by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D., U.C.L.A.)
“When Marduk, after a long absence, to the Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt] returned, Ningishzidda’ [now called Thoth] as its master he there found. With the aid of offspring of the Anunnaki who Earthlings espoused did Ningishzidda the land oversee, what Marduk had once planned and instructed by Ningishzidda was overturned.” [ZS, Enki: 284]
For the next 350 years, Marduk (now called Ra) and Ningishzidda clashed over Egypt. Finally, Enki, their father, ordered Ningishzidda to leave Egypt to Marduk.
Thoth (now called Quetzalcoatl, the Winged Serpent) moved on to his realms in Mesoamerica and brought some of his Olmec stonemasons and Sumerian foremen from there to build Stonehenge observatory in England. In 3113 B.C., after he’d finished Stonehenge, he returned to Mesoamerica. He built planetariums throughout Mexico and Central America and gave Mayans their calendar to correlate with lines of sight built into the observatories he build for them.
In Peru, atop the Andes, Ningishzidda designed a spaceport and tin and gold-processing plants for his cousin, Enlilite General Adad/Viracocha. [ZS, Time: 310, 322-323; Enki: 84 -285]
Marduk reunited Egypt. He honored Father Enki/Ptah. Enki hadn’t passed rule of Nibiru to Marduk, but maybe he could settle Marduk in Egypt. Enki gave him MEs to make Egypt prosper–all his knowledge except how to revive the dead.
Marduk rewrote Egyptian history. He demoted Ningishzidda to “the Divine Measurer” And replaced Ningishzidda’s image on the “Stone Lion” (Sphinx). The new face of the Sphinx: Osiris.
Pharaohs yearned to live forever; Marduk said if they proved loyal, he’d mummify and rocket them to Nibiru to share eternity. Thus tempted, the pharaohs fought to unite Egypt against Inanna and the Enilites.
The Enlilite Council made the star group “Virgo,” hithertofor Ninmah’s constellation, into Inanna’s and replaced Ninmah with Inanna on the Council too. The Council also named the star group “The Twins” after Inanna and Utu.
“In the eastern lands, beyond even seven mountain ranges, was the Third Region, Zamush, Land of Sixty Precious Stones, was its highland called. Aratta [Harappa] the Wooded Realm, was in the valley of a meandering great river [Indus] located. In the great plain did the people cultivate crops of grains and horned cattle herd. There too two cities with mud bricks they built, with granaries they were filled.” Inanna appointed an Earthling Shepherd-Chief (descended from Dumuzi) King of Aratta. [ZS, Enki: 286 – 287]
Inanna roamed “the lands and took a liking to the people who in the upper plain of the two rivers dwelt. They were the Igigi who descended to Earth from heaven from Lahmu (Mars). The Igigi Aryans moved east, following Inanna [they called her Ishtar] to the Indus Valley [Aratta] and laid the foundation for the Indo-European culture.” [Tellinger, Slave Species: 499]
Enlil ordered Enki to craft a new language and script for Aratta. Enki wrote the language but refused Aratta MEs for Aratta to make Inanna a world power. He said she could share with Aratta the MEs she’d already gotten from him for Uruk.
Inanna shuttled in her skyship between Aratta and Uruk. But “what to Inanna was entrusted she neglected, other domains, not to her granted, in her heart she coveted. By Inanna was the bitter end started, Marduk as Ra with Destiny tangled.” [ZS, Enki: 291]
Her second ruler in Uruk, Enmerkar (Utu’s grandson and a Earthling) sent an emissary to the Arattan King with a written message to Aratta. In the message, Enmerkar demanded Aratta swear feality to Uruk. But the Arattan King couldn’t read the Sumerian writing.
After ten years, Enmerkar told Utu to have Nisaba, the astronauts’ scribe, teach him Arattan script. When he’d learned it, Enmerkar sent his son, Banda The Short, to Aratta with a message in Arattan: “Submit or War! ”
The Aratta King wrote back that he’d prefer trade–Aratta’s precious stones for the MEs of Uruk, or if Enmerkar insisted on war, let one champion of Aratta and one of Uruk fight to settle the war.
“On the way back, carrying the peace message, Banda fell sick; his spirit left him. His comrades raised his neck, without the breath of life it was. On Mount Hurmu, on the way from Aratta, to his death was Banda abandoned” So the peace message never reached. Utu, Inanna’s brother, however, revived Banda. [ZS,, Enki: 287-289]
“Journeying between Unug-ki and Aratta, Inanna restless and ungratified was, for her Dumuzi she still mourned, her love’s desire unquenched remained. When she flew about, in the sunrays Dumuzi’s image she saw shimmering and beckoning.” In her dreams and visions, Dumuzi told her he’d return and share with her the “Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt].” [ZS, Enki: 291]
In Uruk, “A House for Nighttime Pleasure she established. To this young heroes, on the night of their weddings, with sweet words she lured: long life, a blissful future to them she promised; that her lover Dumuzi was she imagined.” But “each one in the morning in her bed was found dead.”
