Roleplay: Show others how you see them; see how they see you

“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, An’ foolish notion.” ― Robert Burns From TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin ROLEPLAY Roleplay; roleplay means portray; you enact me. I pretend I’m you. We’ll take …


From TEACH TANTRA* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin… Reserve several 90-minute  intervals of uninterrupted privacy in person, via media or phone to take turns facilitating and responding to friends, significant others and lovers. As we take turns guiding each other through the exercise below; we learn what we can safely …


From TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS* by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. and Janet Kira Lessin Get the most out of the Corona Virus quarantine at home; create a space private from children, hold hands, look in each other’s eyes, breathe together, and commit to hear one another with compassion.  Imagine a sympathetic dragon above and behind you …


by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (UCLA), M.A., (Counseling Psychology, University for Humanistic Studies) From TEACH TANTRA * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Dean, School of Counseling) and Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Media) Aloha, I’m Dr. Sasha Lessin.  I want you to free yourself from automatically reacting to your current situations from automatic programs you got when, …

Talk to Someone Who’s Absent–Gestalt Self Therapy

From TEACH TANTRA*1  by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D.*, Dean, School of Counseling & Janet Kira Lessin CEO, Aquarian Radio)  (for Chakra 5: Communication) PRESENTIFY AND DIALOGUE**2 Think about an absent lover. Speak aloud to her or him as though she or he sits before you. Sit on a chair that faces an empty chair. Invoke an …

Fathom Finitude & Deal with Death–GRACE GROWS IN DEATH’S JAWS—Do-it-Yourself Experientials on NEGATION & FINITUDE

USE LIMITS TO MAKE LIFE MEANINGFUL; REFLECT ON NEGATION, FINITUDE, DEATH           Accept that your physical body will die and you move to live with full vitality, individuality and commitment.  Realize you and others will die prompts you to make authentic, intimate, feelingful, expressive contact.  Knowing you’ll die gives you timetables for the tasks you’ve …

PAST-, PARALLEL-, or FUTURE-LIVES: Do They Program Your Present?

(Tantra Tactics for Chakra 6: Brain Chakra, Part 3 Occipital; Tantra Theosophical Society Core Principle 6B) By Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., Pastlife Therapist, Certified by the late Roger Woolger (author of “Other Lives, Other Selves”) Excerpt from “TEACH TANTRA: The book that shows you how to teach lovers to love you better and more”, by Janet Kira …


From TEACH TANTRA* by Sasha Alex Lessin, Dean School of  Counseling & Janet Kira Lessin, CEO, Aquarian Radio Aloha, I’m Sasha Lessin. I live from a very here-and-now philosophy psychotherapists call  “gestalt therapy.”  I don’t like the word “therapy” because it implies you’re sick.  You’re not.  I just call this philosophy “gestalt” in the sense …

MOTHER MATTERS; Reprogram Her Inputs, Lest Your Lovelife Shatters–Part 1, Distinguish Lovers from Dads & Mothers: Cues to Reprogram Parental Inputs

From TANTRA FOR ALL CHAKRAS *  by Sasha Alex Lessin, Dean, School of Tantra & Janet Kira Lessin, CEO, Aquarian Radio (For Chakra 1, Inner Child) MOTHERS Your mother either met or failed to meet your needs for her love in ways you could feel.  She met your needs if you sensed her love.  Your …

CLEAR CHAKRAS, CULTIVATE KUNDALINI: Do- It-Yourself Cues to Picture & Empower Planetary Peace

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) Human “life begins with spiral patterns that swirl in vortex-like patterns that form a snake-like channel of energy known as KUNDALINI, which means serpent.  Kundalini winds around the spinal column [through] energy centers known as CHAKRAS. In a typical human, kundalini energy is always present but usually blocked.  …