From MARDUK, ANUNNAKI KING OF EARTH * by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin (CEO, Aquarian Media)
Marduk (Satan) allied with the ex-astronauts Igigi & Earthling slaves. Yahweh (Enlil) sent his sons, Adad-Viracocha & Ninurta to the Andes Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, to make a second spaceport.
13,000 years ago Earth’s climate deteriorated in the run-up to the perigee of 10,500 years ago that caused Noah’s flood. Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki), ordered a second interplanetary spaceport atop the Andes, where his son Adad had built a landing platform around 15,000 BCE [Lost Realms: 222]. Enlil wanted the second rocket base in case his rivals, Prince Marduk and his ex-astronaut allies (the Igigi), overran the Sinai rocket port that Enlil’s grandson Utu ran.
Enlil, under orders from his father, King Anu, back on Nibiru, expected to return to Nibiru with the Nibirans he commanded as well as enough gold to powder into Nibiru’s atmosphere to protect it from destructive dissipation.
Enlil warned Anu that Marduk, the son of Enlil’s rival, Chief Scientist Enki, had created alliances not only with the ex-astronauts, but also with the hybrid Erectus-Nibiran Earthling miners and slaves Enki had made from the Nibiran genome. Marduk and his allies, Enlil and Anu, realized they could push the claim of Marduk to rule Nibiru by dint of the treaty Anu had sworn with Marduk’s mother’s father, Alalu, Anu’s predecessor on the Nibiran throne.
Enlil sent his youngest son, Adad-Viracocha and Adad’s older half-brother General Ninurta to the Andes to scout out a potential second spaceport. They found their ideal site at Lake Titicaca, Earth’s highest (913,861 feet) lake–perfect for boats–20 by 44 miles large, 100 -1000 feet deep and dotted with over 41 islands.
Waters running from the lake gave the Anunnaki placer gold and cassiterite tin and bronze for their European and Middle Eastern centers. The Desaguadero river flows from the southwest corner of Lake Titicaca into the satellite lake, Lake Poopo, 260 miles to the south; “there is copper and silver to the Pacific Coast, where Bolivia meets Chile.” [Lost Realms: 242 – 243]
A moat surrounded Pumapunku and connected to a canal system that ran to Lake Titicaca, fifteen miles away through level ground. Upheavals, probably from the same disturbances that caused the destruction of the Nile area that Moses, whom Enlil forewarned, from the nearing of Nibiru or its lagrange points in 1450 BCE, destroyed the huge landing platform and scattered its H-shaped 400-ton twelve by ten by two foot thick red sandstone blocks that Adad had quarried ten miles from Pumapunku.
“A destructive wave of water from Lake Titicaca violently destroyed Pumapunku, Tihuanacu to the south of the lake.” [Childress, 2012:107, 177]
“The stones at Pumapunku interlocked by grooves and articulated notches in the edges of the stones and cemented together by keystone cuts and bronze clamps.” [Childress, 2012: 105; Lost Realms: 211]
Adad’s workers survived Noah’s flood on Titicaca and Coati Islands in the sheltered southern portion of the lake.
Adad and his Sumerian foremen had them build, 1/4 of a mile from Pumapunku, Tiahuancu, aka “Tin City,” [Anuku = “metal granted by the Anunnaki.”] a two-square-mile city, metallurgical, temple, and observatory complex powered by electricity, on the shore and a with subterranean chambers. Tin supplies had run out in Europe after 2600 BCE, then Adad’s Cassites [Kosseans] Earthlings, related to the Hittites and Hurrians, flowed vast amounts of tin from South America to the Near East. [Lost Realms: 243 -245]
The Anunnaki employed “portable power plants” and “rotating magnetic fields” that gave Tiahuanacu AC power.” They “set up hydroelectric or wave stations to generate a large amount of power to send via microwaves to satellites and then redirect them to the remote parts of the earth as a form of usable power.” They sent cargos of precious metals and dried or honey-packed psychedelic mushrooms around the world. [Childress, 2012: 151]
The Anunnaki smelted, at high temperature, alloys including plantinum and extracted mercury from mineral cinnabar. They used the mercury to extract nearby silver. They built also an underwater city, Huanacu, some 80 feet down, hewn into the northern side of Titicaca Island. Tiahuanacu’s “builders planned Tiahuanacu in advance, with diverted rivers, water reservoirs on the top of pyramids (on or in which water washed ores) and massive stone [refining] structures with gigantic solid-stone doors. Pumapunku, the original New World El Dorado-Ophir city (the one to which Israel’s King Solomon flew over the Pacific from the Java Sea) featured gigantic walls covered in sheets of gold, golden masks, sun disks, gold-woven tapestries and drill holes to attach sheets of gold and other gold items.”