Utu revived Banda, who returned to Uruk. Inanna saw Banda as Dumuzi. “‘A miracle!’ excited Inanna shouted. ‘My beloved Dumuzi to me came back!’ In her abode Banda was bathed. ‘Dumuzi, my beloved!’she called him. To her bed, with flowers bedecked, she lured him.”
“When in the morning Banda was alive, Inanna shouted:‘The power of dying in my hands was placed, immortality by me is granted.’ Then to call herself a goddess Inanna decided, the Power of Immortality it implied.”[ZS, Enki: 292]
Banda succeeded his father, Enmerkar, as King of Uruk. Banda married Ninurta’s daughter, Ninsun, who bore Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh oppressed the people of his city; he insisted on sex with brides before their grooms could couple with them.
Enki created Enkidu, an android, to tame Gilgamesh and arranged for the tantric practitioner, Shamhat to tame him.
Gilgamesh went with Enkidu to the rocketpad at Baalbek to plead with the gods for a rocket to Nibiru for immortality he thought they enjoyed. In Lebanon, near Inanna’s home, Gilgamesh and Enkidu tracked Enlil’s security robot to the launchpad. As they watched a rocket launch, Inanna, from her plane, saw them smash Enlil’s robot. “At the entrance to the Cedar Forest its fire-belching monster their way blocked. To pieces it they broke.”
“Watching Gilgamesh take off his clothes, bathe and groom himself, glorious Ishtar [Inanna] raised an eye at the beauty of Gilgamesh. “Come, Gilgamesh, be thou my lover. Grant me the fruit of thy love!”
But he declined and insulted her.
She, enraged, demanded Anu release the guard-bull at the launchpad. Anu complied. The bull charged Gilgamesh and Enkidu but Gilgamesh stabbed it while Enkidu held it.
When Enkidu died of illness, Enlil inflicted on him for destroying his robot, Gilgamesh grieved his friend.
Then Gilgamesh went to the spaceport in Sinai for a plant to let him live forever.
In a tunnel in Sinai he met Enki’s son, Ziusudra, still alive all these centuries. “Ziusudra to Gilgamesh the secret of longliving he revealed a plant in the garden’s well was growing, Ziusudra and his spouse from getting old it prevented.” Enki, with Enlil’s permission, said Ziusudra, granted Gilgamesh this plant too. But when Gilgamesh got the plant, a snake snatched it from him. As a last resort, he begged Enlil to grant him immortality.
“On Gilgamesh’s deathbed, around 2600 B. C., Utu told him Enlil wouldn’t grant him eternal life. Gilgamesh is consoled by promises to retain in Nether World the company of ‘his beloved wife, son, concubine, musicians, entertainers, cupbearer, valet, caretakers and palace attendants who served him.’” Undertakers brought his body to the royal cemetery of Ur. They drugged his friends and attendants in his burial chamber, then killed them. This “accompanied burial” gave “an extraordinary privilege to Gilgamesh, two-thirds of him divine, as compensation for not gaining the immortality of the gods.” [ZS, Encounters: 132 -172; Giants, 311 – 312, 339 (citing S. Kramer’s translation of cuneiform text, The Death of Gilgamesh)]
In Egypt, Marduk heard Innana told the Earthlings gods like her lived forever. He watched Gilgamesh and other Earthlings yearn and obsess to live forever. “Gods” lived long but died after millennia or someone could kill them. Their lives shortened on Earth. Their Nibiran/Earthling descendants lived even shorter lives. But to shorter-lived Earthlings, Nibirans seemed immortal.
Marduk used his pharaohs’ wishes to live forever to control them. If loyal, he’d have them mummified like Dumuzi and, Marduk vowed, he’d rocket them to Nibiru to share eternity. He focused them to unite Egypt for him against Inanna and the Enilites. [ZS, Enki: 295]
Inanna and the Enlilites ran Sumer. The Council of Twelve had her Uncle Adad run the landing place at Baalbek and her father Nannar run the Sinai energy source (Heavenly Bright Object) and the Spaceport.
With her weapons, armies and power (she said) to bestow immortality, Inanna controlled kingship of Sumer, the First Region, for 1000 years.
In Egypt, Marduk allowed the worship of one supreme deity, himself. “So did Marduk, as Ra, above all other gods himself emplace, their powers and attributes he to himself assigned. ‘What have you overpowered?‘ Enki to his son Marduk said. ‘Unheard of are your pretensions!’
”‘The heavens my supremacy bespeak,'” Marduk said; “‘The coming Age of the Ram, my sign, my rule proclaims.” But the sun still rose in the star group the Bull and marked Enlil’s rule; not the Ram, Marduk’s star-set. Marduk and Nabu readied their Earthlings to challenge the Enlilites. [ZS, Enki: 290, 298]
The Enlilite leaders wanted a [“hybrid demigod”] war-king to unify the First Region fiefs and block Marduk’s threat to their squabbling temple-cities. “To Inanna, of Marduk the adversary, the task of the right man to find they entrusted.” [ZS, Enki: 300]
In 2371 B.C., Inanna choose her gardener, Sargon, as the Akkadian warrior king to lead her armies and Sumer. Nannar had fathered both Sargon and Inanna. Sargon rose from gardener to king when he raped her and she liked it. Enlil ratified Sargon–who had Enlilite genes–as Sumer’s king.
