Anunnaki Zecharia Sitchin


by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

MICHAEL LEE HILL—Modern Embodiment of  Enki/Lucifer/Aquarius*–tells  us to Embrace Empathy, Compassion and Universal Love Now & Help Midwife the DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS.


By Michael Lee Hill

I want to share a story with you all, people ask me well what was it like to meet the Anunnaki or a Nephilim hybrid bloodline on this planet?
Well imagine that you have been invited to go for a ride with one of the head grandmothers of the Nephilim hybrid bloodline and you agree so you hop in her mini-van and she says I want to talk to you about the migration route of our people into the North American continent, but wouldn’t it be nice if I had a map of the United States to show you on?
And at this point she does a hand gesture in front of her and out of nowhere a 3D computer holographic looking map of the United States appears out of nowhere, hovering perfectly in front of her, between herself and the minivan window, and it looked like something out of a Star Wars film you know? And then she just looks at me intently with those eyes that could stare right through you and she says…”I know you can see it”
All I could say is …”yep”
And then she proceeded to use that holographic 3D map of the United States which was all red by the way and for the next 15 minutes used it to show me the migration of the Nephilim out of Atlantis, into the Mayan culture, then onto/into the Native American First Nation tribes of North America.


All of this is still crystal clear in my mind and maybe I should make a video someday and actually show you the migration route that in essence became the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota of the Sioux Native American First Nation tribe but let’s say on the third migration route that became Nakota, that also has the Cherokee and it went all the way up around the great lakes and the Iroquois, and the Huron tribe in Canada were part of that 3rd migration route. I was told that the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes have retained their Star knowledge the most out of any of the tribes but the Iroquois have the largest amount of Nephilim bloodline members still within their numbers yet most of the Iroquois members are still sleeping and have not awoken to their Starry nature just yet.

I can try & describe the 3 NEPHILIM Anunnaki human hybrids migration routes in detail to you and it’s really not very hard to see in your mind’s eye (good thing Trump was not around then, he would have tried to build a wall no doubt to try and keep us out…lol). 

Anyhow, well I’m going to try right now to comminicate the 3 migration routes but just in your mind’s eye imagine a map of America and now coming out of the left top side of Florida, because the bloodline entered Crystal River Florida from MEXICO which explains the Mayan Mound complex that is found in Crystal River Florida.  The first Mayan step pyramid ever found in America in Florida was revealed a couple years ago in a TV show, “Unexplained & Unexplored” (available on Amazon), so you can see exactly what I’m talking about.   Unexplained & Unexplored found the Mayan step pyramid they’re using ground penetrating radar but it’s on private property owned by the state of Florida but anyhow the tribe enters America at Crystal River Florida, which is on the left side of Florida about halfway down, you know Florida, and then eventually exits the top left hand side of Florida so in your mind draw three candy canes that one goes to the left side all the way up to the top of America and with the hoop of the cane going to the right, and then there’s the same starting point out of the top of Florida the second route went up and that candy cane goes up to the top of America with the hoop of the candy cane going to the right again, then the third route went all the way up and circled the Great Lakes. 

So what the head grandmother said is this is pretty much the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes but for Third migration route that goes up in circles the Great Lakes you also have the Cherokee and then the Iroquois tribes that are actually around the great lakes and then like the Huron tribe on the Canada side and in the middle hoop you would have some of the midwestern tribes such as Navajo becoming the “Mound Builders.” 

The Atlantean bloodline made the area around the Great Lakes home base.  Eastlake Ohio is where they set up home so Eastlake Ohio equals the new Atlantis and their word for this location which is where I’m at right now and my hometown.  I’m revealing this mound site which is massive but from the air looking down like from a ground penetrating radar drone, guess what?

This Ancient Mound Builder Earthwork of Eastlake looks like Turtle Island, America, the land of the plumed, feathered serpents! Eastlake Ohio is it! is inside of the county called Lake County (See the Lost history of this Native American First Nation hidden history revealed for the first time.) 

We are finishing the work with the Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull and bringing it here for the upcoming full totality eclipse.  We are going to be taking it to all these locations that are listed in the Lost Lake County book. It’s all being filmed it’ll finish at the actual Turtle Island Lost Nation ancient earthwork on the full totality eclipse which is in full totality here in this part of Ohio.  It’s all being filmed.  The Mitchel Hedges Crystar Skull Gurdian Bill Homann and I have partnered on this Documentary Film.

Native American First Nation (indian) Grandmother Morningstar then told me, “To those of us with the gift of sight, You have become the WHIRLING RAINBOW.” 

The Grandmother gave me this “Eagle” Journal after Passing the 7 Lords Council tests in the Halls Of Amenti.  She sat me down and communicated to me….”Michael, You are the Rainbow we have been waiting for”.

She went onto tell me that each of the 7 chakra’s has a double tetrahedron spinning in the center of it and when all 7 chakra’s are cleared, balanced and spinning properly that each of the 7 chakra’s emits “LIGHT”, as in the colors of the rainbow. From Red in the Root Chakra through Purple in the Crown Chakra with all other colors of the rainbow being emitted through the other chakras.

She went on to gift me this Journal and told me to pay attention to this Journal, which had a Huge Eagle on it and she pointed to it.  Months later I received my official Native American Indian Name “Rainbow Warrior Eagle.” The Grandmother knew this was my name before I even did.

Achieving “Rainbow” status by spirit and the Native American Indian Elders means I am recognized as one who has cleared and balanced their 7 Chakra systems and am emitting the colors of the rainbow through them. A breaking of sorts of the biblical 7 Seals, or obtaining the RAINBOW body to the Tibetan Culture, or crossing the RAINBOW bridge. 

Eagle status is a different story yet very related; recently I received a beautiful gift, clarification regarding my Native American Indian Spirit name from Chief Blue Star Eagle.  The Chief said “Wimunke” means ‘Rainbow‘. The ‘n’ is a nasal sound, like in the word ‘IN’. “Akicita”, (Ah-Kee-Chee-Tah) is Warrior, “Wambdi” (Wahm-Bdee) is ‘Eagle’. The ‘Eagle Nation’ is the Spirit that gave you the name, which is why it is at the end of your ‘Gift’. “Akicita Wimunke’ Wambdi” You are: “Rainbow Warrior Eagle”. Hau! Pray well and know the Spirit acknowledges your Spirit as this name and will carry your prayers with great enthusiasm to the Creator’s Heart.”

In America’s Past, the Navajo/Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow says the great spiritual Teachers who walked the Earth and taught the basics of the truths of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will return and walk amongst us once more, sharing their power and understanding with all. We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner. MEN AND WOMEN WILL BE EQUALS in the way Creator intended them to be; all CHILDREN WILL BE SAFE ANYWHERE they want to go. ELDERS WILL BE RESPECTED AND VALUED for their contributions to life. Their wisdom will be sought out. THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE WILL BE CALLED THE PEOPLE and there will be NO MORE WAR, SICKNESS OR HUNGER FOREVER. There will come a day when people of ALL RACES, COLORS, AND CREEDS WILL PUT ASIDE THEIR DIFFERENCES. They will COME TOGETHER IN LOVE, JOINING HANDS IN UNIFICATION, TO HEAL THE EARTH AND ALL HER CHILDREN. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many CREATURES THOUGHT TO BE EXTINCT OR MYTHICAL WILL RESURFACE at this time; the great TREES THAT PERISHED WILL RETURN almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth.

“The few who possess inner strength to resist the mass unconsciousness will rise A NEW NEO-INDIGENOUS PEOPLE WHO WILL RISE from earth’s ashes like the Thunderbird, symbolizing rebirth. They will bring balance and harmony back to Mother Earth. The first of these beings will come as teachers and storytellers to remind us of ancient truths of the star people and beyond. They will be pathfinders leading the way to a new universe, a new reality. 

