by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
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Wings on the coin indicate Alexander's connection with Zeus, aka Marduk.
The gods of Greece are the same ET s from the planet Nibiru who’ve run us Earthlings from our getgo. They made us from their genome to serve them. They and those they left in charge of this planet continue to instigate wars of Earthlings against each other as proxies for their own incessant rivalries.
Most of the Nibirans who came here to run the Nibiran goldmining project left Earth between 2025 and 650 BCE, after Enlil-Yahweh’s enforcers nuked those of Marduk-Ra. They left Marduk as Earth’s top “god.” Greeks called Marduk Zeus.
Marduk’s son, Alexander, lived out the insane lust to one-up everyone else that is the essence of the Anunnaki philosophy of life that our Nibiran makers have imprinted on by example and design.
Here’s the tale of how he enslaved much of the world:
Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon in 539 BCE.

Marduk, Babylon’s resident Anunnaki “god,” [or maybe it was just his statue, whose hands he grasped] welcomed Cyrus. Cyrus returned Nebuchadnezzar’s Israelite hostages to Jerusalem.
Cyrus’ successor, Cambyses, conquered Sumer, Mari, Mitanni, Hatti, Elam, Assyria, Egypt and the Persian Empire.
King Cambyses of Persia conquered Sumer
In 522 BCE Darius murdered Cambyses and ruled the extended Persian Empire.
Philip II with wealth from goldmines in Macedon outfitted infantry and cavalry that united Greece.
Macedonia’s Philip II had Aristotle tutor his legal son Alexander. Alexander’s mother, Olympius of Epirus, said she begat Alexander with Marduk (known in Greece as Zeus).
Olympius, Alexander and Philip
Alexander sparked the Macedonian win over the other Greek city-states at Chaeronea, where his cavalry encircled and massacred Thebans who refused surrender.
Philip released his Athenian prisoners and controlled most of Greece.
One of Philip’s bodyguards whom Olympius and Alexander had suborned killed Philip before Philip’s new son with a pure Macedonian (Cleopatra) could displace Alexander.
Alexander’s man killed Philip’s top general as he pursued the bodyguard. Olympius killed Cleopatra’s son and Cleopatra killed herself.
Alexander took Macedonia’s throne. He held Delphi’s Oracle Priestess at swordpoint. “Am I Zeus’ son?” She confirmed him as the son of Zeus, the Greek name for Marduk-Ra.
Was her contact with Zeus/Marduk?
Re-affirmed as Marduk’s son, Alexander, in 334 BCE, with 32,000 infantry and 5,100 cavalry, attacked Persia. While Darius and the Persian army quelled a rebellion in Egypt, Alexander’s army rowed across the Dardanelles to Abydos in Turkey.
The infantry formed lines that stretched for miles and faced enemies with a phalanx of 18-foot piles before the cavalry.
Alexander led a cavalry charge that routed the Persian army and its Greek mercenaries at Granicus.
At Gordium, Alexander hacked with his sword into the outer strand of a knot on the oxcart shrine of King Midas. Whoever could untie the knot would, people believed, rule Asia. After he finally severed the outer stand, he simply unwound the rest of the knot.
The Macedonians invaded northern Syria and left their wounded in a base at Issus and marched south to engage the Persians but Darius took Issus and cut Alexander’s army off from its supply line to Greece. Darius took the Persians over a mountain pass and killed all Greek wounded in Issus. The Macedonians returned to Issus. Alexander led his cavalry and defeated Darius’s army. Darius fled to Babylonia. He left Syria, Palestine, and Egypt open for conquest by Alexander.
The Macedonians took the Landing Platform at Baalbek; Alexander renamed it Heliopolis. He tore the Greek city of Ephesos from the Persians, then defeated Darius at Issos. Alexander then took Sidon and Aleppo. In 332 BCE he conquered Syria.
In Phoenicia, after a seven-month siege, the Greeks took the main Persian naval base at Tyre.
Here’s how Alexander won. Tyre’s leaders killed emissaries Alexander sent to ask for a peaceful surrender.