Sargon began his rise when he saw Inanna snooze in his garden. “He bent over her perfect face and lightly, then, as she–half-awake–responded, kissed her savagely. He entered her as she opened her eyes and her eyes shone with pleasure.” She declared Sargon her lover. Inanna repeatedly joined powerful aggressive men to lead her armies.
Sargon and Inanna built their capital, Agade in Akkad (near Babylon). They subdued all Sumer except Lagash, her Uncle Ninurta’s fief. She led Sargon’s army through Luristan in the Zagros Mountains. With the army and her mass-killing weapons, she and Sargon united Sumer. They spread spoken and written-on-clay Akkadian all over Sumer and spawned the Semitic languages (including Hebrew and Arabic). [ZS, Wars: 10 -11]
In 2316 B.C., while Marduk built an army in Egypt, Sargon invaded Marduk’s empty stronghold, Babylon. To show his disdain for Marduk, the king planted in Agade an urn he’d filled with Babylon’s soil. Sargon “took away the soil for another Gateway to the Gods [Tower to Launch Rockets to Nibiru].” Inanna would build her own launch site and take interplanetary power. [ZS, Giants: 270]
Marduk and Nabu returned from Egypt to Babylon. They fortified the city and diverted rivers to it from the other Sumerian cities. Marduk said he’d build his spaceport in Babylon. “In the heart of Edin, in the midst of the First Region, Marduk himself established!
“Inanna’s fury no boundaries knew; with her weapons on Marduk’s followers’ death she inflicted. The blood of people, as never before on Earth, as rivers flowed.” Inanna and Marduk both loosed lasers on each other’s Earthling armies.
“While Inanna remained gorgeous and enticing, Sargon began to age and drink too much. Inanna watched as the man she once loved passionately crumbled into a pathetic drunk afflicted by insomnia, haunted by demons.” In the end, Marduk’s minions besieged Sargon and he died cursing Inanna [Ferguson, “Inanna Returns,” in Heaven and Earth, ZS, Ed.: 97]
The waterworks Marduk made for Babylon cut reliable water to Sumer’s cities. The Anunnaki Council told Nergal to restore their water and disarm Marduk and Babylon. Nergal and his retinue of black Earthlings left Kuth for Babylon. En route, he visited Inanna in Uruk.
Though she was Enlilite and he Enkiite, he allied himself with her against his brother, Marduk (also an Enkiite). Marduk ran Egypt, north of Nergal’s and Ereshkigal’s realm in South Africa. Marduk’s claim to rule all Earth alarmed Nergal. He asked Inanna to help him contain Marduk. Nergal and Inanna sealed their alliance sexually and planned to conquer all Earth for themselves.
When Nergal left Inanna, he and his Blacks continued to Babylon, where Marduk greeted them. Nergal promised him, if he’d leave Babylon for South Africa, he’d get weapons and computers, including “the instrument for giving orders, The Oracle of the gods, The Holy Scepter, a sign of kingship which contributes to Lordship and the holy Radiating Stone which disintegrates all” hidden there since the Flood. Marduk said if he left Babylon, the waterworks for all Sumer which he ran would fail and Sumer’d flood, crops’d dry-up crops and cholera spread. Nergal said, “Ceremonial bulls at Babylon’s gate only shall I install, upset waterworks I shall not.” Reassured, Marduk left for the weapons and programs in South Africa. [ZS, Wars: 252 -254]
When Marduk left Babylon for South Africa, Nergal broke into the Babylon control room, destroyed the watering program and seized the radiation source that ran Sumer’s water. Fields and canals dried-out, parts of Sumer flooded.
Enki ordered Nergal back to Africa, but Nergal left his men in Elam, near Babylon, to aid Inanna. She then publicly, “to defy the authority of Anu and Enlil, abrogated their rules and regulations and declared herself Supreme Queen.” [Ancient text, Queen of all the MEs; ZS, Wars: 254]
In 2291 B.C., “In the First Region, Enlil and Ninurta absent were, to the lands beyond the oceans Inanna and Nergal went; In the Second Region, Ra was away, as in other lands he traveled. Her chance in her hands to seize all powers Inanna envisioned.” [ZS, Enki: 303]
Inanna, Naram-Sin (Sargon’s grandson) and the Akkadian armies captured Baalbek, the Landing Platform in Lebanon. They dashed along the Mediterranean coast for the Sinai Spaceport and inland for Mission Control, Jerusalem. Akkadians crossed the forbidden Forth Region, taboo to Earthlings (across the Jordan from Tell Ghassul, the private city of the Igigi Astronauts’ and their Earthling wives).