Great leaders, WARRIORS AND SHAMANS of many nations will be born and they will cleanse the earth for rebirth. Next will come the PLANTERS sowing seeds of truth, justice and freedom. The Storytellers, Warriors and Planters will live in the way of the Great Spirit and teach ways to keep Mother of the Ground sacred forevermore. They will be called RAINBOW WARRIORS for they will gather the four sacred directions, all distinctly separate but forever connected in the Circle of Life.”
— Lee Standing Bear Moore, Manataka American Indian Council.
“There is truth in the prophecies of the Rainbow and the Rainbow people. People from all of the Americas will unite with people from all the other nations, and they will realize that

we are all Family, brothers and sisters. This is not my personal vision, but the cosmic vision presented by all the elders, a vision that we all share.”
— Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez, Maya Elders Council, Guatemala

“As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit in all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples, is essential.”
— Late Thomas Banyacya, Spokesman, Hopi traditional elders, Hotevilla

“This difficult time has seen the beginning of a new nation of multicolored beings. The seeds of the four directions have mixed together to create the first Rainbow people. It is written in time and in the memory of the Indian peoples that our sun will rise again, that we will be able to reestablish our culture: its arts, sciences, mathematics and religion. Mayan knowledge will come forward again. It is for this reason that we, of the Amerindian communities, are once again uniting to reestablish our entire culture.”
— Hunbatz Men, Hereditary keeper of the Mayan tradition

“Native prophecies say that mixed-blood and white people who grew their hair long and wore beads would come to the Native healers and ask for guidance… The prophecies say that they would return as the Rainbow people in bodies of different colors: red, white, yellow and black. The old ones said that they would return and unite to help restore balance to the Earth. The story of these Rainbow Warriors is told by many peoples in many different ways. We feel that we are in that time now when the Rainbow Warriors are coming about. So it is a time where we have to acknowledge that we are all human beings upon the same planet and that’s what the Rainbow Warriors are all about.”
— Late Sun Bear, Ojibway Teacher, Founder of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society

“In this prophecy, these people would wear feathers and beads and communicate with the flowers. The flowers would guide them and support them as they walked their life paths… This also would be a time when all the esoteric teachings of the world’s traditions will be revealed, so there will be no secrets, no reason to fear each other, or to be in conflict. This is certainly what is happening now. Not everyone has the strength or disposition to be a warrior. Many are Rainbow Walkers… They are walking across the Rainbow bridge to a new time.”
— Oh Shinnah Fastwolf, Medicine Woman, Tineh (Apache) , Mohawk and Scottish origins.

“We have the opportunity to build a Rainbow bridge into the Golden Age. But to do this, we must do it together with all the colors of the Rainbow, with all the peoples, all the beings of the world. We who are alive on Earth today are the Rainbow Warriors who face the challenge of building this bridge.”
— Brooke Medicine Eagle, Daughter of the Rainbow, Crow and Lakota

“The Rainbow is a form of illumination for mankind… One of the signs that our elders looked for in ancient times was a perfect Rainbow, a perfect one… Some of our old people could summon up the Rainbow the way the Native American medicine people could bring the rain. As soon as the Rainbow appeared, our elders would look at it closely, carefully, for little flaws. Were all the colors perfect? Did the Rainbow arc from one place on the Earth to the other or was it incomplete? They’d size it up carefully. That way they would see if Boamie, the Rainbow Serpent, needed something, if it was damaged or incomplete in some ways… The Rainbow will be perfect again as soon as the Sacred Hoop closes, as soon as the Golden Circle of the new world is complete… The Rainbow will again encircle the Earth perfectly, as it was in the beginning.”
— Late Lorraine Mafi-Williams, Spokeswoman, Council of Australian Aboriginal Elders, Wollumbini

“In the time of the Seventh Fire, a New People would emerge. They would retrace their steps to find the wisdom that was left by the side of the trail long ago. Their steps would take them to the elders, who they would ask to guide them on their journey. If the New People remain strong in their quest, the sacred drum will again sound its voice. There will be an awakening of the people, and the sacred fire will again be lit. At this time, the light-skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. One road is the road of greed and technology without wisdom or respect for life. This road represents a rush to destruction. The other road is spirituality, a slower path that includes respect for all living things. If we choose the spiritual path, we can light yet another fire, an Eight Fire, and begin an extended period of Peace and healthy growth.”
— Grandfather William Commanda, Chief of the Indians of the Americas, Founder, Circle of All Nations Prophecy of the Seven Fires of the Anishnabe, From Ancient Wampum Belt
Peace, Rainbow Warrior Eagle

Michael Lee Hill (a modern embodiment of Enki) Says It Will. 

Hill writes: I have personally spoken with Yahweh/Enlil regarding all of this after I was granted Enki-ship once again. 

There is an Asteroid coming which will strike the Earth in 2036. 

As you will see in the Boyd Bushman (Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist) video below is that the “powers that be” know this Asteroid rock is on its way to collide with Earth in 2036. 

Lockheed Martin recently sent a spacecraft to this Asteroid to see exactly what it is made of.  All of this will be revealed to humanity in the very near future and it will cause a lot of fear I imagine. 

There will be a three way split in timelines in 2036. 

Timeline 1: EXTINCTION

All life on Earth will be wiped out if you resonate with this fear-based ending. 


Native American Indian Elders rev prophecy: the moon has communicated she will take the hit for humanity. The moon will place herself in the path of the Asteroid and take the hit for us which will crack the moon in two and three large segments will still fall from the moon and strike the Earth which will still be horrible beyond imaging yet survivable for humanity. 


Yahweh told me of the moon taking the hit prophecy, I told him if a team of 7 of us back in 2012 stopped a Hurricane and a Earthquake Sunami, and Solar Flares from striking the Earth and asked what could 70 of us could do?  Or 7,000, 70,000, 700,000, or 7 million of us if we aligned our intention to create a third timeline?


Yahweh said that Native American Indian Elders learned back in the 1990,s that a super volcano was about to erupt and the Elders went to SPIRIT to ask if anything could be done, SPRIT answered yes, yes we can create and we can stop. Humanity must know though that this destruction from the Comet in 2036 is a very real if humanity does not change its focus from money and greed to appreciation of our beautiful planet & moon and mother nature. 

 Pleiadians have communicated to me that this 2036 Comet is actually Earths 2nd moon being flown in just like the 1st one was. 


I spoke with Yahweh regarding the plan of evolving the Native American Indian Sundance to a worldwide all races included Rainbow Moon Dance.  Yahweh agreed that if all of humanity can come together and Rainbow Moondance our way into 2036, all of humanity could be saved and experience Timeline 3.  It is time for the Rainbow Moon Dance.

Is Marduk onboard to move us Earthlings from hierarchical, domination-oriented, misogynistic, lethally competitive monopoly capitalistic and many-stripped dictatorships to harmony and understanding, where  sympathy and  love abound, with no more falsehoods or derision?

Michael says, “Yes.”  See the  Youtube below.  Then  say  what you think  the likelihood of this golden age occurring in your lifetime.


Michael writes, “This is a Mound Builder Ancient tablet written in ancient Hebrew.

“I found out about these tablets when I was gifted Zacharia Sitchin’s personal Flashdrive, things he was interested in and researching at the time of his passing.

“This ancient Mound Builder tablet describes exactly what I learned and experienced when I was brought into an ancient Native American First Nation Sundance back in 2016.

“I met this Dark Messiah-Bard mentioned in this tablet in the flesh and he was not able to have his way with me.

“He actually said “We would have had you if you didn’t have that mutated blood.”

“He was visably pissed off that he could not trick me into his “circle”

“He tried and let me tell you, they are super adept as making things appear as what they are NOT.  Tricksters indeed.

“He also told me he was now being locked away after incarnating into this BARD Bloodline for the last 7,000 years, and the Chief did had me come and sit at his right side and he explain everything to me, exactly what was going on.

“He communicated to me that he worked with the 7 lords of darkness and the 7 lords of LIGHT.

“He went on to tell me he sat directly between these two councils, one light and one dark.

