientists running the spaceport.
Enlil chose Abraham, a Royal of Ur, who had married his half-sister, Princess Sarai (her name’s later changed to SARAH) as his principle Earthling agent. Abraham descended from Ziusudra’s son Shem, was perfect to re-establish Enlil’s rule of Canaan, protect Sinai and rule the Hamites.
Abraham’s father Terah served as High Priest in charge of Astronomical knowledge at the temple of Enlil’s son Nannar in Sumer’s capital, Ur. Terah trained son Abraham for unquestioned obedience to Enlil.
Enlil ran the gold transshipment to Nibiru and led the ENLILITES, the dominant lineage on Earth. Enlilites were the senior lineage in Nibiru’s Royal Clan descended from Nibiru’s King ANU.
Enlil commissioned Abraham to defeat the hybrid armies of Enlil’s rivals–the ENKIITE lineage (also within the Anu clan) on Earth. The Enkiites were led by Enlil’s half-brother Enki, Enki’s son Marduk and their descendants.
Enlil ordered Abraham, Regain control of Canaan and keep Marduk and the Enkiites from the Spaceport.
A vision from GALZU, Emissary of the Galactic Federation motivated Enlil to commission Abraham as his top general. Galzu ordered Enlil to choose Abraham, programmed to obey Enlil, to stop advances and preaching in Canaan and the Mediterranean ports by Marduk’s son NABU (also known as Ensag) that could win the Sinai Spaceport for the Enkiites. Enlil kept his vision secret, but chose Abraham to rule “all the lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Mesopotamia.” [Wars: 289 – 297]
In 2095 BCE, to give Abraham a base, Enlil ordered him and Terah to HARRAN [Turkey] at the foothills of the Taurus Mountains near the Syrian Border, where the Euphrates flowed to Ur. Abraham’s base, Harran, dominated trade with Hatti, land of the HITTITES, on whose trade Sumer depended. Harran straddled the trade and military land routes to the Sinai Spaceport as well.”
Enlil gave Abraham land and riches until he was the richest man of his time. In 2048 BCE Enlil ordered him to Canaan and to save Sinai . The Commander bought Abraham the best chariots, finest horses, 380 well-trained soldiers and weapons that “could smite an army of ten thousand men in hours.” Enlil sent Abraham, then 75 years old, and his nephew Lot to the Negev drylands bordering the Sinai [End of Days: 73].
Enlil Sent Spies Abraham & Lot To Spy on Canaan Cities Sodom& Gomorra To See If They Backed Marduk & Nabu.
Background: In 2096 BCE, after the Enlilites’ top general, King Ur-Nammu died in a chariot accident on the way to fight Marduk and his Amorite allies. The boat with Ur-Nammu’s body sank. Earthlings rated Enlilites weak.
Shulgi succeeded Ur-Nammu. In 2095 BCE, Shulgi wed Inanna. To Enlil’s rage and disgust, Shulgi and Inanna orgied in Anu’s temple in Uruk.
Shulgi built the Great West Wall from the Euphrates to the Tigris to keep out Nabu’s forces. To ally with the Elamites, Shulgi gave them the city of Larsa and married his daughter to an Elamite.
Shulgi’s Sumerians and the Elamites “subdued the western provinces, including Canaan but failed to protect Mission Control at Sinai or the Landing Place in Lebanon from Marduk and Nabu.”
Marduk took Harran from Nannar, allied with the Hittites and cut Hittite trade to Sumer. Marduk’s Theban allies struck pro-Enlilite northern Egyptians. Meanwhile, Nabu, based in Bosippa (south of Babylon), brought cities west of the Euphrates as well as Canaan against Enlil. Marduk threatened the Spaceport.”
In a Council Enlil convened, he scolded his Number Two, Ninurta. Ninurta had worked at Tiahuanco while his cavalry ran amok in Sumer. Nevertheless, Enlil rebuked Ninurta for his cavalry’s crimes.
Nergal tried to shift blame for the Elamites’ rampage from Ninurta to Marduk and Marduk’s son Nabu for the threat to Sinai that made the cavalry invade Sumer in the first place.
Enki told Nergal to shut up and support Marduk and Nabu or get out. “The council broke up in disarray.”
Ninurta and Nergal sent Abraham and Lot to spy on Sodom and Gomorra, cities Marduk controlled. Enlil feared Marduk, from these cities, “would marshal his large number of human followers and control of all establishments on Earth, including the Sinai Spaceport.” Nabu brought cities west of the Euphrates and Canaan against the Enlilites while Marduk’s Egyptians in the south attacked Northern Egypt.
Enlil ordered Abraham and his nephew Lot to the Negev desert on the border of Sinai. He equipped Abraham with the best chariots, finest horses, 380 well-trained soldiers and weapons that “could smite an army of ten thousand men in hours. He even sent Abraham and Lot to Egypt for more men and camels from the Northern Egyptians allied against Marduk.”
In 2041 BCE Abraham blocked Ninurta’s Elamites from the Spaceport, then rescued Lot, whom the Ninurta’s Elamites, as they retreated west of the Jordan River, had captured from the Nabu-friendly city of Sodom.
The next year, Mentuhotep II, Marduk’s Theban pharaoh, took Egypt all the way to the western approaches to Sinai.
Amar-Sin sailed to Sinai to block Marduk’s Egyptians, defected to Enki and became his priest in Eridu, Enki’s cult center in Sumer. But he didn’t escape Enlil’s wrath. Enlil had an assassin kill him with a poison insect, spider or viper.
In Amar-Sin’s place, Enlil made Shu-Sin overseer of Sumer. Shu-Sin built a shrine for Inanna’s son Shara at Nippur.
Marduk returned to Babylon as Enlil and Ninlil left Sumer.
Galzu, in a vision, told Enlil to make Abraham (son of Ur’s High Priest Terah) General of Cavalry to keep Nabu and Ham’s descendants in Canaan from the Sinai Space Station. Enlil kept the vision secret, but told Abraham, “Rule all lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Sumer.”
Enlil sent Abraham and Terah to Harran [SE Turkey] at the foothills of the Taurus Mountains near the Syrian Border, where the Euphrates flowed to Ur. Harran dominated trade with Hatti, land of the Hittites, on whose trade Sumer depended. Harran straddled the trade and military land routes to the Spaceport as well.”
In 2041 BCE Abraham and his cavalry blocked the Elamite cavalry from the Spaceport.

The Elamites had overrun Sumer while Ninurta worked with his brother Adad/Viracocha in Peru, where they built an alternate Enlilite airstrip on the Nazca plains atop the Andes. Abraham rescued Lot, whom the Elamites, as they retreated west of the Jordan River, had taken hostage from the Nabu-friendly city of Sodom.
Enlil, as a reward to Abraham for his help controlling Canaan, promised him, at age 86, countless descendants. But old Sarah didn’t conceive with him. So she told him to beget a child with Hagar.
In 2047 BCE Yahweh (Enlil) sent his general Abraham and Abraham’s nephew Lot to Egypt for more men and camels.
In Egypt, Pharaoh Zoan took a shine to Abraham’s beautiful wife Sarah. Abraham told Sarah to say she was only his sister because he feared Zoan would have him killed so he could take her, but if she was his sister, he could offer her to him and they would both survive. Pharaoh Zoan showered Abraham with gifts of livestock and servants so Abraham would give him Sarah as a wife. Abraham agreed and let Pharaoh put Sarah in his harem.
This enraged Yahweh, so he loosed germs on Egypt to punish Pharaoh for taking Sarah, though Abraham told Pharaoh Sarah was his sister and hadn’t told him that Sarah was his wife. Zoan, fearing more trouble from Yahweh, returned Sarah to Abraham.

Zoan gave Abraham the Egyptian Princess Hagar as a second wife and ordered him, Sarah, Hagar and Abraham’s cavalry out of Egypt with all the wealth Abraham had acquired there.
In 2041 BCE Abraham and his cavalry blocked the Elamite cavalry from the Spaceport. The Elamites had overrun Sumer while Molech (Ninurta) worked with his brother Adad (Viracocha) in Peru, where they built an alternate airstrip on the Nazca plains atop the Andes. Abraham rescued Lot whom the Elamites as they retreated west of the Jordan River, had taken hostage from the Nabu-friendly city of Sodom.
Yahweh rewarded 86-year-old Abraham for his help in Canaan and promised him that despite his 86 years, he’d have countless descendants. But old Sarah didn’t conceive with Abraham. So she told him to beget a son with the Egyptian Princess Hagar, whom Pharoah Zoan had given him as a secondary wife.

Abimelech, Sarah, & Abraham
Enlilites nuked Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeblim and the Salt Sea, so Abraham moved to Canaan. But to avoid the hills overlooking the region whose populace he’d identified for bombing, Abraham moved south, to Gerar, realm of King Abimelech.
Abraham offered old wife Sarah to the pro-Yahweh King Abimelech of Gerar; Abimelech was one of the richest and most influential men of the region. Abraham told Abimelech (as he had Pharaoh Zoan), “Sarah’s my sister.” Back then a harem was more a political statement than a romantic statement.
But “Yahweh made Sarah infertile, and though she lived awhile in Abimelech’s harem she didn’t conceive.”
Yahweh visited Abimelech in a dream, told him the truth. Abraham said he didn’t exactly lie, since Sarah was his half-sister.
Yahweh made Abimelech restore Sarah to Abraham. Abimelech apologized to Abraham and gave him livestock and servants.
When Abimelech’s men took the well at Beersheba from Abraham, he complained to Abimelech, who apologized. Abraham then set aside seven ewes as to signify that he dug the well.
The King told Abraham to live anywhere in Gerar. Abimelech also gave 1000 pieces of silver, livestock and servants to Abraham. Abimelech made Abraham swear an oath of non-aggression towards him and his family, to which Abraham agreed. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree there in memory.
Abimelech made Abraham swear an oath of non-aggression towards him and his family, to which Abraham agreed. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree there in memory”. []
Of Earthlings loyal to the Enlilites (Ninurta, Nannar, Adad, Utu, and Inanna), only Abraham and his cavalry survived. His band lived because Yahweh had sent it to the Negev and Canaan to guard Sumer against Satan’s forces in Egypt and Lebanon. Yahweh wanted his surviving Earthlings branded and ordered Abraham, then 99, and his male followers to cut off their foreskins to make their phalluses like those of the Nibirans and to mark them as loyal to the Enlilites.
Yahweh told Abraham that after circumcision, “Unto thy seed have I given this land from the brook of Egypt [Nile] until the River Euphrates.” [Encounters: 257].
Abraham raised IS-MAEL, the son Hagar bore, as his heir, due–all thought–to rule Canaan. [Encounters: 288.]
But Enlil altered Sarah so she could conceive, following the Anunnaki preference for men to marry their half-sisters. The boy Sarah would bare, Enlil told Abraham, must replace Is-Mael, Abraham’s son with Hagar.
In 2025 B.C., when Sarah bore Isaac in Canaan, she told Abraham, “Rid us of that slave woman. Her son never shall the inheritance of my son Isaac share.”
Enlil agreed. He told Abraham, “Heed Sarah. Your descendants shall spring from Isaac. Ishmael, son of the maidservant too shall a nation begat, for Ishmael too springs from you.” Enlil told Abraham “Evict Hagar you must.” Enlil thus tested Abraham’s loyalty and drove a wedge between him and Hagar.
Abraham gave Hagar bread and a water skin and left her and Ishmael in the Beersheeba wilderness.