Enraged, Alexander made his men, though under constant arrow fire from Tyrian ships, a causeway with built-in Siege towers to connect the city to an island in the harbor that protected the city.
Tyre sent a ship loaded with Naptha and stopped construction, killing the men building and defending the causeway.
The Macedonians built a second causeway and brought warships from Cyprus. When this second causeway connected to Tyre, the Macedonian infantry attacked Tyre from the North and Alexander led forces down gangways from the ships, then through a gap in Tyre’s wall.
When Tyre fell, the Greeks controlled the eastern Mediterranean. They massacred 8,000 Tyrians and sold 30,000 into slavery.
Alexander reached Babylon in 331 BCE and rushed to the ziggurat temple to grasp the hands of Marduk as conquerors before he had. But Alexander saw Marduk’s corpse preserved in oils in his ziggurat.
Alexander won Egypt in 331 BCE, and he founded there the city of Alexandria.
Alexander abruptly left his troops and trekked for a week over the desert to Siwa Oasis. There, he commuted in what he thought was a private audience with the gold statue of Marduk. Alexander asked Marduk’s statue, “Am I Zeus’ son?” The Temple’s priest, from a hidden chamber behind the statue, confirmed Alexander as the son of Ra-Amen aka Marduk.
In 331 BCE at Gaugamela (Iraq), Darius’ army, with bladed-wheeled chariots, attacked Alexander’s luring positions on his flanks. The attackers left a gap in the center of their forces, between the chariots charging the Macedonian flanks. The gap they created as they took the bait of massed Greek infantry flanks exposed the Persian center to Alexander’s light cavalry. The Greeks killed 300,000 Persians and lost 100 men.
Alexander proclaimed himself the King of Asia and marched to the Persian capital, Susa, which surrendered without a fight.
Alexander took Persepolis, Bactria, Sogdianna and Cyropolis. From Persepolis, Alexander sent the gold home to Macedonia. He let his troops rob, murder the men, rape the women. Alexander and his drunk generals led as the Greeks burned Darius’s palace.
Alexander chased Darius to make him abdicate as Persia’s God and King. Though Darius’ generals speared Darius and left him for dead, Alexander found him dying. Alexander said he’d honor and exalt Darius’ kin. In return Darius abdicated as god and king–gave the jobs to Alexander–then died.
In 329 BCE, Alexander conquered Scythia.
Macedonian soldiers, away some seven years from Greece, began agitating to return home. Alexander purged his top general and others whom he suspected of agitation. He made his lover Hephaestion co-commander of the army.
In 329 BCE, Alexander married captive princess Roxanne.
Alexander now ordered people to bow to him as a god. He created a huge harem of beautiful women and enjoyed a new one each night. He killed his historian for criticizing his hedonism, his “Persianization.”
In 327 BCE, the Macedonians invaded India. After the Hydaspes River battle in 326 BCE, Indian King Porus charged Alexander’s forces with elephants. Alexander almost died, before his troops, of wounds. The troops saw he lacked the invincibility he claimed he, as a god, possessed.
“Alexander’s generals refused to continue with the invasion of the Indian subcontinent. Alexander turned back to Asia Minor.” [Childress, 2000: 149]
He planned to cross the Ganges for more conquests, but his troops mutinied, wouldn’t go further.
So Alexander sent half his army back to Susa by sea. He took the other half of his men through the Gedrosian Desert and reached Susa in 324 BCE.
In Susa, Alexander married his senior officers to Persians.
In 324 BCE, an assassin may have poisoned his second-in-command, Hephaestion. Alexander hung Hephaestion’s doctor.
In 323 in Babylon, Alexander, dying of disease or poison, said he willed his empire “to the strongest”.
Alexander’s erstwhile buddy Cassander killed Alexander’s wife and mother and named himself King of Macedonia.
Ptolemy took Alexander’s corpse to Egypt and there started the Ptolemaic Dynasty. [Mark, 2013].
Alexander’s conquests
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