“And that he alone held a seat on both councils, both dark and light. The true meaning of the Winged Disk symbol.

“He also confirmed to me the Native American First Nations knew of these dark and light councils as the war and peace Chiefs.

“Years later me and the Sundance Chief became guided to look into these ancient tablets.

“Now I know why.  Everything is explained in detail, way in our past.

“He was looking into tracing the Anunnaki Hybrid Bloodline into the North American First Nation Mound Builders.

“YAHWEY = Enlil, my brother.


White-skinned, red-haired, blue-eyed bearded people from Atlantis–settlers from the planet Atlan in Lyra who fled to the Pleiades before the Galactic Federation settled them on Earth.  Several White groups set up mining operations and power plants in eastern North America long before the so-called Native Americans settled there from across the Bering Strait. 

Sometime after 185,900 BCE, Enlil, Commander of the Anunnaki Goldmining Expedition to Earth, ordered his sons Ninurta and Adad (Ishkir-Viracocha) to develop their landing platform at Pumapunku into the Tiahuanacu (Peru) spaceport and smelting facilities atop the Andes. 

After Noah’s flood, some 13,000 years ago, Ningishzidda-Thoth (AKA Quetzlcoatl and Kukuklan) brought descendants of  Enki’s hybrid son Ka-in (made hairless for Abael’s murder) to South America.  Ningishzidda got some of the Ka-in descendants from India, where they’d migrated after Ka-in’s exile.  Ningishzidda brought bearded Middle Eastern managers and west African men (Olmecs) to rule Ka-in’s “Indians.”  He settled them in Teotihuacan and Yucatan in Mexico and throughout Central America.  

“Mayan Civilization came up through to the Great Lakes. Ningishzidda’s Maya–Anunnaki Heros, Middle-Easterners and Africans–built the huge mounds along the Mississippi River and a power-generating pyramid (now underwater) in Rock Lake, Wisconsin.  The Rock Lake pyramid’s identical to Mayan pyramids in Yucatan.  Beneath later Native American settlements atop the mounds archeologists found giant skeletons, copper spears, coins with Hebrew, Egyptian and Roman engraving and “a plethora of Viking artifacts dating to 800 CE.  

8670 BCE: Nibiru’s King Anu ordered Anunnaki Prince Marduk, convicted of manslaughter, exiled to Eastlake New York.  

More big Whites–the Minoans (breakaways from Atlantis)–fled to the Great Lakes area of the U.S. when Stromboli erupted (1394 BCE), the princes held hostage on Crete as well as Crete’s the priestesses revolted and Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.)  before, during and after Native Americans arrived here.   “Minoan
[Greek] tablets dated at 2500 BCE, as well as Mayan [Mexican], Viking, [Scandinavian] and Celtic [from England, Scotland, Ireland] artifacts have been unearthed in the Great Lakes region.

3,000 tablets from 312 CE depict Mary Magdalene and the creation of Christianity.  Descendants of Mother Mary  and Jesus fled Europe and North Africa for the Great Lakes.   The tablets show Mary with “eyes cast down as if she were ashamed because the Catholic Church labeled her a prostitute.  Historians destroyed the tablets” because the tablets disproved their propaganda that North America lacked human inhabitants before Native Americans rather than the truth of many human and extraterrestrial groups here.

Immigants from the Magdaline lineage who escaped Holy Roman persecution influenced the [North American] Cherokee, who themselves traced their heritage back to the Hebrew Torah and the Minoan Civilization that broke away from the Atlans who had colonized Atlantis. 

A farmer near Duluth, Minnesota found an 800-year-old tablet from made from local stone.  Viking runes on the tablet told how Native Americans attacked a band of Viking Swedes and Norwegians.  The tablet showed how to get from the Duluth area to their ship. 

“Sumerian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Greek, Minoan and Phonician languages have all been found on stone tablets in Michigan.” All sought the copper mines on Michigan’s Kenweenaw Peninsula. The height of copper extractions in Michigan fed the Bronze Age–dependent on a copper-tin mix–in Europe.  [Swerdlow, 2014: 143-156]


The Anunnaki Council of Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, exiled Marduk–once heir to rule Nibiru–from Egypt to North America in 8670 BCE for his attack on their forces.

Marduk and his cohorts, 7-10 tall, blond and red-haired people, thousands of so-called “Mound Builders” built pyramids, effigies, fortresses, tunnels, energy-capacitating chambers, astronomical observatories and megalithic cities, as well as more recent burial mounds for tens of thousands of inhabitants all over North America, here long before modern Indians arrived..

Map of MB sites Vieira
Map of Mound Builder Sites [Vieira, 2013]

The Anunnaki mined gold and copper and used electromagnetic and sonar energy to move huge stones along many mile-lanes of magnetically-charged rocks like those Marduk’s father, Chief Scientist Enki, developed in southern Africa.  Anunnaki sites in North America yielded iron implements, cuneiform writing, incised designs, woven fabrics and evidence of advanced metallurgy.


The Anunnaki took descendants of Ka-in from Asia and of Adamu from Africa across both the Atlantic and Pacific. These Anunnaki and perhaps other extraterrestrials–the moundbuilders–far preceded both the Eskimo and “Indians” who crossed from Asia as well as the South American “Indians”–also descendants of Ka-in and Adamu who came north from the Lake Titicaca area.  Some of these giants and their hybrid offspring may have stayed on as rulers of the more recent arrivals to North America, the ones who call themselves “Indians” and came to occupy the mounds of the ETs. Some of the giants had double rows of both upper and lower teeth and may have been cannibals.

Mound Builder skeleton w moderns at Smithsonian
Mound Builder skeleton with moderns at Smithsonian


Ohio’s Serpent Mound: Template for Cosmic Knowledge
map centric ohio serpent moundohio-serpent-mound-susan-tower

Map-Serpent mound-Ohio-Park


Serpent Mound_lunar

The Serpent Mound, on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio, is a 1,348-foot-long, five kilometer-wide,three-foot-high stone effigy of a snake with an egg in its mouth.  A telluric (geomagnetic) line passes through the egg connecting with a group of ancilliary mounds to the northeast, while to the northwest the energy’s path crosses a nearby field where a crop circle manifested in 2003 [Silva, 2012b: 185].

This mound, which  dates earlier than 3000 BCE, sits on a high hill beside one Earth’s largest geomagnetic anomalies–where an asteroid had, millions of years ago, hit, shattered stones down to two kilometers down constantly traps and changes its magnetic and gravitational field and generates “earthlights” when the electromagnetic field hits gases above.  

The electromagnetic energy channels through the vast cavern system in dolomite limestone beneath and focuses up through the serpent effigy, where it attracted lightning strikes and Anunnaki aircraft; it also let those who meditated at the site see images. 

The serpent’s effigy’s rock coils on the ground outline the constellation Draco in the sky above.  Each coil points in the sky above to a point over which an eclipse of the sun or moon, an equinox or a solstice will occur. The seventh coil of the effigy serpent rests directly beneath the only star that held its position through the night in the sky–the Pole Star–the one that appears stationary in the sky above as it was 5000 years ago. The lineup of this Pole Star over the effigy duplicated the lineup of the Pole Star exactly as the siting line the Anunnaki placed at the Great Giza Pyramid in Egypt and the siting stones Marduk’s brother Ningishzidda fashioned at Stonehenge in England. These identical lineups  prove the same builders–the Anunnaki–aka the Serpent/Dragon People–constructed all three sites.  [Hamilton, 1013]

serpent_mound Draco and dipper 

Poverty Point Louisiana Mound
Poverty Point, Louisiana2Poverty Point



This mound features in its center, an astronomical wooden calendar of wood, like Stonehenge’s stone calendar.  Poverty point’s “embankment and structures would fill the great pyramid of Egypt 30 times with Earth.” The site features a 7-foot high bird effigy.  [Vieira, 2013]


Earth and humanities true hidden history from the actual record keepers of this knowledge being the Native American Indians.  Think about what happened at standing rock in 2016.  My Tribe the Seneca of the Iroquois ALREADY have their own “Country” right now within NEW YORK in the United States, This is NOT an Indian reservation so to speak and not many know this fact.