In Sumer, only Ninurta’s city, Lagash [Tello], “beyond the reach of Inanna’s ambitions” and “protected by the best-trained soldiers in the land” held out against Inanna and Naram-Sin [ZS, Giants: 274].
Inanna and the Akkadians conquered Jerico. Nannar, her father lost Jerico. Now Jerico obeyed her.
Inanna’s armies, under Naram-Sin, joined Nergal’s Kuthians and conquered Egypt.
“Humans had little choice but to follow the instructions from their brutal gods who showed no regard for human life. Clashes between the gods almost always involved humans, who never knew the reasons for warring against their neighbors. The aggression of one group of earthlings against another initiated by their god set the behavioral pattern for all future human conflict. Humankind perceived this kind of activity as ‘the normal thing to do’ to invade and conquer your neighbor’s land.”
A “god would command his people to invade and attack, giving his human armies the excuse that they were vile and evil and they were sinful against god. But this god would differ from land to land, demanding total obedience from humans, or they would be punished. This led to the worship of many different gods by people of the biblical lands as they worshiped the specific gods who led them into battle or out of harm’s way. This worshiping would lead to retribution from some other Anunnaki god with a higher rank, demanding that people worship only him. And so the clashes between groups of people continue.” [Tellinger, M., 2008, Slave Species: 502 -503]
In 2255 B.C., Inanna recaptured Uruk, destroyed Anu’s temple there and sent Naram-Sin to attack Enlil’s minions at Nippur. She declared herself supreme to even Anu, King of Nibiru and father of Enlil, her father’s father.
Enlil sent Ninurta with cavalry and an army of Gutians (from the Zagros Mountains of northeast Sumer) to kill all Earthlings in Akkad/Agade. Gutians wasted most of Sumer; they spared only Ninurta’s city, Lagash.
Enlil had agents plant a scorpion to kill Inanna’s strongman, King Naram-Sin, for his attack on Nippur. Enlil also ordered Inanna arrested but her Nannar and Ningal, her parents, gave her sanctuary. Then she flew to Nergal’s Lower Africa. For seven years, she and Nergal plotted to overthrow Enlil and his Council.
In 2255 B.C. the Gutians returned to the Zagros Mountains. From 2220 B.C. on, Ninurta built Lagash, restored Elilite power and enforced a century of peace for Sumer. Ninurta fixed Sumer’s water system and the controls Nergal had ruined in Babylon. [ZS, Wars: 262 – 64; Giants: 274]
Ninurta’s Kings in Lagash “prohibited abuse of official powers, ‘taking away’ a widow’s donkey” and withholding day-workers’ wages. The kings had to maintain communal buildings and irrigation and transportation canals. Ninurta declared First Fruits and other festivals for the whole populace. He and his kings encouraged Earthlings to read and write.[ZS, Giants: 274]
Ninurta consolidated the Enlilite rule in Sumer.
He welcomed Ningishzidda to Lagash and had him design bunkers for his new aircraft, Black Bird, whose firepower made it invincible in Sumer. Ningishzidda drew two bunkers, one for Ninurta’s Black Bird and one for Ninurta’s “Awesome Weapon.” Ningishzidda built an observatory next to the bunkers. The top of the domed observatory measured “star and planetary positions after nightfall. Ninurta named the temple “E.Ninnu–House/Temple of Fifty”, affirming himself as the “next Enlil with the Rank of Fifty, just below Anu’s”. In the 2160 B.C. New Year’s dedication, Ninurta bestowed “immortality” on Gudea, Lagash’s demigod/king who’d supervised construction.
“In the forecourt were two stone circles to determine constellations at the moment of sunrise on equinox day,” March 20/21 and September 22/23. The equinoxes marked Zodiac Time based on the varied time-lengths star groups rose on the horizon on equinoxes, which Ninurta touted. Zodiac Time stretched his rule of Sumer longer than Celestial Time, based on twelve equal intervals. The observatory’s sight-lines would show the Sun crossing the line of Earth’s orbit (ecliptic) from the zone of The Bull for the next 200 years. “The Bull,” Ninurta told Ningishzidda, “proclaims Commander Enlil and me, his Champion and Successor. While the sun rises in The Bull, Enlil–through me–rules Earth.” [ZS, End of Days: 40 – 49; Giants: 276]
In Egypt, Marduk’s spy said. “Ninurta finished the E.Ninnu.”
“Curse his Observatory. Earth,” Marduk shouted, “must honor Celestial Time, not the Eninnu’s Zodiac Time. Coming is my constellation, The Ram. When the sun rises in The Ram’s segment of the horizon, I, not Enlilites, rule Sumer. In Celestial Time each zodiac sign gets equal time as heaven’s sign on the horizon. Celestial time shows my Ram, not Enlil’s Bull, gets its turn and I rule. If I don’t stop Ninurta and Earth follows Zodiac Time where the Bull stays on the Horizon longer (since The Bull’s stars cover a longer stretch of the horizon), Ninurta and the Enlilites will rule two centuries more than Celestial Time entitles them.