“When the water in the skin was gone, she put Is-mael under one of the bushes. She thought, ‘I cannot watch the boy die.’

No sooner had Hagar been left to die in the desert, than Enlil rescued her. He showed her a well, saved her and Is-mael, won “her undivided loyalty.”
.Some of Abraham’s descendants settled in Medina; there they called Enlil-Yahweh (or Marduk, posing as Yahweh) “Allah.” Ishmael became the genitor of the Arabs who to this day compete with the descendants of Isaac forPalesine-Canaan [Hazelton, 1st Muslim:175].
“When Isaac grew, the apple of old Abraham’s eye, to adulthood, Enlil decided to test whether Abraham still obeyed. Enlil told Abraham to take Isaac to a distant mountain, far from the eyes of others, and murder him in cold blood. Better there were no witnesses around to add to the growing discontent among humans to the gods.” Abraham and Isaac “came to the place Enlil told him. Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar atop the wood. Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.”
.But an Emissary of Enlil appeared and said, “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, for now I know that you fear god since you have not withheld your son from Me. Because you have not withheld your son, indeed I will greatly bless you and I will greatly multiply your seed and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies because you have obeyed My voice.’”
. “Abraham passed the test;” he’d do anything Yahweh/Enlil asked. Enlil told everyone about his favorite Earthling, Abraham. Tribal chiefs, kings and priests came to curry Abraham’s favor “and suck up to him to avoid his patron’s “acts of vengeance.” [Encounters: 259, 288; Slave Species: 202, 212, 234 – 236; Genesis, 21:10 -14]
Isaac, the child Yahweh had implanted in Sarah, came to rule Abraham’s people in Canaan.
Jacob, grandson of Abraham, journeyed to Harran, in Sumer (Turkey) to ask his Uncle Laban for Laban’s daughter Rachael. Laban said Jacob must first marry Rachael’s older sister Leah and, in Harran, earn dowries for both women. Jacob worked for twenty years for Laban. Then Jacob “dreamed” Enlil’s messenger bade him return to Canaan. Then Jacob “dreamed” Enlil’s messenger bade him return to Canaan.
On his way back from Harran to Canaan, Jacob paused at the Yabbok Crossing of the Jordan River. “Uncertain what his brother Esau’s attitude” toward him, as a rival to rule Abraham’s tribe, Jacob sent his party ahead.
An Anunnaki–one of the tall men of Enlil’s goldmining expedition to Earth from Nibiru–attacked Jacob at the Crossing. They wrestled and, though Jacob dislocated his thigh, he pinned and held the Nibiran all night.
In the morning, Jacob let him go for a blessing. As his blessing, the defeated Anunnaki renamed Jacob “ISRA-EL, which means “he who fought a god.”

JEALOUS BROTHERS SOLD JOSEPH, SON OF JACOB-ISRAEL (Patriarch of Enlil’s general Abraham’s lineage in Canaan) to SLAVE IN EGYPT
Jacob’s older sons hated their half-brother, Rachel’s youngest Son Joseph (born in 1870 BCE). They hated how he obsessed with dream interpretation. They sold him as a slave to caravaners, who took him to Egypt.

In Egypt, an official of the Pharaoh worked Joseph as a household slave. The official’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. When he said no, she said he’d propositioned her. The official jailed him.
Joseph kept reading dreams even in jail.

In 1848 BCE Amenemhet III ascended Egypt’s throne. He sent for Joseph to interpret a dream that seven skinny cows ate seven fat cows and seven scorched ears of grain ate seven healthy ones. “Your dreams show Egypt’ll have seven years of good harvest, then seven of famine,” said Joseph.

In 1840 BCE, Amenemhet made Joseph Overseer of Egypt, responsible to store water and grain from the 7 good years for the 7 lean ones.

Joseph channeled Nile water at a high flood level through a natural depression to an artificial lake near Hawara. He built canals and underground pipes for miles in the Fayum area and made Fayam the breadbasket of Egypt. When drought and famine struck the Near East, refugees poured into Egypt where vegetables, fruit and fish still, thanks to Joseph, abounded.

In 1833 BCE, Jacob/Israel (now 130 years old) and his sons (even those who sold Joseph as a slave) joined the refugees to Egypt from Canaan. Joseph forgave his half-brothers and invited their descendants and dependents (the Children of Israel) to Egypt.

In Egypt, for 300 years, Jacob’s descendants, the Israelites, prospered and multiplied till they numbered 600,000 and faced the Hyksos (probably Atlantean survivors who became Mycenean Greeks, aligned with Marduk in his guise as Zeus).

Moses–a Jew descended from Abraham on his mother’s side, an Egyptian prince on his father’s side, started Judaism as a religion.
Enlil Told Moses, “Take Jacob’s People to Canaan”
In 1450 BCE Enlil told Moses, “Show the Pharoh magic. Tell him to let my people go.”
Pharaoh Amenhotep knew that if he let the Israelites go, they’d ally with their Mitanni kinsmen against Marduk-ruled Egypt. So instead Amenhotep ordered each Israelite make three times more bricks per day. To get Pharaoh to let them go, Enlil said he hit Egypt with plagues, infestations, cattle diseases, darkness and weather chaos Nibiru’s nearing created.
The Kobrin Bible details devastation Enlil claimed he wrought on Egypt. The Old Testament spins the disasters into a tale of Yahweh’s execution of all non-Israelite firstborn children and cows in Egypt.
In 1433 BCE, Pharaoh told the Israelites, “Go,” then sent chariots after them. Enlil, whose astronomical computers showed him exactly how the Red Sea drained and refilled as Nibiru now neared Earth, guided the Israelite exodus.
Swerdlow relates what he studied in CIA documents about the disturbances that led Moses and his followers to get out of Egypt: “In 15,000 BCE, a comet struck the Atlantic Ocean. It created the Straits of Gibraltar and the Baltic Sea.” The flood from the comet strike separated Ireland and Britain as well Denmark, Norway and Sweden. “Entire city-states in Greece were destroyed in minutes. Minoan Civilization [Crete’s] was wiped off the map. The Red Sea separated.
“The 10 plagues in Egypt were the result of asteroids hitting the area, causing fires and vermin to swarm.”
Enlil Ran Moses
For forty years, Enlil led Moses and the Israelites through the desert to the edge of Sinai. Nights, he led with a “fiery beacon;” days, with a dark cloud. He fed the Israelites and protected them from Amalekites.
Enlil demanded they kill 3000 of their number who worshiped other Anunnaki. He made them execute 23,000 for sex before they married. [Exodus32:26-28; Corinthians10:8; Divine:295].
In 1394 BCE, a comet hit Earth, disintegrated, made day last 20 hours as Joshua and the Israelites attacked the Canaanites near Beth-Horon. Simultaneosly, on the side of the Earth opposite Canaan, the comet also delayed sunrise 20 hours in the Andes.
In 1383 BCE Enlil landed his aircraft on Mt. Sinai and ordered Moses up the mountain. There Moses heard Enlil’s orders. He came down Mt. Sinai and relayed Enlil’s orders to the Israelites. Then Enlil with an amplifier, told the Israelites, Obey or die.
Enlil again flew to the mountaintop, ordered Moses up. He gave Moses plans for a Yahweh-temple in Jerusalem and told him how to build an Ark–a box for a communication unit. With the Ark, Moses’ brother Aaron and his priest-lineage could message Enlil, pose questions, and get “Yes” or “No” answers.
Enlil told Moses to store the monoatomic gold (with which he’d been medicating the Israelites) in the Ark to lighten it. The Ark weighed many tons. It may have housed a small nuclear reactor. Also, to stow in the Ark, Enlil gave Moses stone tablets with commandments. Enlil had probably manufactured the tablets with something like our emerging reduplicative computing technology.
Moses told the Israelites what Enlil wanted. He gave Moses orders engraved in stone. Moses, however, in a fit of rage and murder, destroyed the engravings and the Israelites who’d made a golden calf to propitiate Enlil.
Enlil then had Moses engrave another set of rules. Enlil then landed his rocket atop the mount and, with an amplifier he spoke directly to 600,000 Israelites at the mountain’s base. They must, he said, reject all other Nibiran gods, not even say their names. They must spend every seventh day worshiping him and subjugate women and kids, as well as refrain from murder, adultery, theft and false witness. They must not, he said, crave others’ homes, wives, Earthlings and property.
For forty days on the peak he either regaled Moses on his spaceship with projections or rocketed him up so he could see and report the Earth was curved–something Earthlings of his day did not know. [DoHerarty, J., Did Enki Give Humans Knowledge?]
Enlil then landed his rocket on the mount and, with an amplifier, told, the people what he wanted. They had to say they’d obey. He had Moses make a temple and a box (an “Ark of the Covenant”) that sported two gold cherubs) for tablets of his orders. Above a drawer in the Ark, Moses built a Talk-To-Enlil communicator. Moses returned to the Israelites, glowed with radiation from Enlil’s aircraft.
Moses died before reaching the Promised Land, but his general, Joshua, led the Israelites there. When they crossed the Jordan River, Enlil “parted the waters” with HAARP-type technology so the Israelites could cross [Journeys: 193].
Enlil’s tablets commanded the Israelites to reject all other Nibiran gods, spend every seventh day worshiping him, subjugate women and kids, forgo murder, adultery, theft and false witness. They must not crave others’ homes, wives, slaves and property. [Tellinger: African Temples: 86]
JOSHUA (Hoshea)
Joshua, a protégé of Moses, helped organize Moses’ mob and its exodus from Egypt. When the mob crossed the Red Sea, Amalekites attacked it. Joshua led the counterattack that beat them. Moses made Joshua his #2 and sent him, as the representative of the tribe of Ephraim, with 11 other tribal leaders to scout Canaan. Ten of the scouts advised against moving into Canaan, but Joshua and Caleb disagreed. The ten convinced Moses to hold off his invasion.
Enlil (Yahweh), angry, had Moses and his followers wander about Sinai for forty years. When Moses died, (around 1400 BCE) Moses‘ mob crossed the Jordon River into Canaan, led now by Joshua whom Enlil favored since Joshua and Caleb, unlike the other scouts, advocated the bloody conquest the Anunnaki Commander demanded.
Amorite kings allied “to put up a combined force against the Israelites in the valley of Ajalon.” Joshua’s forces attacked the Amorites at night and they fled. Yahweh knew an astronomical event–a comet or meteor nearing Earth-–would slow Earth’s rotation. He told the Israelites they could kill retreating Amorites several more hours. Yahweh helped the massacre with a shower of missiles from his craft.
Joshua had trumpeters, probably Anunnaki, sound the tones that collapsed the walls of Jerico and let the Israelites murder every inhabitant–human and animal–there. He executed the whole family–wife and kids–of an Israelite who pocketed gold from Jerico, gold that Enlil demanded for himself.
Joshua and the Israelites conquered the rest of Canaan, sparing only tribes like the Gibeonites who chose surrender.