Also Nine months before its 99-year lease was set to expire, the city of Salamanca, the only city in the nation built on land leased from an Indian reservation, has reached a new rental agreement with the Seneca Indians, officials said today.  The agreement calls for a $60 million payment to the Seneca Nation from the Federal and state governments, and for annual lease payments from the city to the Indian nation to increase about 14 times, to $800,000 a year. The new lease would run for 40 years, with an option to renew for another 40 years.  Ask yourself why The United States still to this day allows the Seneca Iroquois these “privileges.” It is because the Knights Templar who are the “Good Guys” know exactly who the Seneca are because they brought the Sangreal Holy Grail “Bloodline” to the United States which then became the Seneca when they fled Israel and became lost, or hidden becoming the fabled Lost Tribe or Nation.  Our United States Forefathers went to the Seneca Indians to learn from them how to create the Constitution, and the Unites States. And the Templars then became very involved in the creation of the United States. 

 Do you think the Seneca are going to sit back and just watch their Blood being abused in Standing Rock? If Obama hadn’t done the right thing and stopped the Pipeline from going through as he did, the Anunnaki would have would have decloaked right then and there, this is their Nephilim children these dark ones are torturing for peacefully protesting on there own land to save the water.

The Templars and all their “Gold” wealth will be coming out to free mankind from the dark Cabal, that is what the “Templar Treasure” has always been for. And all will be revealed.

Seneca Iroquois still own Eastlake.  This is officially recognized by the USA.  The Seneca Iroquois Mound Builder tribe kept there “Homeland” out of public knowledge.  As Iroquois Mound Builder Haplogroup  X2a representative Rainbow Warrior Eagle I am revealing Eastlake Ohio is our  Homeland, The city of Eastlake now is officially announced as being owned by the Iroquois Seneca and I will be meeting with officials and Elders very soon. The Iroquois called this Eastlake Ohio area Tiogo which is a Iroquois word that means ‘Entering Place.’


Dr. Sasha Lessin and Janet Kira Lessin interviewed Michael Lee Hill on the Cosmic Conspiracy, Tuesday, September 9, 2014 and on May 10, 2015.  He said, “Edgar Cayce predicted what I have learned about my Nephilim Mound Builder Indian heritage from the Anunnaki Themselves and today’s top medical science.

“I recently found out I have Native American Indian Heritage DNA Haplogroup X in late 2008, I found out when I met my Biological Mother for the first time in my life that I am of Iroquois (Seneca) on my mothers side, and Erie Montaukett or Montauk Indian on my Father’s side!

“The history channel revealed on the show UFO Hunters TV show that I do not have normal human blood by a Harvard Professor names David Systrom. Nephilim 5That episode (Alien Contact) first aired early 2008, I was soon met by the Anunnaki face to face in the summer of 2008 and they told me that they wanted to clear up what the History Channel had revealed for me and my blood anomaly, That I was of the Nephilim Bloodline (Anunnaki/Elohim/Human Hybrid) and I would know what this all meant in the not so distance future. Well all the pieces are coming together it now seems.

“At this time in my life I had NOT yet met my Biological Mother and had no clue of my Native American Indian heritage or what an Anunnaki even was.

“What has recently blown my mind is that Edgar Cayce predicted exactly this! That Iroquois Indians are the remnants of the “Mound Buiilders” of Ancient American history , which Cayce reveals were the remnants of the Atlantians or Poseidons as Edgar Cayce called them. (Enki-ites).  This is the revealing of the Nephilim Bloodline through the North America Native Indians with DNA evidence in the form of Haplogroup X which is a recently disovered (1997) Human DNA group which is mainly only found in the sometimes giant skeletal remains removed from Ancient American Earth Mounds, Ancient Egypt and still today in the Iroquois tribe of Indians.

“Anthropologists once believed North and South America had initially been populated by Asians crossing a land bridge connecting Asia and Alaska during the last Ice Age, some 20,000 years ago. However, recent genetic DNA analysis of Native Americans now places the initial wave of migration between 38,000 to 50,000 years ago.  

giant mummy8“Genetic DNA analysis can trace the ethnic tribal lineage, and thereby land of the origin, of a human being.  Native American tribes contain four distinct DNA groupings, designated A, B, C and D. These groupings are found in Asia but not in Europe or Africa. While 96 percent of all indigenous natives in North and South America fall within A, B, C and D, there was a mysterious four percent, dubbed Group X, which could not be explained.

“Type X subjects were not found in the vast majority of tribes, including none in South America. It was also determined Type X subjects arrived in North America 10,000 to 38,000 years ago, later than the other groups.  By far, the highest concentration of Type X in Europe was found in the Basques, a race of Caucasians who live in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. And the highest frequency of Type X in the entire world was found in the Berbers, a race of Caucasians who live in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco in North Africa.  The Basques and Berbers have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists and historians because they don’t seem to fit into their continental surroundings.

nephilim3“However, independent researchers of the Association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), followers of Edgar Cayce, have come forward and made a few observations of their own.  Known as the Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is considered by many to have been America’s foremost psychic. Throughout his lifetime he performed over 14,000 readings while in a self-induced trance. Although delving into many subjects, 8,976 of his readings, transcribed onto 900,000 pages of notes, were devoted to medical problems, a

[The discovery, in 1998 that Ancient Native American Mound Builders Bloodline’s connection to Marduk’s father Enki proven now through DNA Haplogroup X2a.

  1. Most recent in time – Present – Haplogroup X2a exists in at least 3% of today’s Native American Indian Tribes, this percentage can be much higher because most Native American Indians have not had there blood/DNA tested.
  1. In our recent Past – Haplogroup X2a was also found in the tall skeletal remains (Giants) found in North America’s Ancient “Mound Builder” sites.
  1. In the distant past the highest concentration of Haplogroup X2a was found in “The Hills Of Galilee” region in northern Israel.

Hill writes that Haplogroup X2a is the “Holy Grail” Bloodline.  Royal Anunnaki–Anu, Enki, Enlil–originate from the Sirius, Orion, and Pleiadian star systems.  Enki’s mother descended from Pleiadians.

The Pleiades are named after Enki.] Michael says,

Many people ask me if I am RH- Bloodline?