Marduk particularly resented the women who helped plan the E.Ninnu to defy him–Nisaba (aka Seshita, Ningishzidda’s assistant in Egypt), Ninurta’s half-sister, the Sumerian Goddess of Wisdom, schooled in Enki’s academy at Eridu, “a female Einstein” and Enki’s daughter, Nanshe, Inanna’s Oracle (represented in the constellation Scorpio), who gathered in rare building materials for the E.Ninnu. Marduk already hated Inanna for sentencing him to die in the Giza Pyramid and Ninmah, who ceaselessly promoted Ninurta at his expense. Marduk generalized his hatred of Inanna, Nishaba, Nanshe and Ninmah and waited his chance to punish women. [ZS: Time: 158 -152, 364 – 368]
“The Era of Ninurta in Sumer, lasting through the Gutian Invasions and the ensuing period of reconstruction, was only an interlude. A mountain-dweller at heart, Ninurta soon began to roam the northeast and farther. Constantly perfecting the martial arts of his highland tribesmen” he introduced HORSES to them and organized them into a cavalry “extending their reach thousands of miles.
Ninurta had returned to Sumer at Enlil’s call to crush Naram-Sin and subdue Inanna. With peace and prosperity restored, Ninurta absented himself from Sumer. His absences from Sumer and Inanna’s abortive attempt to recapture the kingship” for her city of Uruk prompted Enlil to order Nannar to rule Sumer from Ur.” Enlil also needed Nannar to counter Marduk’s ever-growing territory and followers. “The growing problem for the Enlilites was that Ninurta, the presumptive heir to Enlil and Anu, had come from Nibiru–whereas Marduk [who married Hybrid Earthling Sarpanpit] and [their son] Nabu had Earthling affinities. [ZS, Giants: 269-70]
“Enlilites dropped the ‘Ninurta Strategy’ and switched to a ‘Nannar Tactic,’ transferring the seat of national Kingship to Ur–Sumer’s thriving commercial and manufacturing center–[cult center] of Nannar, an Earthborn son of Enlil, who unlike Ninurta, also had an Akkadian name: Sin.” Enlil sent Terah, the High Priest of Nippur, to Nannar in Ur to make sure people there adhered to zodiacal time and the extension of Enlilite rule. Terah brought his son, Abraham (who will become Enlil’s top general) with him.
Nannar, unlike other Enlilites, avoided combat in the Anunnaki’s wars. The Enlilites choose him as Ur’s god to signal Earthlings, even in lands Marduk controlled, to worship Nannar and enjoy peace and prosperity. [ZS, Giants: 269-70, 278].
Nannar’s Earthlings adored him. He bred sheep that made Ur “the wool and garment center of the ancient Near East and “developed foreign trade by land and water.” His half-Earthling/half-Anunnaki staff and their thousands of subject Earthlings built a navigable (and protective) canal to Ur’s two harbors. The canal separated the temple, palace and offices on one bank from shops and homes on the other bank. On their bank, merchants, craftsmen and laborers occupied multistoried white houses along broad, straight streets. [ZS,: Wars: 271 -272]
In 2113 B.C., Nannar and Enlil choose (and Anu, from Nibiru okayed) Ninsun’s son Ur-Nammu as King of Sumer/Akkad. “The choice signaled that the glorious days under the unchallenged authority of Enlil and his clan are back.” The King would serve under Nannar who’d dictate laws of obedience, justice and morality. [ZS, Wars: 262-264; End of Days: 52, 60 -61].
The Enlilites told King Ur-Nammu to kill Amorites allied with Marduk and Nabu. Enlil gave the King a “divine weapon that heaps up the rebels in piles. Enlilite gods of Sumer all gave Ur-Nammu blessing, honor, weapons and protection. Off he marched his army to attack the Amorites west of Sumer.”
But in 2096 B.C., “in the midst of battle, Ur-Nammu’s chariot got stuck in the mud. He fell off it, the chariot rushed along, leaving the King behind. The boat returning his body to Sumer sank with him on board.” In Sumer, “People could not understand how such a devout king who followed gods’ directives with weapons they put in his hands could perish so ignominiously.” Support of Utu, Nannar, Inanna, Enlil and even Anu failed Ur-Nammu.
Nabu fanned doubts about Enlilite gods, “The Enlilite gods deserted you. They hid from you that Nibiru’s almost here. Soon shines the home planet of the gods upon Earth in The Ram–Marduk’s constellation. Welcome the Era of Marduk the Redeemer, who shall conquer Sumer & Akkad, rule Elamites, Hittites, Enlil’s Sealand allies and the whole world. [ZS, End of Days: 63 – 66]
Ninmah and Enki preferred Nabu–half Nibiran, half Adapite Hybrid–rather than Utu–pure Nibiran but Earth-born–rule Sinai. From Sinai to the cities and islands of the Eastern Mediterranean Nabu exalted, “Nibiru comes, Marduk shall rule.”