Joshua killed 120,000 men and enslaved 200,000 women and children. Enlil had him kill a million Ethiopians too. With the weapons and engineered plagues, Enlil and Joshua slew 10,000 Canaanites and Perizzites and 10,000 Moabites.
Enlil chose Saul, then guerrilla leader David–descendants of Abraham’s son Isaac, to rule in Israel. David killed the Igigi half-breeds (Nephilim descendants like Goliath) in Hebron and made himself King of the Israelites there too. He established his identity as Enlil-Yahweh’s man.
David brought Enlil’s Ark on a cart into his fights with the Philistines. An Israelite soldier who tried to steady the cart was radiated and died. At one point, the Philistines captured the Ark. Radiation from the Ark killed its captors and all near it, so they returned it to King David.
In 1003 BCE, David took Jerusalem and made it his capital, “seeking a more secure location as the wars with the neighboring Philistines intensified. He established the nation of Judea and gave Yahweh-Enlil’s handwritten plans for a temple there to his son, Solomon.”
King Kadashman-Enlil of Babylon expected Nibiru’s return soon. In 1260, he changed Babylon’s Marduk-worship to Enlil- and Adad-worship. [End: 178]
In turbulent times as all awaited Nibiru’s nearing, migrants and invaders flooded western Asia, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean coast and Arabia. The invaders known as “Peoples of the Sea” or Philistines, repulsed in Egypt, invaded Canaan and settled the southern plain.
Enlil choose Saul then David to rule in Israel. David killed the Igigi half-breeds in Hebron and made himself King of the Israelites there.

He established his identity as Enlil-Yahweh’s man.
David brought Enlil’s Ark on a cart into his fights with the Philistines. An Israelite soldier who tried to steady the cart was radiated and died. At one point, the Philistines captured the Ark. Radiation from the ark killed its captors and all near it, so they returned it to David. [Journeys: 194]
Enlil forbade David to build the temple but David readied the site Enlil indicated its site for Solomon, David’s successor [Solomon may be another name for Enki; hear Bouge, G., at; End: 191- -193; Journeys: 191].
The Anunnaki decided to build a new spaceport on the Sinai Peninsula, with its long flat landing area and a new Mission Control Center in Mount Moriah, the future Jerusalem. These new space facilities were supposed to be under control of Commander Enlil and his clan, the Enlilites. Enlil’s son Nannar was to control Sinai and Nannar’s son Shamah was to control the Mission Control Center in the heart of Enlilite Canaan. The Council selected Jerusalem on the basis of geometry; it was the place “equidistant from the space-related facilities. Jerusalem was to be the new Mission Control for Earth-Nibiru travel and communication.
Enlilites temporarily lost the space facilities in Canaan when but Enkiite-Earthlings led by Ziasudra’s son Ham and then by the Enkiite Prince Seth settled in the Jerusalem area. Enlil’s forces, which his sons Ninurta and Adad and grandchildren Inanna and Utu launched “the Second Pyramid War” against Enki, Marduk, Nergal, Horus and their Earthlings. The Enlilites defeated the Enkiites. In the Peace Treaty of 8670BCE Enki ceded the Sinai and its Spaceport [“the Restricted Zone”] and the Mission Control Center, the future Jerusalem [the “Radiant Place”; ie, place of the power source]; Wars: 130, 156, 174].
King David readied Jerusalem for Solomon. In 957 BCE the King had 3,300 foremen guide 70,000 carriers and 80,000 stonecutters. They took large blocks of stone for the Temple foundation. The blocks weigh 500 tons each.
David gave Solomon a scale model and architectural drawings for the Temple
Solomon built Enlil-Yahweh’s first permanent temple on huge stones in 957 BCE on huge stones–too heavy to move and fit in place without Anunnaki technology (so we know that’s how the stones were moved). Solomon’s Temple became the center of governance for the Jews for the next 410 years, when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed it.
The Temple of the Mount Foundation Stones at Jerusalem features massive stones of around 500 tons each. They were found when excavations along the western ‘Wailing wall’ uncovered them.
The Temple’s east-west axis aligned with the equinox.
Solomon set the temple so the sun at dawn entered the Tabernacle at spring and autumn equinoxes. He piped water to the Temple through tunnels from Hebron, 30 miles away.
The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, had walls lined with cedar, on carved with figures of cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold-covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive, boasted carved cherubim, palm-trees, and flowers, all overlaid with gold.
The temple featured a 100 x 200-foot main hall and a smaller room for Moses’ Ark. Solomon put the Ark on the rock where Abraham started to kill his son Isaac to prove himself loyal to Enlil. (The rock’s now covered and surrounded by the Muslim Dome of the Rock) The new temple replaced the portable one Moses made in the desert, local sanctuaries and altars in the hills [End: 194].
The Temple had a large basin (The Brazen Sea) for 3,000 baths. Gold-covered cedar lined the Temple Palace walls with carved cherubs, palm-trees and open flowers. Fir-wood overlaid with gold-covered the floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive.
When the workers completed the temple, Enlil killed them all, lest others use them and brag of it. He broadcast that he’d give these slain craftsmen eternal life in the next world.
This structure, the 20-story high Portico, housed the Sanctuary, which in turn housed the “Holy of Holies”–Moses’ arc, a holographic image of the box with Enlil’s communication device and Enlil’s commandments to worship only him, etc..

Solomon dedicated the Temple
The Arc’s sanctuary room was 20×20 feet square, but …
The Ark projection measured 2 feet long, but took up no space, for the room would have to be 24 feet long if the arc were of physical material. Hence, the arc’s projector, Yahweh, could claim he was as invisibile as his arc-projection and unrecognized sound communication devices.
The arc occupied no space at all in the 20 x 20 cubit room, since it was a projection, part of the mythology that Enlil was a god without physical form [Spiesleaks: 12:37].
Thrice annually, Jews from the hinterlands left their homes unattended to offer First Fruits at the Temple.
Marduk’s Egyptian Pharaoh Sheshonk I sacked the Temple a few decades later, but Enlil had warned the Jewish King who hid the Temple’s valuables in a subterranean vault under the Temple before Sheshonk arrived.
By 650 BCE, Most Anunnaki “gods” left Earth from Nazca. Those who stayed hid and ruled through hybrid descendants. The Anunnaki “left emotionally dependent humans mourning their absence. The left-behind priesthood took advantage of the bereaved to keep them worshiping and sacrificing to the Anunnaki alters. They invented a divine realm and claimed only priests could contact the gods in the heavens. Priests supplanted the real accounts of the Anunnaki and humans with fictional supernatural myths.”
Descendants of “household intimates of the early hybrid kings became the Hebrew, Egyptian and Roman priests who conflated many Anunnaki into one all-powerful god. Priest-kings got us, already trained to serve Anunnaki lords, to serve the gods through organized priesthoods [Von Ward: 193 – 194].
Egypt’s Pharaoh Sheshonk I sacked the Temple a few decades after its completion. In 835 BCE Jehoash, King of Judah, renovated the Temple. In 700 BCE Assyrian King Sennacherib stripped it. In 586 Nebuchadnezzer, Marduk’s Babylonian King, sacked Jerusalem and wrecked the Temple.
In 539, Cyrus of Persia, whom Marduk welcomed, took Babylon. Cyrus sent Nebuchadnezzar’s Israelite hostages back to Jerusalem. He built the Second Temple from 538 to 515 BCE.
Macedonia’s King Alexander defeated the Persians. His heirs–Hellenic Pagan Ptolemies (Seleucids)–ruled Syria, Judea and the Temple from Egypt after Alexander died.
Seleucid King Antiochus III took Egypt in 198 BCE. He started a rebellion in 187BCE when he added Marduk-Zeus and the Greek pantheon into the Jerusalem Temple.
Antiochus IV Epiphanes pushed the Greek gods for the Temple. The Jews rebelled again. Antiochus again crushed them and forbade circumcision to mark Enlil-followers. He banned the Jewish Sabbath, put a Zeus statue in the Temple and had Greek priests sacrifice pigs there. A Greek ordered Jewish priest Mattathias to do a Hellenic sacrifice, Matathias killed him.
In 167 BCE Mattathias and his sons won independence the Seleucids. Judas Maccabeus re-dedicated the Temple in 165 BCE.
In 931 BCE, when Solomon, died, Abraham’s descendants split their turf into the kingdoms of Judea in the south and Israel, bordering Phoenicia–land of the great Canaanite traders of the old world–on the north. Until 910 B.C., Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Abijah, Nadab, Baasah, Elah, Zimri, then Omri ruled Israel.
In 872 BCE, Ithbaal, Phoecian King of the Tyre allied with Israel. He gave daughter Jezebel as Principle Wife to Israeli King Ahab.
Ithbaal and Jezebel descended from both the Enkiites whom Marduk led and the Enlilites (whom Enlil-Yahweh led. Ithbaal and Ahab hoped Jezabel would bridge Enkiite and Enlilite factions that struggled for Canaan.
The kings wanted the Phoenica-Israel alliance to “replace separatism, pragmatism, replace ideology, and trade replace bloodshed. Through Jezebel’s marriage to Ahab, Tyre would develop the Red Sea port of Etzion Geber” and “Tryian ships would ply the coasts of Arabia and East Africa as far as India for spices and silk. Tyre would pay Israel tolls and fees.” [Jezebel: 26 -31]
To the alarm of Enlil-Yahweh, Jezebel came with servants, traders and emissaries of Tyre, 400 priestesess and 450 priests to a magnificent temple Ahab build for her in Samaria, north of Jerusalem.
Marduk, who also claimed to be “Yahweh” and his Babylonians took Assyria.
Ahab defeated an Assyrian attack, then, at Jezebel’s insistence and to Enlil’s rage, pardoned the Assyrians who allied with Marduk in his Yahweh persona. Yahweh-Enlil Yahweh wanted the Assyrians killed. Instead of killing them, Ahab let them ally with Israel.
Yahweh-Enlil, Elijah & Israel Vs Yahweh-Marduk, Elisha & Assyria
Enlil and his agent in Israel, Elija, blamed Jezebel for Israel’s forgiveness toward Assyria. Arrange the death of Ahab and Jezebel, Enlil ordered Elija.
Elijah created a challenge: Enlil’s priests and Jezebel’s would see whose cattle sacrifice Enlil would accept on Mt. Carmel. Enlil accepted his priests’ bull but rejected the bull of Jezebel’s priests, whom the witnesses then, at Elijah’s insistence, killed.
Enlil used a HAARP-type weather device or observed weather patterns and took credit for them to punish the Israelites for their merciful treatment of the Assyrians and Ahab’s failure to prevent worship in Israel of other Anunnaki “gods.”
Jezebel, furious, exiled Elijah; he fled Israel.
In Israel Enlil’s priests said Jezebel ordered the death of a landowner whose property she wanted. From Assyria, Elijah issued a fatwa–”Dogs shall eat Jezebel.”
Yahweh took Elijah aloft in his aircraft.
Elisha, Elijah’s successor as Prophet of Yahweh (probably, at this point, Marduk), that he killed Elijah not that he gave him a plane ride).
Elisha, Hazael & Jehu
Elisha engineered another Assyrian attack that killed Ahab. Then Elisha suborned Hazael, Ahab’s Chief of Staff. Elisha had Hazael murder the Assyrian king.
Hazael then ruled Assyria. He got the generals of Israel and Judea to murder their rulers.
Hazael made Jehu King of Israel. Jehu’s men threw Jezebel from her second-story. [End: 298]