Nearby, Bolivians gathered the Fuante Magna Bowl, that bore ancient Sumerian cuneiform writing circa 3000 BCE and the Aymara language that the descendants of Ka-in developed from Proto-Elamite or Akkadian [Childress, 2012: 86, 109, 129 – 131, 146,150].
Tiahuanacu set off Pumapunku with a grand gate, the “Gate of the Sun,” originally a doorway for a solid granite door to for a nine-foot tall person or a person with an elaborate headdress.
The door led to a smashed 400 by 450 foot rectangular astronomical observatory called the “Kalasasaya,” that a moat had surrounded. The building, like a similar building at Pumapunku, had been destroyed and the door frame moved to form an arch leading to Pumapunku.
The Nibirans cut and shaped the gate as it stood in Tiahuanacu from a single hundred-ton, 10 x 20 foot stone block that features a carving of Adad, with golden tears. Tears, which represent the molten gold, tin, iron, platinum and mercury Tiahuanacu refined, run down his cheeks. The statue wears an elaborate headdress and holds Adad’s symbol, the forked lightening the zodiac of Sumerian Anunnaki. Reliefs of 30 “bird men”on Adad’s right–probably Nibiran astronauts–run toward him; one of these holds the trumpet-like object the Anunnaki used to move large stones.
After the building that contained the gate broke apart, the Anunnaki reconstructed it and incorporated as an arch to Pumapuku for a pilgrimage site for Andean “Indians.” Next to the gate stands a wall into which the builders sculpted heads of the various Earthling and ET types that visited the site [Childress, 2012: 88; Lost Realms: 210, 216 -217].
Relief on Pumapunka wall (left) looks like contemporary Grey (Right).
Viracocha’s workers living on the edge of Lake Titicaca, 12000 feet up on the altiplano, had to contend with brusque tectonic shifts from impact shockwaves generated by incoming aerial projectiles. They witnessed the breaking of bulwarks on the lakes at greater altitudes to the north that released a wall of water that overwhelmed the temple city of Tiahuanacu, tossed its megaliths like matchsticks, crushed and jumbled its inhabitants along with fish, mammals, utensils, jewels, tools, pottery and shells into one heap. The workers survived Noah/Ziusudra’s flood on Titicaca and Coati Islands in the sheltered southern portion of the lake.
The Anunnaki, “light-skinned strangers with red or blonde hair and light-colored eyes reappeared at Tiahuanacu. They had been here before and returned to Titicaca after the flood to assess the damage. They rebuilt Tiahuanacu.
“Once the Anunnaki got Tiahuanacu “up and running again, they set out to create other cult centers and promulgate the ideals of civilization throughout the Andes.” They built “temples in a line from Lake Titicaca to Cuzco.”[Missing Lands: 28, 59-78]
Around 3800 BCE, Nibiru’s King Anu and Queen Antu flew with their grandson, Ninruta, from Sumer to the Tiahuanancu where a gold-plated enclosure (held together with solid gold nails) he and Adad had built awaited them. They saw the Spaceport on the 200 square-mile Pampa plain below where. On the runway, “Anu and Antu’s celestial chariot stood ready, with gold to the brim it was loaded.” Anu pardoned Marduk tor his last offensive against Enlil, then the King and his Queen rocketed off to Nibiru, then to Mars, then to Nibiru. Enlil ordered Adad to guard the Enlilite South American facilities from Marduk while he and the other Nibiran Earth Mission leaders returned to Sumer. [Enki: 272-276, Lost Realms: 255; Journeys: 206]
By 2200 BCE, as supplies of tin for bronze dwindled in Europe, Adad sent tin aplenty from Tiahuanaco back to Sumer, through his Hittite-Cassite subjects in Turkey. Descendants of these Middle Easterners still dwell on Titicaca and Coati Isles. Tiahuanaco, after most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru, became a pilgrimage site for the growing “Indian” population. There, Adad directed the construction of Mochica, Chan-Chan, Cuzco, Macho Picchu, Chavin, Ollantaytambu and tutored a couple he chose to create Machu Picho [Time: 247].
From Lake Titicaca and Tiahuanacu in Bolivia and Peru’s south, Anunnaki spread megalithic culture–landing platforms, metallurgical plants, pyramid power plants, astronomical observatories, palaces, canals, homes, statues, city walls, roads, bridges and quarries. Everywhere they settled, they left deep, extensive tunnels that moderns have not yet explored. Anunnaki culture spread North into ancient, pre-Inca Cusco, Ollantaytambu, Machu Pichu and Chavin. The Anunnaki mined copper and gathered gold and alluvial casseiterite–oxidized, water-washed tin from the Eastern coast of Lake Titicaca and the Lake Poopo area southeast of La Paz (down the Desaguardero River from Tiahuanacu).