Shulgi succeeded Ur Nammu as Sumer’s Boss. Inanna invited Shulgi to Uruk and declared him “the man for the vulva of Inanna.” They wed in the temple where Anu had elevated her in tantric ritual. She again bonded with an alpha Earthling. [ZS, Wars: 276 -279]
Shulgi built the Great West Wall from the Euphrates to the Tigris to keep out Nabu’s forces. He allied with Elamites. He gave them the city of Larsa and married his daughter to an Elamite. Shulgi’s Sumerians and the Elamites “subdued the western provinces, including Canaan.” [ZS, Wars: 286]
Shulgi failed to drive Nabu from Sinai, so in 2048 B.C., Enlil had Shulgi killed and installed Shulgi’s son, Amar-Sin, Boss of Sumer. Enlil sent the new boss to crush a revolt in the north, then fight an alliance of five kings along the Mediterranean in the west.
In 2040 B.C., Mentuhotep II, Marduk’s Theban Pharaoh, conquered Egypt up to the western border of Sinai. Amar-Sin sailed to block Mentuhotep but died of a poisonous bite.
Enlil made Amar-Sin’s brother, Shu-Sin, Boss. Shu-Sin built a shrine for Inanna’s son Shara at Nippur. In 2039, Ibbi-Sin succeeded Shu-Sin.
Marduk returned to Babylon as Enlil and his wife left Sumer. [ZS, Wars: 309, 317, 320; End of Days: 68-72]
Galzu, in a vision, told Enlil to make Abraham (son of Ur’s High Priest Terah) General of Cavalry to keep Nabu and Ham’s descendants in Canaan from the Sinai Spacestation. Enlil kept the vision secret, but told Abraham, “Rule all lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Sumer.” [ZS, Wars: 289 – 297]
“In 2095 B.C., Enlil sent Abraham and Terah to Harran [Turkey] at the foothills of the Taurus Mountains near the Syrian Border, where the Euphrates flowed to Ur. Harran dominated trade with Hatti, land of the Hittites, on whose trade Sumer depended. Harran straddled the trade and military land routes to the Spaceport as well.”
Enlil gave Abraham land and riches that made him the richest man of his time. In 2048 B.C., Enlil ordered him and his nephew Lot to the Negev drylands that border the Sinai. He equipped Abraham with the best chariots, finest horses, 380 well-trained soldiers, and weapons that “could smite an army of ten thousand men in hours. [ZS, End of Days: 73]
In 2047 B.C. Enlil sent Abraham and Lot to Egypt for more men and camels from the Northern Egyptians allied against Marduk. In 2041, with this force, Abraham blocked Ninurta’s Elamites from the Spaceport, then rescued Lot, whom the Elamites, as they retreated west of the Jordan River, had captured from the Nabu-friendly city of Sodom.
Then Abraham moved to block Nabu and his Earthling armies advancing on the Sinai.
2047 B.C.: Marduk took Harran from Nannar, allied with Adad and the Hittites and cut Hittite trade to Sumer. Marduk’s Theban allies struck pro-Enlilite northern Egyptians. Meanwhile, Nabu, based in Bosippa (south of Babylon), brought cities west of the Euphrates as well as Canaan against Enlil. Marduk threatened the Spaceport.]” [ZS, Wars: 298; Enki: 302 – 306; End of Days: 78].
Enlil bade Ninurta leave his Elamite legions and supervise an alternate spaceport in Peru. But unsupervised, the Elamites ran amok and looted all Sumer. Enlil made Ninurta, though he’d been in South America, account for the legions’ crimes. Nabu said Enlil, Utu and Nergal let the Elamites overrun Sumer and invade Marduk’s temple in Babylon. Nergal blamed Marduk and Nabu for the military threat to Sinai that made Ninurta bring the Elamites to Sumer. Enki told Nergal to shut up and support Marduk and Nabu or get out. “The gods’ council broke up in disarray.” [ZS, End of Days: 87-88]
Enlil’s emissaries Ninurta and Nergal sent Abraham and Lot to spy on Sodom and Gomorra, cities Marduk controlled. Enlil feared Marduk, from these cities “, would marshal his large number of human followers and control of all establishments on Earth, including the Sinai Spaceport.” [Tellinger, Slave Species: 506]
Marduk told the senior Anunnaki, “‘In my temple house let all the gods assemble, my covenant accept.’ By his appeal for their submission, the Anunnaki gods were disturbed and alarmed.”
“To a great assembly, council to take, Enlil them all summoned. Opposed to Marduk and Nabu they all were.” All the senior Anunnaki except Enki agreed: “Leave Earth to Marduk. Keep the Spaceport from Nabu; nuke it.”[ZS, Enki: 308]
Enki, “angry and distraught, the council chamber left, in his heart was Enki smiling: only he knew where [In Africa] the weapons were hidden, so did Enki think. For it was he, before Enlil to Earth had come, who with Abgal in a place unknown the weapons did hide. That Abgal, to the exiled Enlil, the place disclosed, that to Enki was unknown. Thus it was that without Enki needing, Enlil to the two heroes [Ninurta and Nergal] the hiding place disclosed. ” [ZS, Enki: 306 – 308]
The Anunnaki Council on Earth beamed Anu on Nibiru: would he okay nuking the Spaceport as well as Nabu and his armies at the south end of the Dead Sea? Marduk, Enlil reminded Anu, claimed the rule of Nibiru as well as Earth, as per the dynastic agreement between Anu and Alalu. Marduk threatened Anu in every way. So Anu said, “Bomb.”