“The morning after Jehu’s triple regicide, he consolidated his power. He ordered every male related to Ahab’s father Omri,” King Joram’s counselors and priests, fleeing attendants of Jezebel trying to get back to Tyre seized and beheaded so blood would be the hands of all surviving authorities.
Tyre and Judea, the latter now ruled by Jezebel’s daughter Athaliah, cut relations with Israel so the Syrians easily subjugated Jehu and Israel, left Israel with only peasants to keep growing food, deported 500,000 soldiers, priests, scribes officials and craftsmen of Israel (the ten tribes of Israel that were “lost”) to other parts of the Assyrian empire and replaced the deported Israelis with settlers from other parts of the empire [Jezebel: 93-197].
In 835 BCE Jehoash, King of Judah, renovated the Temple. But in 700 BCE Assyrian King Sennacherib stripped it again. In 586 (547 in some accounts) BCE, Nebuchadnezzar, Marduk’s Babylonian King, sacked Jerusalem and destroyed by the Temple.

The hostages wrote the old testament.
Lady Die, in her Series, Article No. 40 writes of
Nebuchadnezzar Appropriates “Navel Of Earth” To Wreck Its Prospects Of Hosting King Anu
Circa 4000 BC, when Nibiru King Anu, “Our Father Who Art In Heaven”, concluded his visit to Earth and was now bidding farewell to his seniormost children Jehovah-Enlil, Ninmah, and Enki (a step-son), this is what he said as per Zechariah Sitchin’s The Lost Book of Enki: “Whatever Destiny for the Earth and the Earthlings intended, let it so be! If Man, not Anunnaki, to inherit the Earth is destined, let us destiny help. Give Mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and Earth them teach, Laws of justice and righteousness teach them, then depart and leave!”
It was onward from 4000 BC, during the astrological Age of Taurus, General Atiku, that the Sumerian civilisation, a giant leap in mankind’s knowledge horizons, blossomed and so Anu’s wish was fulfilled. As such, the next time Nibiru (the planet of the Old Testament gods), showed up, Anu was certain to order the Anunnaki’s evacuation of Earth as their mission of civilising mankind will have been complete.
Nibiru, the Solar System’s tenth planet which is seen only once in n 3600 years as you by now know General, was expected to re-appear at the very turn of the 6th century BC. Just around that time, word began to circulate among Anunnaki circles that the arrival into the ecliptic of planet Nibiru was close at hand but King Anu was unlikely to show up; instead, he had wired orders to the effect that Enlil, Enki, and the rest of the Anunnaki prepare to leave Earth. Thus it was, General, that in 605 BC, Ishkur-Adad, the third-born son of Jehovah-Enlil, instructed the prophet Hosea to begin to prophesy about Nibiru so as to alert mankind to the possible perils its proximity to Earth might wreak on the planet.
Marduk, the legal god of the astrological Age of Aries, and his son Nabu, however, took the news that Anu might not pitch with a grain of salt. To them, it was a ploy on the part of the Enlilites to have Marduk caught off-guard when the King arrived and therefore irreparably scandalise him. As far as Babylonia (where Marduk was based) was concerned, preparations for Anu’s arrival would proceed regardless. Marduk was the only god with a vested interest in Earth as he had been banned from ever returning to Nibiru for marrying an Earthling woman. Both his first wife Sarpanit I and his second wife Sarpanit II were demigods, that is, part Earthling and part Anunnaki.
In general, however, General, the gods (as the Anunnaki were referred to) began to depart Earth at this juncture.
In order to see to the stability of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, which he had founded in 625 BC after trouncing his Assyrian overlords into oblivion, Nabupolassar was aware he could not do that singlehandedly: he needed the embrace and cooperation of the Persians, then known as Medes. It were the Medes in point of fact who had made his defeat of the Assyrians possible when they allied with him.
In a bid to secure the Medo-Babylonian alliance, General, Nabupolassar had his eldest son Nebuchadnezzar II marry the daughter of the King of the Medes.
Now, with the return of Nibiru just around the corner, the race to control the space-related sites became even more frantic. Until now, the Egyptians had been of the same accord with Babylon in resisting Assyrian rule. Now they decided it was time they ceased and desisted from playing second fiddle to the Babylonians and set about charting their own hegemonic destiny. This was the resolve of Pharaoh Necho II, who came to power in 610 BC. Necho wanted both Jerusalem and Baalbek (in Lebanon) to be in Egyptian hands by the time King Anu arrived, not in Babylon’s or any other nation for that matter. If he were to achieve these ends, he needed allies: that’s how he roped in the Assyrians despite the fact that they were already a spent force and all they could muster was the last kick of a dying horse.
In 609 BC, the Egyptian forces were on their way to reinforce the Assyrians in their desperate endeavours to stand up to Babylon when they were intercepted by King Josiah of Judah, who had allied himself with Babylon, at Megiddo. Sadly, Josiah’s forces were routed and Josiah himself was killed. The Egyptians pushed ahead, managed to cross the river Euphrates, and took control of Baalbek. In 605 BC, they advanced to Carchemish on the frontier between today’s Turkey and Syria, where they were now poised to capture Harran.
At the time, General, an aged Nabupolassar was terminally ill and so he mandated Nebuchadnezzar (c. 605 BC – c. 562 BC), who was about 30 years of age, to head the Babylonian army and tackle the Egyptians. In June that same year, Nebuchadnezzar confronted the Egyptians at Carchemish and gave them a very good drubbing. He pursued them all the way to the Sinai Peninsula, thus liberating “the sacred forest (Baalbek) in Lebanon which Nabu and Marduk desired”.
He relentlessly chased after the Egyptians and retreated only after he received news of the death of his father in August that same year, whereupon he rushed back to Babylon to be crowned as the new King of Babylonia the following month. He would become the Neo-Babylonian Empire’s longest-reigning and most powerful monarch.
However, General, Necho still had Judah in his sphere of influence. Josiah was succeeded by the younger of his two older sons Jehoahaz, who declared Judah’s independence from Egypt. The freedom was short-lived as Necho deposed Jehoahaz after he had reigned for a mere three months and replaced him with the rightful heir Jehoiakim but who was given strict instructions that he was under obligation to toe the Egyptian line through thick and thin. Jehoahaz was taken prisoner to Egypt, where he saw his last days.
Would Nebuchadnezzar simply fold his arms whilst Necho held the all-important Judah in custody, General?
On the day he was being sworn in as the new King of Babylonia, General, Nebuchadnezzar intoned thus for the attention of the god Marduk: “O merciful Marduk, may the house that I have built endure forever, may I be satiated with its splendour, attain old age therein, with abundant offspring, and receive therein tribute of the kings of all regions, from all mankind.” Much of what he entreated his god came to pass as Babylon became the most powerful city-state in the region and Nebuchadnezzar himself the greatest warrior-king and ruler in the known world.
By 600 BC, Babylon was so aglitter it was regarded as the centre of the world. Indeed, a contemporary clay tablet, which is on display in the British Museum, presents the ancient world as revolving around Babylon. “I have made the city of Babylon to be the foremost among all the countries and every habitation; its name I elevated to be the most praised of all the sacred cities,” Nebuchadnezzar wrote in his inscriptions.
Nebuchadnezzar ascended to the throne at a most momentous point in time – when the Return (of the planet Nibiru) was just around the corner. So to him, practically every action he took, General, had to take this phenomenon into account. It was a time period “marked by decisive actions and fast moves, for there was no time to lose —the nearing Return was now Babylon’s prize!”
Nebuchadnezzar had decided that King Anu was to be hosted not in Jerusalem but in Babylon. Babylon was to replace Jerusalem as the new “Navel of the Earth”, the Duranki in Sumerian, meaning “The Principal Link between Heaven (Nibiru mainly but the ecliptic in general) and Earth”. As such, massive renovation and construction works were to be undertaken in the great city and on the double. Marduk’s temple-abode, a seven-stage ziggurat, the Esagila, was renovated and rebuilt and renamed the Etemen-Anki, meaning “The Temple of the Foundation for Heaven-Earth” to accord with its new role as the Navel of the Earth. It was equipped as an astronomical observatory from which to monitor, primarily, the approaching Nibiru – exactly the same thing that was done in Uruk when Anu’s visit to Earth was imminent circa 4000 BC.
A new processional way leading to the Sacred Precinct for Anu’s holy feet to tread upon and a magnificent gate to usher through the great god were constructed. The iconic, glimmering blue gate was named the Ishtar Gate, after Inanna-Ishtar, who served as King Anu’s sexual hostess every time he came to Earth. A reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate (see accompanying image) can be seen in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.
In 539 BCE, Cyrus of Persia, whom Marduk welcomed, conquered Babylon and returned Nebuchadnezzar’s hostages to Jerusalem.
Cyrus built the Second Temple from 538 to 515 BCE.
Greeks under Alexander of Macedon defeated Cyrus’s successor, Xerxes and brought Jerusalem into the Hellenistic world of commerce. Peace prevailed in Jerusalem for centuries.
Jerusalem became a center of commerce for the Hellenistic world, through which many Jews from Jerusalem traded and settled. Many settled in Alexandria in Egypt. The Jerusalem expats sent annual taxes back to the Temple in Jerusalem. This second temple narrowly avoided being destroyed again in 332 BCE when the Jews refused to recognize Alexander as a god.
When Alexander died in 322 BCE, his generals divvied his empire among them. Ptolemy I, who had his headquarters in Egypt, seized Alexander’s African turf and Judea and Jerusalem.
Seleucus and his successors took Syria, Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Alexander’s Asian lands. The Seleucids hired Marduk’s former priest, Berossus “to compile the history of Mankind and its gods according to Mesopotamian knowledge. Berossus researched at a library of cuneiform tablets near Harran [Turkey].” From his books the Western world learned of the Anunnaki, their coming to Earth, the prediluvian era,” the creation of Adapa, the Deluge and after. [Lady Die, in her Series, Article No. 40]
Ptolemies successors “continued his tolerant attitude toward others’ religions, arranged for the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek (a translation known as the Septuagint) and allowed the Jews complete religious freedom in Judea as well as in their growing communities in Egypt.”
But the Seleucid kings, studying Berossus’ translation into Greek of the ancient writings of dictated to the Sumerians by the Anunnaki, learned that Enki ordered Ziasudra-Noah to hide “every writing in Sippar, the city of Anunnaki Commander Enlil’s grandson Shamah for post deluvial recovery because those writings were about beginnings, middles and ends.” Berossus had written that “the world undergoes periodic cataclysms related to the zodiacal Ages” and one change would occur in 122 BCE. Seleucid King Antiochus III, ruler of Syria, in 198 BCE, took Jerusalem from the Ptolemies to get “the space-related site in Jerusalem for the Return” of the Anunnaki gods.
“Unlike the Ptolemies, Seleucid rulers imposed Hellenic culture and religion in their domains.” They stationed troops in Jerusalem and limited the power of the Jewish priests at the Temple. The Seleucids raised taxes to train wrestlers instead of studying the Torah, raised shrines to Greek gods and stationed soldiers to make sure Jews worshipped the Greek gods, not Enlil-Yahweh. Antiochus III prompted a short-lived rebellion in 187 BCE when he introduced statues of Marduk-Zeus and the Greek pantheon into the temple. But in 168 BCE, Antiochus IV Epiphanes again pushed the Greek gods for the Temple. In 167 BCE he forcefully entered the Temple’s inner sanctum and confiscated the golden ritual objects there. He put a Greek governor in charge of Jerusalem.
Next to the Temple, Antiochus built a fortress for a permanent garrison of his soldiers. “The Jews again rebelled Antiochus again crushed them. Antiochus forbade circumscision which marked Jews as followers of Enlil. Antiochus banned the Jewish Sabbath, put a statue of Zeus in their temple and had Greek priests sacrifice pigs there. When a Greek ordered Jewish priest Mattathius Maccabeus perform a Hellenic sacrifice, Mattathius killed him. [End: 286-288]
Antiochus sent armies against the Jews. When Mattathius died, his son Judah Maccabeus carried on the war. The Jewish rebels, like the Seleucids, fought furiously to recapture the Temple before the date Enki recorded for the return of Nibiru and the Anunnaki Royals.
In 164 BCE the Maccabees captured the Temple Mount, “cleansed the temple and rekindled the sacred flame. They won complete control of Jerusalem and restored Jewish independence in 160 BCE. when they drove the Seleucids from Judea. Mattathias youngest son Simon rededicated the temple in 165 BCE. Jews celebrate this as the festival of Hanukkah (rededication).