yes but that is not what it is all about.
What anomaly the Harvard Prosessor found in my blood for the History Channel was unknown extremely high Levels of a Enzyme Called Creatine Kinase or CK
Normal levels are 25 parts per litre of blood.
Ck brings oxygen into the bloodstream to facilitate healing.
My CK levels were at 2.100 instead of 25
Not all Rh- individuals are also high CK individuals.
I am sure a Harvard blood doctor professor knows what RH- blood is.
Thought I would learn that up.
That time the History Channel had Harvard Professor David Systrom look into my blood and he revealed it is not normal human blood.
TRUE Story.
That was the very beginning of the Anunnaki contact.
They told me this blood Anamoly was truly an indicator I was of their human hybrid Bloodline known as the Nephilim in the bible.
That was back in the summer of 2008, what a crash course of knowledge & info that followed is hard to explain.
They told me my memory blocks had been removed during that first encounter.
First off I had no clue I even had memory blocks.
Now I get it.
What the History Channel revealed…
Normal human blood Creatine Kinase (CK) Levels are 25 Parts per liter of blood….these levels can rise to 250-300 tops if the body has ripped a muscle or had a heart attack, the reason being the brain releases more Ck into the blood which brings more oxygen which in turns brings more electricity or chi at a cellular level to facilitate healing to the damaged body part.
My CK levels were at 2,100 when my blood was tested by the Harvard Professor David Systrom for the History Channel with NO medical reason they could find.
On the episode, the UFO Hunters decide to test Michael Lee Hill’s blood and it is revealed Michael has a “Unknown” very rare blood anomaly/bloodline that the worlds best military and civilian doctors are at a loss to explain. A Harvard doctor uncovered non-normal human elevated levels of Creatine Kinase in Michael’s Blood stream.
Creatine Kinase brings oxygen into the bloodstream to usually facilitate healing of torn muscle tissue. Oxygen carrying capacity in blood equals percentage potential of nervous system usage and your bodies over all potential electrical capacitance ability.
One could think of this as more Chi, or life force, or more electrical capacitance at a cellular level.
“The Anunnaki later communicated to me this blood anomaly was an indicator I was of their human hybrid Bloodline known as the Nephilim in the bible” – Michael Lee Hill
“I’ve got a funny feeling,” Bill Birnes told Copeland and Hill during the episode, “that you are being recruited and there is a branch of the government that you’re being recruited for – that somehow, some way, you are a hybrid between “ET” and humans.”
In my living room, Bill Birnes turns to me and says “I am very jealous of the role of ambassador you will be playing in the future between humanity and ET’s!”
I was like WTF is this dude talking about?
This was before my meeting the Anunnaki!
Also he predicted in the show I was going to be approached by a behind the scenes governmental agency offering me a course of study preparing me to meet my ET higher self.
That is actually in the history channel show long before I met AR BORDON and was offered a course of study and was brought into his secret group.
I often wonder how Bill Birnes Knew all of this, I asked AR and he said Bill Birnes could see the future.
Wtf right?
From the head of the secret NSA Reverse Enginnering division who took me in under his wing and offered me a course of study….
“Michael, It is not a complete surprise to any of us that you were a target of trickery, deceit, malfeasance, misuse, abuse, misinformation and disinformation. To top it all off, you’ve chosen a most public life that looks like it’s reflected back to you all of the fears embedded in the human soul from long ago. But, in between all of the horsepucky, you have been fed some manha. But you’ll have to figure out which is which, having chosen the road you are taking. As to your blood anomaly, don’t feel lonesome. There are others like you, people that don’t get sick very easily, who have factors and strange enzymes that look like nanoscience out of some pulp sci-fi novel. And who live very, very long lives, and can appear and disappear at will. No big deal. What is a big deal is what you do with the hand that has been dealt to you.
It is obvious you have gone on a testing spree of latent faculties and were mucked with to see what you’d do and how you’d react.
If someone wanted you dead, you’d be long gone. But that is not what this is about.
What this is about – for you and for all of the observers interested in your trek – is what’s between your ears and in that nervous system of yours fed by the blood others want. And what you are lacking is systematically useful information – about it, about yourself, about your descent, about your own biology, about the faculties you have experienced which have led you to fear and then to new realizations. Living a public life without boundaries and self-imposed limits is like being a candy store yourself and everyone wanting to have a lick at you for the taste, for the experience and for the perceived value of the brand of candy you are.
The world knows now you have something in your blood that makes you different, even without you seriously knowing what it is.
Or do you?
Do you know what it is that is so sought after as confirmation of descent?
If not, why not?
If yes, what are you going to do about it (the information)?
And when are you going to stop the world and get off it, like you would a bus, for a while, to take stock of the experiences and of the questions before you?
At Peace,
A. R. Bordon , Ph.D
Managing Scientist
Michael – Ea – Enki – Rainbow Warrior Eagle

“Cayce’s readings were always recorded by a stenographer. To do a medical reading on a subject, all he needed was the subject’s pre-arranged location at the time of the reading. On one occasion, Cayce went into a trance and declared that the subject was not at the location where he was supposed to be at the time. The subject had forgotten about the meeting and was indeed not at the pre-arranged location at the prescribed time. On another occasion, Cayce was to do a reading for a ship’s captain who was at sea. When Cayce went into his trance, he realized the fellow could not speak English, so he did the entire reading in fluent German, a language he had no knowledge of when awake.

Giovanni_Lanfranco_Norandino_and_Lucina_Discovered_by_the_Ogre1-570x398“Cayce had a unique talent, although he claimed that everyone had the capability to do the same.  In addition to medical inquiries, people would often slip in questions about the past or the future.  An extremely high percentage of Cayce’s “predictions” of the future have come true. And now the genetic DNA analysis findings of Type X may actually lend additional credence to his psychic readings as well.

“Many of Edgar Cayce’s readings concerned the island continent of Atlantis, the fabled empire located beyond the Pillars of Hercules (presumably the Rocks of Gibraltar in the western Mediterranean), as thoroughly detailed in Plato’s TIMAEUS, that fell into the sea.  Cayce’s readings described three separate disasters that befell Atlantis.

“The first catastrophe happened in 50,700 BC, caused by an explosion of gas pockets within the earth that triggered volcanoes and earthquakes, generated a magnet pole shift on the planet and produced a great Ice Age.  

Giant 1557450_f260“The second catastrophe occurred in 28.000 BC, coinciding with the Biblical account of Noah and the Great Flood. After the deluge, the continent had been broken into three main islands: Aryaz in the east (present day Azores Island group), Poseidia in the north (West Indies area), and Og in the south (near South America).

“The final catastrophe took place in 10,600 BC. There were gigantic land upheavals upon the earth and the remaining land mass of Posedia and Aryaz (except for the mountain peaks) disappeared into the seas.

“The Cayce readings indicated the Atlanteans had been forced to relocate to various distant lands during the catastrophes, specifically to the Pyrenees Mountains (between Spain and France), Morocco (Atlas Mountains), Egypt (where they built the pyramids) and North America (where they formed the Iroquois nation). All Type X locations.

“In North America, the highest concentration of Type X lineage was found within the Iroquois nation (Ojibway, Oneota and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes). Cayce also reported some Atlanteans went on to the American Southwest and Midwest. The Navajo (Southwest) and mound builder region (Midwest) also contain some Type X subjects. Everywhere Edgar Cayce claimed the Atlanteans settled after their land disappeared has a high unaccountable occurrence of a specific DNA type (type X) found nowhere else on this planet.  This isn’t proof of the prior existence of Atlantis, but we live in a very strange universe where everything is a sign that holds a mystery.

giant-nephilim-skeleton-California“Cayce had the ability to link to the Universal Consciousness, also called the Akashic Records.  His readings are mysteries to be unraveled.

Why is Ohio the place with the most frequent UFO sightings in America?

I think when in the near future when it is revealed that Northern Ohio was/is the home of one of the lost tribes of Israel, That the ones who were known in the past as the Nephilim – Amorites became known as the Mound Builders who created the Serpent Mound and the Newark Earthworks as well as thousands of other mounds here in Ohio, NY, and PA intermingled into the North American Iroquois Indian Tribe, the fact of what I just revealed was proven in the late 1990’s!, well that should bring A LOT of tourist attention to this area!

“‘Only those who have learned to live on the land where the waters run pure… will find sanctuary. Go to where the eagles fly, to where the wolf roams, to where the bear lives. Here you will find life because they will always go to where the water is pure and the air can be breathed. Live where the trees, the lungs of this earth, purify the air. Go to where the trees give, from their breath to you, the cleansing and the purity, to where they protect you from the plagues… Snow is the great purifier. Go to where the blanket of snow heals. Learn to live in these places. You will live through the changes…There is a time coming, beyond the weather. The veil between the physical and the spiritual world is thinning; it is coming back to life…’

“Why is Ohio the place with the most frequent UFO sightings in America? Is there anything special with that area making it such a large center for the incoming Anunnaki/Sirians? Why not some sparsely populated mountain ridge somewhere in a very remote area?   

stele with giant 2“They Were Beings of Huge Stature.We know from the Bible; we know from Sitchin’s work, and we know from my own papers, that a lot of genetic experimentation and manipulation was taking place here on Earth. Around 500,000 years ago, this planet was taken over by Sirian forces, who later on replaced the slave workers of their own kind with a new species that they created in laboratories by mixing their own DNA with existing species already living here on Earth. That eventually turned into Homo sapiens, or Homo sapiens sapiens, which is us.