In 2024 B.C., Enlil evacuated the Igigi from Sinai, then Ninurta attacked. “The first terror weapon [a missile called One Without Rival] from the skies Ninurta let loose; the top of Mount Mashu [which housed the controlling equipment] with a flash it sliced off, the mount’s innards in an instant it melted. Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots [Sinai Spaceport] the second weapon [called Blazing Flame] he unleashed, with a brilliance of seven suns the plain’s rocks into a gushing wound were made, the Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened; with burnt and crushed stones was the plain of the chariots covered, of all the forests that the plain had surrounded, only tree stems were left standing.” [ZS, End of Days: 91; Enki: 310]
Ninurta and Nergal had warned Abraham and Lot to flee Sodom before Nergal nuked Marduk’s forces in Canaan–Sodom, Gomorra and three other cities Abraham had identified as allied with Marduk. “Nabu managed to slip out in time and escaped to an island in the Mediterranean, where the people accepted him.” Nergal’s bombs made the Dead Sea dead. To this day, “the water of springs surrounding the Dead Sea has been contaminated with radioactivity, enough to induce sterility in any animals and humans that absorbed it.’”
Archeologists say that in 2024 B.C. the southern part of the Dead Sea broke out and ran south. People abandoned the area, all life died there. “Over the five cities Nergal upon each from the skies a terror weapon sent, the five cities he finished off, all that lived there to vapor [“salt”] was turned. Mountains toppled, where the sea waters were barred the bolt broke open, down into the valley the sea’s waters poured, by the waters was the valley flooded.” [ZS, Wars :325,329; Enki: 311, 315 -316]
“The Place of Launching, the Spaceport, obliterated: the Mount within which the controlling equipment was placed was smashed; the launch platforms were made to fade off the face of the Earth. The plain whose hard soil the shuttlecraft had used as runways were obliterated, with not even a tree left standing.” [ZS, Wars: 331]
“By the darkening of the skies were the brilliances followed, then a storm began to blow, gloom from the skies an Evil Wind carried. From the Upper Sea, a stormwind began blowing, the dark-brown cloud eastward toward Shumer the death was carried. Wherever it reached, death to all that lives mercilessly it delivered.”
“The alarm Enlil and Enki to the gods of Shumer transmitted, ‘Escape!’ From their cities, the gods did flee.”
Enlil sent Abraham from the Negev desert on the border of Sinai to the Mediterranean coast, near the Enkiites’ Philistine allies. [ZS, Encounters: 288]
“The people of the land by the evil storms hand were clutched. Those who behind locked doors hid inside their houses like flies were felled. Those who in the streets fled, in the streets were their corpses piled up. Everything that lived perished.”
But Babylon, “where Marduk his supremacy declared, by the Evil Wind was spared.” Enlil saw as fulfilled, when the fallout spared Babylon, his vision of Galzu, where Galzu said Marduk and the Enkiites would prevail over the Enlilites” [ZS, Enki: 312 – 313]
For the next 150 years, most Nibirans on Earth went first to Adad’s spaceport at Nazca, then in rockets back to Nibiru.Some, however, “dispersed from Sumer, accompanied their followers to far lands in the far corners of the Earth; others remained nearby, rallying their supporters to a renewed challenge to Marduk.”
Maduk’s “extended family in Northern Sumer, the Aryans, invaded the lands to the east and Europe to the west, conquering humans everywhere and imposing their Aryan supremacy which, to this day, persists.” [ZS, End of Days: 122; Enki: 312 – 313; Tellinger, Slave Species: 116]
Marduk proclaimed Babylon Capitol of Sumer and, 2000 B.C., himself God of the gods.
He renamed Nibiru “Marduk” and held New Years’ rituals a priest enacted him, as he–a planet–invaded the inner solar system, created Earth, then made Earthlings. Marduk named Neptune “Nidimmud,’ (a name for Enki), renamed Mercury (which’d been “Adad”) “Nabu.” He changed Venus’ name from “Inanna” to “Sarpanit.”
Marduk trained priests to study omens and a horoscope showing how planets–and their namesakes–affect Earthlings. He degraded astronomical observations, Earthling support, and women’s rights. He barred women from high office and art. He substituted Nabu for the Nibiran woman Nisaba as a Diety of Writing. [ZS, Time: 350-368]
Many Sumerians who survived the fallout fled Marduk. “Refugees were given asylum all around the Mesopotamia. They converted their host countries into flourishing states. Some ventured into more distant lands, accompanying the displaced gods.” Indo-Aryans from southwest of the Caspian Sea mingled with the Sumerian refugees and migrated to the Indus Valley and brought with them the tales of Sumer, which, combined with the culture Inanna had given her domains in India, evolved into Hinduism. [ZS, Time: 370-371]
Under Marduk’s New Age, “gods guided the policies of their countries through signs and omens. For many millennia, Anu, Enlil and the other Anunnaki leaders [had] made decisions affecting the Anunnaki; Enlil by himself was Lord of Command as far as mankind was concerned. Now signs and omens in the heavens guided decisions. Celestial omens–planetary conjunctions, eclipses, lunar halo, stellar backgrounds were sufficient by themselves. No godly intervention or participation was required; the heavens alone foretold the fates.