An Anunnaki emissary [Jews called the emissaries “angels”], communicating to the Hebrew prophet Daniel, ordered the Jews to begin the countdown for Nibiru’s return from 160 BCE. the Hebrew year 3600 BCE when the Enlil would return and again communicate with his people in the cleansed temple and certain other enigmatically conveyed events had occurred. Enlil’s return which the Jews expected for 160 BCE did not occur, and would not, Daniel was told, occur until nations, symbolized as a ram’s, goat’s and lions offspring “split apart and fight each other.
Simon’s dynasty, the Hasoneans, brought 80 years of independence in Judea, which they now called Israel. But within Israel deep divides developed between the literal Pharisees who expected Enlil to appear physically, the Sadducees who expected merely his spiritual presence, and the Essenes, “who secluded themselves at Qumram. Prophesies–Book of Jubilees, Book of Enoch, Apocrypha and others circulated and proclaimed that the turmoil known as the End of Days would begin a new era, “the coming of the Anointed One” (Mashi’ach, Cristos, Messiah, Christ). [End :289-294]
In 67 BCE, when Queen Salome Alexendra died, her son, High Prieset Hyrcanus claimed the kingship of Israel. But in 65 BCE Hyrcanus’s brother Aristobulus led an army against him at Jerico, captured Hyrcanus and forced him to abdicate. Six weeks later, however, Hyrcanus’ man, Antipater (an Idumean forced-convert who would become the father of Herod) raised an army of mercenaries and Idumeans that beat Aristobulus’. Aristobulus’ army retreated to the Temple, leaving the rest of Jerusalem and Israel under Hyrcanus’ rule.
Aristobulus’ army held the fortress on the Temple mound but let Hyrcanus send sheep daily to the Temple for sacrifice. After months of unsuccessful siege, Hycanus sent a pig instead of a sheep for sacrifice.
In 70 BCE, Roman general Pompey, seeking control of the Hasmonean empire as key to running the Eastern Mediterranean, received delegations from Hyrcanus, Aristobulus and the rabbis (Sanhedrin), all welcoming Roman intervention in the stalemated siege and begging Pompey to intervene in their favor. In 63 BCE, when Pompey got to Jerusalem, Hyrcanus’army withdrew and Aristobulus surrendered but his army continued to hold the Temple against Pompey. After two months. Pompey took the Temple and killed 12,000 of Jews within.

Pompey entered (and desecrated) the Holy of Holies sanctuary where priests kept worshipping even as the Romans burst in. Pompey expected to see in the sanctuary a statue of the Jewish god, but, of course, saw no statue and left the Temple intact. In 67 BCE, the Roman governor of Judea invaded the temple, seeking treasure. The Jews, however, overwhelmed the Roman garrison in Jerusalem and forced it to retreat from the city.
Yohanan ben Zakkai and the peace faction of Jerusalem urged acceptance of inevitable Roman rule. Practice, said Yohanan, mercy and loving acts to people instead of fighting for independence. The independence faction–zealots–fought the peace faction to force them to join the revolt against Rome. Yohanan’s faction saw Roman political control as inevitable and wanted to negotiate religious freedom within Roman rule.