“Another genetic line that was created here as well, which resulted in beings who, according to Lord ENLIL, contaminated the whole Experiment. At one time, Pleiadian Giants, so-called ‘Fallen Angels’, descended to Earth and mated with human females, whom they considered irresistible. So, in laboratories they mixed their own Giant genes with that of humans, Sirians, and even Aryans (from Orion), and the offspring became Giants, the infamous ‘Nephilim’. They could reach from 6.5 ft to nearly 15 ft in height, and were the ones who built many of the incredible stone formations all over the world; including some of the pyramids.

“According to the Bible, they all drowned in the Flood, but my own research is showing that some of these Giants survived the Deluge and continued to spread over the world, and once again became ‘Men of Renown’. We also know that Lord ENLIL was furious when he found out that species whom he thought were extinct due to the Flood had been saved by his stepbrother, ENKI. One of these species was the Pleiadian Experiment, the Nephilim!

Nephilim-Giants-Genesis-6-Days-of-Noah-e1345980246337“However, there was allegedly a compromise made — perhaps we could call it a treaty — where it was decided that if the Nephilim should be allowed to survive, their DNA needed to be altered to lower their stature. So, in that sense, over generations most of the Giants actually became extinct, as these beings now had more human-like offspring. Indeed, with time, it became nearly impossible to tell who was of the Nephilim and who was a ‘normal’ Homo sapiens. Although, I should add, there are still a few Giants alive on this planet, but they are currently residing underground. The Nephilim I am talking about are walking around among us, and no one can tell by just looking at them.

“The spokesman for the secret society, ‘The Priory of Sion’, Nicolas Haywood, has started to come out in public, revealing some of their inner secrets. The Priory of Sion was mentioned in the book, ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ in relation to the Jesus and Mary Magdalene bloodline. Michael Lee Hill has had the opportunity to talk to him as well, and Haywood indeed confirmed to Michael that the Jesus and Mary Magdalene bloodline is the Nephilim hybrid bloodline, that goes all the way back to the Anunnaki, as he put it. Michael found it interesting that Haywood mentioned the Anunnaki in this regard. In relation to my own research, I can both confirm and dismiss this, depending on what we mean by the Anunnaki. Most people who use this term for the ancient visitors are taking it from Sitchin’s work. Sitchin says that it means ‘those whom to Earth from Heaven came’, and that includes more than one species.”

Wes Penre writes: “There is supposedly one way to tell whether a person is of the Nephilim hybrid bloodline or not, and that is to draw their blood and check the CK level. The Nephilim have a sky high level of Creatine Kenase in their blood!  We are thus far aware of two people with a sky high amount of CK; Terrell Copeland and Michael Lee Hill! 

Giant 9495053“Michael has had it verified by a number of ‘people in the know’ that he indeed is of the Nephilim bloodline, and he is quite sure himself that this is the case, because it seems to explain a lot of things for him. What Zimmerman exposes in his book and talks about in his lectures, built on his own vast and assuring research on the Nephilim subject, is that they migrated to America and to the Ohio Valley area from all parts of the world, and settled down there. Due to this migration, we can assume that there are a lot of Nephilim hybrids in the Ohio Valley area.

“Probably, the main reason why the Sirians have the perhaps largest underground base in Ohio is because the Nephilim bloodline moved there. Since the Giants of old are being in liaison with the Ša.AM.i, this could explain why the incoming Sirians have chosen the Lake Erie area as their largest underground base. The Nephilim bloodline is important to the Sirians, even if it wasn’t always that way, and this must also be the reason why Michael was born a Nephilim hybrid. For some reason, Michael needs to be of the Nephilim bloodline in order to perform his task.”  

The Nephilim In The Ohio Valley! – Anunnaki/Human “Hybrids” in Ancient North American Indian Tribes!

Giant-Height-Scale-e1345305121615The Iroquois people have inhabited the areas of Ontario and upstate New York for well over 4,000 years.

Technically speaking, “Iroquois” refers to a language rather than a particular tribe. In fact, the IROQUOIS consisted of five tribes prior to European colonization. Their society serves as an outstanding example of political and military organization, complex lifestyle, and an elevated role of women.

Until the 1500s, the five tribes of the Iroquois devoted much energy toward fighting and killing each other. According to ORAL TRADITION, it was about this time that they came to their senses and united into a powerful confederation.

The five tribes designed quite an elaborate political system. This included a bicameral (two-house) legislature, much like the British Parliament and modern U.S. Congress. The representatives, or SACHEMS, from the SENECA and MOHAWK tribes met in one house and those of the ONEIDA and CAYUGA met in the other. The ONONDAGA sachems broke ties and had the power to veto decisions made by the others. There was an unwritten constitution that described these proceedings at least as early as 1590. Such a complex political arrangement was unknown in Europe at that time.

Iroquois Indian are the remnants of the mound Builders who are the Remnants of the Lost Tribes of Israel….The Nephilim!

The Reality of a new unknown human DNA tracing back Ancient Times can no longer be questioned, it is real folks!

The Anunnaki Council of Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, exiled Marduk–once heir to rule Nibiru–from Egypt to North America in 8670 BCE for his attack on their forces.

Marduk and his cohorts, 7-10 tall, blond and red-haired people, thousands of so-called “Mound Builders” built pyramids, effigies, fortresses, tunnels, energy-capacitating chambers, astronomical observatories and megalithic cities, as well as more recent burial mounds for tens of thousands of inhabitants all over North America, here long before modern Indians arrived.

The Anunnaki mined gold and copper and used electromagnetic and sonar energy to move huge stones along many mile-lanes of magnetically-charged rocks like those Marduk’s father, Chief Scientist Enki, developed in southern Africa.  Anunnaki sites in North America yielded iron implements, cuneiform writing, incised designs, woven fabrics and evidence of advanced metallurgy.

The Anunnaki took descendants of Ka-in from Asia and of Adamu from Africa across both the Atlantic and Pacific. These Anunnaki and perhaps other extraterrestrials–the moundbuilders–far preceded both the Eskimo and “Indians” who crossed from Asia as well as the South American “Indians”–also descendants of Ka-in and Adamu who came north from the Lake Titicaca area.  Some of these giants and their hybrid offspring may have stayed on as rulers of the more recent arrivals to North America, the ones who call themselves “Indians” and came to occupy the mounds of the ETs. Some of the giants had double rows of both upper and lower teeth and may have been cannibals.

 1 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbb Anunnaki giant skeleton and Paiutes

Ohio’s Serpent Mound: Template for Cosmic Knowledge

The Serpent Mound, on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio, is a 1,348-foot-long, five kilometer-wide,three-foot-high stone effigy of a snake with an egg in its mouth.  This mound, which  dates earlier than 3000 BCE, sits on a high hill beside one Earth’s largest geomagnetic anomalies–where an asteroid had, millions of years ago, hit, shattered stones down to two kilometers down constantly traps and changes its magnetic and gravitational field and generates “earthlights” when the electromagnetic field hits gases above.  

The electromagnetic energy channels through the vast cavern system in dolomite limestone beneath and focuses up through the serpent effigy, where it attracted lightning strikes and Anunnaki aircraft; it also let those who meditated at the site see images. 

The serpent’s effigy’s rock coils on the ground outline the constellation Draco in the sky above.  Each coil points in the sky above to a point over which an eclipse of the sun or moon, an equinox or a solstice will occur. The seventh coil of the effigy serpent rests directly beneath the only star that held its position through the night in the sky–the Pole Star–the one that appears stationary in the sky above as it was 5000 years ago. The lineup of this Pole Star over the effigy duplicated the lineup of the Pole Star exactly as the siting line the Anunnaki placed at the Great Giza Pyramid in Egypt and the siting stones Marduk’s brother Ningishzidda fashioned at Stonehenge in England. These identical lineups  prove the same builders–the Anunnaki–aka the Serpent/Dragon People–constructed all three sites.  [Hamilton, 1013]

serpent_mound Draco and dipper 

Giants with Descriptions 6018890


Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900s

A ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court has forced the Smithsonian Institution to release classified documents dating from the early 1900’s. Proving the organization had been involved in a historical cover-up of evidence showing giant human remains in the tens of thousands that were uncovered across America that were ordered to be destroyed by upper-level administrators to ensure protection of the mainstream chronology of human evolution in that time.