“Astrology developed with fortune-teller priests on hand to interpret observations of celestial phenomena. Astronomical tablets of the Babylonians were computer printouts (Ephemerides), copies from pre-existing sourses of zodiacal constellations. All the Babylonians knew was how to use them, translating into Babylonian the Sumerian procedure texts. Hellenistic, Persian and Indian astrology derived from such records.
“Deterioration of astronomy was symptomatic of overall decline and regression in the sciences, arts, laws, the social framework” under Marduk. “Medicine deteriorated to sorcery. Harshness and coarseness replaced the former compassion and elegance.”
Under Marduk, there was “an overall decline in the role of women and their status as compared to Sumerian times.” The decline in women’s status was generated from Marduk who hated women. Why? Ninharsag, Mother of Gods and Men, was the mother of Marduk’s main adversary on Earth, Ninurta. Inanna caused Marduk to be buried alive inside the Great Pyramid. Goddesses in charge of the arts and sciences assisted the construction of the Eninnu in Lagash as a symbol of defiance of Marduk’s claims that his time had come. [ZS, Time:356 – 368]
Around 1800 B.C., Sumerians brought cuneiform writing, bronze weapons, chariots, walled cities to China’s Shang Dynasty. “Sumerian emigrants gave Central and Far Asia Sino-Tibetan languages, cultures, the Sumerian “calender of twelve months, time-counting (that divides the day into twelve double-hours), the zodiac and Sumerian astronomy. Utu’s descendants ruled Japan as emperors. [ZS, Time: 371 – 373]
Sumerians fled also throughout Europe–along the Volga (Geogia, Sumara, Finland) and the Danube (Dacia, Hungary). Some became Dorians and invaded Minoans in Greece and Crete around 1100 B.C. About 1100 B.C. too, Israelites fled Egypt then invaded Canaan on the Arabian Peninsula. [ZS, 12th Planet:13]
Pages in citations are signaled by a colon [:] preceding the page number
Bramley, W.. 1989, The Gods of Eden, Avon
Doreal, M., 2002, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth-The-Atlantian, Source Books
Freer, N., 1999, God Games, Book Tree; 2000, Breaking the Godspell, Book Tree; 2004, Sapiens Rising, neilfreer.com/SRPAGE2.html: 2004b, The Alien Question, neilfreer.com/SRPAGE8.html; 2008, Sapiens Rising: The View From 2100, Electronic Dragon
Hauck, D., 1999, The Emerald Tablet, Penguin
Kramer, S., 1971, The Sumerians, University of Chicago
Lessin, S., 2000, www.enkispeaks.com/wordpress; 2011, “Ets from Planet Nibiru”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2; 2011, “A Chat with Dr. Sasha Lessin”, UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Vol 1:2; 2011 “Extraterrestrials Engineered Our Species” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Issue 4; 2011, ” The Anunnaki’s Great Deluge: The True and Original Story ” UFOs and Supernatural Magazine, Feb-March Issue
Mitchell, S., 2004, Gilgamesh, Free Press
Sitchin, Z. [ZS in text attributions] 1976, The 12th Planet, Avon; 1983, The Stairway to Heaven [Stairway], Avon; 1985, The Wars of Gods and Men [Wars], Avon; 1990, Genesis Revisited Avon; 1990, The Lost Realms Avon; 1993, When Time Began [Time], Avon; 1995, Divine Encounters [Encounters], Avon: 1996, Of Heaven and Earth, Book Tree: 1998 The Cosmic Code, Avon: 2002, The Lost Book of Enki [Enki], Bear; 2004, The Earth Chronicles Expeditions [Expeditions], Bear; 2007, The End of Days, HarperCollins; 2007, Journeys to the Mythical Past [Journeys], Bear; 2009 The Earth Chronicles Handbook [Handbook], Bear; 2010 There Were Giants Upon The Earth [Giants], Bear
Tellinger, M., 2006, Slave Species of god [Slave Species], Music Masters; 2009, Temples of the African Gods, [Temples], Zulu Planet; 2011,White Powder of Gold, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tp-WNrwQhk; 2012a Temples of the African Gods; 2012b Michael Tellinger Youtube: Bantu Fled African Et-ruled Civilization after Sumatra Eruption 70,000 Years Ago http://stargatetothecosmos.com/michael-tellinger-youtubebantu-fled-african-et-ruled-civilization-after-sumatra-eruption-70000-years-ago/
Velikovsky, I., Undated, In The Beginning