Yohanan ben Zakkai
Zealots and Peaceniks fought in the city; zealots assassinated people like Yohanan who advocated peace and accommodation.
The Zealots won the house-to-house and neighborhood-to-neighborhood civil war. They burned the city and the records-of debt-documents.
Romans and Syrians in nearby Caesarea killed the thousands of Jews among them. Jews throughout Judea retaliated, killing the Romans and Syrians among them.
To prevent independence movements from spreading to other provinces, Rome sent General Vespasian and 60,000 soldiers to Jerusalem. They killed all Jews in their path from Syria, then surrounded Jerusalem, trapping 100,000 Jews within its layers of mighty walls.
The Romans offered the trapped Jews a chance to surrender, but six Zealot armies controlled different neighborhoods, fought each other for control of the city, burned each others’ food supplies, forbade surrender and stopped the starving Jews trapped within from fleeing the city. Seeking swallowed gold and gems, the Romans who surrounded the city cut open the guts of the few that escaped the Zealots within. The Romans tortured then crucified other Jewish captives and displayed them in a ring around the city. Yohanan, however, escaped Jerusalem disguised as a corpse in a bier of rotting meat.
After four months, the Romans took Jerusalem city, burned the Temple and cut the throats of all whom they didn’t take as slaves.
In 54 BCE, the Roman Crassus looted the Temple treasury Jews revolted again but Romans subdued them again in 43 BCE. The Romans ruled Judea from Syria then appointed a local Governor for Judea. The Roman governor let the Jews select a High Priest for the Temple and a King for the Jews. In 36 BCE they choose Herod, a descendant of the forced Edomite converts to Judaism who did as Rome told him. Herod ruled for Rome until 4 BCE.
Jerusalem no longer had a Jewish King and was a mere province administrated by a Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate, who arrived in 26 CE with orders to quell Jewish riots against Roman rule. Pilate brought Roman troops, coins with images of the Temple–seen by the Jews as blasfemous images–to use in the temple.
Herod the Great renovated the Temple in 20BCE; When Romans occupied Judea, they let Jewish priests run the Temple. Then in 70 CE, Romans destroyed the Temple.
During the last revolt of the Jews against the Romans in 132–135 CE, Simon bar Kokhba and Rabbi Akiva led another failed revolt from 132 to 135 and the Romans banned Jews from Jerusalem.
The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, featured walls lined with cedar with carved cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold-covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive.
The Temple complex featured a large basin (called the “Brazen Sea” measured 10 cubits wide brim to brim, 5 cubits deep and with a circumference of 30 cubits around the brim, rested on the backs of twelve oxen It held 3,000 baths for the purification by immersion of the body of the priests.
The Roman Republic fought battles throughout the Eastern Mediterranean that left them in control of the territories Alexander, Ptolemy and Seleucid had created. In 66 BCE, Florus, the Roman governor of Judea, ordered his troops to invade Jerusalem’s upper market and kill all the Jews they met. The troops killed 3,600 people, not just in the market but also “plunged into every house and slaughtered the inmates.” [Goodman: 7]
Roman general POMPEY, sought control of the Hasmonean empire as key to run the Eastern Mediterranean. He heard delegations from Hyrcanus, Aristobulus and the Sanhedrin rabbis. Each delegation asked Rome to intervene in their favor. When Pompey got to Jerusalem, Hyrcanus’ army withdrew and Aristobulus surrendered but his army continued to hold the Temple against Pompey. After two months. Pompey took the Temple and killed 12,000 of Jews within. Pompey entered (and desecrated) the Holy of Holies sanctuary where priests kept worshipping even as the Romans burst in. Pompey expected to see in the sanctuary a statue of the Jewish god, but, of course, saw no statue and left the Temple intact.
Nonetheless, Yohanan ben Zakkai and the peace faction–Peaceniks–of Jerusalem urged acceptance of inevitable Roman rule. Practice, said Yohanan, mercy and loving acts to people instead of fighting for independence. The independence faction–Zealots–fought the peace faction to force them to join the revolt against Rome. The Peaceniks saw Roman political control as inevitable and wanted to negotiate religious freedom within Roman rule.
Zealots and Peaceniks fought in the city; Zealots assassinated people like Yohanan who sought peace and compromise with Rome. Zealots won the house-to-house and neighborhood-to-neighborhood civil war. They burned the city and the records-of debt-documents.
Romans and Syrians in nearby Caesarea retaliated. They killed the thousands of Jews among them. Jews throughout Judea re-retaliated and killed Romans and Syrians among them.
To stop independence movements from spreading to other provinces, Rome sent General Vespasian and 60,000 soldiers to Jerusalem. Romans trapped the Jews in Jerusalem but said they could surrender without slaughter. The Zealots refused to give up.
The six Zealot armies who ruled different Jerusalem neighborhoods forbade surrender. They stopped Jews trapped within the city–people starving from Roman control of the countryside–from fleeing the city. Romans caught Jews who nonetheless escaped Jerusalem. The Romans cut open the captured escapees’ guts to find gold and Jewels. The Romans tortured then crucified Jewish captives and displayed them in a ring around the city. Yohanan, however, escaped Jerusalem disguised as a corpse in a bier of rotting meat.

In 67 BCE, the Roman governor of Judea invaded the temple; he sought its treasures. Temple Captain Eleazar and his faction of Zealots attacked the Romans stationed in Jerusalem and forced them to retreat to the west end of Jerusalem.
The Roman Empire could counter so public a humiliation only by thorough punishment of the city. Jews hoping to broker peace fled to the Roman side.” [Goodman: 10].
The Romans took Jerusalem, burned the Temple and cut the throats of all whom they didn’t take as slaves.
In 54 BCE, the Roman Crassus looted the Temple treasury Jews revolted again but Romans subdued them again in 43 BCE. The Romans ruled Judea from Syria then appointed a local Governor for Judea. The Roman governor let the Jews select a High Priest for the Temple and a King for the Jews. In 36 BCE they choose Herod, a descendant of the forced Edomite converts to Judaism who did as Rome told him. Herod ruled for Rome until 4 BCE.
Jerusalem no longer had a Jewish King and was a mere province administrated by a Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate, who arrived in 26 CE with orders to quell Jewish riots against Roman rule. Pilate brought Roman troops, coins with images of the Temple–seen by the Jews as blasphemous images–to use in the temple–offered them safe passage if they gave up their weapons. Roman Commander METLIUS agreed to the Zealot terms, but when the Romans disarmed, Eleazar’s men killed them all except Metilius, who agreed to circumcision and to convert to Judaism.
CESTIUS, the Roman governor of Syria marched a large force toward Jerusalem. The Romans burned Jewish villages and killed all Jews in his path. The Zealots counterattacked Cestius’ army and killed 515 Roman soldiers.
AGRIPPA II, a Jewish administrator worked for Rome and led the peaceniks, negotiated a peace treaty with Cestius at the Roman bivouac outside Jerusalem. Rome would pardon the Rebels if they’d disarm and pledge allegiance to Rome. But when Agrippa’s emissaries returned to Jerusalem, the Zealots attacked them.
Cestius’ army captured Jerusalem’s suburbs, burned the Temple gate, then retired to negotiate with the Jews from safer quarters with secure supply lines. Cestius had shown the Jews that Rome could prevail and now sought to withdraw and avoid further Roman losses. But Zealots attacked Cestius’ army as it withdrew through the narrow defiles from the hills of Jerusalem towards the Mediterranean. The lightly armored Zealots killed many Romans. Cestius’ march “degenerated into a bloody rout. He lost 5,300 infantry, 480 cavalry, his catapults, battering rams and siege machines.
Late Roman (Byzantine) period in the Land of Israel***
The Roman Emperor Constantine I allowed Jews to mourn their defeat and humiliation once a year at the Temple’s Western Wall.
In 351–352 CE, the Jews of Galilee launched a revolt that Rome put down.
In 355, Emperor Julian ordered the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt, but it burned– perhaps sabotaged. Julian’s successors embraced Christianity, though in 438 CE when the Empress Eudocia removed the ban on Jews’ praying at the Temple. Jerusalem’s Christians rioted and drove the Jews out of Jerusalem.
In 556 CE Jews and Samarians revolted in Palestine but the Byzantines beat them.
The Jews joined the Persians who invaded Palaestina Prima in 614 CE and together defeated the Byzantine forces in Jerusalem. The Persians gave the Jews Jerusalem to govern.
Jerusalem’s Christians revolted and killed the Jewish leader there. The Jewish-Persian force re-took Jerusalem but in 3 weeks, the city roiled in anarchy, Persians retreated. The Jews surrendered to Byzantines in 628 CE and Christians massacred all Jerusalem’s Jews except those who fled to Egypt. The Byzantine lost Palestine to Muslim Arabs in 637 CE.
Middle Ages
Jews of pre-Muslim Babylon (219–638 CE)
After the fall of Jerusalem, Jewish communities started in Babylonia (Iraq) when Jehoiachin exiled the Tribe of Judah to Babylon in 597 BCE and in 586 BCE when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, and in 135 CE after the Bar Kokhba revolt.
Jewish communities in Babylon Province grew from births and migrants from Israel. The Babylonian Jews ran Academies from 500 CE to 1038 CE. Colleges at Sura and Pumbedita wielded ideological leadership of the worldwide Jewish community in the early medieval era (in contrast to the Exilarch who wielded secular authority over the Jews in Islamic lands).
For the Jews of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, Babylon’s academies of Babylonia served as a council of Jewish religious authorities. The academies were founded in pre-Islamic Babylonia under the Zoroastrian Sassanid dynasty and operated for four hundred years under the Islam’s caliphate.
Byzantine period (324–638 CE)
Jews, widespread and influential throughout the Roman Empire, lost much of their clout in the period of Byzantine rule in the entral and eastern Mediterranean. The militant and exclusive Christianity and caesaropapism of the Byzantine Empire dissed Jews, whose wealth, power, and authority in the Empire declined. Byzantium tried to convert Jews to Christianity and the Jews revolted (351 CE). Emperor Gallus smashed the revolt and cities Tzippori and Lyddain Galilee.
Emperor Julian (361 to 363 CE) wanted the Roman Empire to return to Hellenism and encouraged the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem but when he died Christian bigots preached hate and distrust for Jews. In the 5th century, Emperor Theodosius forbade Jews from using Hebrew in services, marrying Christians, owning slaves, building new synagogues holding office or using courts against non-Jews.
Muslims drove the Byzantines from Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria after 636 CE. Jews fled Byzantine territories to live in the Islamic Caliphate. In the 4th century, the Jewish Kingdom of Semien (Ethiopia) lasted until the 17th century.
Khazars (500 to1200 CE)

From 500 to1200 CE, the Khazar Capitol, Khararia (Atil/Itil–now underwater), descendants of Sumerians, including some of the tribe of Yahweh’s general Abraham of Ur–, occupied the NE shore corner of the Caspian Sea.
“Khazars spanned from Eastern Europe to Northern China, into Mongolia.” They pushed the Dravidians from India’s North into South India and Ceylon.
Khazars “forcefully mixed” with the descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus in southern Europe to become the MEROVINGIANS (the ancestors of Charlemagne, the conqueror of western Europe and ancestor of the European Illuminati and most U.S. Presidents.
In this view, in 740 CE Muslim and Roman Christian empires threatened Khazaria. Khazaria’s King BULAN converted his kingdom en masse to Judaism so neither Muslims or Christians could claim his obedience, draft his men or tell him how to run his empire. But “Ultimately the Mongols invaded” and killed the Khazar Empire.
After Khazaria fell to the Mongols, “the Khazars spread to Europe and became the ASHKENAZI JEWS of Germany and Poland (and might even have created Kiev) who sported light-skin with light hair and eyes,” unlike the darker-skinned SEPHARDIC JEWS in North Africa from Turkey to Egypt and Morocco.
Royal Houses of Europe and the Bloodline families trace genealogies to the “Merovingians”, who in turn trace t genealogies to the Gnostic teaching that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene married and had two children, a boy Jesus II, and and a girl named Tamar. From this we get the so-called “Divine Right of Kings”, a fabrication for the “blue-bloods” of royalty to justify power, wealth, privilege, and status to remain within the hands of the royals who were the “Black” Nobility”from their ruthless lack of scruple. They employed murder, rape, kidnapping, assassination, robbery, and deceit, to attain their objectives. These all have immense wealth. And money is power.
The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece in that order. Their roots trace back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century. (Following a great Khazar victory over the Arabs, the future Emperor, Constantine V, married a Khazar princess and their son became Emperor Leo IV, also known as “Leo the Khazar”. The Medici popes, Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli), and John Paul II were Khazars.. Not all Black Nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms. According to researcher and author Dr. John Coleman, a “Committee of 300” was established early in the eighteenth century, “although it did not take on its present form until around 1897”, (when the China’s opium trade was legalized). Swerdlow writes that the Ashkenazi Jews control Israel’s government nowadays. [Hactavista 777:; Swerdlow 2014: 63-65, 73]
Islamic period (638–1099)
In 638 CE the Byzantine Empire lost control of the Levant. Arab Caliph Omar won Jerusalem, Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. He let Jews return to Jerusalem, where they worked as “the assayers of coins, the dyers, the tanners and the bankers in the community”. Jewish officials worked for the Arabs. Jews again became the majority in Jerusalem and lived in communities across Iraq.
In the 7th century, new Muslim rulers imposed land tax. Jews moved to Muslim Cities Bagdad and other cities in Iraq to avoid the tax and, in the cities, amassed greater wealth and international influence. When Baghdad declined in the 10th century, its Jews migrated to the Mediterranean region and spread Babylonian Jewish customs throughout the Jewish world.
Jews in early Muslim Spain (711–1031)
During Europe’s Middle Ages Muslims who ruled the Iberian Peninsula accepted Jews, whose religious, cultural, and economic life flowered. Jews flocked to Spain from the Africa Muslim conquest. Spain’s Jews allied with Spain’s Muslim rulers Abd-ar-Rahman III and Al-Hakam II and traded in silk and slaves. The Golden Age of the Jews in Spain ended when the Almohades, intolerant conservatives from North Africa took Spain.
Crusades (1099–1260)
12th Century Christian crusaders from Europes off to Jerusalem murdered Jews en route Rouen, Rhine Valley, Heidelberg “to avenge the crucifixion of Christ.”A huge loss of Jewish life took place. Many were forcibly converted to Christianity and many committed suicide, but the Christians took their kids to raise as Christians.