Allegations were made by the American institution of Alternative Archaeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousand so giant human remains during the early 1900’s wasn’t taken so well by the Smithsonian who reacted by suing the organization for defamation and the damage of the 168-year old institution.

During the court case Smithsonian whistle blowers admitted existence of documents that proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height, a reality mainstream archeology cannot admit, claims AIAA spokesman, James Churhward.

“There has been a major cover up by western archaeological institutions since the early 1900′s to make us believe that America was first colonized by Asian peoples migrating through the Bering Strait 15,000 years ago, when in fact, there are hundreds of thousands of burial mounds all over America which the Natives claim were there a long time before them, and that show traces of a highly developed civilization, complex use of metal alloys and where giant human skeleton remains are frequently found but still go unreported in the media and news outlets” he explains.

A turning point of the case was when a 1.3 meter long human femur bone was shown as evidence in court of the existence of such giant human bones. The evidence came as a blow to the Smithsonian’s lawyers as the bone had been stolen from the Smithsonian by one of their high level curators in the mid 1930′s who had kept the bone all his life and admitted on his deathbed in writing of the undercover operations in the Smithsonian.

“It is a terrible thing that is being done to the American people” he wrote in his letter. “We are hiding the truth about the forefathers of humanity, our ancestors, the giants who roamed the earth as recalled in the Bible and ancient texts of the world”.

The US Supreme Court has forced the Smithsonian Institution to publicly release all classified information about anything related to the “destruction of evidence pertaining to the mound builder culture” and to elements “relative to human skeletons of greater height than usual”, a ruling the AIAA is highly enthusiastic about.


Edgar Cayce said the “Mound Builder” Native American Indians are the remnants of Atlantis. Many of Edgar Cayce’s readings concerned the island continent of Atlantis, the fabled empire located beyond the Pillars of Hercules (presumably the Rocks of Gibraltar in the western Mediterranean), as thoroughly detailed in Plato’s TIMAEUS, that fell into the sea.  Cayce’s readings described three separate disasters that befell Atlantis.

The first catastrophe happened in 50,700 BC, caused by an explosion of gas pockets within the earth that triggered volcanoes and earthquakes, generated a magnet pole shift on the planet and produced a great Ice Age. The second catastrophe occurred in 28.000 BC, coinciding with the Biblical account of Noah and the Great Flood. After the deluge, the continent had been broken into three main islands: Aryaz in the east (present day Azores Island group), Poseidia in the north (West Indies area), and Og in the south (near South America).  The final catastrophe took place in 10,600 BC. There were gigantic land upheavals upon the earth and the remaining land mass of Posedia and Aryaz (except for the mountain peaks) disappeared into the seas.  The Cayce readings indicated the Atlanteans had been forced to relocate to various distant lands during the catastrophes, specifically to the Pyrenees Mountains (between Spain and France), Morocco (Atlas Mountains), Egypt (where they built the pyramids) and North America (where they formed the Iroquois nation). 


In North America, the highest concentration of Type X lineage was within the Iroquois nation (Ojibway, Oneota and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes). Cayce reported some Atlanteans went on to the American Southwest and Midwest. The Navajo (Southwest) and mound builder region (Midwest) also contain some Type X subjects.

Cayce predicted that Iroquois Indians are the remnants of the “Mound Buiilders” of Ancient American history , which Cayce reveals were the remnants of the Atlantians or Poseidons as Edgar Cayce called them (Enki-ites).  The Mound Builders (Native American Anunnaki) are a culture which predates the north American Indian tribes thousands of years, this “Mound Boulder” culture later on intermingled into the North American Indian Tribes, mainly Iroquois, Cherokee, and Sioux, which are Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota Native American Indian Tribes.


This is the revealing of the Nephilim Bloodline through the North America Native Indians with DNA evidence in the form of DNA Haplogroup X2a, a recently disovered (1997) Human DNA group which is mainly only found in the sometimes giant skeletal remains removed from Ancient American Earth Mounds, Ancient Egypt and at least 3% of Native American Indians today.

Edgar Cayce predicted who the Mound Builders were.  Eastlake, Ohio = Home of the The Nephilim “Mound Builders” The Biblical Lost Nation/Tribe–the Nephilim. Anunnaki had a Hybrid bloodline on Earth known as the Nephilim who became the secret societies that control humanity from behind the scenes.  Missing is the Atlantis Enki connection to the Ancient Native American Mound Builders Bloodline proven now through a recent Scientific DNA discovery in 1998, DNA Haplogroup X2a only exists in 3 places on Planet Earth throughout human history  


Hill’s footage of the Lake Erie UFO’s has created a relationship with these crafts. In his home state of Ohio, Michael has been cataloging video after video of UFOs over Lake Erie. The phenomena consist of ‘Pulsating orb’s of light”—unusual lights seen changing colors, converging, and separating over the lake. Stories of the unexplained phenomena date back over 150 years to the indigenous North American Indian Tribes.

Cayce predicted who the Mound Builders were. Eastlake, Ohio = Home of the The Nephilim “Mound Builders” The Biblical Lost Nation/Tribe–the Nephilim. Anunnaki had a Hybrid bloodline on Earth known as the Nephilim who became the secret societies that control humanity from behind the scenes.


Missing is the Atlantis Enki connection to the Ancient Native American Mound Builders Bloodline proven now through a recent Scientific DNA discovery in 1998, DNA Haplogroup X2a only exists in 3 places on Planet Earth throughout human history making all history books to be rewritten: 1. Most recent in time – Present – Haplogroup X2a exists in at least 3% of today’s Native American Indian Tribes, this percentage can be much higher because most Native American Indians have not had there blood/DNA tested. 2. In our recent Past – Haplogroup X2a was also found in the tall skeletal remains (Giants) found in North America’s Ancient “Mound Builder” sites. 3. In the distant past, the highest concentration of Haplogroup X2a was found in “The Hills Of Galilee” region in northern Israel.

Michael Lee Hill writes, 

Here is the story of what happened to EA-Enki of the Anunnaki after the deluge. He became known as the Peacemaker to the Native American Indians.

“The Peacemaker’s message of the Great Law of Peace pledges peace among nations by giving each tribe a special role in how the Iroquois governed themselves.

Each village and clan would choose a chief to represent it at the council of tribes.

All decisions were made by at the council.

All voices had equal importance. Men and woman shared power. 

The Great Law of Peace is the oldest participatory democracy on the Earth and it had much influence on Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, and the authors of the Constitution of the United States, who also supported self-government and a peaceful union.

To this day, the Iroquois Six Nations live in unity, harmony, and peace based on the teachings of the Great Law from the Peacemaker and his disciple, Hiawatha.” [Robbie Robertson (From Hiawatha and the Peacemaker)


AR Bordon was figurehead of a clandestine physics study group called the Life Physics Group.  It was most active in the 1980s and 1990s.  Participants did not use their real names.  They used unconventional tools to map energetic substrate of reality and create  The Working Model.  Bordon and other members of the LPG participated in projects with human/human hybrid/extraterrestrial groups of various kinds. Before Bordon’s “death” in 2013, there was an  internet forum where people came to learn more about his Working Model.

The podcast above included “the coming new physics, extraterrestrial contact and the rise of humanity’s latent psychic abilities.”

Bordon asserted contact with the Annunaki and other ET races, claiming to go off-world to find out what is planned by galactic governance for humanity’s destiny. It becomes apparent to many associated with Bordon that this ET group has an entwined history with earthlings, but that the story is much more complicated than has been told generally. In the end, Bordon was a very complex individual, noted as being difficult to deal with at times even by his friends.