Evidence of the last Nibiran spaceport on Earth includes over 800 straight take-off trails atop and next to over 70 huge scraped drawings[geogylphs] of “known and imaginary animals and birds. There are over 150 geometrical drawings.
The lines and geoglyphs are made by removal the topsoil several inches. The geoglyphs are executed with one continuous line that curves and twists without crossing over itself. Attempts to show that a horde of workers working at ground level and using scrapers could have created these images failed. Someone airborne used a soil-blasting device to doodle on the ground below.
“The feet-deep ’Candelabra’ in nearby Bay of Paracas was obtained in the same way” by aircraft “equipped with some ray gun gizmo.
Nibiran pilots used “the Nazca flatlands in their final spaceport, doodling for fun while killing time before takeoffs.” [Journeys: 192 -211] The Nazca area’s rich in nitrates, a probable component of Anunnaki rocket fuel.
The bird glyph on the left is 1000 feet long.
The Astronaut glyph has one hand pointing to the sky, one to the Earth.
Spider Gylph and Orion: snip from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2
A huge spider gylph depicts the constellation Orion, the extensionthe spider’s leg on the viewer’s right, locates the star Sirius. The glyphs and the mandalas formed by the layout of Anunnaki structures may have been signs for off-worlder viewers. In addition to geoglyphs, “the Nazca Lines run straight and stretch (sometimes narrow, wide, short, or long–over hill and vale no matter the shape of the terrain.” Von Daniken’s researchers found very powerful electromagnetic currents eight feet under the Nazca lines they studied.
The straight lines “crisscross each other, sometimes running over and ignoring the animal drawings. These are not made with handheld ray guns. The lines are not horizontally level–they run straight over uneven terrain, ignoring hills, ravines, gullies. They are not runways; they are embedded in soil too loose to hold anything as heavy as an airplane. They may be the result of takeoffs by craft taking off. The rocket engine exhausts left ground ‘lines.’ Childress says the lines are lined up for aircraft incoming on the Pacific Coast to turn left and follow the way to Tiahuanaco to which the lines point. [AAS5D2]
In one part of Nazca, Linda Howe measured a 6-mile long, 24 inch deep perfect triangle something very heavy pressed into the earth.[Ancient Aliens, Season 5] On a nearby mountain, lines of grooves outline a landing corridor; “circles and squares form a cross, as in a modern heliport.” [Journeys:212 -213]
* MARDUK: ANUNNAKI KING OF EARTH By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology) & Janet Kira Lessin CEO, Aquarian Radio, explores how Marduk, Our secret Anunnaki ruler, says he’ll make amends for the suffering he caused.
Anu, the legal successor to the planet Nibiru King Lahma, signed a treaty with King Alalu who slew Lahma.
Anu quit as Lahma’s successor and agreed to let his and Alalu’s grandson Marduk succeed Alalu. Anu however reneged. He abrogated the treaty, deposed Alalu and denied Marduk Nibiru’s Crown.
Marduk rocketed to Earth where he joined his father Enki, Chief Scientist, Earth Goldmining Expedition (the Anunnaki).
Marduk didn’t rule Nibiru; he only, for a while, ruled the Astronaut Corps (Igigi) on Mars.
He wed a Hybrid (Sarpanit) whose ancestors his dad created. He built Babylon for both Anunnaki and Hybrids in Iraq.
Marduk backed the Igigi after they abducted hybrid women following his wedding. He helped settle them on Earth. The Igigi and the lineages they bred with the slave-women, allied with him, settled in Jerico, Canaan, and Egypt.
In 3450 BCE Anunnaki Commander Enlil-Yahweh had his son Ninurta bomb Marduk’s Babylon.
In 2924 BCE Ninurta nuked the Expedition’s Sinai Spaceport to deny it to Marduk. Marduk’s brother Nergal bombed Sodom, Gomorra and the Salt Sea’s south bank to kill Marduk’s son Nabu.
To Enlil’s shock, a radioactive storm blew from the bombs he’d ordered dropped and also killed his Sumerian Earthlings. Enlil left Earth rule to Marduk.
Very similar patterns to the ones NE of Blythe, Ca. In the desert. Google Blythe Intaglios at N33.841271 x W114.454279.
Blythe VOR 045 degree radial at 25 DME.
Or N33.48.01 X W114.32.18.