TANTRA EXERCISE TO HEAL EACH OTHERS’ HURTS & SATISFY EACH OTHER: Do-It-Yourself or with Partners Experiential cues that immediately better your relationship

From TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin Imago for Polys* Imago for everyone: INTELLECTUAL UNDERSTANDING Your imago** is internal and psychological part of you, whether you’re male or female, that makes you feel madly attracted to someone. This imago (the inner self that tells you who to …


by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (U.C.L.A.), co-author, TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS*& TEACH TANTRA** One of the most effective strategies I’ve experienced for loving communication is Compassionate Communications, CC. It’s based on Rosenberg, M., 1991, Nonviolent Communication (Puddledancer, CA).         CC’s four parts are observe without evaluating, share feelings, state needs and request, without demanding, …


From TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D., Dean, School of Tantra & Janet Kira Lessin, CEO, Aquarian Radio Tantra, sacred sexuality, the art of conscious loving, kama sutra, and chakras–what’s all this fuss about eye gazing, breathing together, aligning chakras and women having squirting orgasms anyway ?  To someone who’s just learning …


From TEACH TANTRA”*** by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin .amazon.com/Teach-Tantra-Teacher-Manual-Chakras/dp/1977642799 Center yourself with the simple technique we outline here to access, own and integrate your shadow and spiritual selves–less known inner voices (also known as parts, personality aspects, roles, subselves, subpersonalities, egos). We center when we hold the tension between opposed inner …

SINGLES TANTRA: Do-It-Yourself-For-Now Experiential Directions for Self-Pleasuring

Many are single by choice. There are many benefits to being single in the dance of life. Dating many allows you to dance many different styles of dances; tango, hip hop, waltz, country line, ballroom. Any particular partner may not know how to do all the types of dances you desire, and if you limit yourself …

CLEAR CHAKRAS, CULTIVATE KUNDALINI: Do- It-Yourself Cues to Picture & Empower Planetary Peace

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) Human “life begins with spiral patterns that swirl in vortex-like patterns that form a snake-like channel of energy known as KUNDALINI, which means serpent.  Kundalini winds around the spinal column [through] energy centers known as CHAKRAS. In a typical human, kundalini energy is always present but usually blocked.  …