Oct 14, 2021, Michael posted this:
Within the ACIO, there are 14 distinct levels of security clearance. Those who are at level 12 and above are aware of the Corteum/Anunnaki Technology Transfer Program (TTP), and they, according to Dr. Neruda, are about 120 in number, and are primarily in India, Belgium, and the United States. There are only 7 who have level 14 clearance, and they are the Directors of Intelligence, Security, Research, Special Projects, Operations, Information Systems, and Communications.

These Directors report to the Executive Director, who is known simply as “Fifteen”, which is the unique classification that is reserved for the head of the ACIO. Fifteen, in the eyes of Dr. Neruda, is the most powerful human on the planet, and what I think he meant by “powerful” is that Fifteen is able to deploy technologies that are well in advance to any that our world’s governments have access to. However, Dr. Neruda portrayed Fifteen and his seven Directors as a benevolent force, not a hostile or controlling force.
The eight people who comprise this inner sanctum of the ACIO are in possession of radical technologies that have been part of the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. However, there were also other extraterrestrial technologies that had been derived from recoveries of spacecraft or other alien artifacts, including various discoveries contained in ancient texts that had never been revealed before. All of this information and technology has been collected and developed within the ACIO scientific core – all of whom possess clearances of level 12 or higher.
This scientific core is called the Labyrinth Group, and consists of both men and women who have utilized the Corteum/Anunnaki intelligence accelerator technologies to their advantage, and have created a secret organization within the ACIO. When Dr. Neruda was explaining this to me, it got so complicated that I asked him if he could draw me a visual diagram of how all of these organizations worked.
The Labyrinth Group comprises all the personnel within the ACIO that qualify for levels 12, 13, and 14 clearance. Fifteen is the leader of this most secret organization. It was split from the ACIO to enable secrecy from the NSA and lower-ranking members of the ACIO, which would facilitate the Labyrinth Group’s agenda to create its own applications of the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. The Labyrinth Group is in possession of the pure technologies derived from the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. It takes these technologies and dilutes them to the point where the ACIO or Special Projects Laboratory will sell them to private industry and government agencies, (which includes the military).
This secret organization is the most powerful organization on earth in Dr. Neruda’s opinion, but they do not choose to exercise their power in a way that makes them visible. Thus, their power is only discernible to their members. For about 40 years they have accumulated considerable wealth apart from the NSA’s oversight. They have managed to build their own security technologies that prevent detection from intelligence agencies like the CIA or MI5. They are, for all practical purposes, in total control of their agenda – perhaps this is what makes them a unique organization.
Dr. Neruda had a clearance of level 12 and was still kept from vital information that only the Director level was aware. And it was assumed that even Fifteen kept vital information from his Directors, though this was never a certainty. The symbol used by the Labyrinth Group is four concentric circles. Each circle representing a clearance level (12, 13, 14, 15), and each circle had a unique insight into the agenda of the Labyrinth Group, and its coordination with the Corteum/Anunnaki.
Fifteen was an enigma to everyone within the Labyrinth Group. He had been a physicist before he became the Executive Director of the ACIO. He was a renegade because he never interacted with the protocols and the political environment of academia. He operated outside of the institutions and was selected to be part of the ACIO because of his combination of brainpower, independence, and relative obscurity within scientific circles. He was one of the first to make contact with the Corteum and establish communication with them. The Corteum/Anunnaki essentially appointed Fifteen as their liaison to the ACIO, and Fifteen became the first to utilize the intelligence accelerator technologies that the Corteum/Anunnaki initially offered.
These technologies not only enhance cognitive abilities, memory, and higher order thinking skills, but also enhance the consciousness of the individual so that they can utilize the newly gained intelligence in a non-invasive manner. Meaning, they don’t exploit their intelligence for personal gain at the expense of others. This apparent increase in both Fifteen’s IQ and ethical consciousness caused him to create the Labyrinth Group in order to retain the pure-state technologies of the Corteum TTP from the NSA.
What technologies are released to the NSA are diluted forms of the pure-state technology, which are significantly less potent in their military and surveillance applications. What I expected to hear from Dr. Neruda was a secret organization of intelligent, evil elitists – individuals intent on exploitation and control. Why else would they want to hide beneath the cloak of such incredible secrecy?
The answer, according to Dr. Neruda, was surprising. The Labyrinth Group view themselves as the only group with sufficient intellect and technology to develop a specific form of time travel technology. They are essentially focused on this agenda because they desire to prevent future hostilities that they believe will occur unless this technology is developed. The Corteum is assisting, but despite their considerable intellects, they have been unable to develop this technology.
What I’m about to tell you will seem impossible to believe, but again, I’m only reporting what my notes say based on my initial conversations with Dr. Neruda. He explained to me that there are as many as 12 different extraterrestrial races currently involved in the past, present, and future of earth and its destiny. The ACIO, because of its mission with the NSA, is the most knowledgeable group about the various agendas of these 12 alien races.

“The idea of sending Avatars to Earth is not something that only belongs to ancient texts and mythology – it is commonplace in today’s UFO movement as well. As the reader is aware of, partly because of these papers, there are a lot of discussions back and forth regarding which human body is fit for Enki to incarnate in. I have mentioned it on several occasions in the papers, and two such individuals seem to be Michael Lee Hill and Supriem David Rockefeller.“I have heard Michael Lee Hill saying that he is the counterpart of – something that in actuality has been confirmed by Dr. A.R. Bordon of the NSA and Benjamin Crème – the latter being a representative for the Theosophical Society (for whatever it is worth).


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“I have learned since my affiliation with LPG-C that they indeed are working with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum) —the same force which is behind the Vedic scriptures. Also, for those who recall how I discussed the role of the character “Fifteen”, or “15”, who was the head of the (former) ultra-secret Labyrinth Group, working with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum), it may be of value to know that Dr. Bordon, just before he died, admitted to being this character—Fifteen.“There should no longer be any doubt that the WingMakers are working with’s “Anunnaki” team.”


“These persons seem to be programmed and have had their bodies prepared to be able to house’s soul – both Supriem Rockefeller and Michael Lee Hill have been abducted in the past, and Hill has talked about in detail how that happened. Allegedly, he was abducted by the “Grays” and had some quite painful experiences with them – something I mentioned already in the First Level of Learning.Still, he thinks that his mission, including his involvement with the Anunnaki, is a benign project and that Lord is here to assist us.”“When you ask Michael if he is ENKI/Maitreya, his answer is both yes and no. He said to me: “I have lived in many incarnations as a monk in Tibet, and as a Native American Indian”, but he is quite certain that he is the Maitreya the world has been waiting for.“He tells me that ENKI and Maitreya are just two different labels for the same incarnating ‘Soul/Higher Self (Oversoul)’.


“He says he is Michael, he is ENKI, and he is Maitreya as well. “I have had many, many names, so many names that names have become pointless & usless.What I am is nameless, but not voiceless”, he says.“He explains further that he is ENKI’s counterpart here on Earth, and if we look up the definition of ‘counterpart’ in ‘‘, we find one definition saying: ‘4. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another.’ That would probably be our best definition, meaning that ENKI as a full being is the Higher Self, the Oversoul. This Oversoul can then split herself into different fragments in order to live different incarnations.

“The Maitreya is a Tibetan concept and the title was given to those Master Tibetan Monks and the Title means Loving Kindness in the Tibetan Culture.”

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“Supriem said that the world will soon see him rise to power. I doubted it, and still does, of course (it will not happen), but I was curious as to what steps he would take.

He started traveling the world, intensively.  I have also seen pictures (not photoshopped) with Supriem together with a few prominent people of the Power Elite.  He is not the coming Messiah or the AnitChrist; these epithets are reserved for the Nibiruan Ša.A.M.i. and the real Marduk, respectively.  Supriem is possessed.”


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Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence

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