1099 CE: Jews helped Arabs defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders. When the city fell, the Crusaders herded Jews into a synagogue burned it and them. Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Tiberias, Ramleh, Ashkelon, Caesarea, and Gaza couldn’t own land anymore and worked at trades and commerce in the coastal towns during peace times.
Mamluk period (1260–1517)
Israel, in Mamluk Empire from Turkey and Egypt, suffered wars, persecution and humiliation.
Spain, North Africa, and the Middle East
11th century Muslims in Spain inflicted pogroms in Cordoba in 1011 and Granada in 1066 CE. Rules in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Yemen destroyed synagogues. Jews were forced to convert to Islam or die in Yemen, Morocco and Baghdad. Almohad Muslims, in control of much of Islamic Iberia by 1172, expelled Jews and Christians from Morocco and Islamic Spain.
Jewish populations have existed in the area of the former Roman Empire from early times. Jewish males took wives from local populations. These groups were joined by traders and diaspora members.
Between 800 and 1100, 1.5 million Jews lived in Christian Europe. Christians excluded them from the feudal system of clergy, knights and serfs so they did not perform corvee labor or soldier service. Kings, princes and bishops protected Jews who served them in finance, administration and medicine and who paid them taxes.
In 1300, Christians staged the Passion Plays which depicted Jews killing Christ and ramped up persecution of Jews and deportations, except, around 1500, when Jews again achieved prosperity in Poland. Europe’s Jewry was mainly urban and literate. The Christians forbade their faithful to loan money for interset, but Jews of Western Europe did loan for money. But when Jews amassed fortunes, kings confiscated the Jews’ wealth.
The People’s Crusade of 1096 razed Jewish towns on the Rhine and Danube. Second Crusade (1147) Christians murdered France’s Jews. The Shepherds’ Crusades of 1251 and 1320 killed more. The English expelled all Jews, France kicked out 1396 100,000 Jews, Austria, in 1421, booted thousands. Many Jews fled to Poland and prospered.
Spain and Portugal
Significant repression of Spain’s Jews occurred during the 14th century, notably a major pogrom in 1391 which resulted in the majority of Spain’s 300,000 Jews converting to Catholicism. With the conquest of the Muslim Kingdom of Granada in 1492, the Catholic monarchs issued the Alhambra Decree whereby Spain’s remaining 100,000 Jews were forced to choose between conversion and exile. As a result, an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 Jews left Spain, the remainder joining Spain’s already numerous Converso community. Perhaps a quarter of a million Conversos thus were gradually absorbed by the dominant Catholic culture, although those among them who secretly practiced Judaism were subject to 40 years of intense repression by the Spanish Inquisition. This was particularly the case up until 1530, after which the trials of Conversos by the Inquisition dropped to 3% of the total. Similar expulsions of Sephardic Jews occurred 1493 in Sicily (37,000 Jews) and Portugal in 1496. The expelled Spanish Jews fled mainly to the Ottoman Empire and North Africa and Portugal. A small number also settled in Holland and England.
Port Jews
Port Jews are Jews in the 17th and 18th European maritime economy who arrived as Inquisition refugees and deportees from Iberia. They settled in port cities as merchants in Amsterdam, London, Trieste and Hamburg.
Ottoman Empire
During the Classical Ottoman period (1300–1600), Jews prospered, predominant trade and diplomacy.
30 Jewish communities existed in Safed, Haifa, Sh’chem, Hebron, Ramleh, Gaza, and Jerusalem. Jews lived in Turkey for more than 2,400 years.
In the 17th century, Poland had the largest Jewish population in Europe that dated back to 13th century and enjoyed relative prosperity and freedom for four hundred years. But Cossacks killed hundreds thousands of Polish and Lithuanian Jews in the Chmielnicki uprising (1648) and Swedish wars (1655). Jews were often restricted from land ownership, or forced to live in ghettos.
With Poland was broken-up in the late 18th century, the Jewish population was split between the Russian Empire, Austro-Hungary, and Prussia.
The European Enlightenment and Haskalah (18th century)
Jews in the 18th century agitated for release from restrictive laws and interest in national Jewish identity grew, including a revival–the Haskalah movement launched the Reform and Conservative movements, suggested Zionism, but also blending into the countries where Jews lived. At the same time, however, an opposite movement, Hasidic Judaism preached against blending.
19th century
Napoleon invited Jews to leave the Jewish ghettos in Europe in the countries that offered equality under Napoleonic Law By 1871 every European country except Russia freed its Jews. But new antisemitism held that Jews were an inferior race to Aryan people. Political parties in France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary campaigned to degrade Jews. State-sponsored pogroms in Russia in the late 19th century led many jews to think they’d only be safe in their own country.
Jewish migrated to the U.S. and created a large community mostly freed of the restrictions of Europe. 2 million Jews moved to America from 1890 to 1924, most from Russia and Eastern Europe. Many Jews relocated to Argentina and Uruguay.
20th century
Modern Zionism
Theodor Herzl, visionary of the Jewish State, in 1901.
During the 1870s and 1880s Jews in Europe contemplated immigration back to Israel. Immigrants from the “Hovevei Zion” movement started the first Zionist commune there in 1882. Later the “Bilu” movement founded many other settlements in Israel. “The Zionist movement was founded officially after the Kattowitz convention (1884) and the World Zionist Congress (1897); Theodor Herzl led the fight for a state for in Israel for Jews.
In WWI, England captured Palestine from the Ottomans and,in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised Jews a home in Israel. In 1920 the British Mandate of Palestine began with Herbert Samuel High Commissioner; big Jewish immigration waves followed. But large-scale Jewish immigration aroused Britain to violently oppose Jewish settlement and Arab gangs murdered Jews in Israel. After the 1920 Arab riots and 1921 Jaffa riots, the Jews created the Haganah organization to protect them in time to deal with Palestinian riots in 1929 Palestine riots and from 1936 to 1939. Britain backtracked from the idea of a Jewish state to speculate one of a binational solution or an Arab state that would have a Jewish minority.
The Holocaust
In 1933, Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany imposed Anti-Jewish laws. Many Jews fled Germany to Palestine, the U.S., and the Soviet Union.
By 1941 Hitler took Poland and most of Europe, including Poland, France, and much of the USSR, where millions of Jews lived. Hitler instituted the Final Solution to torture and kill all Jews and killed six million. Survivors agitated for a Jewish state in Palestine.
State of Israel Established
Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization appealed to the movement to stop military activity and the Haganah did. But the resistance organizations, the Irgun and Lehi, kept fighting the Brits.
The WZO leaders employed illegal immigration to Palestine to bolster the push for a Jewish state in Palestine. The leaders smuggled in a massive number of Jewish war refugees from Europe. This immigration led the Brits to let the United Nations decide the fate of Palestine.
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181(II) which said to partition Palestine into an Arab state, a Jewish state and the City of Jerusalem.
The Jewish leadership accepted the decision; the Arab League and the Palestinian Arabs opposed it and instead attacked Israel in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.
British troops left Palestine and on May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion (below) proclaimed the State of Israel.

In 1949 the war ended and Israel started integrating waves of hundreds of thousands of Jews from all over the world.
Since 1948, Israel has been involved in a series of major military conflicts–the 1956 Suez Crisis, 1967 Six-Day War, 1973 Yom Kippur War, 1982 Lebanon War, and 2006 Lebanon War, as well as constant ongoing fights.
21st century
Israel’s a parliamentary democracy of 8 million people, of whom 6 million are Jewish. The largest Jewish communities are in Israel and the United States, with major communities in France, Argentina, Russia, England, and Canada.

Judaism and Jews constitute .2% of the religious, 14,551,000 people–9th in size among contemporary extant religions. [Encyclopedia Britannica &]
Here’s a proposal, by Mori Sela, worth considering:
Sela writes:
“Solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should not be that difficult — here is my suggested plan:
But before suggesting HOW to solve it, let’s discuss WHY we should solve it. Why not keep the status quo?
“Many Israelis today believe that the status-que is fine and there is no real motivation to make concessions. So let me say why I disagree:
- Morality. Moral people would do justice even if they don’t have to, and even if they don’t directly gain anything from it. There is no dispute that the current situation in the West Bank is immoral, when millions of Palestinians constantly feel oppressed by Jewish settlements and the soldiers that protect them.
- Damage to Jewish Israelis’ values. Given so many IDF soldiers have to be in constant exposure to civilian Palestinian population and are often required to perform unethical actions against some of them, their moral values are often being damaged, which makes the entire society in Israel more aggressive and less sensitive to the suffering of others.
- Pragmatic Reasons. For me, the morality reasons are enough to justify making concessions. But there are also many pragmatic reasons: Solving the I/P conflict will likely lead to a real peace with most Arab countries, which will open up huge economic opportunities related to commerce, tourism, and joint ventures. Also, solving the I/P conflict would remove any present/future sanctions imposed by some countries and movements (such as BDS).
- Also, before we get to the proposed solution, let’s acknowledge that there were few attempts in the past to bring peace agreements and let’s analyze why they have failed.
“In my opinion, all attempts in the past failed for the following three reasons:
- The mediating party (US, EU, Arab League) was not perceived as objective by both sides.
- The mediating party did not offer a big-enough “carrot” in case of agreement nor a big-enough “stick” for those who reject an agreement.
- The leaders on both sides didn’t feel they have a wide-enough support by their people to make the necessary concessions.
“So, here is a proposed process that should address the three obstacles mentioned above:
- The process should be led by a committee of senior moderators representing the US, EU, and the Arab League. Only such a joint moderation committee (JMC) may be perceived objective by both Israel and Palestine. The JMC should visit the land, listen to the needs, concerns and arguments of both sides and then propose a solution. This process is not instant, it may take several months. It is important the solution will not be an interim one, but a solution that will allow both nations to live in peace, liberty, and security for the rest of times. It should also address the concerns of Palestinians and Jews living in diaspora.
2. The JMC should offer a big “carrot” in case of agreement (including financial aid to support the development of the Palestinian state, guarantees to the security of both countries, and normalization of relations between most Arab countries and Israel. In parallel, the JMC should offer a big “stick”, threating those who reject the proposed agreement with (including financial and diplomatic sanctions).
3. The leaders of both nations would not have to make a decision on the spot. The proposed plan will be democratically decided in a referendum vote. The JMC will ensure that the voting is done while securing all eligible voters’ access, privacy, and safety. It should also ensure that no fraud is taking place in counting the votes. The leaders will have to opportunity to convince their people to vote for the referendum but it will be the majority of the population that will eventually decide and be responsible for the consequences.
“As to the actual solution, MY FAVORITE IS A TWO-STATE SOLUTION:
MONETARY COMPENSATION TO PALESTINIAN REFUGEES (like the compensation given to Jews who had to flee European and Arab countries).
What do you think?”
by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA)
Imagine standing before you each of the people you, your ancestors, relatives, race, gender, orientation, social class, countrymen and co-religionists have harmed in this and other lifetimes.
Look into eyes of those you can picture, and let them stand for others that may think you or your congeners, by direct action or unanticipated consequences, caused them deliberately or inadvertently.
Ask each of them and the others they represent in turn to forgive you, your ancestors and kin for harming them in any way. Imagine they forgive you.
Ask each of them to return any soul fragments of yours they hold as a result of your action or inaction or that of your kin. Receive it.
Tell each that you forgive them and their kin for any harm they meted out purposely or otherwise to you and yours. imagine you let go of any soul fragments of theirs that you may, consciously or unconsciously taken on.
Feel any resentment toward them and their kin leave you as their soul fragments leave your auric field.
Imagine you hug each person before you and feel loving oneness with them and the people they represent. Thank and bless them.
Anunnaki men from the planet Nibiru, posing as gods since Noah’s flood, created war, political fanaticism and religion to secure obedience to them and hierarchic, top-down authority with them at the top.
In Anunnaki-promulgated dominator religions men boss women, control resources and often condone killing non-believers. They manipulate guilt and shame around food, sex and pleasure. Anunnaki religions are viruses. They infect families that poison the minds of their descendants through generations.
Enlightened individuals and groups within every Dominator religion transcend rigid hierarchy, status-obsession, female suppression, slavery and murderous leadership of their traditions and instead embrace spiritual experiences, universal empathy, partnership and nondual awareness.
Luciferism & Satanism
Living Love
by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Radio)
Long-lived (hundreds of thousands of years) extraterrestrial Homo Sapien Goliaths from the planet Nibiru mined gold on Earth 400,000 years ago. 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine slaves—that’s us–from their genome. We called them “Anunnaki,” People-From-The-Sky or Serpent-People. They taught us hierarchy, violence, greed, slavery, debt. They made us worship them, call them “gods.”
200,000 years ago, Enki, their Chief Scientist, begat a line of Earthlings whom he exalted. In 11,000 [all dates to follow are—before the common era—unless otherwise designated] Enki and his lover Batanash begat Noah. After Noah’s flood, Anunnaki ruled through Noah’s sons’ descendants.
The Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. Most of Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE.
But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day.
The Anunnaki taught one-upmanship. We watched them kill each other to rule; the elite today still kill each other and each others’ followers. Our ancestors plundered, enslaved or killed whomever their master, the dominant Nibiran in their area, told them. We Earthlings still plunder, enslave and kill whomever our elites tell us.
The Anunnaki loosed plagues, nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass killing upon us. They forced mutually unintelligible languages and scripts upon us and withheld knowledge. They and their spawn made exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.
The Anunnaki stand feet taller and live millennia longer than we. We killed in their names: Allah (= Sumerian Nannar), Yahweh (Enlil, sometimes Adad) and Inanna (Ishtar)–Nibiran Expedition personnel all. They bred us to slave in mines, armies, businesses, schools, governments, farms, factories, brothels and building projects.
We worshipped and them and the “royal” lines of ever-murderous hybrid rulers and priests–the elite–they begat.
Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru. A few who remained on Earth and the hybrids through whom they still rule give all factions and nations credit and arms and engineer wars among them. The elite run competing religions which each say they’ll bring back the Anunnaki god of their faith and defeat gods and followers of other faiths.
The ancient scenarios of divide-and-rule, to this very day, make us deplete our resources, pollute our environment and wage war. The matrix the Anunnaki modeled makes us recklessly exploit our resources and pollute. The elite and their ET controllers see that we never feel our unity as a planet of peace.
Anunnaki and hybrid overseers imprinted their greed, one-upmanship and dominator-consciousness on us. They modeled, dictated and indoctrinated avarice, domination, slavery, competition, hate and violence.
Yahweh and Allah-Nannar murdered many. These Anunnaki lacked compassion, showed neither love nor divinity.
Other Anunnaki–Enki, Ningishzidda and Ninmah–love us and continue to work to free us from the mental virus with which Yahweh and Allah have infected us. Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda can, when we stop warring, advance our astronomy, medicine, energy, rocket science and survival strategies.
The Anunnaki dictated their world view to Earthling scribes of Iraq (then called Sumer). Clay tablets the gods dictated say that back on Nibiru, a king and his military ruled. The gods dictated tales of how, 450,000 years ago, they got gold from Earth and how, till 300,000 years ago, when they created us for the mines, they shipped the gold back to Nibiru. Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold.
Millions of years before the Anunnaki got to Earth, other ET terraformers seeded hominoids here. The terraformers introduced advanced hominoids, ancestors of Erectus, Neanderthal and Bigfoot, to Earth so the Anunnaki could implant Erectus genes into their Homo Sapien genome and thus adapt their genome to Earth. The Anunnaki created what the terraformers planned for us—they made us Homo Sapien like them but adapted to Earth [Pye, 2013]. Eighty percent of our DNA is from off-planet [Tellinger, 2011b].
We progressed when the Anunnaki gave us new technologies. Every 3,600 years, they gave us marvelous devices, astronomical and geological information, new crops, new chemistry and ever-more lethal weapons. Suddenly, our architecture, public projects, weaponry, and military training revved up and we build new cities, temples and armies.
Our Sumerian ancestors didn’t imagine gods who made them literate and told them what to write. Rather than make up gods, Sumerians saw, heard and bred with Anunnaki as very tall, long-lived. Sumerians watched the giants run machines and computers; they saw them fire weapons of mass destruction. They saw Anunnaki with small devices, MEs, overpower other Anunnaki.
Sumerians saw Anunnaki speak into devices and heard voices respond. The Anunnaki said the voices came from spacecraft beyond sight and the moon, southern Africa, the Andes and the Indus Valley, as well as from visible rockets, shuttlecraft, orbiting stations and planes.
In Sumer, then all over this planet, the gods gave our ancestors ever-advanced technologies and models so their half-breeds could rule, relate, mine, store data, compute, write, build, trade and war.
Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, Norse, Chinese, Tibetans, Central and South Americans all spoke of these gods who rode Celestial Chariots, threw thunderbolts and, when Nibiru neared Earth, gave us crops, herds, devices, medicine, laws, knowledge and more Nibiran genes.
In 2000, Zecharia Sitchin showed us clay and stone proof. Rocks and inscribed records astronomical, geological, geographical, chemical and biological info Sumerians said gods gave them, info our scientists only got millennia later.
Sitchin solved the mysteries of missing hominid links never found since they didn’t exist. He showed how they periodically uplevel our society and its industries. No missing physical links existed since we appeared suddenly when Enki and his cohorts added Erectus genes to their genome. We got advanced technology when Sumerian “gods” gave it to us.
Sumerians tagged Anunnaki aircraft, submarines, helicopters, spaceships, weapons and computers with their own words and words the gods taught them. Our ancestors called aircraft and rockets “skyships, “celestial chariots” and “fire-breathing dragons.” They named helicopters “whirlbirds.” A whale that swallowed Jonah = a submarine; weapons = “brilliances.” We labeled Nibiran medical and scientific achievements “miracles.”
Our ancestors recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the gods taught them. What gods called “MEs” we call computer programs. Our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, similes and analogies to the words the gods gave us. We can now decode our ancestors’ metaphors for the gods and their technology instead of dismissing the weapons, vehicles and personalities of gods as superstitious myths.
Unless ETs intervene to save us or the weight of Sumerian evidence convinces Muslims, Jews and Christians to give up their fear gods, their compulsions to unquestioningly obey governmental and religious authorities, their impulse to crush others and the mental programs with which the genocidal Anunnaki imposed on us to keep us divided and conquered, we’ll keep warring.
We are one family and we’ve all been duped by the Anunnaki and their halfbreed successor-line of murderous manipulators. We must recover our oneness as a species. As we face new ET demands for our allegiance and gold, we can negotiate for life extension, medicine, free energy, space transport and other ET technologies. We and they can support each other and face our common challenges–environmental, social and psychological.
The truth of our genetics frees us from the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model the ETs imposed on us. We can end physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, derogation of women, gold lust, antagonistic religions and nations the gods and the hybrid elite they created dictated.
Free of short, desperate lives, we’ll create our future. We’ll activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.